Trump would gain some much needed respect if he stated this......

"I will fully cooperate with any special inquiry and I will turn over all tapes, memos (and even my long-awaited tax returns) and have my staff readily testify under oath to any grand jury that may be empanelled to fully investigate and bring this inquiry to an end acceptable by everyone....."

But will the orange demagogue ever wise up???
You would gain some much needed respect if you would admit that the Constitution limits the power of the Federal Government and sets the power of culture to the States instead of Washington D.C.

Care to opine?
Not really, the loons are too stupid to realize who they support would slit their throat in a heartbeat. That entire infidel thing ya know
No, believe me, you are incredibly stupid for thinking Trump gives a shit about you or anyone else that isn't himself or his kids.

Did you think the Barrypupppet cared about you? I need to know your answer before I waste any more time on your post.......
Well, I can't read Obama's mind, but he did pass actual policies that benefitted the poor and middle class. Trump and republicans never do jack shit for either class.

Really????? Can you name them?
Glad you asked

Obama’s Legacy

What an unmitigated name of the author and when you go the links provided to substantiate said claims??? Nada, least the links I wasted time on that I knew were bullshit.....
"I will fully cooperate with any special inquiry and I will turn over all tapes, memos (and even my long-awaited tax returns) and have my staff readily testify under oath to any grand jury that may be empanelled to fully investigate and bring this inquiry to an end acceptable by everyone....."

But will the orange demagogue ever wise up???

Who murdered Seth Rich.

And why was he murdered, jackass?
No, believe me, you are incredibly stupid for thinking Trump gives a shit about you or anyone else that isn't himself or his kids.

Did you think the Barrypupppet cared about you? I need to know your answer before I waste any more time on your post.......
Well, I can't read Obama's mind, but he did pass actual policies that benefitted the poor and middle class. Trump and republicans never do jack shit for either class.

Really????? Can you name them?
Sure, that's easy.

1) He pushed to raise the minimum wage
2) He expanded overtime pay eligibility for thousands of people
3) He extended unemployment beneftis for the millions who lost their jobs to Bush Recession
4) He improved cyber privacy for consumers
5) He pushed for job training programs in community colleges
6) He provided leniency to students in loan debt
7) He invested in infrastructure
8) His stimulus package created 3 million private jobs and reversed the recession according the CBO
9) He and his wife made school lunches healthier
10) He improved consumer protection regulations
11) He provided quick disaster relief to victims of Sandy
12) He provided health insurance to 20 million people who didn't have it before

Should I go on?

1) He pushed to raise the minimum wage:

Raising the minimum wage is like putting a tourniquet on a deep neck wound because unless you address the fact that this debt based, fiat currency system ran by foreign bankers is the cause for the world's ills? You are not accomplishing diddly squat and he never, EVER mentioned what a parasitic entity that foreign owned Federal Reserve bank a matter of fact? When the House passed a bill to have it audited three years ago? Demcrats on the banking committee "nixed" it....

2) He expanded overtime pay eligibility for thousands of people:

Someone was forcing their employees to work over 40 hours without "time and a half"??? Hell, that code was put in place long before the Barrypuppet squatted in the WH.....

3) He extended unemployment beneftis for the millions who lost their jobs to Bush Recession

No, he gave welfare to the people that lost their jobs due to the financial bubble created by cheap "loans" in exchange for their signature that created the "money" via a Promissory note that is then monetized and used as a negotiable instrument and this goes back to the Chapter 11 Bankruptcy of 1933 when the sheeple were coerced into giving up their real money (gold) in exchange for Federal Reserve Notes of debt. 99 weeks of unemployment benefits while allowing millions of illegals to come in was a benefit in what way, exactly?????

4) He improved cyber privacy for consumers:
Really? How so? Because "Google" (a CIA asset) quesstimates what you are going to type into their search engine and they tailor ads based on prior searches and they sell this information to their corporate entities so they can tailor their ads to you.....MASSIVE fail, pal.......

5) He pushed for job training programs in community colleges:

Really? Like carpentry, electro-mechanical training, etc, etc.........have you an example of how he made that happen????

