Trump's 12 Billion Dollar Welfare Plan for Farmers


Taxpayers will pay for $12 billion in aid to farmers to cover losses caused by Trump's tariffs

The Trump administration announced Tuesday a $12 billion emergency aid package for farmers caught in the middle of his ongoing and escalating trade wars with China, Europe, Canada and Mexico.

Prices of soybeans have gone down dramatically anyways. Trump will hit China back, don't worry, the U.S will more than make up for a measly $12B, probably in Intellectual Property protections alone.

I believe Intellectual Property theft costs the U.S between $200 and $500B a year! How much of that theft is done by China? Without protection of IP what company is goin to invest in R&D, patents and the like? It's true as Trump calls it, the Crown Jewels. Too bad Silicon Valley are too indoctrinated and ill informed to understand what is at risk, ditto for Wall Street.

If America doesn't confront these communist animals now, it might never happen and future generations will not even recognize America. Furthermore, the trade imbalance is going to continue.

If America can protect it's industries, there will also be a market for it. Chinas 2025 plan, one which they are quietly trying to hide after getting caught; is a desire to usurp the U.S in all industries. This is war, China is the enemy.
You remember when GM became Government Motors?


So I guess the right is for the Constitution until they're not, huh?

How is this any different from the standard welfare state?

Totally Constitutional...Article 1 Section 8...

Section 8.
The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States; but all duties, imposts and excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

To borrow money on the credit of the United States;

To regulate commerce with foreign nations, and among the several states, and with the Indian tribes;

So if the next liberal president gives $12B to Planned Parenthood, you're on board and won't say a peep...right?

Tell us a lie and say yes.
So trump creates a problem then borrows to fix the problem.

Lots of Presidents kicked the can down the road and refused to take on the unfair tariffs that were in place on US goods before Trump took office. Yes there will be some pain points as we even the playing field, but it must be done. Why liberals continue to defend China, the EU, and unfair trade practices is beyond me. It is almost like they hate the country they live in and are doing everything possible to wreck it.

Obama did nothing when China screwed the car industry. This is a quote from a 2011 article.

"General Motors faces the greatest impact, almost 22% extra on some sports utility vehicles (SUVs) and other cars with engine capacities above 2.5 litres. Chrysler faces a 15% penalty, while a 2% levy will be imposed on BMW, whose US plants make many of the cars it exports to China.

Existing taxes and duties already push up the cost of US imports by 25%, and the new levies make it even more expensive for Chinese consumers to buy American."

China imposes tariff on US car imports

So the remedy is to "take on the unfair tariffs" and spend an additional $12B (thus far) as a result?
Candyass, why are you against fair trade and why are you backing China?

Candy is not against fair trade. And Candy not backing China.
Candy be explaining what you are missing in understand thangs..
Stop Watching Faux News DOPer Douche Proganda.,
You will get it faster.
Another dim backing China. Bill took the cash and we take it in the ass. The Democrat way!
And if Trump didn't want to help farmers who've been hurt by tariffs (actually, they're being hurt by retaliatory measures by other nations), you'd be complaining about it.

Giving aid to farmers hurt by foreign retaliation to your high tariffs is a perfectly wise and sound policy. You need to do this kind of thing when you're starting to protect your nation's economy with high tariffs and when nations that have been bleeding you for decades retaliate.
Let’s follow the money

We slap tariffs on imports
Other nations retaliate by slapping tariffs on us
Farmers get hit so we bail out their tariffs

So the taxpayers and consumers foot the bill for Trumps tariffs wars are easy...and fun!!! But just remember, this is likely just the first domino to fall. Wait until the CPI and inflation (which has been growing) really take off.
So trump creates a problem then borrows to fix the problem.

Lots of Presidents kicked the can down the road and refused to take on the unfair tariffs that were in place on US goods before Trump took office. Yes there will be some pain points as we even the playing field, but it must be done. Why liberals continue to defend China, the EU, and unfair trade practices is beyond me. It is almost like they hate the country they live in and are doing everything possible to wreck it.

Obama did nothing when China screwed the car industry. This is a quote from a 2011 article.

"General Motors faces the greatest impact, almost 22% extra on some sports utility vehicles (SUVs) and other cars with engine capacities above 2.5 litres. Chrysler faces a 15% penalty, while a 2% levy will be imposed on BMW, whose US plants make many of the cars it exports to China.

