Trumpism will persist until we rekindle faith in people’s ability to reshape the world

An utterly depressing read. Biden was a necessity in stopping the march of evil but where next to protect decent people ?
It will have to be a process. This is not an insignificant portion of the population, and they believe everything they're told in their world.

Unfortunately, this is a helluva burden, and it falls on Biden now. If he can manage to stabilize the center/Left and center/Right while also keeping the hardcore Left happy, he'll be able to move us in the right direction. I'm hoping that the contrast between common everyday decency and and the ugly, arrogant ignorance of Trumpism will be enough to get the ball rolling.

This won't be easy, that's for sure.

An utterly depressing read. Biden was a necessity in stopping the march of evil but where next to protect decent people ?
It will have to be a process. This is not an insignificant portion of the population, and they believe everything they're told in their world.

Unfortunately, this is a helluva burden, and it falls on Biden now. If he can manage to stabilize the center/Left and center/Right while also keeping the hardcore Left happy, he'll be able to move us in the right direction. I'm hoping that the contrast between common everyday decency and and the ugly, arrogant ignorance of Trumpism will be enough to get the ball rolling.

This won't be easy, that's for sure.

The Hardcore Left is never happy. Ultralibs should be dancing in the streets since their savior was presumably elected. Instead they talk about venom and hate against anyone who doesn't toe the line. Lists of people who supported the Trumpster are being compiled, and they have a vendetta.

Liberalism isn't about love, but about hate and destruction.
.....what will persist is the problems like crime/low grad rates/poverty/etc because Harris/Biden will concentrate on non-problems and not the real problems.......

While true no one else addresses these issues and likely won't.
.....what will persist is the problems like crime/low grad rates/poverty/etc because Harris/Biden will concentrate on non-problems and not the real problems.......

While true no one else addresses these issues and likely won't.
.....Mr Trump was the first one to start!!!!!!!!!!!! one of the biggest problems is the MSM lies/myths/etc--and Mr Trump fought back against those jackasses
...first one to try to get us off China's leash/etc

An utterly depressing read. Biden was a necessity in stopping the march of evil but where next to protect decent people ?
It will have to be a process. This is not an insignificant portion of the population, and they believe everything they're told in their world.

Unfortunately, this is a helluva burden, and it falls on Biden now. If he can manage to stabilize the center/Left and center/Right while also keeping the hardcore Left happy, he'll be able to move us in the right direction. I'm hoping that the contrast between common everyday decency and and the ugly, arrogant ignorance of Trumpism will be enough to get the ball rolling.

This won't be easy, that's for sure.
It must be about isolating the lunatic fringe. You will never reach some of them but education can give people comprehension skills that seem to be utterly lacking at present. Its not an issue exclusive to the US. We have the same problem in the UK.

Our kids are taught what the capital of Sierra Leone is but not the skills needed to recognise partisan propaganda. I would suggest that the latter is a more pressing need.
.....what will persist is the problems like crime/low grad rates/poverty/etc because Harris/Biden will concentrate on non-problems and not the real problems.......

While true no one else addresses these issues and likely won't.
.....Mr Trump was the first one to start!!!!!!!!!!!! one of the biggest problems is the MSM lies/myths/etc--and Mr Trump fought back against those jackasses
...first one to try to get us off China's leash/etc

Trump did nothing outside if spouting empty rhetoric. If anyone is able to do anything it won't be a 12 year old.
.....what will persist is the problems like crime/low grad rates/poverty/etc because Harris/Biden will concentrate on non-problems and not the real problems.......

While true no one else addresses these issues and likely won't.
.....Mr Trump was the first one to start!!!!!!!!!!!! one of the biggest problems is the MSM lies/myths/etc--and Mr Trump fought back against those jackasses
...first one to try to get us off China's leash/etc

Trump did nothing outside if spouting empty rhetoric. If anyone is able to do anything it won't be a 12 year old.
more babble crap from you .....
Reshaping the world.
The dream of every totalitarian in the march towards their dream of a personal Utopia they wish to inflict upon others.