6) He provided leniency to students in loan debt:

No, what "da gubermint" did was take over the "student loan program" in order to make those seeking a degree highly indebted to them. Some degrees have as much as 80K attached to them in (snicker) "student loans" of what exactly? Credits printed on a computer screen using the signature of the student? Nice job, Barrypuppet....AGAIN I say "EPIC FAIL".......

7) He invested in infrastructure"

Is that why the Orville Dam is on the verge of collapsing? He did pour money into "green" companies that gave him a kickback in the form of a campaign donation......

8) His stimulus package created 3 million private jobs and reversed the recession according the CBO:

787 Billion dollars put on our tab to the foreign owned Federal Reserve Bank that after interest is 1.1 TRILLION dollars.
Divide 1.100,000,000,000 by 3 million and let me know what that figure's like 36K????

9) He and his wife made school lunches healthier: What they did was prevent students from bringing their own lunch from home because "da gubermint" knows best and what is hilarious is that the Obama''s two chubby adopted children went to a private school and were not subject to the same type of "lunch" that they imposed on others......EPIC FAIL!

10) He improved consumer protection regulations: LMAO!!!!! PUH-LEEEEZE??? Tell me how he read China the "riot act" over consumer, please......

11) He provided quick disaster relief to victims of Sandy"

Shantytown like FEMA camps? "My thimble, it runneth over".....

12) He provided health insurance to 20 million people who didn't have it before:

While massively raising the cost of 50 million that actually had a plan that was tailored to their needs while lying "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan...PERIOD" bullshit....EPIC FAIL.

You have got nothin', ol boy............
1) Actually, several local and state governments have raised the minimum wage and their economies are doing well.

2) This relates to being paid salary you dumb sack of shit. If the position dictates the worker working over 40 hours out of necessity, they qualify for OT.

3) You giving some bullshit reason why the recession started doesn't change the actual legislation.

4) Oh so because he didn't make Google his bitch that somehow means he didn't improve private security? His EO kept companies from sharing your private info without permission. Trump reversed that by the way.

5) Yes, you idiot. Trade jobs. Trade job training at community colleges.

6) You can deny this all you want. The EO speaks for itself.

7) You are a complete moron if you Obama could single-handledly fix our crumbling infrastructure

8) You don't even know what the fuck that 787 billion was made of. God you're a simpleton. Half of it was tax cuts. A big chunk of it went to Extending the unemployment benefits that I previously mentioned. The rest went to energy and infrastructure.

9) Again you're fucking stupid. Nothing they did prevented home lunches.

10) The amount of consumer protections he created is too long to list here. Look them up.

11) This is so stupid. You'll say anything if you don't have an actual argument.

12) Only some premiums went up. Tell me, why didn't those 20 million people just drop their plans if they were too expensive? What are they waiting for?
Not really, the loons are too stupid to realize who they support would slit their throat in a heartbeat. That entire infidel thing ya know
No, believe me, you are incredibly stupid for thinking Trump gives a shit about you or anyone else that isn't himself or his kids.

Did you think the Barrypupppet cared about you? I need to know your answer before I waste any more time on your post.......
Well, I can't read Obama's mind, but he did pass actual policies that benefitted the poor and middle class. Trump and republicans never do jack shit for either class.

Really????? Can you name them?
Sure, that's easy.

1) He pushed to raise the minimum wage
2) He expanded overtime pay eligibility for thousands of people
3) He extended unemployment beneftis for the millions who lost their jobs to Bush Recession
4) He improved cyber privacy for consumers
5) He pushed for job training programs in community colleges
6) He provided leniency to students in loan debt
7) He invested in infrastructure
8) His stimulus package created 3 million private jobs and reversed the recession according the CBO
9) He and his wife made school lunches healthier
10) He improved consumer protection regulations
11) He provided quick disaster relief to victims of Sandy
12) He provided health insurance to 20 million people who didn't have it before

