
Not one post offering an alternative explanation for Trump's failure to distribute test kits.

I guess that's why all the True Bleevers can do nothing in this topic but snarl and whine.

No one is posting one because there isn't one.

But does he really do the distributing ?
Numbers will go up when more testing is implemented, no question.

South Korea is reportedly testing more people per day than we have tested to date, total. They have drive through testing set up and are churning them through. Good idea actually, as it keeps people isolated when they go for testing.

Anyhoo, yeah, once we ramp up the tesrpting numbers were going to find that the numbers are exponentially higher than were seeing now. It's simple math.

You're correct, there is much we haven't been told. There is also much we have been told.
NCAA Men BB cancelled.
NCAA Wrestling Tourney cancelled.
College World Series Cancelled.

Money talks. The loss of it even more so.
Our Company has been sent home to work from there.
We are not being told the truth of anything. It isn't Rump, Clinton, Obama. It' above them.

Yep. They can't stop it, which they need to simply admit so people are not so shocked every time the numbers climb.

They can, and should, try to slow it, but giving people the impression they're going to stop it is wrong, and is contributing to the panic we are seeing, imo. As people see more cases they see a failure of the CDC (or whoever) to control it and they freak out, instead of realizing that this is what is actually expected at this point.

They've utterly failed in terms of setting expectations for people, and that is biting us in the ass, IMO, and contributing to the panic we are seeing right now.
Fauci has said as much. Pay no attention the that orange man in front of the curtain.
Not one post offering an alternative explanation for Trump's failure to distribute test kits.

I guess that's why all the True Bleevers can do nothing in this topic but snarl and whine.

No one is posting one because there isn't one.

But does he really do the distributing ?
If Trump could, he would take credit for the sun rising. He takes credit for hundreds of things out of his control.

This is Trump's first real crisis, and he is demonstrating extremely poor leadership. The self-aggrandizing bastard has to take the blame. That's what leadership means. "The buck stops here."

Lastly, regardless of whether he is personally hand-carrying test kits to America, he is LYING about the status of testing. And that is damn near criminal.
Apparently "Trumplogic" also means that you don't get tested despite being in close contact with a number of people who have tested positive for the virus. Are they lying that he and Pence haven't been tested or are they just incredibly stupid?
Apparently "Trumplogic" also means that you don't get tested despite being in close contact with a number of people who have tested positive for the virus. Are they lying that he and Pence haven't been tested or are they just incredibly stupid?
Dear Leader is invulnerable to things you can't even see.
Apparently "Trumplogic" also means that you don't get tested despite being in close contact with a number of people who have tested positive for the virus. Are they lying that he and Pence haven't been tested or are they just incredibly stupid?
Last I heard, they had not even tested all the patients and staff at the rest home in Washington state where twenty something have died. Is this still correct?
Apparently "Trumplogic" also means that you don't get tested despite being in close contact with a number of people who have tested positive for the virus. Are they lying that he and Pence haven't been tested or are they just incredibly stupid?
Last I heard, they had not even tested all the patients and staff at the rest home in Washington state where twenty something have died. Is this still correct?
As of three days ago, there were still staff and residents who have not been tested.

What a total disgrace.

I don't know their status since then.
Apparently "Trumplogic" also means that you don't get tested despite being in close contact with a number of people who have tested positive for the virus. Are they lying that he and Pence haven't been tested or are they just incredibly stupid?
Last I heard, they had not even tested all the patients and staff at the rest home in Washington state where twenty something have died. Is this still correct?
As of three days ago, there were still staff and residents who have not been tested.

What a total disgrace.

I don't know their status since then.
Worse than a disgrace. It is almost genocidal neglect. Totally amoral and unconscionable. They have been written off. That is the only way I can view it.
You and the person that wrote that article are both retards. He meant not releasing them into the public ffs.
Nope. Incorrect. No one was suggesting they be released into the public. I am stunned your TrumpLogic™ is so screwed up as to make that shit up to maintain your delusions. Trump was asked about bringing them home to be quarantined.

Sorry, but Trump plainly meant he didn't want 21 to be added to the total number of US cases. He said it quite plainly.

