TrumpForGreece. Greeks love Trump!

Trump is the master of self promotion.

Have you done any background work on him? Bankrupt as a company CEO how many times?

I don't know any businessman that hasn't gone bankrupt. Donald Trump is not an angel or the cure for cancer. I see a guy with loads of energy, a smart guy , a guy logical. Trust me Greeks used to dream about coming to USA. Now most Greeks prefer countries like Germany or Norway or Canada or Australia and USA is usually the last choice. That should tell you a lot about the USA right now. Your economy is a mess and also we hear everyday about shootings in schools , about drug dealers etc.

You have already elected guys like Bush, Clinton, Obama. And if you vote for Hillary you will become a third world nation in no time and you will be a laughing stock for the rest of the world. Just try for once something different. Trust your instinct for once and don't hear the media.

Gee, I know lots of businessmen and woman that have never been bankrupt. Not their companies either. If bankruptcy is the key to economic strength, then Greece is ahead of us.
You are not Greece yet... Trust me before the lehman brothers collapse our politicians used to tell us how strong the Greek economy was. With 19 trillion dollars of debt you should start to fear. Sure you can't become exactly like Greece but things can become worse, really worse. And devaluation of dollar will make things worse.

Δεν είστε Ελλάδα ακόμα... Πίστεψέ με, πριν από την lehman brothers κατάρρευση οι πολιτικοί μας, μας έλεγε πόσο ισχυρή ήταν η ελληνική οικονομία. Με 19 τρισεκατομμύρια δολάρια του χρέους θα πρέπει να ξεκινήσετε να φοβούνται. Σίγουρα μπορεί να γίνει ακριβώς όπως η Ελλάδα, αλλά τα πράγματα να γίνουν χειρότερα, πολύ χειρότερα. Και η υποτίμηση του δολαρίου θα κάνει τα πράγματα χειρότερα.

English to Greek translator programs...
You are not Greece yet... Trust me before the lehman brothers collapse our politicians used to tell us how strong the Greek economy was. With 19 trillion dollars of debt you should start to fear. Sure you can't become exactly like Greece but things can become worse, really worse. And devaluation of dollar will make things worse.
Many conservatives like myself have been shouting on deaf and dumb ears for the same..............

You destroy your currency, you destroy your economy, and your nation...........Unfortunately we have corrupt politicians who are more concerned with protecting their own self interests than that of the nation..............There are plenty of areas to cut, but they are unwilling to do so...........Hell they don't even want to freeze new spending.
You are not Greece yet... Trust me before the lehman brothers collapse our politicians used to tell us how strong the Greek economy was. With 19 trillion dollars of debt you should start to fear. Sure you can't become exactly like Greece but things can become worse, really worse. And devaluation of dollar will make things worse.

Δεν είστε Ελλάδα ακόμα... Πίστεψέ με, πριν από την lehman brothers κατάρρευση οι πολιτικοί μας, μας έλεγε πόσο ισχυρή ήταν η ελληνική οικονομία. Με 19 τρισεκατομμύρια δολάρια του χρέους θα πρέπει να ξεκινήσετε να φοβούνται. Σίγουρα μπορεί να γίνει ακριβώς όπως η Ελλάδα, αλλά τα πράγματα να γίνουν χειρότερα, πολύ χειρότερα. Και η υποτίμηση του δολαρίου θα κάνει τα πράγματα χειρότερα.

English to Greek translator programs...

Google translator is rubbish. My post in Greek doesn't make sense :p
You are not Greece yet... Trust me before the lehman brothers collapse our politicians used to tell us how strong the Greek economy was. With 19 trillion dollars of debt you should start to fear. Sure you can't become exactly like Greece but things can become worse, really worse. And devaluation of dollar will make things worse.

Δεν είστε Ελλάδα ακόμα... Πίστεψέ με, πριν από την lehman brothers κατάρρευση οι πολιτικοί μας, μας έλεγε πόσο ισχυρή ήταν η ελληνική οικονομία. Με 19 τρισεκατομμύρια δολάρια του χρέους θα πρέπει να ξεκινήσετε να φοβούνται. Σίγουρα μπορεί να γίνει ακριβώς όπως η Ελλάδα, αλλά τα πράγματα να γίνουν χειρότερα, πολύ χειρότερα. Και η υποτίμηση του δολαρίου θα κάνει τα πράγματα χειρότερα.

English to Greek translator programs...

Google translator is rubbish. My post in Greek doesn't make sense :p

You sure the English one does?
You are not Greece yet... Trust me before the lehman brothers collapse our politicians used to tell us how strong the Greek economy was. With 19 trillion dollars of debt you should start to fear. Sure you can't become exactly like Greece but things can become worse, really worse. And devaluation of dollar will make things worse.

