Trumpism: This is what PUSHBACK looks like

The illiberal, authoritarian Regressive Left -- the people in control of a pretty large swath of the party -- refuse to acknowledge their part in Trump's win.

They can't, as by doing so they would have had admit their policies are part of the problem. That they failed. That they lost. That they might have to rethink things.

Hence the rest of the noise on "cheating" "we actually won" blah, blah, blah.

Here's the rub for them. This has resulted in what we are seeing now on the left. The messaging that they didn't actually lose to avoid taking responsibilty, led to the belief that it was true, which led to inaction on the reasons underpinning their loss, which has led them to continue down the same path.

They're very, very literally doing this to themselves.

For me, personally, this is hilarious. It is right in plain sight and they cannot, will not, see it, as doing so is admitting they were wrong, while not doing so and continuing on their path is self defeating.

They are fighting themselves- and losing. Lol.

The Democrat party cannot admit they lost. They cannot admit that conservatism is alive and well. If they did that, it would knock the wind out of their voters sails. A good percentage of their voters are lazy. They don't really care about voting. It's the real reason they were (and are) fighting against Voter-ID.

Instead, lie to their constituents, and tell them they really won, it's just that those crafty Republicans once again found a way to cheat them out of their win. Democrat voters are not very bright people. They can't see the pattern:

Trump win--Russian collusion, Comey announced re-opening of investigation.
Bush reelection--Diebold machines.
Bush first election--Punch card ballots, Supreme Court, Brother was Governor............
Republican takeover of the House in 2010--Gerrymandering, Voter-ID.

When was the last time the Democrat party ever announced "We did something wrong. We need to work on our policies." I can't recall such a time.

1992 (for one). Keynote address, DNC

1992 Democratic Keynote Address - July 13, 1992


“We will change from a party with a reputation of tax and spend to one of investment and growth. A growth economy is a must. We can expand the economy and at the same time sustain and even improve our environment. When the economy is growing and we are treating our air, water and soil kindly, all of us prosper. We all benefit from economic expansion.”

What does this have to do with the price of rice in China? I said name me one time the Democrat party stated they lost fairly, and needed to change their policies. They've been on the global warming wagon for over 30 years now.

it answered your question at the end of the post I responded to.

the question was when was the last time a dem said “
”We need to work on our policies.”

Here is what you posted:

“We will change from a party with a reputation of tax and spend to one of investment and growth. A growth economy is a must. We can expand the economy and at the same time sustain and even improve our environment. When the economy is growing and we are treating our air, water and soil kindly, all of us prosper. We all benefit from economic expansion.”

So what you saying that prior, the party was not for investment and growth? The party was not for improving the environment? Now that we have Bernie and Sander's talking about free college, reparations, free healthcare, they are concerned about investment and growth? How is bankrupting a country going to do that?

The Democrat party today is worse than the Democrat party in the 70's.
While I'm sure as hell no fan of Trump, or many of his fans, I think I'm understanding this whole thing more now. Unfortunately, I think it's pretty clear the Democratic Party hasn't learned a fucking thing.

As people like Matthews and Carville and Bloomberg and Manchin try to sound the alarm bells for the party, it's clear that the party has been taken over by the loonies who insist that PC and Identity Politics are at the core of the party's worldview.

To put this as succinctly as I can, I think Trumpism is PUSHBACK against years and years of weaponized PC and Identity Politics. It's a primal scream of pent-up frustration. Burn it down, While much of it is pretty ugly to me, I do understand it, because I don't think that much of what the hardcore leftists who are in control of the party is actually American liberalism. I was called a racist for being against the ACA.

I warned about it long before Trump came down the elevator. I just didn't know how strong it would be.

June 23, 2013:
Always nice to see pushback against the PC Police.

November 14, 2015:
Spin & deflect for the PC-Protected religion, and you'll get the pushback you deserve. Tough shit. Be responsible for your words.

