Trumpism: This is what PUSHBACK looks like

My guess is that, with Obama's first win, the hardcore, illiberal Left thought it was over - that "change had come" and that demographics would keep it that way permanently.

Looks like they were a little early on that. So, after thinking the long, tough battle was over and getting beat, they completely lost their shit.

You might have a point here, Stormy Mac.

When Obama got elected, a black man with a funny name, we thought we had finally overcome the racists, bigots, and the Wall Street types pulling their strings.

We reasonably thought that when the GOP lost it's mind and nominated Trump, a guy who didn't even bother to hide his racism behind clever euphemisms, the country would reject that.

it didn't.

But if you think that Bernie is winning Whiter than White places because of identity politics, you are a bit of a dupe. The one thing that MAY yet save Joe Biden is that minorities are still well disposed towards him.

Stormy Mac. Comes up with a premise, argues it to the hilt even when proven wrong.
Still the demofks have done jack shit for blacks.
I continue to be embarrassed by both party's behaviors.

I still think the problem is rooted in our implementation of democracy, specifically winner-take-all, plurality elections. We need government that rules from broad consensus, and not slim majority (or less) support.

We have a republic and always have since this country was founded, dummy. If anything it has become more democratic and that is when everything started going to hell in a hand basket. It began with only male property owners voting. No deadbeats, no women, no teenagers, etc etc. Now they want anybody and everybody whether or not they've ever contributed a damn thing or not and it's going right down the toilet.
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Yeah. And none of it is getting any better.
Nope. Why would it? It's a race to the bottom. The democrats should be appealing to foreign governments for election help and knocking old white people off voter rolls. Find every voting location that serves mostly white republicans, and move them shortly before the election, without notice. Would you bring a knife to a gunfight?
Yeah. And none of it is getting any better.
Why would it?
Yeah. And none of it is getting any better.
Nope. Why would it? It's a race to the bottom. The democrats should be appealing to foreign governments for election help and knocking old white people off voter rolls. Would you bring a knife to a gunfight?

There ya go, one from each side.

And that's the problem.
Yeah. And none of it is getting any better.
Nope. Why would it? It's a race to the bottom. The democrats should be appealing to foreign governments for election help and knocking old white people off voter rolls. Find every voting location that serves mostly white republicans, and move them shortly before the election, without notice. Would you bring a knife to a gunfight?
They did, got caught now in trouble
There ya go, one from each side.

And that's the problem.
No, you misunderstand. I don't approve of these actions. There was no value judgment there. I am commenting on strategy and tactics, and what the smart player in the game would do. Surely you can take a pause from "everything sucks" and clear your mind to see my point.
They can't, as by doing so they would have had admit their policies are part of the problem. That they failed. That they lost. That they might have to rethink things.

Hence the rest of the noise on "cheating" "we actually won" blah, blah, blah.

Here's the rub for them. This has resulted in what we are seeing now on the left. The messaging that they didn't actually lose to avoid taking responsibilty, led to the belief that it was true, which led to inaction on the reasons underpinning their loss, which has led them to continue down the same path.

They're very, very literally doing this to themselves.

For me, personally, this is hilarious. It is right in plain sight and they cannot, will not, see it, as doing so is admitting they were wrong, while not doing so and continuing on their path is self defeating.

They are fighting themselves- and losing. Lol.

The Democrat party cannot admit they lost. They cannot admit that conservatism is alive and well. If they did that, it would knock the wind out of their voters sails. A good percentage of their voters are lazy. They don't really care about voting. It's the real reason they were (and are) fighting against Voter-ID.

Instead, lie to their constituents, and tell them they really won, it's just that those crafty Republicans once again found a way to cheat them out of their win. Democrat voters are not very bright people. They can't see the pattern:

Trump win--Russian collusion, Comey announced re-opening of investigation.
Bush reelection--Diebold machines.
Bush first election--Punch card ballots, Supreme Court, Brother was Governor............
Republican takeover of the House in 2010--Gerrymandering, Voter-ID.

When was the last time the Democrat party ever announced "We did something wrong. We need to work on our policies." I can't recall such a time.

1992 (for one). Keynote address, DNC

1992 Democratic Keynote Address - July 13, 1992


“We will change from a party with a reputation of tax and spend to one of investment and growth. A growth economy is a must. We can expand the economy and at the same time sustain and even improve our environment. When the economy is growing and we are treating our air, water and soil kindly, all of us prosper. We all benefit from economic expansion.”

What does this have to do with the price of rice in China? I said name me one time the Democrat party stated they lost fairly, and needed to change their policies. They've been on the global warming wagon for over 30 years now.

it answered your question at the end of the post I responded to.

the question was when was the last time a dem said “
”We need to work on our policies.”

