Trump's 12 Billion Dollar Welfare Plan for Farmers


Taxpayers will pay for $12 billion in aid to farmers to cover losses caused by Trump's tariffs

The Trump administration announced Tuesday a $12 billion emergency aid package for farmers caught in the middle of his ongoing and escalating trade wars with China, Europe, Canada and Mexico.

Prices of soybeans have gone down dramatically anyways. Trump will hit China back, don't worry, the U.S will more than make up for a measly $12B, probably in Intellectual Property protections alone.

I believe Intellectual Property theft costs the U.S between $200 and $500B a year! How much of that theft is done by China? Without protection of IP what company is goin to invest in R&D, patents and the like? It's true as Trump calls it, the Crown Jewels. Too bad Silicon Valley are too indoctrinated and ill informed to understand what is at risk, ditto for Wall Street.

If America doesn't confront these communist animals now, it might never happen and future generations will not even recognize America. Furthermore, the trade imbalance is going to continue.

If America can protect it's industries, there will also be a market for it. Chinas 2025 plan, one which they are quietly trying to hide after getting caught; is a desire to usurp the U.S in all industries. This is war, China is the enemy.

Please provide some
so you think these countries are playing fair????!!!!!!!!
I've got some crap to sell you --cheap
View attachment 206803

Thank you for showing me your brains, now answer the questions...

Which country that is screwing us have a lower unemployment rate than the US?

Which country that is screwing us have a higher per capita GDP, or nominal GDP than the US?

Which country that is screwing us has gone longer than 109 straight months of economic expansion?

Which country that is screwing us have have more total wealth or more wealth per capita than the US?
what does lower unemployment have to do with anything??
please explain

We are being told that our country is being screwed by these countries yet we are stronger economically than any of them in almost every measure.

If we are being screwed so badly, why are we doing so much better than all of those countries that are screwing us?
The U.S. trade deficit with China was $375 billion in 2017. The trade deficit exists because U.S. exports to China were only $130 billion while imports from China were $506 billion.
The Real Reason American Jobs Are Going to China

my company now, used to have 4 times the manufacturing in fabricating parts
now they buy most of it overseas!!
my old company has units manufactured in China!! when it used to be all manufactured in the US

It is not my fault your company could not compete, probably because they had to pay people like you way more than they have to pay a Chinese worker.
not fair--unfair wages
not fair--unfair wages

This is why the word fair is such a stupid word. If the people in China can have a good life making $3.60 and hour, why is it not fair for them to make that? is it the fault of the people in China that you want to get paid more than $3.60 an hour?
And if Trump didn't want to help farmers who've been hurt by tariffs (actually, they're being hurt by retaliatory measures by other nations), you'd be complaining about it.

Giving aid to farmers hurt by foreign retaliation to your high tariffs is a perfectly wise and sound policy. You need to do this kind of thing when you're starting to protect your nation's economy with high tariffs and when nations that have been bleeding you for decades retaliate.

Taxpayers will pay for $12 billion in aid to farmers to cover losses caused by Trump's tariffs

The Trump administration announced Tuesday a $12 billion emergency aid package for farmers caught in the middle of his ongoing and escalating trade wars with China, Europe, Canada and Mexico.

Prices of soybeans have gone down dramatically anyways. Trump will hit China back, don't worry, the U.S will more than make up for a measly $12B, probably in Intellectual Property protections alone.

I believe Intellectual Property theft costs the U.S between $200 and $500B a year! How much of that theft is done by China? Without protection of IP what company is goin to invest in R&D, patents and the like? It's true as Trump calls it, the Crown Jewels. Too bad Silicon Valley are too indoctrinated and ill informed to understand what is at risk, ditto for Wall Street.

If America doesn't confront these communist animals now, it might never happen and future generations will not even recognize America. Furthermore, the trade imbalance is going to continue.

If America can protect it's industries, there will also be a market for it. Chinas 2025 plan, one which they are quietly trying to hide after getting caught; is a desire to usurp the U.S in all industries. This is war, China is the enemy.
You remember when GM became Government Motors?