July 27, 2013:
Looks like the PC Police are seeing that their phony "you're a racist" schtick isn't scaring some folks like it used to. It's still relatively effective, but the pushback is getting stronger. Hopefully the momentum will continue, and they'll have to actually engage in intellectually honest conversation for a change.

This doesn't mean that the Democrats will lose in November. I sure don't know. But I think I do understand this.

Post 199: Should Dean's life be ruined for saying the N-word 30-40-50 years ago?
Post 49: The French people have some serious balls
Post 135: How Obama Poisoned Race Relations in America

It's not just the PC insanity, its their whole damn package of socialist bullshit and other social engineering bullshit including their racism, their hypocrisy and the rest of their insanity.
However, to tell the honest truth they are doing more damage to themselves than all of the Trump supporters put together. Those imbeciles have squared off against the whole of the USA, not just Trump and Trump supporters. It's just that Patriots are lining up behind Trump simply because he has the biggest and best organized army to wipe those assholes from the face of the earth.
That's my guess, and it was the first thing I thought about when Trump won: That he would be so over-the-top that we'd get an over-the-top response from the Democrats.

So, here we are. The chasm between the two parties is so wide now that the swings back and forth could just become more violent and insane.

Again, wonderful panic from the Wall Street Class.

here's the real problem. Your class has done well under Trump, but the rest of us, not so much. This is why Bernie is winning in Whiter than White Iowa ...
Winning among 25% of the Democrats who caucused … less than 5% of Iowa voters but you hang on to that, Skippy.

Sanders would not win 5 states if nominated.

I agree! His wins would probably be------------> CA, NY, Mass, Washington, and his home state.
CA, VT, DC maybe HI

New York is up for grabs because so much of the population has either left, is planning on leaving or wants to leave.

I'm not real sure about CA either. I just signed a petition to recall Gavin Newsom. The uncomfortable political truth rumbling about is that democrats are making the whole state the way Chesa Boudin is making San Francisco.
While I'm sure as hell no fan of Trump, or many of his fans, I think I'm understanding this whole thing more now. Unfortunately, I think it's pretty clear the Democratic Party hasn't learned a fucking thing.

As people like Matthews and Carville and Bloomberg and Manchin try to sound the alarm bells for the party, it's clear that the party has been taken over by the loonies who insist that PC and Identity Politics are at the core of the party's worldview.

To put this as succinctly as I can, I think Trumpism is PUSHBACK against years and years of weaponized PC and Identity Politics. It's a primal scream of pent-up frustration. Burn it down, While much of it is pretty ugly to me, I do understand it, because I don't think that much of what the hardcore leftists who are in control of the party is actually American liberalism. I was called a racist for being against the ACA.

I warned about it long before Trump came down the elevator. I just didn't know how strong it would be.

June 23, 2013:
Always nice to see pushback against the PC Police.

November 14, 2015:
Spin & deflect for the PC-Protected religion, and you'll get the pushback you deserve. Tough shit. Be responsible for your words.

July 27, 2013:
Looks like the PC Police are seeing that their phony "you're a racist" schtick isn't scaring some folks like it used to. It's still relatively effective, but the pushback is getting stronger. Hopefully the momentum will continue, and they'll have to actually engage in intellectually honest conversation for a change.

This doesn't mean that the Democrats will lose in November. I sure don't know. But I think I do understand this.

Post 199: Should Dean's life be ruined for saying the N-word 30-40-50 years ago?
Post 49: The French people have some serious balls
Post 135: How Obama Poisoned Race Relations in America

It's not just the PC insanity, its their whole damn package of socialist bullshit and other social engineering bullshit including their racism, their hypocrisy and the rest of their insanity.
However, to tell the honest truth they are doing more damage to themselves than all of the Trump supporters put together. Those imbeciles have squared off against the whole of the USA, not just Trump and Trump supporters. It's just that Patriots are lining up behind Trump simply because he has the biggest and best organized army to wipe those assholes from the face of the earth.
There are certainly other issues involved here, but my guess is that it was/is the weaponization of PC/Identity Politics that animate the Right the most.
While I'm sure as hell no fan of Trump, or many of his fans, I think I'm understanding this whole thing more now. Unfortunately, I think it's pretty clear the Democratic Party hasn't learned a fucking thing.