Should I go on?
1. to the detriment of the economy. Can we say 1% GDP?
2. Even if they didn't want it and had a better system for them.
3. There was no Bush recession, and he managed to make millions who were not lazy, lazy.
4. Yet cyber security is just as much a threat to the little guy as before he came into office.
5. LOL. Community Colleges ARE training programs. Fucking moron.
6. He increased the National debt for votes.
7. He didn't. Otherwise, the progressives wouldn't be screaming about a failing infrastructure.
8. It was Bush's stimulus package and all Obama did with it was pay off his union crony's.
9 He and his wife made sure school kids went hungry until they went home by promoting food kids hate.
10. He did not. But he did increase regulations that increased the downward pressure of economic growth in this country.
11. LOL. Because disaster relief AFTER the fact is bad when Bush did it but great when Obama did.
12. He took popular health insurance from millions of people in favor of forcing them to buy coverage they did not want or need, thereby putting them off insurance.

Please do go on.
Did you think the Barrypupppet cared about you? I need to know your answer before I waste any more time on your post.......
Well, I can't read Obama's mind, but he did pass actual policies that benefitted the poor and middle class. Trump and republicans never do jack shit for either class.

Really????? Can you name them?
Sure, that's easy.

1) He pushed to raise the minimum wage
2) He expanded overtime pay eligibility for thousands of people
3) He extended unemployment beneftis for the millions who lost their jobs to Bush Recession
4) He improved cyber privacy for consumers
5) He pushed for job training programs in community colleges
6) He provided leniency to students in loan debt
7) He invested in infrastructure
8) His stimulus package created 3 million private jobs and reversed the recession according the CBO
9) He and his wife made school lunches healthier
10) He improved consumer protection regulations
11) He provided quick disaster relief to victims of Sandy
12) He provided health insurance to 20 million people who didn't have it before

Should I go on?

1) He pushed to raise the minimum wage:

Raising the minimum wage is like putting a tourniquet on a deep neck wound because unless you address the fact that this debt based, fiat currency system ran by foreign bankers is the cause for the world's ills? You are not accomplishing diddly squat and he never, EVER mentioned what a parasitic entity that foreign owned Federal Reserve bank a matter of fact? When the House passed a bill to have it audited three years ago? Demcrats on the banking committee "nixed" it....

2) He expanded overtime pay eligibility for thousands of people:

Someone was forcing their employees to work over 40 hours without "time and a half"??? Hell, that code was put in place long before the Barrypuppet squatted in the WH.....

3) He extended unemployment beneftis for the millions who lost their jobs to Bush Recession

No, he gave welfare to the people that lost their jobs due to the financial bubble created by cheap "loans" in exchange for their signature that created the "money" via a Promissory note that is then monetized and used as a negotiable instrument and this goes back to the Chapter 11 Bankruptcy of 1933 when the sheeple were coerced into giving up their real money (gold) in exchange for Federal Reserve Notes of debt. 99 weeks of unemployment benefits while allowing millions of illegals to come in was a benefit in what way, exactly?????

4) He improved cyber privacy for consumers:
Really? How so? Because "Google" (a CIA asset) quesstimates what you are going to type into their search engine and they tailor ads based on prior searches and they sell this information to their corporate entities so they can tailor their ads to you.....MASSIVE fail, pal.......

5) He pushed for job training programs in community colleges:

Really? Like carpentry, electro-mechanical training, etc, etc.........have you an example of how he made that happen????

6) He provided leniency to students in loan debt:

No, what "da gubermint" did was take over the "student loan program" in order to make those seeking a degree highly indebted to them. Some degrees have as much as 80K attached to them in (snicker) "student loans" of what exactly? Credits printed on a computer screen using the signature of the student? Nice job, Barrypuppet....AGAIN I say "EPIC FAIL".......

7) He invested in infrastructure"

Is that why the Orville Dam is on the verge of collapsing? He did pour money into "green" companies that gave him a kickback in the form of a campaign donation......

8) His stimulus package created 3 million private jobs and reversed the recession according the CBO:

787 Billion dollars put on our tab to the foreign owned Federal Reserve Bank that after interest is 1.1 TRILLION dollars.
Divide 1.100,000,000,000 by 3 million and let me know what that figure's like 36K????

