Trump's 12 Billion Dollar Welfare Plan for Farmers

Do other nations subsidize their farmers? Yes.

do other nations hand out subsidies AND $12 billion dollar checks ?

Well, Russia's model is to just take the farm goods and let you live.
Seems we should be doing that in DrumpF new Raussa owned America.

Just take the Farmer goods. It's cheaper!
longknife, post: 20439306
China screwing over us for decades is one of the things President Trump Ran on.

So now you feel great that the dumb ass you voted for is screwing us.

Farmers are worried about losing markets they and presiding administrations have successfully cultivated.

“But farm state politicians stress the money is little more than a Band-Aid and that, once overseas markets for American good are lost to producers in other countries, some may be lost for good.”

The $12 billion band aid is a one tone pre-election political ploy, buying votes that House Republicans can’t afford to lose in the farm belt.

Talk about the swamp in DC - Trumpo ain’t draining it. He is trucking in fresh muck.
longknife, post: 20439306
China screwing over us for decades is one of the things President Trump Ran on.

So now you feel great that the dumb ass you voted for is screwing us.

Farmers are worried about losing markets they and presiding administrations have successfully cultivated.

“But farm state politicians stress the money is little more than a Band-Aid and that, once overseas markets for American good are lost to producers in other countries, some may be lost for good.”

The $12 billion band aid is a one tone pre-election political ploy, buying votes that House Republicans can’t afford to lose in the farm belt.

Talk about the swamp in DC - Trumpo ain’t draining it. He is trucking in fresh muck.
It has nothing to do with votes. Trump will carry agricultural based states no matter what. We are not big fans of liberal turds that want to tax us to death. We also appreciate the 2nd Amendment.

Why do libs want a ridiculous trade imbalance? Pathetic liberals everywhere are acting like free trade is a real thing and refuse to acknowledge facts.
Bush92, post: 20441021
Nope. But when nations attempt to fuck us over on industrial trade and agriculture...we need to punch back.

How are the Chinese fucking us when they buy soybeans from farmers and the farmers make profits with no need for government subsidies?

What if the Chinese now develop alternatives to soybean imports because dumb Trumpo started this trade war that the dumbass can’t finish?

“The Chinese media, meantime, has been full of stories in recent weeks about how the country is no longer as dependent on the U.S. for its soybean needs, including how pork producers are using more alternative feeds, including cotton seeds and bone powder, and not seeing impacts in quality nor breeding.”

China could bring more pain to US soybean farmers if Trump escalates the trade war

Clinton would not screw up the Obama recovery the way Trumpo is.
Bush92, post: 20441021
Nope. But when nations attempt to fuck us over on industrial trade and agriculture...we need to punch back.

How are the Chinese fucking us when they buy soybeans from farmers and the farmers make profits with no need for government subsidies?

What if the Chinese now develop alternatives to soybean imports because dumb Trumpo started this trade war that the dumbass can’t finish?

“The Chinese media, meantime, has been full of stories in recent weeks about how the country is no longer as dependent on the U.S. for its soybean needs, including how pork producers are using more alternative feeds, including cotton seeds and bone powder, and not seeing impacts in quality nor breeding.”

China could bring more pain to US soybean farmers if Trump escalates the trade war

Clinton would not screw up the Obama recovery the way Trumpo is.
Fail. Another dim that has zero understanding of tariffs. China has been fucking us for decades and the left loves it. They will defend China to the bitter end. Very sad.
It has nothing to do with votes.

How do you know that? Every Republican House seat is on the bubble if farmers go belly up between now and November. Not just the farmers take the hits in the farm belt.

$12b loss of export revenue is a big deal. This is buying/saving votes and little else.

Farmers don’t like Trumpo’s war on free trade.
MAGA: CIC Bone Spur wants to give Billions in Farm Bailout $ for imposing Tariffs that hurt them.

Trump administration plans to help farmers hurt by global trade tensions - CNNPolitics
The Trump administration will announce a plan on Tuesday to extend billions of dollars in aid to farmers negatively affected by tariffs resulting from

View attachment 206753

Hmm!? DOPers are anti-Gobmint handouts folks.
Are MAGA DOPers going to take this cash?
So weak of you DOPers. Can make it without Govmint handouts I see.
If they do take that cash. IT proves they were wrong
voting for the Great Douche Con-Man!
Another MAGA plan fails!

Paul is back to being a DSO (Deep State Operative) I see.
JBond, post: 20441085,
Fail. Another dim that has zero understanding of tariffs. China has been fucking us for decades and the left loves it. They will defend China to the bitter end. Very sad.

So you don’t have a counterpoint - just boilerplate insults.
It has nothing to do with votes.

How do you know that? Every Republican House seat is on the bubble if farmers go belly up between now and November. Not just the farmers take the hits in the farm belt.

$12b loss of export revenue is a big deal. This is buying/saving votes and little else.

Farmers don’t like Trumpo’s war on free trade.
War on trade? Fucking idiot. You have no idea what is happening. Why didn't you losers address the ridiculous tarrifs placed on US goods by China when Obama was in office? Obama was a pussy. Why are the dems getting in bed with China? Supporting China over the US is pathetic.
Subsidizing farmers is a tenet of socialism. Government control of production is a basic socialism requirement that defines socialism.

