
We are four months into this crisis and we still do not have test kits where we need them. We are far, far, far behind the rest of the world for testing.
CDC lab for coronavirus test kits may have been contaminated

What's next: The FDA’s manufacturing concerns — which include the possible contamination of testing kits — have also resulted in the Trump administration ordering an independent investigation of the CDC’s Atlanta laboratory, according to senior officials.

  • “HHS has launched an investigation and is assembling a team of non-CDC scientists to better understand the nature and source of the manufacturing defect in the first batch of COVID-19 test kits that were distributed to state health departments and others,” said an HHS spokesperson.
  • “HHS/CDC have been transparent with the American people regarding the issue with the manufacturing of the diagnostic and will be transparent with the findings of this investigation.” (But the administration was not transparent about the senior FDA official's concerns about the conditions and procedures in the Atlanta laboratory.)
  • A senior administration official added that the government also moved the manufacturing of the coronavirus tests out of the Atlanta laboratory of CDC.
  • The official said that the CDC engaged with a third party contractor on Feb. 20 to help manufacture the testing kits. The official added that the FDA regulator, Stenzel, visited the Atlanta laboratory on Feb. 22.

INCOMPETENCE at the CDC caused the first batches of test kits to be invalid.............Aka the CDC FUCKED UP and sent out Bad Test Kits..............when called on it they went OOPS......and had to redo the kits after they realized their mistakes...........

Yet.........this Op and the country blames Trump for the people who were hired a long time ago to do the work..........LOL
You people are so fucked up... unbelievable, just unreal
We are four months into this crisis and we still do not have test kits where we need them. We are far, far, far behind the rest of the world for testing.
CDC lab for coronavirus test kits may have been contaminated

What's next: The FDA’s manufacturing concerns — which include the possible contamination of testing kits — have also resulted in the Trump administration ordering an independent investigation of the CDC’s Atlanta laboratory, according to senior officials.

  • “HHS has launched an investigation and is assembling a team of non-CDC scientists to better understand the nature and source of the manufacturing defect in the first batch of COVID-19 test kits that were distributed to state health departments and others,” said an HHS spokesperson.
  • “HHS/CDC have been transparent with the American people regarding the issue with the manufacturing of the diagnostic and will be transparent with the findings of this investigation.” (But the administration was not transparent about the senior FDA official's concerns about the conditions and procedures in the Atlanta laboratory.)
  • A senior administration official added that the government also moved the manufacturing of the coronavirus tests out of the Atlanta laboratory of CDC.
  • The official said that the CDC engaged with a third party contractor on Feb. 20 to help manufacture the testing kits. The official added that the FDA regulator, Stenzel, visited the Atlanta laboratory on Feb. 22.

INCOMPETENCE at the CDC caused the first batches of test kits to be invalid.............Aka the CDC FUCKED UP and sent out Bad Test Kits..............when called on it they went OOPS......and had to redo the kits after they realized their mistakes...........

Yet.........this Op and the country blames Trump for the people who were hired a long time ago to do the work..........LOL
You people are so fucked up... unbelievable, just unreal
I went to work yesterday....................did my job competently.......................

The first kits from CAREER FEDERAL EMPLOYEES at the CDC were DEFECTIVE...........DIDN'T WORK........and set back getting kits for weeks..........and at a rate LESS than that of a private company in South Korea that can test A MILLION PEOPLE A WEEK...........

And I'm the one that is Fucked up...............LOL

These guys at the CDC got hired in long before the people in this country even KNEW THE NAME TRUMP.

If they can't do the dang job THEY NEED TO BE FIRED AND REPLACED..............They got a cushy GOV'T JOB with GREAT BENEFITS.............If they can't do it..............F THEM.
I would like to note for the record that this is g5000's 6th Corona Virus Masturbatory thread currently on page 1.


Best news g5k has had in 3 1/2 years.


He does appear to be quite obsessive over the Orange Man
By the way, did anyone notice in Trump's presser today that he said he was going to waive interest rates on student loans, told electric and gas companies not to turn off services if people were quarantined, and offered to have people tested for free.

Looks like Trump is turning into a socialist.
We don't need as many kits, because unlike the EU we don't have an open border.
Then why is the virus spreading?

Trump has deemphasized testing because he does not want to acknowledge the extent of the problem.
By the way, did anyone notice in Trump's presser today that he said he was going to waive interest rates on student loans, told electric and gas companies not to turn off services if people were quarantined, and offered to have people tested for free.

Looks like Trump is turning into a socialist.

Trump is running for re-election

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