Trumpism: This is what PUSHBACK looks like

... The chasm between the two parties is so wide now that the swings back and forth could just become more violent and insane.
Again, wonderful panic from the Wall Street Class... Your class has done well under Trump, but the rest of us, not so much.This is why Bernie is winning in Whiter than White Iowa ...
He's winning among 25% of the Democrats who caucused … less than 5% of Iowa voters but you hang on to that, Skippy.

Sanders would not win 5 states if nominated.
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Democrats can't even get LEGAL Hispanics to come out and vote in higher percentages.... they simply do not come out and vote like all other sectors of voters.... even South Pacifickers, and Native Americans, and Asian Americans vote in higher percentages than Hispanics!

As of 2018 that seems to be changing...


... as Latino turnout almost doubled compared to the previous midterm election...


... which has the Goobers running scared, and redoubling their disenfranchisement efforts.

Both parties had record turnout for the midterms. It's just that hate won it last time. It won't happen next time.
They tried a political coup using fake information from a foreign informant. Two hundred years ago they would all be hanged, today they are reassigned but the whiny left still can't let go of the hatred.
the IG Report on it said both the FBI investigation on Russian Interference and the FIRST FISA warrant on Page had proper predication... the other 2 or 3 did not, but the first did.

That MEANS they had much more than a flimsy opposition research report....
That's my guess, and it was the first thing I thought about when Trump won: That he would be so over-the-top that we'd get an over-the-top response from the Democrats.

So, here we are. The chasm between the two parties is so wide now that the swings back and forth could just become more violent and insane.

Again, wonderful panic from the Wall Street Class.

here's the real problem. Your class has done well under Trump, but the rest of us, not so much. This is why Bernie is winning in Whiter than White Iowa ...
Winning among 25% of the Democrats who caucused … less than 5% of Iowa voters but you hang on to that, Skippy.

Sanders would not win 5 states if nominated.

I agree! His wins would probably be------------> CA, NY, Mass, Washington, and his home state.
While I'm sure as hell no fan of Trump, or many of his fans, I think I'm understanding this whole thing more now. Unfortunately, I think it's pretty clear the Democratic Party hasn't learned a fucking thing.

As people like Matthews and Carville and Bloomberg and Manchin try to sound the alarm bells for the party, it's clear that the party has been taken over by the loonies who insist that PC and Identity Politics are at the core of the party's worldview.

To put this as succinctly as I can, I think Trumpism is PUSHBACK against years and years of weaponized PC and Identity Politics. It's a primal scream of pent-up frustration. Burn it down, While much of it is pretty ugly to me, I do understand it, because I don't think that much of what the hardcore leftists who are in control of the party is actually American liberalism. I was called a racist for being against the ACA.

I warned about it long before Trump came down the elevator. I just didn't know how strong it would be.

June 23, 2013:
Always nice to see pushback against the PC Police.

November 14, 2015:
Spin & deflect for the PC-Protected religion, and you'll get the pushback you deserve. Tough shit. Be responsible for your words.

July 27, 2013:
Looks like the PC Police are seeing that their phony "you're a racist" schtick isn't scaring some folks like it used to. It's still relatively effective, but the pushback is getting stronger. Hopefully the momentum will continue, and they'll have to actually engage in intellectually honest conversation for a change.

This doesn't mean that the Democrats will lose in November. I sure don't know. But I think I do understand this.

Post 199: Should Dean's life be ruined for saying the N-word 30-40-50 years ago?
Post 49: The French people have some serious balls
Post 135: How Obama Poisoned Race Relations in America
I think you could be right when it comes to PC things on race or maybe gender or religion or a number of any sensitive topics or strong opinionated topics....

push back has occurred....

but the downside is that the slippery slope came with it....

Now it's ok for a disabled person to be mocked, or a gold star parent to be mocked in public by a presidential candidate and president, or a military lifer with a purple heart be slandered for telling the truth, or an ambassador of the USA be slandered in public by all the president's men in order to put on some kind of show, to fire her.... things that should have stayed within the so called PC/ethical rules, were broken, were shattered as well and we have become a very boisterous and hateful society.... I personally, don't like it at all! :eek: But to each his own, I suppose?