That is infantile in the extreme.

All governments since the beginning of time have subsidized Farming.

Go back to reading your comic books

Now we have a subsidy and a bail out due to the tariffs. And the dominoes will continue to fall as retaliatory tariffs start hitting other industries.
So trump creates a problem then borrows to fix the problem.

Lots of Presidents kicked the can down the road and refused to take on the unfair tariffs that were in place on US goods before Trump took office. Yes there will be some pain points as we even the playing field, but it must be done. Why liberals continue to defend China, the EU, and unfair trade practices is beyond me. It is almost like they hate the country they live in and are doing everything possible to wreck it.

Obama did nothing when China screwed the car industry. This is a quote from a 2011 article.

"General Motors faces the greatest impact, almost 22% extra on some sports utility vehicles (SUVs) and other cars with engine capacities above 2.5 litres. Chrysler faces a 15% penalty, while a 2% levy will be imposed on BMW, whose US plants make many of the cars it exports to China.

Existing taxes and duties already push up the cost of US imports by 25%, and the new levies make it even more expensive for Chinese consumers to buy American."

China imposes tariff on US car imports

So the remedy is to "take on the unfair tariffs" and spend an additional $12B (thus far) as a result?
So trump creates a problem then borrows to fix the problem.

Lots of Presidents kicked the can down the road and refused to take on the unfair tariffs that were in place on US goods before Trump took office. Yes there will be some pain points as we even the playing field, but it must be done. Why liberals continue to defend China, the EU, and unfair trade practices is beyond me. It is almost like they hate the country they live in and are doing everything possible to wreck it.

Obama did nothing when China screwed the car industry. This is a quote from a 2011 article.

"General Motors faces the greatest impact, almost 22% extra on some sports utility vehicles (SUVs) and other cars with engine capacities above 2.5 litres. Chrysler faces a 15% penalty, while a 2% levy will be imposed on BMW, whose US plants make many of the cars it exports to China.

Existing taxes and duties already push up the cost of US imports by 25%, and the new levies make it even more expensive for Chinese consumers to buy American."

China imposes tariff on US car imports

So the remedy is to "take on the unfair tariffs" and spend an additional $12B (thus far) as a result?
Candyass, why are you against fair trade and why are you backing China?
Yes where is the money coming from?

Yes where is the money coming from?

From us taxpayers its called redistribution. Since the rich can hide most of their money , it will come from the median income people. We will also pay higher prices at the grocery stores, its the least we can do.

I’m thinking it’s coming from that Wetback know, all that cash we’re saving by shutting down the cockroaches at the southern border.
You don’t whine about taxpayers funding wetbacks do you...why not?
Now you fucking bigoted cocksucker, we are paying $775 a night per child for the right to abuse those children. And guess who is making the profit off of that criminal action? For the whole time I have been alive, people from Mexico and other South American nations have worked our crops and done other menial jobs. And the vast majority of them are good people, I dare say, better people than you will ever be, and hard workers.

Abuse those children”
I suppose all children of incarcerated criminals are being “abused”?
How did all you lowlife, sorry asses skip learning about cause and effect?
Do you always support criminals who disregard the laws of your nation...the laws your fellow countrymen voted to the books?
For every one “good” Southern Cockroach working a crop or a menial job there’s 100 others raping and pillaging American taxpayers...packing our emergency rooms and dropping anchor babies that pack our jails and prisons and committ crime at a pace that only blacks can.
Since you filthy fucks seem to love slaves and cheap labor...fuck it, why don’t we import some Zulus from the jungles and pay them in Top Ramen?
Finally...taxes I'm happy to pay...

Why? What part of the Constitution says farmers get a bail out with our money?

Because the only possible result of competition with foreign labor willing to work for peanuts is lose of jobs. We must protect working class wages. If that requires taxpayers to offset retaliatory tariffs, that's a cost we should all be not only willing, but happy to invest.

If we didn't do the tariffs in the first place, there wouldn't be the retaliatory tariffs. Think!
So trump creates a problem then borrows to fix the problem.

Lots of Presidents kicked the can down the road and refused to take on the unfair tariffs that were in place on US goods before Trump took office. Yes there will be some pain points as we even the playing field, but it must be done. Why liberals continue to defend China, the EU, and unfair trade practices is beyond me. It is almost like they hate the country they live in and are doing everything possible to wreck it.

Obama did nothing when China screwed the car industry. This is a quote from a 2011 article.

"General Motors faces the greatest impact, almost 22% extra on some sports utility vehicles (SUVs) and other cars with engine capacities above 2.5 litres. Chrysler faces a 15% penalty, while a 2% levy will be imposed on BMW, whose US plants make many of the cars it exports to China.

Existing taxes and duties already push up the cost of US imports by 25%, and the new levies make it even more expensive for Chinese consumers to buy American."

China imposes tariff on US car imports

So the remedy is to "take on the unfair tariffs" and spend an additional $12B (thus far) as a result?
Candyass, why are you against fair trade and why are you backing China?

Candy is not against fair trade. And Candy not backing China.
Candy be explaining what you are missing in understand thangs..
Stop Watching Faux News DOPer Douche Proganda.,
You will get it faster.

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