As people like Matthews and Carville and Bloomberg and Manchin try to sound the alarm bells for the party, it's clear that the party has been taken over by the loonies who insist that PC and Identity Politics are at the core of the party's worldview.

To put this as succinctly as I can, I think Trumpism is PUSHBACK against years and years of weaponized PC and Identity Politics. It's a primal scream of pent-up frustration. Burn it down, While much of it is pretty ugly to me, I do understand it, because I don't think that much of what the hardcore leftists who are in control of the party is actually American liberalism. I was called a racist for being against the ACA.

I warned about it long before Trump came down the elevator. I just didn't know how strong it would be.

June 23, 2013:
Always nice to see pushback against the PC Police.

November 14, 2015:
Spin & deflect for the PC-Protected religion, and you'll get the pushback you deserve. Tough shit. Be responsible for your words.

July 27, 2013:
Looks like the PC Police are seeing that their phony "you're a racist" schtick isn't scaring some folks like it used to. It's still relatively effective, but the pushback is getting stronger. Hopefully the momentum will continue, and they'll have to actually engage in intellectually honest conversation for a change.

This doesn't mean that the Democrats will lose in November. I sure don't know. But I think I do understand this.

Post 199: Should Dean's life be ruined for saying the N-word 30-40-50 years ago?
Post 49: The French people have some serious balls
Post 135: How Obama Poisoned Race Relations in America

Democrats will not beat Trump but I believe they have a path to the Senate and will keep the House.

The only candidate with any shot of beating Trump is Bloomberg and even then I doubt he can seeing Progressives will revolt if Sanders is not the nominee which will cause major havoc on election day that will result in the House Flipping and the GOP retaining the Senate...

Democrats screwed themselves...

I think claiming progressives will revolt and not vote if Sen. Sanders is not the nominee is nothing more than a meme, likely originated by K Street working with Conservatives; Three issues will dominate the thinking of progressives: Health Care, Defending R v. W and Gun Control.

Women, minorities, parents whose anxiety rises when watching their child go to school, Republican's fed up with trump and the chaos has brought to America (and the world), and of course a lack of trust given trump's dishonesty and lies.

I hope that most American's will vote to support the Democratic Party, up and down the slate. We need an alternative to the Authoritarianism which is now the dominate ideology of the Republican's in Power, with many practices and policies which can be seen with an open mind here:

While I'm sure as hell no fan of Trump, or many of his fans, I think I'm understanding this whole thing more now. Unfortunately, I think it's pretty clear the Democratic Party hasn't learned a fucking thing.

As people like Matthews and Carville and Bloomberg and Manchin try to sound the alarm bells for the party, it's clear that the party has been taken over by the loonies who insist that PC and Identity Politics are at the core of the party's worldview.

To put this as succinctly as I can, I think Trumpism is PUSHBACK against years and years of weaponized PC and Identity Politics. It's a primal scream of pent-up frustration. Burn it down, While much of it is pretty ugly to me, I do understand it, because I don't think that much of what the hardcore leftists who are in control of the party is actually American liberalism. I was called a racist for being against the ACA.

I warned about it long before Trump came down the elevator. I just didn't know how strong it would be.

June 23, 2013:
Always nice to see pushback against the PC Police.

November 14, 2015:
Spin & deflect for the PC-Protected religion, and you'll get the pushback you deserve. Tough shit. Be responsible for your words.

July 27, 2013:
Looks like the PC Police are seeing that their phony "you're a racist" schtick isn't scaring some folks like it used to. It's still relatively effective, but the pushback is getting stronger. Hopefully the momentum will continue, and they'll have to actually engage in intellectually honest conversation for a change.

This doesn't mean that the Democrats will lose in November. I sure don't know. But I think I do understand this.