So I guess the right is for the Constitution until they're not, huh?

How is this any different from the standard welfare state?

Totally Constitutional...Article 1 Section 8...

Section 8.
The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States; but all duties, imposts and excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

To borrow money on the credit of the United States;

To regulate commerce with foreign nations, and among the several states, and with the Indian tribes;
And if Trump didn't want to help farmers who've been hurt by tariffs (actually, they're being hurt by retaliatory measures by other nations), you'd be complaining about it.

Giving aid to farmers hurt by foreign retaliation to your high tariffs is a perfectly wise and sound policy. You need to do this kind of thing when you're starting to protect your nation's economy with high tariffs and when nations that have been bleeding you for decades retaliate.
Let’s follow the money

We slap tariffs on imports
Other nations retaliate by slapping tariffs on us
Farmers get hit so we bail out their tariffs

So the taxpayers and consumers foot the bill for Trumps tariffs
And if Trump didn't want to help farmers who've been hurt by tariffs (actually, they're being hurt by retaliatory measures by other nations), you'd be complaining about it.

Giving aid to farmers hurt by foreign retaliation to your high tariffs is a perfectly wise and sound policy. You need to do this kind of thing when you're starting to protect your nation's economy with high tariffs and when nations that have been bleeding you for decades retaliate.
Let’s follow the money

We slap tariffs on imports
Other nations retaliate by slapping tariffs on us
Farmers get hit so we bail out their tariffs

So the taxpayers and consumers foot the bill for Trumps tariffs

Just as many predicted!
And if Trump didn't want to help farmers who've been hurt by tariffs (actually, they're being hurt by retaliatory measures by other nations), you'd be complaining about it.

Giving aid to farmers hurt by foreign retaliation to your high tariffs is a perfectly wise and sound policy. You need to do this kind of thing when you're starting to protect your nation's economy with high tariffs and when nations that have been bleeding you for decades retaliate.
Let’s follow the money

We slap tariffs on imports
Other nations retaliate by slapping tariffs on us
Farmers get hit so we bail out their tariffs

So the taxpayers and consumers foot the bill for Trumps tariffs

Just as many predicted!
Where are the Teatards?

They went ape shit when Obama bailed out the auto companies
Why are you guys ok with having the worst trade agreements in the free world? I know you don't want to rock the boat, but surely there is something that can be done. You hate tariffs, fine. How do we get free trade without a fight? Paul Ryan thinks there is a way, of course he is probably lying like a rug. How do you get trade partners to play fair? I'm having a hard time believing everyone is fine with way things are working now. Trump ran on sticking up for America. You don't like the way he is doing it, but there has to be a way. I'm not buying that people are just fine with the status quo.
And if Trump didn't want to help farmers who've been hurt by tariffs (actually, they're being hurt by retaliatory measures by other nations), you'd be complaining about it.

Giving aid to farmers hurt by foreign retaliation to your high tariffs is a perfectly wise and sound policy. You need to do this kind of thing when you're starting to protect your nation's economy with high tariffs and when nations that have been bleeding you for decades retaliate.
Let’s follow the money

We slap tariffs on imports
Other nations retaliate by slapping tariffs on us
Farmers get hit so we bail out their tariffs

So the taxpayers and consumers foot the bill for Trumps tariffs

Just as many predicted!
Where are the Teatards?

They went ape shit when Obama bailed out the auto companies

Strange isn't it, but I actually just read that several Rethugs are actually posted about this and calling for an end to the tariffs. I do not know how to link on phone but it is out there.
tariffs should've been enacted decades ago
and when an American company went overseas, they should've been hit with a 500% tariff--FKen American job killer bastards
How long ago did YOU check yourself and only buy American made products?

btw. You can't live in America without buying at least 35% of your stuff from import goods.