A disabled person was not mocked as you have been shown over and over, that you repeat the lie shows exactly why Trump was needed. The Gold Star parent attacked the President on the national political stage first.....expecting to hide behind his gold star status to allow his openly partisan attack to go unanswered...just like all the human shields the democrat use to attack their enemies......and the people he has fired, yavonavitch.....was bad mouthing her boss, the President of the United States over seas to foreign you can stop the lying right here.

You have nothing but lies about Trump.....that is why he was needed.......and no, the "Right" isn't the problem here.....
he was mocked, I've watched the video a thousand and one times.
AND YES, the President should be ethical and watch his speech when being president.... because he is suppose to be the president of everyone, not just a president for his acolytes and the enemy of all other citizens.... a president should lead by example.... is that really expecting too much for a Leader to act like and be like, a Leader? I don't think so....

the rest of y'all should have at it, be as unethical and unprofessional, un PC, slanderous, and boisterous as you want.....!!!!

Did you say this when obummer told the rest of us we could come along but we had to ride in the back of the bus? How about when Hillary called us deplorable?
I agree with you 100%, except for the fact, Trump did NOT break the law, at least as far as anyone proving it.

Of course he did.

By your logic, Clinton didn't get a blow job, because they didn't "prove" it.
What does this have to do with the price of rice in China? I said name me one time the Democrat party stated they lost fairly, and needed to change their policies. They've been on the global warming wagon for over 30 years now.

Um, yeah, because the world is still warming due to human activity.

Used to be, Science wasn't a partisan issue.

Yes they proved it. His DNA was all over her dress (ain’t ewe proud?) and he admitted it. Finally.
They tried a political coup using fake information from a foreign informant...
I'm good with tar, feathers, and beheading, but that's just me.
the IG Report on it said both the FBI investigation on Russian Interference and the FIRST FISA warrant on Page had proper predication... the other 2 or 3 did not, but the first did...
That was the opinion of the IG. Both AG Barr and "Bull" Durham disagreed with that opinion.
Clinton was a political wind sock....Whatever the polls said, that was the position that he was going to take....His only philosophy was to be liked by as many people as possible.

Um, yeah, all politicians want to be liked. What's your point.

What burns Trump is that the majority doesn't like him.
You have to do the same with your drivers license, change your address with the post office, get the states license plates......

And a lot of people can't afford to, that's the point.

It's just the opposite actually. Poor people have a lot of time on their hands compared to the white working person who is putting in 8 or more hours a day. If ID is discriminatory, it's against the working people, not the poor. In most states, you can get an ID at the DMV, or where you register to vote. It's not that difficult, it's a cheap excuse for the real reason they are against it.

So how about this. We give everyone a free ID they don't have to pay for... and they all get to vote if they are citizens. Works for me.
LOL, he lied, that is why he got impeached. He didn't get impeached because he got a blow job! It is also why he had to give up his law license for I believe, 10 yrs...……..or maybe it was 5.

But the senate didn't convict him... that's the point.

You don't think they are going to have the cuffs ready for Trump the minute he leaves office, you are deluding yourself.
You have to do the same with your drivers license, change your address with the post office, get the states license plates......

And a lot of people can't afford to, that's the point.

It's just the opposite actually. Poor people have a lot of time on their hands compared to the white working person who is putting in 8 or more hours a day. If ID is discriminatory, it's against the working people, not the poor. In most states, you can get an ID at the DMV, or where you register to vote. It's not that difficult, it's a cheap excuse for the real reason they are against it.

So how about this. We give everyone a free ID they don't have to pay for... and they all get to vote if they are citizens. Works for me.

And a lot of people can't afford to, that's the point.