An utterly depressing read. Biden was a necessity in stopping the march of evil but where next to protect decent people ?
It will have to be a process. This is not an insignificant portion of the population, and they believe everything they're told in their world.

Unfortunately, this is a helluva burden, and it falls on Biden now. If he can manage to stabilize the center/Left and center/Right while also keeping the hardcore Left happy, he'll be able to move us in the right direction. I'm hoping that the contrast between common everyday decency and and the ugly, arrogant ignorance of Trumpism will be enough to get the ball rolling.

This won't be easy, that's for sure.

The Hardcore Left is never happy. Ultralibs should be dancing in the streets since their savior was presumably elected. Instead they talk about venom and hate against anyone who doesn't toe the line. Lists of people who supported the Trumpster are being compiled, and they have a vendetta.

Liberalism isn't about love, but about hate and destruction.
And then there are the Trumpsters, who are every bit as unreachable.

The ends of the spectrum are killing us.

So, as I said, this will have to be a process.

An utterly depressing read. Biden was a necessity in stopping the march of evil but where next to protect decent people ?
It will have to be a process. This is not an insignificant portion of the population, and they believe everything they're told in their world.

Unfortunately, this is a helluva burden, and it falls on Biden now. If he can manage to stabilize the center/Left and center/Right while also keeping the hardcore Left happy, he'll be able to move us in the right direction. I'm hoping that the contrast between common everyday decency and and the ugly, arrogant ignorance of Trumpism will be enough to get the ball rolling.

This won't be easy, that's for sure.
It must be about isolating the lunatic fringe. You will never reach some of them but education can give people comprehension skills that seem to be utterly lacking at present. Its not an issue exclusive to the US. We have the same problem in the UK.

Our kids are taught what the capital of Sierra Leone is but not the skills needed to recognise partisan propaganda. I would suggest that the latter is a more pressing need.
I used to think that virtually anyone can participate in the healing process we need, but I no longer believe that.

Those on the fringe need to be culturally marginalized, just using decency and honesty and communication (it appears to repel them like bug spray), and then maybe some will soften.

We're a long way away.
Well, let's look at the divergent "directions" that the two parties (or the two sides of the political spectrum, if you prefer) are leading "us."

One side seeks to restore a meritocracy, where people are treated fairly regardless of the usual factors, and will succeed or fail on their own merits. The other side seeks "equality," which is an illusory state of being where assets and benefits are distributed according to things like race, gender, ethnicity, and one's chosen sexual identity or perversion. And this general dichotomy exists in many elements of our society, from Academe to corporate management, to government office-holders, the sciences, the learned professions, and foundations. One side seeks a meritocracy and the other side seeks the abolition of true merit in favor of tokenism.

One side seeks to restore the nation's (speaking of the U.S., of course) sovereignty, by enforcing its existing immigration laws, and doing everything practicable to prevent further incursions by those seeking to come here (or remain here) illegally. The other side seeks to both legalize and naturalize tens of millions of people in the country illegally, thus inverting the political landscape for at least the next generation, granting the deciding vote to a population that is largely government-dependent. One side seeks to control new immigration through the lens of merit and value, admitting only those who "bring something to the table," so to speak, and the other side seeks relatively open borders, inviting those wretched people alluded to on the infamous plaque on the Statue of Liberty.

One side seeks to balance modernity with rational care of the environment, and the other side seeks to cripple industry, transportation, and even personal comfort in a weakly-justified campaign to "save the planet."

One side seeks to reinforce our valuable heritage of "Western Civilization," through traditional education, argumentation and continued development, while the other side seeks to demonize our heritage and cultural forebears, attacking their memories, accomplishments, and monuments, replacing them with...what, exactly? Neither I nor they have any idea.

Yep it's clear. This election put us on the path to ruin. One can only hope that rationality and reality ultimately prevail. I'm glad I'm old and won't have to suffer long with the consequences of this stolen election.

An utterly depressing read. Biden was a necessity in stopping the march of evil but where next to protect decent people ?
We were told many things about Trump. We were going to have the mother of all wars was one of them. Progs mad as hell and weeping on TV about it in 2016.

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