Trumpism: This is what PUSHBACK looks like

Why would it?
Nope. Why would it? It's a race to the bottom. The democrats should be appealing to foreign governments for election help and knocking old white people off voter rolls. Would you bring a knife to a gunfight?

There ya go, one from each side.

And that's the problem.
Until money plays no part, it is what it is
Every candidate should get the same money and then run their mouths
I could not agree more. And make PACs illegal.
No fking partisan? Hmm Mac
I continue to be embarrassed by both party's behaviors.

I still think the problem is rooted in our implementation of democracy, specifically winner-take-all, plurality elections. We need government that rules from broad consensus, and not slim majority (or less) support.

We have a republic and always have since this country was founded, dummy.

You didn't even understand my post. And you're calling me dummy. :rolleyes:
got caught now in trouble
No they aren't. And they can do it again, with no trouble. We learned that last week. Pay attention.
Well first things first, I have no issue with getting dirt, but you are if there’s an R
False. Come on man, stay with me. You will have other opportunities to troll today. Let's leave this thread alone.
Then agree getting dirt is acceptable across the board! No matter where it comes from
There ya go, one from each side.

And that's the problem.
No, you misunderstand. I don't approve of these actions. There was no value judgment there. I am commenting on strategy and tactics, and what the smart player in the game would do. Surely you can take a pause from "everything sucks" and clear your mind to see my point.

And it's a worthy point. The problem is the rules that reward dysfunctional tactics.
The seven least populated states have less of a population than New York City. Think of that: one city has more political power than seven states. That's why the electoral college was developed.

The electoral college was developed to cover the total population and the advantage electors given to each state for their 2 senators, is the only advantage the states were suppose to electors....

1 elector for each House of Representatives from their states, which represents the population in their states, a state like Texas 36 congress critters representing their population so 36 electors, plus 2 extra electors representing their senators, so a total of 38

A Wyoming has ONE elector representing their population, and 2 extra electors representing their Senators..... a total of 3 electors for their State.

The advantage goes to Wyoming, because they get 2 electors for their State, and a big ass state with a huge population like Texas, only gets 2 electors extra, for their Senators representing the state as well and has nothing to do with their population....

Our problem with the electoral college is that most all states changed it from the founder's creation and made the electors, winner takes ALL, instead of allocating the electors in each state representing the population, proportionately to how their population voted.
While I'm sure as hell no fan of Trump, or many of his fans, I think I'm understanding this whole thing more now. Unfortunately, I think it's pretty clear the Democratic Party hasn't learned a fucking thing.

As people like Matthews and Carville and Bloomberg and Manchin try to sound the alarm bells for the party, it's clear that the party has been taken over by the loonies who insist that PC and Identity Politics are at the core of the party's worldview.

To put this as succinctly as I can, I think Trumpism is PUSHBACK against years and years of weaponized PC and Identity Politics. It's a primal scream of pent-up frustration. Burn it down, While much of it is pretty ugly to me, I do understand it, because I don't think that much of what the hardcore leftists who are in control of the party is actually American liberalism. I was called a racist for being against the ACA.

Once again, Vichy Mac starts with his premise and moves on with it.

The thing is, Trump's racism is NOTHING NEW. This shit started with Tricky Dick and his Southern Strategy, continued with Reagan and his Welfare Queens and Young Bucks, Jesse Helms and his "White Hands" ad, and Bush Sr. telling us Willie Horton was going to kill us all!

The GOP has been very good at using racism, sexism and homophobia to get stupid white people to vote against their own economic interests.

While the rich Wall Street types have been slowly dismantling the Middle Class Lifestyle they've accumulated since FDR.

Now that some people are getting fed up with it... these Wall Street types are SHITTING THEMSELVES.

Bernie isn't winning because of "PC" or "Identity Politics". Bernie just won in Whiter than White Iowa and is probably going to win in Whiter than White New Hampshire.

