Trumpers are not the only Republicans.

And by the same token we aren't hearing much about all the black men
There are voices we don't get to hear who are republicans. You know, the ones who don't like trump.

Republican Voters Against Trump
Thanks so much for the link. It was tremendously heartening to hear principled Repub conservatives recognize what a danger Trump is to the country and to their party. Especially Shawn from NC who accurately described Trumpleheads as a cult of personality.
Oooohh pfft... what a CROCK. Don't PRETEND you LIKE republicans. That shit is about as FAKE as Dolly Pardon's tits.

You democrats HATE, ALL, republicans. You just put on this pathetic fake act when it's suits your agenda.

Ya, we see through this FARCE put on though. You're really not fooling anyone.

People have grown tired of the Cult45. It has nothing to do with Democrats, liberals, conservatives or Republicans.

I'm tired of deranged, blood thirsty cult members talking about destroying everyone and everything they hate!

So anybody with any integrity at all would vote for Biden?

Or a house plant. Or a rock. Or Frank Zappa.

If we continue with the binary lie it will never change. You are watching 2016 play out again right before your eyes. Whether you like it or not, will admit it or not Biden is deteriorating right before our eyes.

:dunno: He's the Dem nominee. It is what it is.
One of the millions of unheard republicans.

Its because of people like her that the Progs have much power and have reduced the influence of Christians in our nation. Perhaps she is full of herself. after all, soon enough there will be beastiality legalized.
Exactly right. If President Trump were to suddenly abdicate and the Republican Party decided to nominate John Bolton or John Kasich or Mitt Romney for President this summer instead- the same Democrats who praise these Anti-Trump GOP'ers now, would condemn each one of them as Literally Hitler.
“Literally” not true (with the possible exception of Bolton).
I would be very happy indeed if Trump “abdicated” (you mean resign or declare he is not running again; only Kings “abdicate”). I would love it if John Kasich ran instead. But that won’t happen, will it? John Bolton? He would be worse than Trump for sure. Mitt Romney? Surely an improvement over Trump. Also won’t happen.
No , it probably won't happen. But it is possible if unlikely. God forbid if President Trump or his old lady got sick, or some other tragedy affected him. And in that situation, the Republicans would have to nominate a candidate to run in the fall....

But regardless of who the non-Trump nominee is — they will be literally crucified by the liberal media as a fascist, racist, whatever.
Hell, we've already seen this, when McCain ran ... the media turned on a dime AGAIN and started pretending to like the guy, so they could use him. And like the bitch he was, he took it and thanked them for it.
I think it is time that everybody stopped voting on the basis of who this or that mainstream media or talking head opposes ... or supports. Folks think only “the other side” spins the news. It is all mind numbing. Most Americans are, frankly, too lazy and ignorant to clearly and logically tear apart the lies and political prejudices on both sides.

That's weird because we Literally have historic record that says otherwise.
And by the same token we aren't hearing much about all the black men
There are voices we don't get to hear who are republicans. You know, the ones who don't like trump.

Republican Voters Against Trump
Thanks so much for the link. It was tremendously heartening to hear principled Repub conservatives recognize what a danger Trump is to the country and to their party. Especially Shawn from NC who accurately described Trumpleheads as a cult of personality.
Oooohh pfft... what a CROCK. Don't PRETEND you LIKE republicans. That shit is about as FAKE as Dolly Pardon's tits.

You democrats HATE, ALL, republicans. You just put on this pathetic fake act when it's suits your agenda.

Ya, we see through this FARCE put on though. You're really not fooling anyone.

People have grown tired of the Cult45. It has nothing to do with Democrats, liberals, conservatives or Republicans.

I'm tired of deranged, blood thirsty cult members talking about destroying everyone and everything they hate!

So anybody with any integrity at all would vote for Biden?

Or a house plant. Or a rock. Or Frank Zappa.

If we continue with the binary lie it will never change. You are watching 2016 play out again right before your eyes. Whether you like it or not, will admit it or not Biden is deteriorating right before our eyes.

:dunno: He's the Dem nominee. It is what it is.

Then you'll lose
There are voices we don't get to hear who are republicans. You know, the ones who don't like trump.

