
Numbers will go up when more testing is implemented, no question.

South Korea is reportedly testing more people per day than we have tested to date, total. They have drive through testing set up and are churning them through. Good idea actually, as it keeps people isolated when they go for testing.

Anyhoo, yeah, once we ramp up the tesrpting numbers were going to find that the numbers are exponentially higher than were seeing now. It's simple math.

You're correct, there is much we haven't been told. There is also much we have been told.
NCAA Men BB cancelled.
NCAA Wrestling Tourney cancelled.
College World Series Cancelled.

Money talks. The loss of it even more so.
Our Company has been sent home to work from there.
We are not being told the truth of anything. It isn't Rump, Clinton, Obama. It' above them.
Not one post offering an alternative explanation for Trump's failure to distribute test kits.

I guess that's why all the True Bleevers can do nothing in this topic but snarl and whine.
Have to ask where the test kits come from> China from what I hear.
Sad that we farmed out this kind of production to another countries....especially China.
Hopefully the lesson is learned. But, I can't place all the blame on Trump.
Past administrations could shoulder some of the blame
Numbers will go up when more testing is implemented, no question.

South Korea is reportedly testing more people per day than we have tested to date, total. They have drive through testing set up and are churning them through. Good idea actually, as it keeps people isolated when they go for testing.

Anyhoo, yeah, once we ramp up the tesrpting numbers were going to find that the numbers are exponentially higher than were seeing now. It's simple math.
Higher numbers that are identified will probably bring the percentage of deaths down. The deaths are known, the number of people that have contracted the virus
is not.

Setting up the number of test kits for the population of 330 million will be a challenge.

China has 1.4 billion people and have tested more than 3.5 million people.

See chart in OP.

We are failing horribly.

Trump keeps bragging we have the best health care system in the world.
Numbers will go up when more testing is implemented, no question.

South Korea is reportedly testing more people per day than we have tested to date, total. They have drive through testing set up and are churning them through. Good idea actually, as it keeps people isolated when they go for testing.

Anyhoo, yeah, once we ramp up the tesrpting numbers were going to find that the numbers are exponentially higher than were seeing now. It's simple math.
Higher numbers that are identified will probably bring the percentage of deaths down. The deaths are known, the number of people that have contracted the virus
is not.

Setting up the number of test kits for the population of 330 million will be a challenge.

I agree. We're likely seeing primarily the more serious cases.
Not one post offering an alternative explanation for Trump's failure to distribute test kits.

I guess that's why all the True Bleevers can do nothing in this topic but snarl and whine.
Have to ask where the test kits come from> China from what I hear.
Sad that we farmed out this kind of production to another countries....especially China.
Hopefully the lesson is learned. But, I can't place all the blame on Trump.
Past administrations could shoulder some of the blame
The WHO offered test kits to the US and were turned down. The US decided to John Wayne it, and bungled big time. The first test kit had the wrong reagent.
Numbers will go up when more testing is implemented, no question.

South Korea is reportedly testing more people per day than we have tested to date, total. They have drive through testing set up and are churning them through. Good idea actually, as it keeps people isolated when they go for testing.

Anyhoo, yeah, once we ramp up the tesrpting numbers were going to find that the numbers are exponentially higher than were seeing now. It's simple math.
Higher numbers that are identified will probably bring the percentage of deaths down. The deaths are known, the number of people that have contracted the virus
is not.

Setting up the number of test kits for the population of 330 million will be a challenge.

China has 1.4 billion people and have tested more than 3 million people.

See chart in OP.

We are failing horribly.

Trump keeps bragging we have the best health care system in the world.
We do have the best healthcare in the world.
What I'm saying is that the availability of getting those test kits were a challenge, seeing that it was
a new strain of virus. China not being forthcoming as to what virus it was put us behind.
‘We're behind the curve’: U.S. hospitals confront the challenges of large-scale coronavirus testing

China and South Korea continue to report drops in their cases of the respiratory disease COVID-19, and there’s an increasing realization that, as the World Health Organization (WHO) has insisted for several weeks, countries that aggressively confront their outbreaks of the coronavirus causing it can make powerful inroads to slow the spread. Again and again, the key to success has been widescale testing for the virus’ RNA in people and then isolation—either by choice or mandate—of the infected and their contacts.

In the United States, in contrast, COVID-19 cases are climbing at an alarming rate, and people who have received tests for the virus, SARS-CoV-2, remain few and far between.

How testing failures allowed coronavirus to sweep the U.S.

Why the United States declined to use the WHO test, even temporarily as a bridge until the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention could produce its own test, remains a perplexing question and the key to the Trump administration’s failure to provide enough tests to identify the coronavirus infections before they could be passed on
China not being forthcoming as to what virus it was put us behind.

The virus was known. What put us behind was turning down the available test kits and going it alone.