9) He and his wife made school lunches healthier: What they did was prevent students from bringing their own lunch from home because "da gubermint" knows best and what is hilarious is that the Obama''s two chubby adopted children went to a private school and were not subject to the same type of "lunch" that they imposed on others......EPIC FAIL!

10) He improved consumer protection regulations: LMAO!!!!! PUH-LEEEEZE??? Tell me how he read China the "riot act" over consumer, please......

11) He provided quick disaster relief to victims of Sandy"

Shantytown like FEMA camps? "My thimble, it runneth over".....

12) He provided health insurance to 20 million people who didn't have it before:

While massively raising the cost of 50 million that actually had a plan that was tailored to their needs while lying "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan...PERIOD" bullshit....EPIC FAIL.

You have got nothin', ol boy............
1) Actually, several local and state governments have raised the minimum wage and their economies are doing well.

2) This relates to being paid salary you dumb sack of shit. If the position dictates the worker working over 40 hours out of necessity, they qualify for OT.

3) You giving some bullshit reason why the recession started doesn't change the actual legislation.

4) Oh so because he didn't make Google his bitch that somehow means he didn't improve private security? His EO kept companies from sharing your private info without permission. Trump reversed that by the way.

5) Yes, you idiot. Trade jobs. Trade job training at community colleges.

6) You can deny this all you want. The EO speaks for itself.

7) You are a complete moron if you Obama could single-handledly fix our crumbling infrastructure

8) You don't even know what the fuck that 787 billion was made of. God you're a simpleton. Half of it was tax cuts. A big chunk of it went to Extending the unemployment benefits that I previously mentioned. The rest went to energy and infrastructure.

9) Again you're fucking stupid. Nothing they did prevented home lunches.

10) The amount of consumer protections he created is too long to list here. Look them up.

11) This is so stupid. You'll say anything if you don't have an actual argument.

12) Only some premiums went up. Tell me, why didn't those 20 million people just drop their plans if they were too expensive? What are they waiting for?

Billyboy, I could keep kicking your ass from one side of the blogisphere to the other but you are so entrenched in your beliefs that you wouldn't put on the glasses of reality even if I shoved them on your fat, ugly would intentionally keep your eyes closed because the truth is too painful to realize. You would rather believe in pretty lies instead of the God awful truth. Spare me a thought when the feces hits the oscillating blades and you are sitting on the curb waiting on your beloved corporate, foreign banker owned entity to come and whisk you away to safety....basically saying is that you are fucked without the benefit of lubrication unless you start looking at ways to weather an impending shitstorm of monumental proportions and you can etch that in stone.
Not really, the loons are too stupid to realize who they support would slit their throat in a heartbeat. That entire infidel thing ya know
No, believe me, you are incredibly stupid for thinking Trump gives a shit about you or anyone else that isn't himself or his kids.

Did you think the Barrypupppet cared about you? I need to know your answer before I waste any more time on your post.......
Well, I can't read Obama's mind, but he did pass actual policies that benefitted the poor and middle class. Trump and republicans never do jack shit for either class.

Really????? Can you name them?
Sure, that's easy.

1) He pushed to raise the minimum wage
2) He expanded overtime pay eligibility for thousands of people
3) He extended unemployment beneftis for the millions who lost their jobs to Bush Recession
4) He improved cyber privacy for consumers
5) He pushed for job training programs in community colleges
6) He provided leniency to students in loan debt
7) He invested in infrastructure
8) His stimulus package created 3 million private jobs and reversed the recession according the CBO
9) He and his wife made school lunches healthier
10) He improved consumer protection regulations
11) He provided quick disaster relief to victims of Sandy
12) He provided health insurance to 20 million people who didn't have it before

Should I go on?

Yes do..

But let's first look at one of your lies

He invested in infrastructure


"I will fully cooperate with any special inquiry and I will turn over all tapes, memos (and even my long-awaited tax returns) and have my staff readily testify under oath to any grand jury that may be empanelled to fully investigate and bring this inquiry to an end acceptable by everyone....."