I watched it live.
You’re an idiot. There’s nothing he could have said you wouldn’t twist up. You’ve been praying for stock market collapse and massive death for weeks. You’re pretty pathetic.
You and the person that wrote that article are both retards. He meant not releasing them into the public ffs.
That's not what he said, now is it?
I would like to note for the record that this is g5000's 6th Corona Virus Masturbatory thread currently on page 1.


Best news g5k has had in 3 1/2 years.

Not one post offering an alternative explanation for Trump's failure to distribute test kits.

I guess that's why all the True Bleevers can do nothing in this topic but snarl and whine.

Basement boy, Trump is not in charge of the test kits.

Amazing how these idiots act like Trump is the dictator now, who can do anything, and is in charge of everything. Did you not hear his words about how everyone is responsible in doing their best? That includes you.
We are four months into this crisis and we still do not have test kits where we need them. We are far, far, far behind the rest of the world for testing.
CDC lab for coronavirus test kits may have been contaminated

What's next: The FDA’s manufacturing concerns — which include the possible contamination of testing kits — have also resulted in the Trump administration ordering an independent investigation of the CDC’s Atlanta laboratory, according to senior officials.

  • “HHS has launched an investigation and is assembling a team of non-CDC scientists to better understand the nature and source of the manufacturing defect in the first batch of COVID-19 test kits that were distributed to state health departments and others,” said an HHS spokesperson.
  • “HHS/CDC have been transparent with the American people regarding the issue with the manufacturing of the diagnostic and will be transparent with the findings of this investigation.” (But the administration was not transparent about the senior FDA official's concerns about the conditions and procedures in the Atlanta laboratory.)
  • A senior administration official added that the government also moved the manufacturing of the coronavirus tests out of the Atlanta laboratory of CDC.
  • The official said that the CDC engaged with a third party contractor on Feb. 20 to help manufacture the testing kits. The official added that the FDA regulator, Stenzel, visited the Atlanta laboratory on Feb. 22.

INCOMPETENCE at the CDC caused the first batches of test kits to be invalid.............Aka the CDC FUCKED UP and sent out Bad Test Kits..............when called on it they went OOPS......and had to redo the kits after they realized their mistakes...........

Yet.........this Op and the country blames Trump for the people who were hired a long time ago to do the work..........LOL
We are four months into this crisis and we still do not have test kits where we need them. We are far, far, far behind the rest of the world for testing.
CDC lab for coronavirus test kits may have been contaminated

What's next: The FDA’s manufacturing concerns — which include the possible contamination of testing kits — have also resulted in the Trump administration ordering an independent investigation of the CDC’s Atlanta laboratory, according to senior officials.

  • “HHS has launched an investigation and is assembling a team of non-CDC scientists to better understand the nature and source of the manufacturing defect in the first batch of COVID-19 test kits that were distributed to state health departments and others,” said an HHS spokesperson.
  • “HHS/CDC have been transparent with the American people regarding the issue with the manufacturing of the diagnostic and will be transparent with the findings of this investigation.” (But the administration was not transparent about the senior FDA official's concerns about the conditions and procedures in the Atlanta laboratory.)
  • A senior administration official added that the government also moved the manufacturing of the coronavirus tests out of the Atlanta laboratory of CDC.
  • The official said that the CDC engaged with a third party contractor on Feb. 20 to help manufacture the testing kits. The official added that the FDA regulator, Stenzel, visited the Atlanta laboratory on Feb. 22.

INCOMPETENCE at the CDC caused the first batches of test kits to be invalid.............Aka the CDC FUCKED UP and sent out Bad Test Kits..............when called on it they went OOPS......and had to redo the kits after they realized their mistakes...........

Yet.........this Op and the country blames Trump for the people who were hired a long time ago to do the work..........LOL

The CDC is filled with communists who want the virus to spread to defeat their nemesis - the "orange man".
We are four months into this crisis and we still do not have test kits where we need them. We are far, far, far behind the rest of the world for testing.
CDC lab for coronavirus test kits may have been contaminated

What's next: The FDA’s manufacturing concerns — which include the possible contamination of testing kits — have also resulted in the Trump administration ordering an independent investigation of the CDC’s Atlanta laboratory, according to senior officials.