Republican Voters Against Trump

You get a lot of comfort knowing some people think close to your bottom-dwelling environment huh? Tell me something racism rents your head 24/7, do you figure Demonicrats collectively appreciate Biden considering he's useless, has dementia, lacks effort and only speaks in politics while Trump says what he thinks?

You figure the Republicans who dislike Trump will vote for Biden? WTF would they do that?
And by the same token we aren't hearing much about all the black men
There are voices we don't get to hear who are republicans. You know, the ones who don't like trump.

Republican Voters Against Trump
Thanks so much for the link. It was tremendously heartening to hear principled Repub conservatives recognize what a danger Trump is to the country and to their party. Especially Shawn from NC who accurately described Trumpleheads as a cult of personality.
Oooohh pfft... what a CROCK. Don't PRETEND you LIKE republicans. That shit is about as FAKE as Dolly Pardon's tits.

You democrats HATE, ALL, republicans. You just put on this pathetic fake act when it's suits your agenda.

Ya, we see through this FARCE put on though. You're really not fooling anyone.

People have grown tired of the Cult45. It has nothing to do with Democrats, liberals, conservatives or Republicans.

I'm tired of deranged, blood thirsty cult members talking about destroying everyone and everything they hate!

So anybody with any integrity at all would vote for Biden?

Or a house plant. Or a rock. Or Frank Zappa.

If we continue with the binary lie it will never change. You are watching 2016 play out again right before your eyes. Whether you like it or not, will admit it or not Biden is deteriorating right before our eyes.

:dunno: He's the Dem nominee. It is what it is.

Then you'll lose

Lose what?
Together we stand divided we fall? The last 2 times I have seen us divided, the Viet Nam war, the Iraq war. Now please explain why we are at war with each other, is it support for a killing pandemic? or support for equality for every American regardless of sex race or religion
Together we stand divided we fall? The last 2 times I have seen us divided, the Viet Nam war, the Iraq war. Now please explain why we are at war with each other, is it support for a killing pandemic? or support for equality for every American regardless of sex race or religion

Exactly right. If President Trump were to suddenly abdicate and the Republican Party decided to nominate John Bolton or John Kasich or Mitt Romney for President this summer instead- the same Democrats who praise these Anti-Trump GOP'ers now, would condemn each one of them as Literally Hitler.
“Literally” not true (with the possible exception of Bolton).
I would be very happy indeed if Trump “abdicated” (you mean resign or declare he is not running again; only Kings “abdicate”). I would love it if John Kasich ran instead. But that won’t happen, will it? John Bolton? He would be worse than Trump for sure. Mitt Romney? Surely an improvement over Trump. Also won’t happen.
No , it probably won't happen. But it is possible if unlikely. God forbid if President Trump or his old lady got sick, or some other tragedy affected him. And in that situation, the Republicans would have to nominate a candidate to run in the fall....

But regardless of who the non-Trump nominee is — they will be literally crucified by the liberal media as a fascist, racist, whatever.
Hell, we've already seen this, when McCain ran ... the media turned on a dime AGAIN and started pretending to like the guy, so they could use him. And like the bitch he was, he took it and thanked them for it.
I think it is time that everybody stopped voting on the basis of who this or that mainstream media or talking head opposes ... or supports. Folks think only “the other side” spins the news. It is all mind numbing. Most Americans are, frankly, too lazy and ignorant to clearly and logically tear apart the lies and political prejudices on both sides.

Well, part of reaching that goal, would be calling media institutions out on their bad behavior, such as the back and forth I describe with McCain.

Which I did.

It is worth noting that my support for McCain, such as it was, was completely independent of the idiocy the media was pushing. For whatever weight that holds for you.
There are voices we don't get to hear who are republicans. You know, the ones who don't like trump.

Republican Voters Against Trump

the Lincoln Project

the Never Trumpers!

there are still LOTS of good, honorable and decent republicans who OPPOSE trump.

I applaud them and assure them that when things go back to normal I would be happy to vote for them
Ànd we know exactly where they live it's time to take out the trash the b****** of the Republican party
There are voices we don't get to hear who are republicans. You know, the ones who don't like trump.

