Trump's 12 Billion Dollar Welfare Plan for Farmers

Surely American farmers won't accept Trump's socialism, will they...?

So trump creates a problem then borrows to fix the problem.
And borrows from the people that the tariffs were supposed to be against. LOL So we can pay them interest, and be extremely vulnerable should they decide to do to us what Eisenhower did to the Brits during the Suez Crisis.
So trump creates a problem then borrows to fix the problem.

Lots of Presidents kicked the can down the road and refused to take on the unfair tariffs that were in place on US goods before Trump took office. Yes there will be some pain points as we even the playing field, but it must be done. Why liberals continue to defend China, the EU, and unfair trade practices is beyond me. It is almost like they hate the country they live in and are doing everything possible to wreck it.

Obama did nothing when China screwed the car industry. This is a quote from a 2011 article.

"General Motors faces the greatest impact, almost 22% extra on some sports utility vehicles (SUVs) and other cars with engine capacities above 2.5 litres. Chrysler faces a 15% penalty, while a 2% levy will be imposed on BMW, whose US plants make many of the cars it exports to China.

Existing taxes and duties already push up the cost of US imports by 25%, and the new levies make it even more expensive for Chinese consumers to buy American."

China imposes tariff on US car imports
Well now, you don't have to worry about BMW exporting any more cars to China from the US. Because of the tariffs, BMW is moving US production to China.
Yes where is the money coming from?

Yes where is the money coming from?

From us taxpayers its called redistribution. Since the rich can hide most of their money , it will come from the median income people. We will also pay higher prices at the grocery stores, its the least we can do.

I’m thinking it’s coming from that Wetback know, all that cash we’re saving by shutting down the cockroaches at the southern border.
You don’t whine about taxpayers funding wetbacks do you...why not?
Now you fucking bigoted cocksucker, we are paying $775 a night per child for the right to abuse those children. And guess who is making the profit off of that criminal action? For the whole time I have been alive, people from Mexico and other South American nations have worked our crops and done other menial jobs. And the vast majority of them are good people, I dare say, better people than you will ever be, and hard workers.
Subsidizing farmers is a tenet of socialism. Government control of production is a basic socialism requirement that defines socialism.

That is infantile in the extreme.

All governments since the beginning of time have subsidized Farming.

Go back to reading your comic books
Silly ass, this is in addition to the present subsidies, and is only happening because of the idiotic way the cretin in the White House imposed these tariffs.
Trumpo tariff pain in every industry. Will there be unlimited Trumpo communism to bailout more than the farm country Trumpo commie voters?

kyzr, post: 20439480
Exactly, other countries subsidize their industries, put high tariffs on US products, and reap mega-profits. Its about time the US demands fair trade and protects farmers from unfair trade practices!!

Socialism Or Bribes? Which do you prefer to call it now?

How many Trumpo voter farmers will take their communist share of the Trumpo $12 billion taxpayer bailout?

I thought Trumpo was supposed to make America Great Again. Sounds like Trumpo is making America Go-Broke Again.

From the quote: “While the trade wars are terrible for farmers, they're not the only ones taking a hit. For every tariff Trump imposes, China, Canada and the EU apply their own, creating pain in nearly every industry there is.”


Socialism Or Bribes? Trump Finds $12 Billion To Buy Off Rural America
By Karoli Kuns
7 hours ago

Trump's trade wars have brought misery to the nation's farmers, particularly in the Midwest, where their profits have taken a dive and meat is being warehoused rather than shipped.

While the trade wars are terrible for farmers, they're not the only ones taking a hit. For every tariff Trump imposes, China, Canada and the EU apply their own, creating pain in nearly every industry there is.

But rural voters are Trump voters, so he decided to take care of them first.

Socialism Or Bribes? Trump Finds $12 Billion To Buy Off Rural America

When will stupid deplorables ever wake up and realize what they’ve done to a great America?
rightwinger, post: 20440431
Wait, so Trump did tariffs to try and break the trade gap of billions of dollars, only to GIVE farmers billions of dollars because they are getting killed by the tariffs.

Sounds to me like an absolute FAIL.

