Trumpers are not the only Republicans.

I think it is time that everybody stopped voting on the basis of who this or that mainstream media or talking head opposes ... or supports. Folks think only “the other side” spins the news. It is all mind numbing. Most Americans are, frankly, too lazy and ignorant to clearly and logically tear apart the lies and political prejudices on both sides.
Well, part of reaching that goal, would be calling media institutions out on their bad behavior, such as the back and forth I describe with McCain.

Which I did.

It is worth noting that my support for McCain, such as it was, was completely independent of the idiocy the media was pushing. For whatever weight that holds for you.

Fair enough. I voted for Obama in 2008 because I agreed with his opposition to the Iraq invasion, and I felt McCain was a chronic warmonger. Also I thought Obama would be better able to get us out of the fiscal crisis. I hoped against hope he might afterwards fight the “too big to fail” banks by pushing hard for financial and structural reforms.

It was the first time I voted for a democratic Presidential candidate in decades. But I did admire McCain when he showed some personal integrity and defended Obama as a patriotic American he disagreed with, that time candidate Obama was attacked by some nutty woman at a town hall meeting in typical Trumpster style, as a traitor or Muslim or whatever.
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I think it is time that everybody stopped voting on the basis of who this or that mainstream media or talking head opposes ... or supports. Folks think only “the other side” spins the news. It is all mind numbing. Most Americans are, frankly, too lazy and ignorant to clearly and logically tear apart the lies and political prejudices on both sides.
Well, part of reaching that goal, would be calling media institutions out on their bad behavior, such as the back and forth I describe with McCain.

Which I did.

It is worth noting that my support for McCain, such as it was, was completely independent of the idiocy the media was pushing. For whatever weight that holds for you.

Fair enough. I voted for Obama in 2008 because I agreed with his opposition to the Iraq invasion, and I felt McCain was a chronic warmonger. Also I thought Obama would be better able to get us out of the fiscal crisis. I hoped against hope he might afterwards fight the “too big to fail” banks by pushing hard for financial and structural reforms.

It was the first time I voted for a democratic Presidential candidate in decades. But I did admire McCain when he showed some personal integrity and defended Obama as a patriotic American he disagreed with, that time candidate Obama was attacked by some nutty woman at a town hall meeting in typical Trumpster style, as a traitor or Muslim or whatever.

What of the behavior of the media in turning on McCain, during the campaign?
I don’t pay much attention to the twists and turns of the liberal media, or to FOX News either.
It amazes me how you regurgitate every thing your trainer tells you to. You are so reliable that you should change your moniker to IMSOROS2...
You are ignorant. But that's why you support trump.
I don’t pay much attention to the twists and turns of the liberal media, or to FOX News either.

You ignoring it, does not make it a non factor in the world.

Your giving them a pass for their bad behavior, will not lead to it being stopped.

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