Post 199: Should Dean's life be ruined for saying the N-word 30-40-50 years ago?
Post 49: The French people have some serious balls
Post 135: How Obama Poisoned Race Relations in America

Democrats will not beat Trump but I believe they have a path to the Senate and will keep the House.

The only candidate with any shot of beating Trump is Bloomberg and even then I doubt he can seeing Progressives will revolt if Sanders is not the nominee which will cause major havoc on election day that will result in the House Flipping and the GOP retaining the Senate...

Democrats screwed themselves...

I think claiming progressives will revolt and not vote if Sen. Sanders is not the nominee is nothing more than a meme, likely originated by K Street working with Conservatives; Three issues will dominate the thinking of progressives: Health Care, Defending R v. W and Gun Control.

Women, minorities, parents whose anxiety rises when watching their child go to school, Republican's fed up with trump and the chaos has brought to America (and the world), and of course a lack of trust given trump's dishonesty and lies.

I hope that most American's will vote to support the Democratic Party, up and down the slate. We need an alternative to the Authoritarianism which is now the dominate ideology of the Republican's in Power, with many practices and policies which can be seen with an open mind here:

View attachment 305725
Trump is so polarizing that I suspect the Dems will get out the vote if they run a catcher's mitt and a toaster oven.

But who knows. We're so far off the rails now I don't know how people can make concrete predictions.
While I'm sure as hell no fan of Trump, or many of his fans, I think I'm understanding this whole thing more now. Unfortunately, I think it's pretty clear the Democratic Party hasn't learned a fucking thing.

As people like Matthews and Carville and Bloomberg and Manchin try to sound the alarm bells for the party, it's clear that the party has been taken over by the loonies who insist that PC and Identity Politics are at the core of the party's worldview.

To put this as succinctly as I can, I think Trumpism is PUSHBACK against years and years of weaponized PC and Identity Politics. It's a primal scream of pent-up frustration. Burn it down, While much of it is pretty ugly to me, I do understand it, because I don't think that much of what the hardcore leftists who are in control of the party is actually American liberalism. I was called a racist for being against the ACA.

I warned about it long before Trump came down the elevator. I just didn't know how strong it would be.

June 23, 2013:
Always nice to see pushback against the PC Police.

November 14, 2015:
Spin & deflect for the PC-Protected religion, and you'll get the pushback you deserve. Tough shit. Be responsible for your words.

July 27, 2013:
Looks like the PC Police are seeing that their phony "you're a racist" schtick isn't scaring some folks like it used to. It's still relatively effective, but the pushback is getting stronger. Hopefully the momentum will continue, and they'll have to actually engage in intellectually honest conversation for a change.

This doesn't mean that the Democrats will lose in November. I sure don't know. But I think I do understand this.

Post 199: Should Dean's life be ruined for saying the N-word 30-40-50 years ago?
Post 49: The French people have some serious balls
Post 135: How Obama Poisoned Race Relations in America

Democrats will not beat Trump but I believe they have a path to the Senate and will keep the House.

The only candidate with any shot of beating Trump is Bloomberg and even then I doubt he can seeing Progressives will revolt if Sanders is not the nominee which will cause major havoc on election day that will result in the House Flipping and the GOP retaining the Senate...

Democrats screwed themselves...

I sure hope your wrong.

I actually think the Stalinists will lose 70 seats in the house and that the Americans will retain the Senate.
That's my guess, and it was the first thing I thought about when Trump won: That he would be so over-the-top that we'd get an over-the-top response from the Democrats.

So, here we are. The chasm between the two parties is so wide now that the swings back and forth could just become more violent and insane.

Again, wonderful panic from the Wall Street Class.

here's the real problem. Your class has done well under Trump, but the rest of us, not so much. This is why Bernie is winning in Whiter than White Iowa ...
Winning among 25% of the Democrats who caucused … less than 5% of Iowa voters but you hang on to that, Skippy.

Sanders would not win 5 states if nominated.

I agree! His wins would probably be------------> CA, NY, Mass, Washington, and his home state.
CA, VT, DC maybe HI

New York is up for grabs because so much of the population has either left, is planning on leaving or wants to leave.