Trump knows you can fix any problem if you throw enough money at it

At least now Trumpo doesn’t have to set up a fake corporation to throw his own money at a problem this idiot creates.

He’s got the suckers born every minute that voted for him and the others that didn’t vote for him that are unfortunately stuck with this mentally slow bastard to thank for funding his messes.
Taxpayers are going to be asked to initial checks to farmers in lieu of having a trade policy that actually opens and expands more markets. There isn’t anything about this that anybody should like

Some in the ag community, they say, ‘That’s great, thank you for the help’ — except that the problem then becomes we’ve lost the market, so how do we get the market back?

You put people in the poorhouse and provide them aid. What you need to do is not put them in the poorhouse

They put in place a policy that requires farmers to go on welfare.

It’s obvious that in farm country there’s a lot of concern. And those were the folks that brought the president home
DANG all them illegals paid for by Americans Buying Milk! And now by a 12B welfare handout to farmers employing illegals.
Jail these Cheese and Milk owners of these farms. ANTI-Ameican DrumpF Voters.:eusa_snooty:

""Buy a pound of cheese or a carton of milk in the U.S., and it most likely hails from Wisconsin, the number-one cheese and number-two milk producer in the country. Often, that Wisconsin dairy product comes from a cow that was milked by an undocumented immigrant. Nationwide, 51% of dairy workers are immigrants. According to workers, farmers, and industry experts, more than three-fourths of these immigrants are undocumented. As a result, farms with immigrant employees produce the vast majority—79%—of the American milk supply. Read more:""


Very interesting Video.

Farmers are MAGA American Traitors!
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Trumpo: “"In many ways this is the greatest economy in the HISTORY of America and the best time EVER to look for a job!" He followed that up Tuesday with a tweet saying the current conditions could be "the best economy in the history of our country."

Missourian, post: 20439590
We must protect working class wages.

Trumpo said long before he started the trade wars that he had already made the economy the greatest ever for the working class:


President Donald Trump has a new talking point: This economy ranks among the greatest in U.S. history. He tweeted late Monday that "In many ways this is the greatest economy in the HISTORY of America and the best time EVER to look for a job!" He followed that up Tuesday with a tweet saying the current conditions could be "the best economy in the history of our country."

Trump says economy may be the 'greatest in history.' Let's check the record.

So how in the hell is Trumpo’s trade war policy supposed to be what you call protecting working class wages? Stirring up inflation is one of the worst things for working class Americans.

Work more pay more. That ain’t great.
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Two words - SOY BEANS

write that down

Two more words - TRADE WAR

write that down

Two more words - China Tariffs

write that down

put them all together and you have Trumps $12B $$$ apology to the farmers

My final two words -


carve that in stone.
Trumpo: “"In many ways this is the greatest economy in the HISTORY of America and the best time EVER to look for a job!" He followed that up Tuesday with a tweet saying the current conditions could be "the best economy in the history of our country."

Missourian, post: 20439590
We must protect working class wages.

Trumpo said long before he started the trade wars that he had already made the economy the greatest ever for the working class:


President Donald Trump has a new talking point: This economy ranks among the greatest in U.S. history. He tweeted late Monday that "In many ways this is the greatest economy in the HISTORY of America and the best time EVER to look for a job!" He followed that up Tuesday with a tweet saying the current conditions could be "the best economy in the history of our country."

Trump says economy may be the 'greatest in history.' Let's check the record.

So how in the hell is Trumpo’s trade war policy supposed to be what you call protecting working class wages? Stirring up inflation is one of the worst things for working class wages.

Thanks, OBAMA for making America Great Again! Obama did 94% of this economy.
The Great Douche can claim maybe about 5%. DrumpF an Orange Con-Man claiming a better Black mans good work. Now fucks it over with tariffs so he can make money.

Whitey exposed again!

I hope the DrumpF /Cohen tape is made into a Valentine card.
The one discussing payoff of the Playboy Bunny lover as the hooker
was pregnant. So America
can mail it to our Former Hooker FLOTUS!
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Bush92, post: 20440934
Do other nations subsidize their farmers? Yes.

Where do you stop, commie? Do other nations have socialized healthcare and socialized college level education?

You suddenly feelin’ The Bern?

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