Δεν είστε Ελλάδα ακόμα... Πίστεψέ με, πριν από την lehman brothers κατάρρευση οι πολιτικοί μας, μας έλεγε πόσο ισχυρή ήταν η ελληνική οικονομία. Με 19 τρισεκατομμύρια δολάρια του χρέους θα πρέπει να ξεκινήσετε να φοβούνται. Σίγουρα μπορεί να γίνει ακριβώς όπως η Ελλάδα, αλλά τα πράγματα να γίνουν χειρότερα, πολύ χειρότερα. Και η υποτίμηση του δολαρίου θα κάνει τα πράγματα χειρότερα.

English to Greek translator programs...

Google translator is rubbish. My post in Greek doesn't make sense :p

You sure the English one does?

ouch. My English is that bad ?
You are not Greece yet... Trust me before the lehman brothers collapse our politicians used to tell us how strong the Greek economy was. With 19 trillion dollars of debt you should start to fear. Sure you can't become exactly like Greece but things can become worse, really worse. And devaluation of dollar will make things worse.

Δεν είστε Ελλάδα ακόμα... Πίστεψέ με, πριν από την lehman brothers κατάρρευση οι πολιτικοί μας, μας έλεγε πόσο ισχυρή ήταν η ελληνική οικονομία. Με 19 τρισεκατομμύρια δολάρια του χρέους θα πρέπει να ξεκινήσετε να φοβούνται. Σίγουρα μπορεί να γίνει ακριβώς όπως η Ελλάδα, αλλά τα πράγματα να γίνουν χειρότερα, πολύ χειρότερα. Και η υποτίμηση του δολαρίου θα κάνει τα πράγματα χειρότερα.

English to Greek translator programs...

Google translator is rubbish. My post in Greek doesn't make sense :p

You sure the English one does?

ouch. My English is that bad ?

Just kidding, enjoy the entertainment that is USMB.
From as long as i can remember we have elected democrats(socialists) like Obama or republicans(right wingers) like Bush. The result? Greece is a shithole right now. Europe gave us more than 300 billions to build our infrastructure and modernize our economy and our politicians took all the money and gave these euros to their corrupted friends(businessman lawyers etc). On top of that they borrowed 330 billion euros. Some Greeks blame Merkel or others but most Greeks know who to blame. Our useless politicians and ourselves of course because we have elected these guys. Don't make the same mistakes we did and make USA great again.

For me Trump is like a breath of fresh air in a corrupted environment. I have watched almost all of his interviews. Although he is republican he is not really a republican like G. Bush. He even said that he was the worst president ,even worse than Obama and he was right.

Let's start with immigration. Sure we can hear the Democrats and the Socialists all over the world say the usual crap ''borders should be open so all people can come and have a job, love, peace, a house, a wife, children. We can all live happily together''. These guys control the media also in Europe. The result? Second and third generation immigrants are becoming terrorists. France is one great example. You see Muslims that were born and raised in France and still they have not adapted and they choose the path of terrorism. Yes most Mexicans are hard working people but if you have open borders criminals will come, drug dealers and all the scum of the earth may come also. Trump will build a wall and control the masses of immigration. Mexicans can still come legally to work.

But of course he is leading the polls by far because he has a great plan for the economy. It was 1979 when Greece entered the European Union. What happened later it's what is happening now to USA. We had access to almost free money(low interest rates) and we created an economy based on consumption. We closed our factories and we had economic growth based on the money Europe gave us from their banks. The result is pretty obvious. We have a huge debt that we cannot repay and we don't have factories to make products , to sell these products and have economic growth. Basically we are fucking doomed. Now my father told me stories about the great USA that used to build everything. Hell millions of Greeks migrated LEGALLY in United States because it was the land of opportunities , the land or prosperity. Now you don't build anything. Everything comes from China and Germany. With guys like Obama and Bush you will end up like Greece in no time. And let's not forget about your HUGE debt. 19 trillion dollars... Knowing that i am from Greece you should probably understand that a huge debt like this is not a good thing :p

Trump will put taxes on every Chinese and Japanese product you can imagine. And for God's sake US citizens should start to boycott non American products(ok buy only Greek products). If you don't buy American products you shoot your legs. Greeks bought for decades German cars and Japanese-Chinese electronics and what happened? We are becoming a third world country.

Finally let's talk about the wars you have started all over the world. Trump is right again. Why do you care about what is happening in the Middle East? Let them kill each other and worry about your country. The middle class is gone in your country and you spend trillion of dollars to Muslims? Are you crazy?