But will the orange demagogue ever wise up???
You would gain some much needed respect if you would admit that the Constitution limits the power of the Federal Government and sets the power of culture to the States instead of Washington D.C.

Care to opine?
You would gain some much needed respect if you would admit that the Constitution limits the power of the Federal Government and sets the power of culture to the States instead of Washington D.C.

Why, when the thread is about something Trump could do to initiate recovering some measure of credibility and respect, have you taken to trying to make it be about nat4900?
No, believe me, you are incredibly stupid for thinking Trump gives a shit about you or anyone else that isn't himself or his kids.

Did you think the Barrypupppet cared about you? I need to know your answer before I waste any more time on your post.......
Well, I can't read Obama's mind, but he did pass actual policies that benefitted the poor and middle class. Trump and republicans never do jack shit for either class.

Really????? Can you name them?
Sure, that's easy.

1) He pushed to raise the minimum wage
2) He expanded overtime pay eligibility for thousands of people
3) He extended unemployment beneftis for the millions who lost their jobs to Bush Recession
4) He improved cyber privacy for consumers
5) He pushed for job training programs in community colleges
6) He provided leniency to students in loan debt
7) He invested in infrastructure
8) His stimulus package created 3 million private jobs and reversed the recession according the CBO
9) He and his wife made school lunches healthier
10) He improved consumer protection regulations
11) He provided quick disaster relief to victims of Sandy
12) He provided health insurance to 20 million people who didn't have it before

Should I go on?

Yes do..

But let's first look at one of your lies

He invested in infrastructure

View attachment 127455

I never said he fixed the problem. He simply made the investment. Something no republican will EVER do.
Well, I can't read Obama's mind, but he did pass actual policies that benefitted the poor and middle class. Trump and republicans never do jack shit for either class.

Really????? Can you name them?
Sure, that's easy.

1) He pushed to raise the minimum wage
2) He expanded overtime pay eligibility for thousands of people
3) He extended unemployment beneftis for the millions who lost their jobs to Bush Recession
4) He improved cyber privacy for consumers
5) He pushed for job training programs in community colleges
6) He provided leniency to students in loan debt
7) He invested in infrastructure
8) His stimulus package created 3 million private jobs and reversed the recession according the CBO
9) He and his wife made school lunches healthier
10) He improved consumer protection regulations
11) He provided quick disaster relief to victims of Sandy
12) He provided health insurance to 20 million people who didn't have it before

Should I go on?

1) He pushed to raise the minimum wage:

Raising the minimum wage is like putting a tourniquet on a deep neck wound because unless you address the fact that this debt based, fiat currency system ran by foreign bankers is the cause for the world's ills? You are not accomplishing diddly squat and he never, EVER mentioned what a parasitic entity that foreign owned Federal Reserve bank a matter of fact? When the House passed a bill to have it audited three years ago? Demcrats on the banking committee "nixed" it....

2) He expanded overtime pay eligibility for thousands of people:

Someone was forcing their employees to work over 40 hours without "time and a half"??? Hell, that code was put in place long before the Barrypuppet squatted in the WH.....

3) He extended unemployment beneftis for the millions who lost their jobs to Bush Recession

No, he gave welfare to the people that lost their jobs due to the financial bubble created by cheap "loans" in exchange for their signature that created the "money" via a Promissory note that is then monetized and used as a negotiable instrument and this goes back to the Chapter 11 Bankruptcy of 1933 when the sheeple were coerced into giving up their real money (gold) in exchange for Federal Reserve Notes of debt. 99 weeks of unemployment benefits while allowing millions of illegals to come in was a benefit in what way, exactly?????

4) He improved cyber privacy for consumers:
Really? How so? Because "Google" (a CIA asset) quesstimates what you are going to type into their search engine and they tailor ads based on prior searches and they sell this information to their corporate entities so they can tailor their ads to you.....MASSIVE fail, pal.......

5) He pushed for job training programs in community colleges:

Really? Like carpentry, electro-mechanical training, etc, etc.........have you an example of how he made that happen????