I'm not real sure about CA either. I just signed a petition to recall Gavin Newsom. The uncomfortable political truth rumbling about is that democrats are making the whole state the way Chesa Boudin is making San Francisco.

Nah, CA, New York, Mass, Washington, and his home state. Bernie would even go down to defeat in Illinois!
Democrats will not beat Trump but I believe they have a path to the Senate and will keep the House.

The only candidate with any shot of beating Trump is Bloomberg and even then I doubt he can seeing Progressives will revolt if Sanders is not the nominee which will cause major havoc on election day that will result in the House Flipping and the GOP retaining the Senate...

Democrats screwed themselves...

Again, history would disagree.

I remember in 1980, when everyone said that Ronald Reagan was too Right Wing and Radical to get elected.
I remember in 2008, where they said no way would we elect a black guy with a Muslim name.
I remember in 2016, when people thought there was NO WAY Trump could win, especially after the Pussy Grabbing Tape emerged.

I don't support Sanders. But Sanders has something that Bloomberg doesn't have, but Reagan, Obama and Trump did - fanatical followers who are willing to go to the wall for him.

You see, as much as Vichy Mac whines about how we are not "Moderate" enough, the reality is moderates lose. Hillary, Romney, McCain, Kerry, Gore, Dole... a whole litany of "Moderate" losers.

Doesn't matter what you see, doesn't matter what you want. The Communist democrat party sold the nomination to Little Mike Bloomberg, he WILL be their nominee.
It always makes me wonder about the insistence the conservatives have about illegal aliens swinging elections. That somehow they are geeked to vote as soon as they sneak into the nation when natives vote so irregularly

Yeah... it's a puzzle, isn't it? Just as when they assure us that the American people decided for Trump. When informed they did not, they explain that this Republic is not a democracy, and being saved from the will of the people by the EC. And that's just before they go back declaring Americans voted Trump into office. It's almost as if they didn't notice how one side of their self declares the other side stupid, and then the sides switch places and do it again.
It always makes me wonder about the insistence the conservatives have about illegal aliens swinging elections. That somehow they are geeked to vote as soon as they sneak into the nation when natives vote so irregularly

Yeah... it's a puzzle, isn't it? Just as when they assure us that the American people decided for Trump. When informed they did not, they explain that this Republic is not a democracy, and being saved from the will of the people by the EC. And that's just before they go back declaring Americans voted Trump into office. It's almost as if they didn't notice how one side of their self declares the other side stupid, and then the sides switch places and do it again.
Spot on!
While I'm sure as hell no fan of Trump, or many of his fans, I think I'm understanding this whole thing more now. Unfortunately, I think it's pretty clear the Democratic Party hasn't learned a fucking thing.

As people like Matthews and Carville and Bloomberg and Manchin try to sound the alarm bells for the party, it's clear that the party has been taken over by the loonies who insist that PC and Identity Politics are at the core of the party's worldview.

To put this as succinctly as I can, I think Trumpism is PUSHBACK against years and years of weaponized PC and Identity Politics. It's a primal scream of pent-up frustration. Burn it down, While much of it is pretty ugly to me, I do understand it, because I don't think that much of what the hardcore leftists who are in control of the party is actually American liberalism. I was called a racist for being against the ACA.

I warned about it long before Trump came down the elevator. I just didn't know how strong it would be.

June 23, 2013:
Always nice to see pushback against the PC Police.

November 14, 2015:
Spin & deflect for the PC-Protected religion, and you'll get the pushback you deserve. Tough shit. Be responsible for your words.

July 27, 2013:
Looks like the PC Police are seeing that their phony "you're a racist" schtick isn't scaring some folks like it used to. It's still relatively effective, but the pushback is getting stronger. Hopefully the momentum will continue, and they'll have to actually engage in intellectually honest conversation for a change.

This doesn't mean that the Democrats will lose in November. I sure don't know. But I think I do understand this.