Your TrumpLogic™ is failing you. South Korea is testing 200,000 people a day. There is no excuse for why we are not doing the same.
Numbers will go up when more testing is implemented, no question.

South Korea is reportedly testing more people per day than we have tested to date, total. They have drive through testing set up and are churning them through. Good idea actually, as it keeps people isolated when they go for testing.

Anyhoo, yeah, once we ramp up the tesrpting numbers were going to find that the numbers are exponentially higher than were seeing now. It's simple math.

You're correct, there is much we haven't been told. There is also much we have been told.
NCAA Men BB cancelled.
NCAA Wrestling Tourney cancelled.
College World Series Cancelled.

Money talks. The loss of it even more so.
Our Company has been sent home to work from there.
We are not being told the truth of anything. It isn't Rump, Clinton, Obama. It' above them.

Yep. They can't stop it, which they need to simply admit so people are not so shocked every time the numbers climb.

They can, and should, try to slow it, but giving people the impression they're going to stop it is wrong, and is contributing to the panic we are seeing, imo. As people see more cases they see a failure of the CDC (or whoever) to control it and they freak out, instead of realizing that this is what is actually expected at this point.

They've utterly failed in terms of setting expectations for people, and that is biting us in the ass, IMO, and contributing to the panic we are seeing right now.
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Sorry leftists, the Corona virus is not going to cover Bidens babbling senility and will not help you win in November.
"Social distancing", canceling sporting events, face masks, and hand sanitizer are not going to reverse the spread.

Only by identifying the full scope and breadth of the epidemic will be be able to start reversing it. And that can only be done by millions of tests which should have been done by now.

The longer the delay, the less the odds of containment.

The American people can sense this.

Yes, we get it that you have very low IQ and act like a bitch. You don't need to prove it over and over again.
Trump acts like a retarded whiny little bitch every day and you still pretend he doesn’t.
Trump is depending entirely on warm weather ending this pandemic, and the True Bleevers have been parroting that faith.

It is summer in Australia. Tom Hanks and his wife caught the bug there.
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It's summer in Australia and the coronavirus is circulating there — evidence that warm weather won't necessarily curtail the outbreak

In February, President Trump issued a prediction about the coronavirus outbreak: "A lot of people think that goes away in April, with the heat that comes in," he said.

But Maria van Kerkhove, an infectious-disease expert with the World Health Organization, said at a press conference on March 5 that "we have no reason to believe that this virus would behave differently in different temperatures."

Hanks' diagnosis offered unfortunate evidence of that. The actor was filming in Australia's Gold Coast, where the average temperature is about 74 degrees Fahrenheit. So it seems the virus is still circulating in a part of the world experiencing summer. At least 128 people in Australia have been infected and three people have died.

According to Lipsitch, that could be because even seasonal infections can happen "out of season" when they are new.
21 passengers on a cruise ship were positive for Covid-19. Trump did not want them to be allowed to come home because those 21 people would have been added to the total number of US cases.

Just like an incompetent DA who does not want to try a difficult murder case because it would affect his conviction rate.

That's how unbelievably cold-hearted this guy is. Even though there had just been a cruise ship where the passengers were forced to stay on board and the virus spread like a wildfire.

If everyone was forced to stay on this second cruise ship, many more hundreds would have been infected and some would die. Just so Trump could brag we don't have that many infections in the US.

This is exactly what he said when asked if he wanted the passengers brought home: “I like the numbers being where they are. I don’t need to have the numbers double because of one ship that wasn’t our fault."

This guy is seriously sick in the head.

Anyway, I mention all this to illustrate where TrumpLogic™ takes you. Don't be in a hurry to test Americans because "I like the numbers being where they are."

Trump's mindset was given away also by the fact he was wearing a campaign hat while at the CDC.

Got to keep those numbers low for the election!

Profoundly stupid.

You snark like a bitch.
Ummmm, those are tRump's actual words....

Those were the words of a basement dwelling bitch who thinks he is a man.
Trump said he wants to keep Grand Princess cruise passengers on the ship so that US coronavirus numbers don't 'double.' That strategy failed in Japan.
You and the person that wrote that article are both retards. He meant not releasing them into the public ffs.
You and the person that wrote that article are both retards. He meant not releasing them into the public ffs.
Nope. Incorrect. No one was suggesting they be released into the public. I am stunned your TrumpLogic™ is so screwed up as to make that shit up to maintain your delusions. Trump was asked about bringing them home to be quarantined.

Sorry, but Trump plainly meant he didn't want 21 to be added to the total number of US cases. He said it quite plainly.

I watched it live.
When Trump said anyone who wants to be tested can be tested, he was brazenly lying.

Even some Republicans in Congress are starting to balk at his bullshit. As well as Anthony Fauci.

When American lives are at stake, even the lickspittles in Congress can only take so much of Trump's inability to ever tell the truth.

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