Existing taxes and duties already push up the cost of US imports by 25%, and the new levies make it even more expensive for Chinese consumers to buy American."

China imposes tariff on US car imports

So the remedy is to "take on the unfair tariffs" and spend an additional $12B (thus far) as a result?
Candyass, why are you against fair trade and why are you backing China?

Candy is not against fair trade. And Candy not backing China.
Candy be explaining what you are missing in understand thangs..
Stop Watching Faux News DOPer Douche Proganda.,
You will get it faster.
Another dim backing China. Bill took the cash and we take it in the ass. The Democrat way!

And what do you know...the Clintons are being blamed. One never became President; the other hasn't been president for 20 years!
Learn a new trick...will you?

So I guess the right is for the Constitution until they're not, huh?

How is this any different from the standard welfare state?

Totally Constitutional...Article 1 Section 8...

Section 8.
The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States; but all duties, imposts and excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

To borrow money on the credit of the United States;

To regulate commerce with foreign nations, and among the several states, and with the Indian tribes;

So if the next liberal president gives $12B to Planned Parenthood, you're on board and won't say a peep...right?

Tell us a lie and say yes.
Dumbest post in this thread. We already pay planned abortionhood. They are well subsidized.

What the fuck does that have to do with insane tarrifs by the Chinese?
Lots of Presidents kicked the can down the road and refused to take on the unfair tariffs that were in place on US goods before Trump took office. Yes there will be some pain points as we even the playing field, but it must be done. Why liberals continue to defend China, the EU, and unfair trade practices is beyond me. It is almost like they hate the country they live in and are doing everything possible to wreck it.

Obama did nothing when China screwed the car industry. This is a quote from a 2011 article.

"General Motors faces the greatest impact, almost 22% extra on some sports utility vehicles (SUVs) and other cars with engine capacities above 2.5 litres. Chrysler faces a 15% penalty, while a 2% levy will be imposed on BMW, whose US plants make many of the cars it exports to China.

Existing taxes and duties already push up the cost of US imports by 25%, and the new levies make it even more expensive for Chinese consumers to buy American."

China imposes tariff on US car imports

So the remedy is to "take on the unfair tariffs" and spend an additional $12B (thus far) as a result?
Candyass, why are you against fair trade and why are you backing China?

Candy is not against fair trade. And Candy not backing China.
Candy be explaining what you are missing in understand thangs..
Stop Watching Faux News DOPer Douche Proganda.,
You will get it faster.
Another dim backing China. Bill took the cash and we take it in the ass. The Democrat way!

And what do you know...the Clintons are being blamed. One never became President; the other hasn't been president for 20 years!
Learn a new trick...will you?
Why do you support high Chinese tarrifs on American goods?
Bush92, post: 20440934
Do other nations subsidize their farmers? Yes.

Where do you stop, commie? Do other nations have socialized healthcare and socialized college level education?

You suddenly feelin’ The Bern?
Nope. But when nations attempt to fuck us over on industrial trade and agriculture...we need to punch back.

Punching back means hitting ourselves with $12B more in debt?
Bush92, post: 20440934
Do other nations subsidize their farmers? Yes.

Where do you stop, commie? Do other nations have socialized healthcare and socialized college level education?

You suddenly feelin’ The Bern?
Nope. But when nations attempt to fuck us over on industrial trade and agriculture...we need to punch back.

Punching back means hitting ourselves with $12B more in debt?
A $300 - 400 billion a year trade imbalance with China is not sustainable. Grow up. That imbalance has many roots. Restrictions by the Chinese and insane tarrifs by the Chinese have done tremendous damage. Obama took it up the ass when he bowed over for China. Stop supporting China over the US.
Bush92, post: 20440934
Do other nations subsidize their farmers? Yes.

Where do you stop, commie? Do other nations have socialized healthcare and socialized college level education?

You suddenly feelin’ The Bern?
Nope. But when nations attempt to fuck us over on industrial trade and agriculture...we need to punch back.

Punching back means hitting ourselves with $12B more in debt?
A $300 - 400 billion a year trade imbalance with China is not sustainable. Grow up. That imbalance has many roots. Restrictions by the Chinese and insane tarrifs by the Chinese have done tremendous damage. Obama took it up the ass when he bowed over for China. Stop supporting China over the US.

he he he...