So please lie to me, you buy no imported goods as a MAGA DOPer.
I love the Buy American morons. They don't understand most the American made stuff
is assembled from imports goods. Like John Deere Tractors are about 20-45% made by China and Mexico imported parts as I recall.

fyi..50 Things to Import and Sell Online on Amazon, eBay or own online store - Shippo
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And if Trump didn't want to help farmers who've been hurt by tariffs (actually, they're being hurt by retaliatory measures by other nations), you'd be complaining about it.

Giving aid to farmers hurt by foreign retaliation to your high tariffs is a perfectly wise and sound policy. You need to do this kind of thing when you're starting to protect your nation's economy with high tariffs and when nations that have been bleeding you for decades retaliate.
Let’s follow the money

We slap tariffs on imports
Other nations retaliate by slapping tariffs on us
Farmers get hit so we bail out their tariffs

So the taxpayers and consumers foot the bill for Trumps tariffs
Yep! Another sweet....Program for the DOOPers!

And if Trump didn't want to help farmers who've been hurt by tariffs (actually, they're being hurt by retaliatory measures by other nations), you'd be complaining about it.

Giving aid to farmers hurt by foreign retaliation to your high tariffs is a perfectly wise and sound policy. You need to do this kind of thing when you're starting to protect your nation's economy with high tariffs and when nations that have been bleeding you for decades retaliate.
Let’s follow the money

We slap tariffs on imports
Other nations retaliate by slapping tariffs on us
Farmers get hit so we bail out their tariffs

So the taxpayers and consumers foot the bill for Trumps tariffs

Just as many predicted!
Where are the Teatards?

They went ape shit when Obama bailed out the auto companies
This farm has 555,000 acres of soybeans alone. Will he refuse the Drumpf cash?

A Visit to the Largest Soybean Farm in the World | South Dakota Soybean

MAGA... Go Great Douche!

Trump's And China's Tariffs Could Do Permanent Damage To Soybean Farmers
A profit can turn to a loss very quickly

Farmer’s profitability can be highly variable. In a report from the University of Illinois, a farm with 3,000 acres of corn and soybeans had an operating profit margin of 24.5% from 2010 to 2014. However, it fell to a negative 3.6% in 2015 and only rebounded to 4.6% in 2016. This demonstrates that if soybean prices remain low and cuts farmer’s revenue by 10%, it could easily turn a profitable year into a loss.

China is probably more than willing to absorb the additional costs associated with the soybean tariffs it is imposing on its own people. It would not surprise me if the government steps in to subsidize their soybean businesses to at least partially offset the increased costs.
Just more discrimination from the federal government.
I deal in aluminum and our bottom line has been hurt. We do yearly bids.
Where is my $$$?
Fair point. Many companies have seen their costs rise because they deal with components that are made up of aluminum or steel.
Wait, so Trump did tariffs to try and break the trade gap of billions of dollars, only to GIVE farmers billions of dollars because they are getting killed by the tariffs.

Sounds to me like an absolute FAIL.
And if Trump didn't want to help farmers who've been hurt by tariffs (actually, they're being hurt by retaliatory measures by other nations), you'd be complaining about it.

Giving aid to farmers hurt by foreign retaliation to your high tariffs is a perfectly wise and sound policy. You need to do this kind of thing when you're starting to protect your nation's economy with high tariffs and when nations that have been bleeding you for decades retaliate.
Let’s follow the money

We slap tariffs on imports
Other nations retaliate by slapping tariffs on us
Farmers get hit so we bail out their tariffs

So the taxpayers and consumers foot the bill for Trumps tariffs

Just as many predicted!
Where are the Teatards?

They went ape shit when Obama bailed out the auto companies

Strange isn't it, but I actually just read that several Rethugs are actually posted about this and calling for an end to the tariffs. I do not know how to link on phone but it is out there.
Repubs used to support free trade

How is this criminal making money here?
He can trade his stocks before he spews.
Wait, so Trump did tariffs to try and break the trade gap of billions of dollars, only to GIVE farmers billions of dollars because they are getting killed by the tariffs.

Sounds to me like an absolute FAIL.

Trump knows you can fix any problem if you throw enough money at it

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