Here is what you posted:

“We will change from a party with a reputation of tax and spend to one of investment and growth. A growth economy is a must. We can expand the economy and at the same time sustain and even improve our environment. When the economy is growing and we are treating our air, water and soil kindly, all of us prosper. We all benefit from economic expansion.”

So what you saying that prior, the party was not for investment and growth? The party was not for improving the environment? Now that we have Bernie and Sander's talking about free college, reparations, free healthcare, they are concerned about investment and growth? How is bankrupting a country going to do that?

The Democrat party today is worse than the Democrat party in the 70's.

No. It’s what Dr. Jordan said. You asked for an example of a dem saying they need to work on their policies and I provided it.

As for student loan forgiveness and revamping college costs, to me that sounds like an investment in the future. As for bankruptcy...
Your blob is running a trillion dollar debt every year.
Yeah. And none of it is getting any better.
Why would it?
Yeah. And none of it is getting any better.
Nope. Why would it? It's a race to the bottom. The democrats should be appealing to foreign governments for election help and knocking old white people off voter rolls. Would you bring a knife to a gunfight?

There ya go, one from each side.

And that's the problem.
Until money plays no part, it is what it is
Yeah. And none of it is getting any better.
Why would it?
Yeah. And none of it is getting any better.
Nope. Why would it? It's a race to the bottom. The democrats should be appealing to foreign governments for election help and knocking old white people off voter rolls. Would you bring a knife to a gunfight?

There ya go, one from each side.

And that's the problem.
Until money plays no part, it is what it is
The Democrat party cannot admit they lost. They cannot admit that conservatism is alive and well. If they did that, it would knock the wind out of their voters sails. A good percentage of their voters are lazy. They don't really care about voting. It's the real reason they were (and are) fighting against Voter-ID.

Instead, lie to their constituents, and tell them they really won, it's just that those crafty Republicans once again found a way to cheat them out of their win. Democrat voters are not very bright people. They can't see the pattern:

Trump win--Russian collusion, Comey announced re-opening of investigation.
Bush reelection--Diebold machines.
Bush first election--Punch card ballots, Supreme Court, Brother was Governor............
Republican takeover of the House in 2010--Gerrymandering, Voter-ID.

When was the last time the Democrat party ever announced "We did something wrong. We need to work on our policies." I can't recall such a time.

1992 (for one). Keynote address, DNC

1992 Democratic Keynote Address - July 13, 1992


“We will change from a party with a reputation of tax and spend to one of investment and growth. A growth economy is a must. We can expand the economy and at the same time sustain and even improve our environment. When the economy is growing and we are treating our air, water and soil kindly, all of us prosper. We all benefit from economic expansion.”

What does this have to do with the price of rice in China? I said name me one time the Democrat party stated they lost fairly, and needed to change their policies. They've been on the global warming wagon for over 30 years now.

it answered your question at the end of the post I responded to.

the question was when was the last time a dem said “
”We need to work on our policies.”

Here is what you posted:

“We will change from a party with a reputation of tax and spend to one of investment and growth. A growth economy is a must. We can expand the economy and at the same time sustain and even improve our environment. When the economy is growing and we are treating our air, water and soil kindly, all of us prosper. We all benefit from economic expansion.”

So what you saying that prior, the party was not for investment and growth? The party was not for improving the environment? Now that we have Bernie and Sander's talking about free college, reparations, free healthcare, they are concerned about investment and growth? How is bankrupting a country going to do that?

The Democrat party today is worse than the Democrat party in the 70's.

No. It’s what Dr. Jordan said. You asked for an example of a dem saying they need to work on their policies and I provided it.

As for student loan forgiveness and revamping college costs, to me that sounds like an investment in the future. As for bankruptcy...
Your blob is running a trillion dollar debt every year.
Yeah. And none of it is getting any better.
Why would it?
Yeah. And none of it is getting any better.
Nope. Why would it? It's a race to the bottom. The democrats should be appealing to foreign governments for election help and knocking old white people off voter rolls. Would you bring a knife to a gunfight?

There ya go, one from each side.

And that's the problem.
Until money plays no part, it is what it is
Every candidate should get the same money and then run their mouths
Yeah. And none of it is getting any better.
Why would it?
Yeah. And none of it is getting any better.
Nope. Why would it? It's a race to the bottom. The democrats should be appealing to foreign governments for election help and knocking old white people off voter rolls. Would you bring a knife to a gunfight?

There ya go, one from each side.

And that's the problem.
Until money plays no part, it is what it is
Every candidate should get the same money and then run their mouths
I could not agree more. And make PACs illegal.
The Democrat party cannot admit they lost. They cannot admit that conservatism is alive and well. If they did that, it would knock the wind out of their voters sails. A good percentage of their voters are lazy. They don't really care about voting. It's the real reason they were (and are) fighting against Voter-ID.