So this is what you are upset about, that someone pointed out the racism of people's opposition to the ACA? Of course it was racist. It was the plan that Republicans were ALL FOR until THE BLACK GUY DID IT.

The dumb assed race card is over used. Your side has cried racism at every occasion. Is that all ewe have? The race card? I pity ewe.

Racism exists, as does misogyny. They cannot be legislated, but it can influence how people vote. Because the Right is antidemocratic and works very hard with the Republicans to suppress the vote of minorities, our side - the Left, which is for the people - supports equal rights and equal opportunities for all of our citizens.

Systemic racism and the glass ceiling are endemic in the United States. 2018 proved that those who suffered from intentional discrimination have been motivated by the crass callous conservatives in Congress, and voted against Authoritarianism seeking to reverse the trend set by the Civil Rights movement.

There is no one who can refute the fact that Trumpism in akin to fascism:

View attachment 305736

Racism does exist. Against whites! You know how many anti white threads are started on this forum? Thousands. If anti black threads were started with such regularity all hell would break out.
What makes you think that, polls?

While people like Biden can't fill a high school cafeteria, Trump has rallies that pack every arena he attends, with standing room only just to be near him as they wait outside. To add insult to injury, surveys reveal that a good percentage are not even registered Republicans. Here in Toledo Ohio, they estimated that over 50% were not Republicans. In New Jersey, it was in the 20% range.

You believe anything they tell you at Trump rallies...

Bernie isn't winning in Iowa. Bernie has a razor thin edge among democrats in iowa. Bernie is so unpopular even among democrats in New Hampshire that he has to battle it out with an Alfred E Newman who threads his eyebrows and has breath that smells like his boyfriend's impending bowel movement.

Wow, must make you crazy, the winners are the socialist and gay dude. You might end up at the "Tolerance Camp" yet.
And it's a worthy point. The problem is the rules that reward dysfunctional tactics.
Right. Imagine watching a Superbowl with someone who has never watched football and has no dog in the fight. They see one team get away with facemask after facemask. They comment that, "Well the other team should just do it, too, because they are at a disadvantage not to do it. "

There is no value judgment, there.
There are certainly other issues involved here, but my guess is that it was/is the weaponization of PC/Identity Politics that animate the Right the most.

And you'd still be wrong. Trump had less white support in 2016 than Romney had.

Doesn't matter what you see, doesn't matter what you want. The Communist democrat party sold the nomination to Little Mike Bloomberg, he WILL be their nominee.

Bloomberg would have to get the votes first, and he's still running fifth..

Trump is so polarizing that I suspect the Dems will get out the vote if they run a catcher's mitt and a toaster oven.

But who knows. We're so far off the rails now I don't know how people can make concrete predictions.

Well, Stormy, here's how you start. You don't start with a premise and then try to mold the evidence around it. You mold the premise around the evidence.
The seven least populated states have less of a population than New York City. Think of that: one city has more political power than seven states. That's why the electoral college was developed.

The electoral college was developed to cover the total population and the advantage electors given to each state for their 2 senators, is the only advantage the states were suppose to electors....

1 elector for each House of Representatives from their states, which represents the population in their states, a state like Texas 36 congress critters representing their population so 36 electors, plus 2 extra electors representing their senators, so a total of 38

A Wyoming has ONE elector representing their population, and 2 extra electors representing their Senators..... a total of 3 electors for their State.

The advantage goes to Wyoming, because they get 2 electors for their State, and a big ass state with a huge population like Texas, only gets 2 electors extra, for their Senators representing the state as well and has nothing to do with their population....

Our problem with the electoral college is that most all states changed it from the founder's creation and made the electors, winner takes ALL, instead of allocating the electors in each state representing the population, proportionately to how their population voted.
For fk sake
I continue to be embarrassed by both party's behaviors.