6) He provided leniency to students in loan debt:

No, what "da gubermint" did was take over the "student loan program" in order to make those seeking a degree highly indebted to them. Some degrees have as much as 80K attached to them in (snicker) "student loans" of what exactly? Credits printed on a computer screen using the signature of the student? Nice job, Barrypuppet....AGAIN I say "EPIC FAIL".......

7) He invested in infrastructure"

Is that why the Orville Dam is on the verge of collapsing? He did pour money into "green" companies that gave him a kickback in the form of a campaign donation......

8) His stimulus package created 3 million private jobs and reversed the recession according the CBO:

787 Billion dollars put on our tab to the foreign owned Federal Reserve Bank that after interest is 1.1 TRILLION dollars.
Divide 1.100,000,000,000 by 3 million and let me know what that figure's like 36K????

9) He and his wife made school lunches healthier: What they did was prevent students from bringing their own lunch from home because "da gubermint" knows best and what is hilarious is that the Obama''s two chubby adopted children went to a private school and were not subject to the same type of "lunch" that they imposed on others......EPIC FAIL!

10) He improved consumer protection regulations: LMAO!!!!! PUH-LEEEEZE??? Tell me how he read China the "riot act" over consumer, please......

11) He provided quick disaster relief to victims of Sandy"

Shantytown like FEMA camps? "My thimble, it runneth over".....

12) He provided health insurance to 20 million people who didn't have it before:

While massively raising the cost of 50 million that actually had a plan that was tailored to their needs while lying "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan...PERIOD" bullshit....EPIC FAIL.

You have got nothin', ol boy............
1) Actually, several local and state governments have raised the minimum wage and their economies are doing well.

2) This relates to being paid salary you dumb sack of shit. If the position dictates the worker working over 40 hours out of necessity, they qualify for OT.

3) You giving some bullshit reason why the recession started doesn't change the actual legislation.

4) Oh so because he didn't make Google his bitch that somehow means he didn't improve private security? His EO kept companies from sharing your private info without permission. Trump reversed that by the way.

5) Yes, you idiot. Trade jobs. Trade job training at community colleges.

6) You can deny this all you want. The EO speaks for itself.

7) You are a complete moron if you Obama could single-handledly fix our crumbling infrastructure

8) You don't even know what the fuck that 787 billion was made of. God you're a simpleton. Half of it was tax cuts. A big chunk of it went to Extending the unemployment benefits that I previously mentioned. The rest went to energy and infrastructure.

9) Again you're fucking stupid. Nothing they did prevented home lunches.

10) The amount of consumer protections he created is too long to list here. Look them up.

11) This is so stupid. You'll say anything if you don't have an actual argument.

12) Only some premiums went up. Tell me, why didn't those 20 million people just drop their plans if they were too expensive? What are they waiting for?

Billyboy, I could keep kicking your ass from one side of the blogisphere to the other but you are so entrenched in your beliefs that you wouldn't put on the glasses of reality even if I shoved them on your fat, ugly would intentionally keep your eyes closed because the truth is too painful to realize. You would rather believe in pretty lies instead of the God awful truth. Spare me a thought when the feces hits the oscillating blades and you are sitting on the curb waiting on your beloved corporate, foreign banker owned entity to come and whisk you away to safety....basically saying is that you are fucked without the benefit of lubrication unless you start looking at ways to weather an impending shitstorm of monumental proportions and you can etch that in stone.
We both know you have no argument to my post.
Did you think the Barrypupppet cared about you? I need to know your answer before I waste any more time on your post.......
Well, I can't read Obama's mind, but he did pass actual policies that benefitted the poor and middle class. Trump and republicans never do jack shit for either class.

Really????? Can you name them?
Sure, that's easy.

1) He pushed to raise the minimum wage
2) He expanded overtime pay eligibility for thousands of people
3) He extended unemployment beneftis for the millions who lost their jobs to Bush Recession
4) He improved cyber privacy for consumers
5) He pushed for job training programs in community colleges
6) He provided leniency to students in loan debt
7) He invested in infrastructure
8) His stimulus package created 3 million private jobs and reversed the recession according the CBO
9) He and his wife made school lunches healthier
10) He improved consumer protection regulations
11) He provided quick disaster relief to victims of Sandy
12) He provided health insurance to 20 million people who didn't have it before

Should I go on?