Well to tell you the truth we have a lot of crazy people in Greece too. All the socialists and communists in my country used to hate USA and Clinton and supported the ''poor'' Muslims. It's sad but Europe's media and especially Greek media used to portrait your country like an evil country that wants to control the world. You don't know that but our current useless Marxist president used to demonstrate against Clinton and now he begs for money and mercy from the United States. Now he realized that USA is a friendly nation and not the crazy Muslims. GIVE HIM NOTHING. Although that will affect me too because i live here, fuck Tsipras and don't give us a dollar.

If Greeks want to come out of misery they should vote politicians like DONALD TRUMP.

If Russia attacks Turkey in the rear would Greece help?
From as long as i can remember we have elected democrats(socialists) like Obama or republicans(right wingers) like Bush. The result? Greece is a shithole right now. Europe gave us more than 300 billions to build our infrastructure and modernize our economy and our politicians took all the money and gave these euros to their corrupted friends(businessman lawyers etc). On top of that they borrowed 330 billion euros. Some Greeks blame Merkel or others but most Greeks know who to blame. Our useless politicians and ourselves of course because we have elected these guys. Don't make the same mistakes we did and make USA great again.

For me Trump is like a breath of fresh air in a corrupted environment. I have watched almost all of his interviews. Although he is republican he is not really a republican like G. Bush. He even said that he was the worst president ,even worse than Obama and he was right.

Let's start with immigration. Sure we can hear the Democrats and the Socialists all over the world say the usual crap ''borders should be open so all people can come and have a job, love, peace, a house, a wife, children. We can all live happily together''. These guys control the media also in Europe. The result? Second and third generation immigrants are becoming terrorists. France is one great example. You see Muslims that were born and raised in France and still they have not adapted and they choose the path of terrorism. Yes most Mexicans are hard working people but if you have open borders criminals will come, drug dealers and all the scum of the earth may come also. Trump will build a wall and control the masses of immigration. Mexicans can still come legally to work.

But of course he is leading the polls by far because he has a great plan for the economy. It was 1979 when Greece entered the European Union. What happened later it's what is happening now to USA. We had access to almost free money(low interest rates) and we created an economy based on consumption. We closed our factories and we had economic growth based on the money Europe gave us from their banks. The result is pretty obvious. We have a huge debt that we cannot repay and we don't have factories to make products , to sell these products and have economic growth. Basically we are fucking doomed. Now my father told me stories about the great USA that used to build everything. Hell millions of Greeks migrated LEGALLY in United States because it was the land of opportunities , the land or prosperity. Now you don't build anything. Everything comes from China and Germany. With guys like Obama and Bush you will end up like Greece in no time. And let's not forget about your HUGE debt. 19 trillion dollars... Knowing that i am from Greece you should probably understand that a huge debt like this is not a good thing :p

Trump will put taxes on every Chinese and Japanese product you can imagine. And for God's sake US citizens should start to boycott non American products(ok buy only Greek products). If you don't buy American products you shoot your legs. Greeks bought for decades German cars and Japanese-Chinese electronics and what happened? We are becoming a third world country.

Finally let's talk about the wars you have started all over the world. Trump is right again. Why do you care about what is happening in the Middle East? Let them kill each other and worry about your country. The middle class is gone in your country and you spend trillion of dollars to Muslims? Are you crazy?

Well to tell you the truth we have a lot of crazy people in Greece too. All the socialists and communists in my country used to hate USA and Clinton and supported the ''poor'' Muslims. It's sad but Europe's media and especially Greek media used to portrait your country like an evil country that wants to control the world. You don't know that but our current useless Marxist president used to demonstrate against Clinton and now he begs for money and mercy from the United States. Now he realized that USA is a friendly nation and not the crazy Muslims. GIVE HIM NOTHING. Although that will affect me too because i live here, fuck Tsipras and don't give us a dollar.

If Greeks want to come out of misery they should vote politicians like DONALD TRUMP.

If Russia attacks Turkey in the rear would Greece help?
Meet Guno. A liberal retard who think Obama and Hillary are gods. Beware there is no cure for the Guno.
From as long as i can remember we have elected democrats(socialists) like Obama or republicans(right wingers) like Bush. The result? Greece is a shithole right now. Europe gave us more than 300 billions to build our infrastructure and modernize our economy and our politicians took all the money and gave these euros to their corrupted friends(businessman lawyers etc). On top of that they borrowed 330 billion euros. Some Greeks blame Merkel or others but most Greeks know who to blame. Our useless politicians and ourselves of course because we have elected these guys. Don't make the same mistakes we did and make USA great again.