I still think the problem is rooted in our implementation of democracy, specifically winner-take-all, plurality elections. We need government that rules from broad consensus, and not slim majority (or less) support.

We have a republic and always have since this country was founded, dummy.

You didn't even understand my post. And you're calling me dummy. :rolleyes:

When you begin with the democracy bullshit, yes absolutely.
While I'm sure as hell no fan of Trump, or many of his fans, I think I'm understanding this whole thing more now. Unfortunately, I think it's pretty clear the Democratic Party hasn't learned a fucking thing.

As people like Matthews and Carville and Bloomberg and Manchin try to sound the alarm bells for the party, it's clear that the party has been taken over by the loonies who insist that PC and Identity Politics are at the core of the party's worldview.

To put this as succinctly as I can, I think Trumpism is PUSHBACK against years and years of weaponized PC and Identity Politics. It's a primal scream of pent-up frustration. Burn it down, While much of it is pretty ugly to me, I do understand it, because I don't think that much of what the hardcore leftists who are in control of the party is actually American liberalism. I was called a racist for being against the ACA.

I warned about it long before Trump came down the elevator. I just didn't know how strong it would be.

June 23, 2013:
Always nice to see pushback against the PC Police.

November 14, 2015:
Spin & deflect for the PC-Protected religion, and you'll get the pushback you deserve. Tough shit. Be responsible for your words.

July 27, 2013:
Looks like the PC Police are seeing that their phony "you're a racist" schtick isn't scaring some folks like it used to. It's still relatively effective, but the pushback is getting stronger. Hopefully the momentum will continue, and they'll have to actually engage in intellectually honest conversation for a change.

This doesn't mean that the Democrats will lose in November. I sure don't know. But I think I do understand this.

Post 199: Should Dean's life be ruined for saying the N-word 30-40-50 years ago?
Post 49: The French people have some serious balls
Post 135: How Obama Poisoned Race Relations in America

Excellent post.... That's too bad because there really are a number of excellent public servants who are Democrats.

We all lose when we are driven apart by partisan hatred. It's very sad. Both parties are self centered but it is true I think that the left has all but ruined the ideals of what used to be a definitively blue collar organization.

So is this some sort of cumulative flip back and forth thing, where the extremism increases exponentially every cycle? Or is it further reaching into generations of angst and anger finding it's outlet?
That's my guess, and it was the first thing I thought about when Trump won: That he would be so over-the-top that we'd get an over-the-top response from the Democrats.

So, here we are. The chasm between the two parties is so wide now that the swings back and forth could just become more violent and insane.

Very good observation.

While I'm sure as hell no fan of Trump, or many of his fans, I think I'm understanding this whole thing more now. Unfortunately, I think it's pretty clear the Democratic Party hasn't learned a fucking thing.

As people like Matthews and Carville and Bloomberg and Manchin try to sound the alarm bells for the party, it's clear that the party has been taken over by the loonies who insist that PC and Identity Politics are at the core of the party's worldview.

To put this as succinctly as I can, I think Trumpism is PUSHBACK against years and years of weaponized PC and Identity Politics. It's a primal scream of pent-up frustration. Burn it down, While much of it is pretty ugly to me, I do understand it, because I don't think that much of what the hardcore leftists who are in control of the party is actually American liberalism. I was called a racist for being against the ACA.

I warned about it long before Trump came down the elevator. I just didn't know how strong it would be.

June 23, 2013:
Always nice to see pushback against the PC Police.

November 14, 2015:
Spin & deflect for the PC-Protected religion, and you'll get the pushback you deserve. Tough shit. Be responsible for your words.

July 27, 2013:
Looks like the PC Police are seeing that their phony "you're a racist" schtick isn't scaring some folks like it used to. It's still relatively effective, but the pushback is getting stronger. Hopefully the momentum will continue, and they'll have to actually engage in intellectually honest conversation for a change.

This doesn't mean that the Democrats will lose in November. I sure don't know. But I think I do understand this.