Can't afford to do what? If you cannot afford an ID, the state will provide one at no charge. One state (I forget which one now) has vans that stop in poorer areas for people to walk there and get an ID if they want.
Clinton was a political wind sock....Whatever the polls said, that was the position that he was going to take....His only philosophy was to be liked by as many people as possible.

Um, yeah, all politicians want to be liked. What's your point.

What burns Trump is that the majority doesn't like him.

What makes you think that, polls?

While people like Biden can't fill a high school cafeteria, Trump has rallies that pack every arena he attends, with standing room only just to be near him as they wait outside. To add insult to injury, surveys reveal that a good percentage are not even registered Republicans. Here in Toledo Ohio, they estimated that over 50% were not Republicans. In New Jersey, it was in the 20% range.
it's improving!!!

but still piss poor compared to the percentage of white and black eligible voter turn out.....

Guess I got lucky, having not declared the Latino turnout rate perfect then, eh?

More than half of Latinos live in three states, California, Texas, and New York, not exactly battleground states - so their low turnout overall shouldn't surprise. Things should get more interesting once their rising number opens an avenue toward turning Texas purple, or even blue.
it's improving!!!

but still piss poor compared to the percentage of white and black eligible voter turn out.....

Guess I got lucky, having not declared the Latino turnout rate perfect then, eh?

More than half of Latinos live in three states, California, Texas, and New York, not exactly battleground states - so their low turnout overall shouldn't surprise. Things should get more interesting once their rising number opens an avenue toward turning Texas purple, or even blue.
Cruz only won by 2.6% in 2018. So it's getting there sooner rather than later.
Both parties had record turnout for the midterms
With 8 million more votes for Democrats. That should tell you something. But it won't....

What it tells me is that the Trump enthusiasm is far from gone. If anything, it's stronger yet.

Remember that when Trump won the nomination, a lot of Republicans were against it. They likely stayed home on election day, or perhaps voted for Hillary. Now that the scorecard is out, those voters will be front and center. Nobody (including the great Ronald Reagan) has led more conservatively than Trump.
it's improving!!!

but still piss poor compared to the percentage of white and black eligible voter turn out.....

Guess I got lucky, having not declared the Latino turnout rate perfect then, eh?

More than half of Latinos live in three states, California, Texas, and New York, not exactly battleground states - so their low turnout overall shouldn't surprise. Things should get more interesting once their rising number opens an avenue toward turning Texas purple, or even blue.

It always makes me wonder about the insistence the conservatives have about illegal aliens swinging elections. That somehow they are geeked to vote as soon as they sneak into the nation when natives vote so irregularly
That's my guess, and it was the first thing I thought about when Trump won: That he would be so over-the-top that we'd get an over-the-top response from the Democrats.

So, here we are. The chasm between the two parties is so wide now that the swings back and forth could just become more violent and insane.

Again, wonderful panic from the Wall Street Class.

here's the real problem. Your class has done well under Trump, but the rest of us, not so much. This is why Bernie is winning in Whiter than White Iowa and New Hampshire.
Bernie isn't winning in Iowa. Bernie has a razor thin edge among democrats in iowa. Bernie is so unpopular even among democrats in New Hampshire that he has to battle it out with an Alfred E Newman who threads his eyebrows and has breath that smells like his boyfriend's impending bowel movement.

This is what democrats are offering. According to lifelong democrat James Carville it's 18 percent of the population. That's not winning.
it's improving!!!

but still piss poor compared to the percentage of white and black eligible voter turn out.....

Guess I got lucky, having not declared the Latino turnout rate perfect then, eh?

More than half of Latinos live in three states, California, Texas, and New York, not exactly battleground states - so their low turnout overall shouldn't surprise. Things should get more interesting once their rising number opens an avenue toward turning Texas purple, or even blue.

It always makes me wonder about the insistence the conservatives have about illegal aliens swinging elections. That somehow they are geeked to vote as soon as they sneak into the nation when natives vote so irregularly
Which, of course, is insane. Illegal immigrants don't risk getting deported by registering to vote or by voting, in general.

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