Republican Voters Against Trump
Thanks so much for the link. It was tremendously heartening to hear principled Repub conservatives recognize what a danger Trump is to the country and to their party. Especially Shawn from NC who accurately described Trumpleheads as a cult of personality.
Can any of them articulate which policies of President Trump are “bad”? Or is it just name calling anyone who approves of his policies as a “cult follower”?
And by the same token we aren't hearing much about all the black men
There are voices we don't get to hear who are republicans. You know, the ones who don't like trump.

Republican Voters Against Trump
Thanks so much for the link. It was tremendously heartening to hear principled Repub conservatives recognize what a danger Trump is to the country and to their party. Especially Shawn from NC who accurately described Trumpleheads as a cult of personality.
Oooohh pfft... what a CROCK. Don't PRETEND you LIKE republicans. That shit is about as FAKE as Dolly Pardon's tits.

You democrats HATE, ALL, republicans. You just put on this pathetic fake act when it's suits your agenda.

Ya, we see through this FARCE put on though. You're really not fooling anyone.

People have grown tired of the Cult45. It has nothing to do with Democrats, liberals, conservatives or Republicans.

I'm tired of deranged, blood thirsty cult members talking about destroying everyone and everything they hate!

So anybody with any integrity at all would vote for Biden?

Or a house plant. Or a rock. Or Frank Zappa.

If we continue with the binary lie it will never change. You are watching 2016 play out again right before your eyes. Whether you like it or not, will admit it or not Biden is deteriorating right before our eyes.

:dunno: He's the Dem nominee. It is what it is.

Then you'll lose

Lose what?

LOL, if the context has escaped you.....
And by the same token we aren't hearing much about all the black men
There are voices we don't get to hear who are republicans. You know, the ones who don't like trump.

Republican Voters Against Trump
Thanks so much for the link. It was tremendously heartening to hear principled Repub conservatives recognize what a danger Trump is to the country and to their party. Especially Shawn from NC who accurately described Trumpleheads as a cult of personality.
Oooohh pfft... what a CROCK. Don't PRETEND you LIKE republicans. That shit is about as FAKE as Dolly Pardon's tits.

You democrats HATE, ALL, republicans. You just put on this pathetic fake act when it's suits your agenda.

Ya, we see through this FARCE put on though. You're really not fooling anyone.

People have grown tired of the Cult45. It has nothing to do with Democrats, liberals, conservatives or Republicans.

I'm tired of deranged, blood thirsty cult members talking about destroying everyone and everything they hate!

So anybody with any integrity at all would vote for Biden?

Or a house plant. Or a rock. Or Frank Zappa.

If we continue with the binary lie it will never change. You are watching 2016 play out again right before your eyes. Whether you like it or not, will admit it or not Biden is deteriorating right before our eyes.

:dunno: He's the Dem nominee. It is what it is.

Then you'll lose

Lose what?

LOL, if the context has escaped you.....

You just presume shit.
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There are voices we don't get to hear who are republicans. You know, the ones who don't like trump.

Republican Voters Against Trump
I'm sorry to disagree, but Imo that ship sailed on us. I really thought W would make a good president, but he didn't. I didn't think the tax cut necessary, but W really defeated Forbes for the nomination, and the Piper had to be paid. With 911 we may just be lucky McCain wasn't potus.

Imo, Romney's shelf life expired as did Hillary's

Today's Gop is just the Trumpanazees who cheer Trump's culture wars blindly and the McConnell tax cuts for the 1% without regard to deficits and judicial nominations. We'll see if there are more Gorsuch textual literalists or Kegananaugh judicial activists
There are voices we don't get to hear who are republicans. You know, the ones who don't like trump.

Republican Voters Against Trump
I'm sorry to disagree, but Imo that ship sailed on us. I really thought W would make a good president, but he didn't. I didn't think the tax cut necessary, but W really defeated Forbes for the nomination, and the Piper had to be paid. With 911 we may just be lucky McCain wasn't potus.

Imo, Romney's shelf life expired as did Hillary's

Today's Gop is just the Trumpanazees who cheer Trump's culture wars blindly and the McConnell tax cuts for the 1% without regard to deficits and judicial nominations. We'll see if there are more Gorsuch textual literalists or Kegananaugh judicial activists

Republicans maddeningly refuse to cut spending. Tax cuts are a stopgap.
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