Post 199: Should Dean's life be ruined for saying the N-word 30-40-50 years ago?
Post 49: The French people have some serious balls
Post 135: How Obama Poisoned Race Relations in America

Democrats will not beat Trump but I believe they have a path to the Senate and will keep the House.

The only candidate with any shot of beating Trump is Bloomberg and even then I doubt he can seeing Progressives will revolt if Sanders is not the nominee which will cause major havoc on election day that will result in the House Flipping and the GOP retaining the Senate...

Democrats screwed themselves...

I think claiming progressives will revolt and not vote if Sen. Sanders is not the nominee is nothing more than a meme, likely originated by K Street working with Conservatives; Three issues will dominate the thinking of progressives: Health Care, Defending R v. W and Gun Control.

Women, minorities, parents whose anxiety rises when watching their child go to school, Republican's fed up with trump and the chaos has brought to America (and the world), and of course a lack of trust given trump's dishonesty and lies.

I hope that most American's will vote to support the Democratic Party, up and down the slate. We need an alternative to the Authoritarianism which is now the dominate ideology of the Republican's in Power, with many practices and policies which can be seen with an open mind here:

View attachment 305725
Trump is so polarizing that I suspect the Dems will get out the vote if they run a catcher's mitt and a toaster oven.

But who knows. We're so far off the rails now I don't know how people can make concrete predictions.

I posted, "I hope"; it is still likely the Hate and Fear doctrine which got trump a narrow victory via the electoral college can once again put him in office for the next four years. If so we can kiss democracy and the Constitution good-bye.
Blaming racism is like a crack addiction with you people.... even when it does not exist. Further, why and how does Wall Street give two fucks about screwing the Middle Class in order to get richer?

You're kidding, right? No, you probably aren't. You think that Wall Street has been pushing Union Busting, Free Trade, Right To Work, At Will employment, etc. What do you think the goal is there?

The Middle Class takes less of it’s hard earned paycheck under Liberal tax plans. Many of the economic models favored by the Left have little or NO Middle Class.

Which models are those?

I guess if you have no rich and no poor, there would be no middle.

Finally, how is opposing ACA racist? Because Obama signed off on it?

Now, this is why opposition to the ACA was nothing BUT racism.

When Hillary proposed a public option to cover the uninsured, the Heritage Foundation proposed what is essentially the ACA and Republicans were all for it. Just provide private insurance to everyone, if they can afford it or not.

Then Mitt Romney did it for real in Massachusetts... and called it a model for the country, and Republicans had no problem with it. He lost in 2008 because Evangelicals couldn't support a Mormon, but they were totally fine with RomneyCare. (Of course, by 2012, OH MY GOD THERE WAS A NEGRO IN THE WHITE HOUSE and the Evangelicals dind't care about his Mormonism anymore.)

Then the ACA passed, and because the Democrats wimped out and didn't insist on a Medicare buy in or a Public Option, we essentially got a version of the Republican Heritage/Romney model. BUT THE BLACK GUY DID IT!!!! So suddenly, Republicans were totally against their own idea!!!
Have the Dems pushed to take more of people’s hard earned money, pushed to take away the rights of the individual to make a decision on their own pay and benefits? Have they pushed every racist policy they can contrive to keep many minorities actually back by making them dependent by not making policies that actual ply promote job creation so they don’t have to be dependent? Pushed policies that keep improvements out of minority neighborhoods? Ride through any Democratically run big city and look at the minority sections vs where their politicians live. Do they push policies to stop black market guns or drug crime? Do they scream racist, bigot etc. at every turn when in reality their own private emails have shown them making fun of minorities of every class? Do they attempt to erase their own history? Do they throw dollars at their rich constituents through contracts that bring dollars back into their own coffers and never having anything to really show for those dollars? Do they consistently try to control others with their pc declarations yet promote their own hate at every chance they get?

I could go on and on.

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