Post 199: Should Dean's life be ruined for saying the N-word 30-40-50 years ago?
Post 49: The French people have some serious balls
Post 135: How Obama Poisoned Race Relations in America

That's why it has become so base and crass.

While I'm sure as hell no fan of Trump, or many of his fans, I think I'm understanding this whole thing more now. Unfortunately, I think it's pretty clear the Democratic Party hasn't learned a fucking thing.

As people like Matthews and Carville and Bloomberg and Manchin try to sound the alarm bells for the party, it's clear that the party has been taken over by the loonies who insist that PC and Identity Politics are at the core of the party's worldview.

To put this as succinctly as I can, I think Trumpism is PUSHBACK against years and years of weaponized PC and Identity Politics. It's a primal scream of pent-up frustration. Burn it down, While much of it is pretty ugly to me, I do understand it, because I don't think that much of what the hardcore leftists who are in control of the party is actually American liberalism. I was called a racist for being against the ACA.

I warned about it long before Trump came down the elevator. I just didn't know how strong it would be.

June 23, 2013:
Always nice to see pushback against the PC Police.

November 14, 2015:
Spin & deflect for the PC-Protected religion, and you'll get the pushback you deserve. Tough shit. Be responsible for your words.

July 27, 2013:
Looks like the PC Police are seeing that their phony "you're a racist" schtick isn't scaring some folks like it used to. It's still relatively effective, but the pushback is getting stronger. Hopefully the momentum will continue, and they'll have to actually engage in intellectually honest conversation for a change.

This doesn't mean that the Democrats will lose in November. I sure don't know. But I think I do understand this.

Post 199: Should Dean's life be ruined for saying the N-word 30-40-50 years ago?
Post 49: The French people have some serious balls
Post 135: How Obama Poisoned Race Relations in America

It's not just the PC insanity, its their whole damn package of socialist bullshit and other social engineering bullshit including their racism, their hypocrisy and the rest of their insanity.
However, to tell the honest truth they are doing more damage to themselves than all of the Trump supporters put together. Those imbeciles have squared off against the whole of the USA, not just Trump and Trump supporters. It's just that Patriots are lining up behind Trump simply because he has the biggest and best organized army to wipe those assholes from the face of the earth.
There are certainly other issues involved here, but my guess is that it was/is the weaponization of PC/Identity Politics that animate the Right the most.
I think it's the overall damage they're doing to this nation. It so obvious anyone can see it. The nutty socialist screwball bullshit, open borders, sanctuary crap, and all the rest. Those idiots are leaving no stone unturned. They're pissing off absolutely everyone with an ounce of sense that they can.
While I'm sure as hell no fan of Trump, or many of his fans, I think I'm understanding this whole thing more now. Unfortunately, I think it's pretty clear the Democratic Party hasn't learned a fucking thing.

As people like Matthews and Carville and Bloomberg and Manchin try to sound the alarm bells for the party, it's clear that the party has been taken over by the loonies who insist that PC and Identity Politics are at the core of the party's worldview.

To put this as succinctly as I can, I think Trumpism is PUSHBACK against years and years of weaponized PC and Identity Politics. It's a primal scream of pent-up frustration. Burn it down, While much of it is pretty ugly to me, I do understand it, because I don't think that much of what the hardcore leftists who are in control of the party is actually American liberalism. I was called a racist for being against the ACA.

I warned about it long before Trump came down the elevator. I just didn't know how strong it would be.

June 23, 2013:
Always nice to see pushback against the PC Police.

November 14, 2015:
Spin & deflect for the PC-Protected religion, and you'll get the pushback you deserve. Tough shit. Be responsible for your words.

July 27, 2013:
Looks like the PC Police are seeing that their phony "you're a racist" schtick isn't scaring some folks like it used to. It's still relatively effective, but the pushback is getting stronger. Hopefully the momentum will continue, and they'll have to actually engage in intellectually honest conversation for a change.

This doesn't mean that the Democrats will lose in November. I sure don't know. But I think I do understand this.