Yes do..

But let's first look at one of your lies

He invested in infrastructure

View attachment 127455

I never said he fixed the problem. He simply made the investment. Something no republican will EVER do.

So know you can't read a grapgh?

No, believe me, you are incredibly stupid for thinking Trump gives a shit about you or anyone else that isn't himself or his kids.
------------------------------------------- i don't care if TRUMP cares about ME or my kids I just want to see TRUMP do the best he can to restore the USA to where it should be Billy .
With what policies? Be specific.

Getting rid of regulation.

Especially environmental crap.

We need to warm the earth and sink L.A., D.C. N.Y.C. and a few other shitholes.
Yea our kids don't need clean air to breathe or clean water to drink. Right?

They don't have it now....moron.
but our air is certainly safer than before such regulations. Don't be silly.

This is what America looked like before the EPA cleaned it up
No, he's a whiny little bitch that's obviously guilty.

So much for American values (innocent until proven otherwise).

But that is the typical leftwinger...they know it all.

They'd fit right in with the Taliban.

Not really, the loons are too stupid to realize who they support would slit their throat in a heartbeat. That entire infidel thing ya know
No, believe me, you are incredibly stupid for thinking Trump gives a shit about you or anyone else that isn't himself or his kids.

Did you think the Barrypupppet cared about you? I need to know your answer before I waste any more time on your post.......
Well, I can't read Obama's mind, but he did pass actual policies that benefitted the poor and middle class. Trump and republicans never do jack shit for either class.
------------------------------------------------ mrobama weakened USA military while treating the military as a social experiment as he placed , accepted deviants into the military Billy .
Not really, the loons are too stupid to realize who they support would slit their throat in a heartbeat. That entire infidel thing ya know
No, believe me, you are incredibly stupid for thinking Trump gives a shit about you or anyone else that isn't himself or his kids.

Did you think the Barrypupppet cared about you? I need to know your answer before I waste any more time on your post.......
Well, I can't read Obama's mind, but he did pass actual policies that benefitted the poor and middle class. Trump and republicans never do jack shit for either class.

Really????? Can you name them?
Sure, that's easy.

1) He pushed to raise the minimum wage
2) He expanded overtime pay eligibility for thousands of people
3) He extended unemployment beneftis for the millions who lost their jobs to Bush Recession
4) He improved cyber privacy for consumers
5) He pushed for job training programs in community colleges
6) He provided leniency to students in loan debt
7) He invested in infrastructure
8) His stimulus package created 3 million private jobs and reversed the recession according the CBO
9) He and his wife made school lunches healthier
10) He improved consumer protection regulations
11) He provided quick disaster relief to victims of Sandy
12) He provided health insurance to 20 million people who didn't have it before

Should I go on?

These closeted racists will NEVER "forgive" Obama for being half black....PERIOD !!!

We are on page 4 and the thread has gone from an attack on Trump to an attack on Obama.

I like it.

Obama's legacy will fade with time as people start to realize what a sham he was.
"I will fully cooperate with any special inquiry and I will turn over all tapes, memos (and even my long-awaited tax returns) and have my staff readily testify under oath to any grand jury that may be empanelled to fully investigate and bring this inquiry to an end acceptable by everyone....."

But will the orange demagogue ever wise up???
What if, he ends the drug war in five minutes or less, by executive order?
------------------------------------------- i don't care if TRUMP cares about ME or my kids I just want to see TRUMP do the best he can to restore the USA to where it should be Billy .
With what policies? Be specific.

Getting rid of regulation.

Especially environmental crap.

We need to warm the earth and sink L.A., D.C. N.Y.C. and a few other shitholes.
Yea our kids don't need clean air to breathe or clean water to drink. Right?

They don't have it now....moron.
but our air is certainly safer than before such regulations. Don't be silly.

This is what America looked like before the EPA cleaned it up

Don't make me laugh.

Those propaganda shots are just that.
Please stop lying. You wouldn't respect him more. So stop pretending

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