You're ignoring that Americans want cheap goods which has allowed Wal Mart to become the biggest corporation in the nation if I'm not mistaken. Trump had his cheap clothes made in China.... And now you're worried about the trade deficit? Perhaps you should let us know when you get through puberty.
So people who were cool with destroying America’s industrial base by outsourcing manufacturing to China while the wealthy hoarded all gains from trade, don’t like Trump’s emergency farm aid. Makes sense, actually.
Bush92, post: 20440934
Do other nations subsidize their farmers? Yes.

Where do you stop, commie? Do other nations have socialized healthcare and socialized college level education?

You suddenly feelin’ The Bern?
Nope. But when nations attempt to fuck us over on industrial trade and agriculture...we need to punch back.

Punching back means hitting ourselves with $12B more in debt?
A $300 - 400 billion a year trade imbalance with China is not sustainable. Grow up. That imbalance has many roots. Restrictions by the Chinese and insane tarrifs by the Chinese have done tremendous damage. Obama took it up the ass when he bowed over for China. Stop supporting China over the US.

he he he...

You're ignoring that Americans want cheap goods which has allowed Wal Mart to become the biggest corporation in the nation if I'm not mistaken. Trump had his cheap clothes made in China.... And now you're worried about the trade deficit? Perhaps you should let us know when you get through puberty.
Go for it. Go all in for China and other crap countries that are screwing US workers.
Bush92, post: 20440934Where do you stop, commie? Do other nations have socialized healthcare and socialized college level education?

You suddenly feelin’ The Bern?
Nope. But when nations attempt to fuck us over on industrial trade and agriculture...we need to punch back.

Punching back means hitting ourselves with $12B more in debt?
A $300 - 400 billion a year trade imbalance with China is not sustainable. Grow up. That imbalance has many roots. Restrictions by the Chinese and insane tarrifs by the Chinese have done tremendous damage. Obama took it up the ass when he bowed over for China. Stop supporting China over the US.

he he he...

You're ignoring that Americans want cheap goods which has allowed Wal Mart to become the biggest corporation in the nation if I'm not mistaken. Trump had his cheap clothes made in China.... And now you're worried about the trade deficit? Perhaps you should let us know when you get through puberty.
Go for it. Go all in for China and other crap countries that are screwing US workers.

I have no idea what that means...I'm sure it's juvenile and stupid.
Trump employed Chinese people to make his clothes. He is supposedly wealthy; don't you think that if he really gave two shits about American workers, he could have had his wares made here and helped that old trade deficit you're worried about?
Nope. But when nations attempt to fuck us over on industrial trade and agriculture...we need to punch back.

Punching back means hitting ourselves with $12B more in debt?
A $300 - 400 billion a year trade imbalance with China is not sustainable. Grow up. That imbalance has many roots. Restrictions by the Chinese and insane tarrifs by the Chinese have done tremendous damage. Obama took it up the ass when he bowed over for China. Stop supporting China over the US.

he he he...

You're ignoring that Americans want cheap goods which has allowed Wal Mart to become the biggest corporation in the nation if I'm not mistaken. Trump had his cheap clothes made in China.... And now you're worried about the trade deficit? Perhaps you should let us know when you get through puberty.
Go for it. Go all in for China and other crap countries that are screwing US workers.

I have no idea what that means...I'm sure it's juvenile and stupid.
Trump employed Chinese people to make his clothes. He is supposedly wealthy; don't you think that if he really gave two shits about American workers, he could have had his wares made here and helped that old trade deficit you're worried about?
He was a businessman that worked within the idiotic rules both parties created. The more important question is why the DNC and their sheep are supporting China over US workers.
Punching back means hitting ourselves with $12B more in debt?
A $300 - 400 billion a year trade imbalance with China is not sustainable. Grow up. That imbalance has many roots. Restrictions by the Chinese and insane tarrifs by the Chinese have done tremendous damage. Obama took it up the ass when he bowed over for China. Stop supporting China over the US.

he he he...

You're ignoring that Americans want cheap goods which has allowed Wal Mart to become the biggest corporation in the nation if I'm not mistaken. Trump had his cheap clothes made in China.... And now you're worried about the trade deficit? Perhaps you should let us know when you get through puberty.
Go for it. Go all in for China and other crap countries that are screwing US workers.