For me Trump is like a breath of fresh air in a corrupted environment. I have watched almost all of his interviews. Although he is republican he is not really a republican like G. Bush. He even said that he was the worst president ,even worse than Obama and he was right.

Let's start with immigration. Sure we can hear the Democrats and the Socialists all over the world say the usual crap ''borders should be open so all people can come and have a job, love, peace, a house, a wife, children. We can all live happily together''. These guys control the media also in Europe. The result? Second and third generation immigrants are becoming terrorists. France is one great example. You see Muslims that were born and raised in France and still they have not adapted and they choose the path of terrorism. Yes most Mexicans are hard working people but if you have open borders criminals will come, drug dealers and all the scum of the earth may come also. Trump will build a wall and control the masses of immigration. Mexicans can still come legally to work.

But of course he is leading the polls by far because he has a great plan for the economy. It was 1979 when Greece entered the European Union. What happened later it's what is happening now to USA. We had access to almost free money(low interest rates) and we created an economy based on consumption. We closed our factories and we had economic growth based on the money Europe gave us from their banks. The result is pretty obvious. We have a huge debt that we cannot repay and we don't have factories to make products , to sell these products and have economic growth. Basically we are fucking doomed. Now my father told me stories about the great USA that used to build everything. Hell millions of Greeks migrated LEGALLY in United States because it was the land of opportunities , the land or prosperity. Now you don't build anything. Everything comes from China and Germany. With guys like Obama and Bush you will end up like Greece in no time. And let's not forget about your HUGE debt. 19 trillion dollars... Knowing that i am from Greece you should probably understand that a huge debt like this is not a good thing :p

Trump will put taxes on every Chinese and Japanese product you can imagine. And for God's sake US citizens should start to boycott non American products(ok buy only Greek products). If you don't buy American products you shoot your legs. Greeks bought for decades German cars and Japanese-Chinese electronics and what happened? We are becoming a third world country.

Finally let's talk about the wars you have started all over the world. Trump is right again. Why do you care about what is happening in the Middle East? Let them kill each other and worry about your country. The middle class is gone in your country and you spend trillion of dollars to Muslims? Are you crazy?

Well to tell you the truth we have a lot of crazy people in Greece too. All the socialists and communists in my country used to hate USA and Clinton and supported the ''poor'' Muslims. It's sad but Europe's media and especially Greek media used to portrait your country like an evil country that wants to control the world. You don't know that but our current useless Marxist president used to demonstrate against Clinton and now he begs for money and mercy from the United States. Now he realized that USA is a friendly nation and not the crazy Muslims. GIVE HIM NOTHING. Although that will affect me too because i live here, fuck Tsipras and don't give us a dollar.

If Greeks want to come out of misery they should vote politicians like DONALD TRUMP.

If Russia attacks Turkey in the rear would Greece help?

With a Marxist president like Tsipras? Impossible. But even with nationalists we wouldn't do anything. You see we care about luxuries more and how to live the ''american dream'' until we die(women, money, cars etc). To tell you the truth that's not a bad thing. Wars like ww2 or even Greco-Turkish wars should never happen again.

The problem i have with Marxists is this. They preach about peace and they say that they fight against fascists but they support Muslim immigrants that they beat their wives everyday and they treat women like animals. How can you support a guy that comes from Yemen or Pakistan? He was raised to believe that women are inferior to men, to believe that Christians are trash and that Sharia should be the law.
I have. With commercial real estate being the mainstay of my family's existence, Trump has been well known, along with his father, Fred.
Trump is the master of self promotion.

Have you done any background work on him? Bankrupt as a company CEO how many times?

Have you done the research? or just parroting the talking points?
Trump is the master of self promotion.

Have you done any background work on him? Bankrupt as a company CEO how many times?

Have you done the research? or just parroting the talking points?

I see another divider, big risk taker and self promoter. Sounds like Obama to me. I'm conservative, yet independent.

When it comes down to Trump or hiLIARy (that is the most likely scenario) who are you voting for?
I have. With commercial real estate being the mainstay of my family's existence, Trump has been well known, along with his father, Fred.
Trump is the master of self promotion.

Have you done any background work on him? Bankrupt as a company CEO how many times?

Have you done the research? or just parroting the talking points?


I own commercial real estate. Trump has made some phenomenal deals and created a great deal of wealth for himself and his investors.
Trump is the master of self promotion.

Have you done any background work on him? Bankrupt as a company CEO how many times?

Have you done the research? or just parroting the talking points?

I see another divider, big risk taker and self promoter. Sounds like Obama to me. I'm conservative, yet independent.

When it comes down to Trump or hiLIARy (that is the most likely scenario) who are you voting for?

Local issues and a third party like last time.

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