  • “HHS has launched an investigation and is assembling a team of non-CDC scientists to better understand the nature and source of the manufacturing defect in the first batch of COVID-19 test kits that were distributed to state health departments and others,” said an HHS spokesperson.
  • “HHS/CDC have been transparent with the American people regarding the issue with the manufacturing of the diagnostic and will be transparent with the findings of this investigation.” (But the administration was not transparent about the senior FDA official's concerns about the conditions and procedures in the Atlanta laboratory.)
  • A senior administration official added that the government also moved the manufacturing of the coronavirus tests out of the Atlanta laboratory of CDC.
  • The official said that the CDC engaged with a third party contractor on Feb. 20 to help manufacture the testing kits. The official added that the FDA regulator, Stenzel, visited the Atlanta laboratory on Feb. 22.

INCOMPETENCE at the CDC caused the first batches of test kits to be invalid.............Aka the CDC FUCKED UP and sent out Bad Test Kits..............when called on it they went OOPS......and had to redo the kits after they realized their mistakes...........

Yet.........this Op and the country blames Trump for the people who were hired a long time ago to do the work..........LOL

The CDC is filled with communists who want the virus to spread to defeat their nemesis - the "orange man".
They are paid to do a job...........A Federal Job with Taxpayer money. A job with Great Insurance, sick days, lots of vacation, and a PENSION better than most available to regular working class us............

And when they are CALLED TO DO THE JOB.............They FUCK IT UP...............They should be FIRED.
How this South Korean company created coronavirus test kits in three weeks - CNN

At first, Seegene struggled to meet demand, but now it is coping.
The firm is making about 10,000 kits a week and each kit can test 100 patients. So it is making enough to test one million patients each week, at a cost of under $20 per test.
Noh Si-won, the executive director of corporate strategy, said it is the first time he has seen the company manufacturing at this scale.
The company has three months' worth of stock of other test kits, so it can meet demand for its preexisting orders for a month or two. But Chun said it was important for the company to continue making coronavirus test kits -- and the need goes beyond financial gains.
"We have to be providing or contributing one way or the other to figure it out as soon as possible. That's why (we supply to) the whole world," he says.

What other countries are doing wrong
In other countries, the authorities have struggled to keep up with the demand for testing.
Chun says one possible explanation is that some places may be testing manually, rather than automatically.

Chun believes if the United States had access to Seegene's system, the country could test 1 million patients a week. But for now, the US isn't using the test on patients -- it doesn't have approval from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Chun wants to help health authorities overseas.
"The issue is they have no chance to test the people properly," he said. "Without the proper diagnosis, nobody knows what's going on."

South Korea is doing so well because it isn't Regulated to death, and competition allowed them to fast track test kits.....................including drive through test stations.............ONE COMPANY.........producing enough test kits to test a MILLION PEOPLE A WEEK.............

Yet here..............just to USE THEIR SYSTEM...........and they offered help..........we would need the FDA to fast track it.....................Not allowed..........Our Crony Capitalism must be they can MAKE MONEY OFF THE PANDEMIC...........

Connex boxes for temp offices for the workers.........testing anyone who needs testing...........Not going to a hospital or docs office to expose others........

This is a time that I must say..........WE SUCK AT THIS in the United States.........and this South Korean company has pointed that out..........They are testing MILLIONS of people.....MILLIONS.......because they have automated the tests...............and aren't ENCUMBERED BY RED TAPE.

South Korea is doing so well because it isn't Regulated to death, and competition allowed them to fast track test kits.....................including drive through test stations.............ONE COMPANY.........producing enough test kits to test a MILLION PEOPLE A WEEK.............

Yet here..............just to USE THEIR SYSTEM...........and they offered help..........we would need the FDA to fast track it.....................Not allowed..........Our Crony Capitalism must be they can MAKE MONEY OFF THE PANDEMIC...........
if only there were tools available for the executive to cut some red tape.

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