Instead, lie to their constituents, and tell them they really won, it's just that those crafty Republicans once again found a way to cheat them out of their win. Democrat voters are not very bright people. They can't see the pattern:

Trump win--Russian collusion, Comey announced re-opening of investigation.
Bush reelection--Diebold machines.
Bush first election--Punch card ballots, Supreme Court, Brother was Governor............
Republican takeover of the House in 2010--Gerrymandering, Voter-ID.

When was the last time the Democrat party ever announced "We did something wrong. We need to work on our policies." I can't recall such a time.

1992 (for one). Keynote address, DNC

1992 Democratic Keynote Address - July 13, 1992


“We will change from a party with a reputation of tax and spend to one of investment and growth. A growth economy is a must. We can expand the economy and at the same time sustain and even improve our environment. When the economy is growing and we are treating our air, water and soil kindly, all of us prosper. We all benefit from economic expansion.”

What does this have to do with the price of rice in China? I said name me one time the Democrat party stated they lost fairly, and needed to change their policies. They've been on the global warming wagon for over 30 years now.

it answered your question at the end of the post I responded to.

the question was when was the last time a dem said “
”We need to work on our policies.”

Here is what you posted:

“We will change from a party with a reputation of tax and spend to one of investment and growth. A growth economy is a must. We can expand the economy and at the same time sustain and even improve our environment. When the economy is growing and we are treating our air, water and soil kindly, all of us prosper. We all benefit from economic expansion.”

So what you saying that prior, the party was not for investment and growth? The party was not for improving the environment? Now that we have Bernie and Sander's talking about free college, reparations, free healthcare, they are concerned about investment and growth? How is bankrupting a country going to do that?

The Democrat party today is worse than the Democrat party in the 70's.

No. It’s what Dr. Jordan said. You asked for an example of a dem saying they need to work on their policies and I provided it.

As for student loan forgiveness and revamping college costs, to me that sounds like an investment in the future. As for bankruptcy...
Your blob is running a trillion dollar debt every year.

Yes he is, with a Democrat led House.

So who is Dr. Jordan and what office did he hold? When did the Democrats change their policies that he's talking about?
While I'm sure as hell no fan of Trump, or many of his fans, I think I'm understanding this whole thing more now. Unfortunately, I think it's pretty clear the Democratic Party hasn't learned a fucking thing.

As people like Matthews and Carville and Bloomberg and Manchin try to sound the alarm bells for the party, it's clear that the party has been taken over by the loonies who insist that PC and Identity Politics are at the core of the party's worldview.

To put this as succinctly as I can, I think Trumpism is PUSHBACK against years and years of weaponized PC and Identity Politics. It's a primal scream of pent-up frustration. Burn it down, While much of it is pretty ugly to me, I do understand it, because I don't think that much of what the hardcore leftists who are in control of the party is actually American liberalism. I was called a racist for being against the ACA.

Once again, Vichy Mac starts with his premise and moves on with it.

The thing is, Trump's racism is NOTHING NEW. This shit started with Tricky Dick and his Southern Strategy, continued with Reagan and his Welfare Queens and Young Bucks, Jesse Helms and his "White Hands" ad, and Bush Sr. telling us Willie Horton was going to kill us all!

The GOP has been very good at using racism, sexism and homophobia to get stupid white people to vote against their own economic interests.

While the rich Wall Street types have been slowly dismantling the Middle Class Lifestyle they've accumulated since FDR.

Now that some people are getting fed up with it... these Wall Street types are SHITTING THEMSELVES.

Bernie isn't winning because of "PC" or "Identity Politics". Bernie just won in Whiter than White Iowa and is probably going to win in Whiter than White New Hampshire.

So this is what you are upset about, that someone pointed out the racism of people's opposition to the ACA? Of course it was racist. It was the plan that Republicans were ALL FOR until THE BLACK GUY DID IT.

The dumb assed race card is over used. Your side has cried racism at every occasion. Is that all ewe have? The race card? I pity ewe.

Racism exists, as does misogyny. They cannot be legislated, but it can influence how people vote. Because the Right is antidemocratic and works very hard with the Republicans to suppress the vote of minorities, our side - the Left, which is for the people - supports equal rights and equal opportunities for all of our citizens.

Systemic racism and the glass ceiling are endemic in the United States. 2018 proved that those who suffered from intentional discrimination have been motivated by the crass callous conservatives in Congress, and voted against Authoritarianism seeking to reverse the trend set by the Civil Rights movement.

There is no one who can refute the fact that Trumpism in akin to fascism:


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