I have no idea what that means...I'm sure it's juvenile and stupid.
Trump employed Chinese people to make his clothes. He is supposedly wealthy; don't you think that if he really gave two shits about American workers, he could have had his wares made here and helped that old trade deficit you're worried about?
He was a businessman that worked within the idiotic rules both parties created. The more important question is why the DNC and their sheep are supporting China over US workers.

You're incredibly dense...

Wal Mart supports China.

They have something like 500 stores in Texas. Do you think the Texans are all DNC operatives supporting China?

Really, smarten up.
A $300 - 400 billion a year trade imbalance with China is not sustainable. Grow up. That imbalance has many roots. Restrictions by the Chinese and insane tarrifs by the Chinese have done tremendous damage. Obama took it up the ass when he bowed over for China. Stop supporting China over the US.

he he he...

You're ignoring that Americans want cheap goods which has allowed Wal Mart to become the biggest corporation in the nation if I'm not mistaken. Trump had his cheap clothes made in China.... And now you're worried about the trade deficit? Perhaps you should let us know when you get through puberty.
Go for it. Go all in for China and other crap countries that are screwing US workers.

I have no idea what that means...I'm sure it's juvenile and stupid.
Trump employed Chinese people to make his clothes. He is supposedly wealthy; don't you think that if he really gave two shits about American workers, he could have had his wares made here and helped that old trade deficit you're worried about?
He was a businessman that worked within the idiotic rules both parties created. The more important question is why the DNC and their sheep are supporting China over US workers.

You're incredibly dense...

Wal Mart supports China.
View attachment 206852

They have something like 500 stores in Texas. Do you think the Texans are all DNC operatives supporting China?

Really, smarten up.
Candyass. The slow one in a group of morons.

Candy, are you vaguely familiar with tarrifs and restrictions the Chinese placed on US goods and services before Trump? Why did Obama, Clinton, the DNC and their retarded followers do nothing?
he he he...

You're ignoring that Americans want cheap goods which has allowed Wal Mart to become the biggest corporation in the nation if I'm not mistaken. Trump had his cheap clothes made in China.... And now you're worried about the trade deficit? Perhaps you should let us know when you get through puberty.
Go for it. Go all in for China and other crap countries that are screwing US workers.

I have no idea what that means...I'm sure it's juvenile and stupid.
Trump employed Chinese people to make his clothes. He is supposedly wealthy; don't you think that if he really gave two shits about American workers, he could have had his wares made here and helped that old trade deficit you're worried about?
He was a businessman that worked within the idiotic rules both parties created. The more important question is why the DNC and their sheep are supporting China over US workers.

You're incredibly dense...

Wal Mart supports China.
View attachment 206852

They have something like 500 stores in Texas. Do you think the Texans are all DNC operatives supporting China?

Really, smarten up.
Candyass. The slow one in a group of morons.

Candy, are you vaguely familiar with tarrifs and restrictions the Chinese placed on US goods and services before Trump? Why did Obama, Clinton, the DNC and their retarded followers do nothing?

Sure. Have you heard that we are having to spring for another $12B because of retaliatory tariffs in a Trade war started by the blob?
Go for it. Go all in for China and other crap countries that are screwing US workers.

I have no idea what that means...I'm sure it's juvenile and stupid.
Trump employed Chinese people to make his clothes. He is supposedly wealthy; don't you think that if he really gave two shits about American workers, he could have had his wares made here and helped that old trade deficit you're worried about?
He was a businessman that worked within the idiotic rules both parties created. The more important question is why the DNC and their sheep are supporting China over US workers.

You're incredibly dense...

Wal Mart supports China.
View attachment 206852

They have something like 500 stores in Texas. Do you think the Texans are all DNC operatives supporting China?

Really, smarten up.
Candyass. The slow one in a group of morons.

Candy, are you vaguely familiar with tarrifs and restrictions the Chinese placed on US goods and services before Trump? Why did Obama, Clinton, the DNC and their retarded followers do nothing?

Sure. Have you heard that we are having to spring for another $12B because of retaliatory tariffs in a Trade war started by the blob?
Candyass would prefer a $300 - 400 billion trade imbalance with China. China started this shit. Bill Clinton doubled down on it after taking the money. As usual, you are out of your league. Out kicked your coverage .

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