Post 199: Should Dean's life be ruined for saying the N-word 30-40-50 years ago?
Post 49: The French people have some serious balls
Post 135: How Obama Poisoned Race Relations in America
Well it goes without saying that anti-Trump 'protestors' are typically society's lowest common denominator, whether in education, morality, or anything else, little more than degenerate anarchist rabble and sub-literati filth, the kind of whom one would be more likely to encounter in an Insane Clown Posse Concert than they would in an opera house.

I, of course see very little in the way of support for Trump, just so much as our societies of thinking men and women rightfully and logically desting the rancid subculture of freaks, degenerates, wastrels, illiterates, anarchists, and terrorists, which seem to make up 99% of his most virulent opponets - a rather rancid plague which society would do quite well to purge first and forement, once said mouth-breaders are properly delt with, then maybe Trump himself can be addressed in a more intellectually inquisitive manner.
So is this some sort of cumulative flip back and forth thing, where the extremism increases exponentially every cycle? Or is it further reaching into generations of angst and anger finding it's outlet?
That's my guess, and it was the first thing I thought about when Trump won: That he would be so over-the-top that we'd get an over-the-top response from the Democrats.

So, here we are. The chasm between the two parties is so wide now that the swings back and forth could just become more violent and insane.

Yeah. It's hard to see a light at the end of the tunnel at this point.
I continue to be embarrassed by both party's behaviors.

I still think the problem is rooted in our implementation of democracy, specifically winner-take-all, plurality elections. We need government that rules from broad consensus, and not slim majority (or less) support.
I continue to be embarrassed by both party's behaviors.

I still think the problem is rooted in our implementation of democracy, specifically winner-take-all, plurality elections. We need government that rules from broad consensus, and not slim majority (or less) support.
We'd really be better of just removing the 'popular vote' entirely, and making our government more Republican, and less Democratic.

As well as shutting down idiots who use and abuse the term 'democracy' to sell propanganda and snake oil to society's lowest common denominator and drum up their mobbish sentiments.

Remove the popular vote, and let elections solely be decided by the electoral college - problem solved, and the Democratic party and rancid leftist's will go "extinct" overnight, once the registered sex offeners, herion addicts, Antifa idiots, and child pornographers who make up the most virulent members of their cliente no longer have any say or sway in the natural order and hierarchy of things.
While I'm sure as hell no fan of Trump, or many of his fans, I think I'm understanding this whole thing more now. Unfortunately, I think it's pretty clear the Democratic Party hasn't learned a fucking thing.

As people like Matthews and Carville and Bloomberg and Manchin try to sound the alarm bells for the party, it's clear that the party has been taken over by the loonies who insist that PC and Identity Politics are at the core of the party's worldview.

To put this as succinctly as I can, I think Trumpism is PUSHBACK against years and years of weaponized PC and Identity Politics. It's a primal scream of pent-up frustration. Burn it down, While much of it is pretty ugly to me, I do understand it, because I don't think that much of what the hardcore leftists who are in control of the party is actually American liberalism. I was called a racist for being against the ACA.

Once again, Vichy Mac starts with his premise and moves on with it.

The thing is, Trump's racism is NOTHING NEW. This shit started with Tricky Dick and his Southern Strategy, continued with Reagan and his Welfare Queens and Young Bucks, Jesse Helms and his "White Hands" ad, and Bush Sr. telling us Willie Horton was going to kill us all!

The GOP has been very good at using racism, sexism and homophobia to get stupid white people to vote against their own economic interests.

While the rich Wall Street types have been slowly dismantling the Middle Class Lifestyle they've accumulated since FDR.

Now that some people are getting fed up with it... these Wall Street types are SHITTING THEMSELVES.

Bernie isn't winning because of "PC" or "Identity Politics". Bernie just won in Whiter than White Iowa and is probably going to win in Whiter than White New Hampshire.

So this is what you are upset about, that someone pointed out the racism of people's opposition to the ACA? Of course it was racist. It was the plan that Republicans were ALL FOR until THE BLACK GUY DID IT.
Commie Joe is such a dickhead....but he does entertain with his bullshit!

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