Trump's 12 Billion Dollar Welfare Plan for Farmers

I have no idea what that means...I'm sure it's juvenile and stupid.
Trump employed Chinese people to make his clothes. He is supposedly wealthy; don't you think that if he really gave two shits about American workers, he could have had his wares made here and helped that old trade deficit you're worried about?
He was a businessman that worked within the idiotic rules both parties created. The more important question is why the DNC and their sheep are supporting China over US workers.

You're incredibly dense...

Wal Mart supports China.
View attachment 206852

They have something like 500 stores in Texas. Do you think the Texans are all DNC operatives supporting China?

Really, smarten up.
Candyass. The slow one in a group of morons.

Candy, are you vaguely familiar with tarrifs and restrictions the Chinese placed on US goods and services before Trump? Why did Obama, Clinton, the DNC and their retarded followers do nothing?

Sure. Have you heard that we are having to spring for another $12B because of retaliatory tariffs in a Trade war started by the blob?
Candyass would prefer a $300 - 400 billion trade imbalance with China. China started this shit. Bill Clinton doubled down on it after taking the money. As usual, you are out of your league. Out kicked your coverage .

We'll see where the trade imbalance is once Trump is out of office to see if this Trade war was worth fighting. So far, not so good. Blaming Clinton is something an idiot would do.
This trade war with China comes down to who can outlast the other. Keep in mind we’re subsidizing what we always have with a bit more. On their side the food prices are increasing and becoming more scarce. They can’t replace our volume of foods easily especially this time of year. So it’s going to be a wait and see game.
If it was 'just' china, it would work, but it's not.
This is Republican economics.......create a disaster and then bail certain people out. Back in 1999, they created the Republican bill (Gramm/Leach/Bliley) that led to the financial crisis and TRILLIONS in bailouts for banks. This is just on a smaller scale. Then, during the recovery from that Republican disaster.....

Wonder if the good ole' GOPers in Congress are going to require that this aid be 'revenue neutral' like they did when we NEEDED government spending after the financial crisis?

Debt and deficit only matters to Republicans when Democrats are in charge. It's not a surprise I haven't heard one right winger talk about massive debt since Trump took office.

It's so pathetically obvious to anyone that cares. However, the new Republican Party doesn't stand for, they won't care.

Look at the number of self inflicted wounds created by the Republicans since Trump took office.....they caused skyrocketing health care costs....caused separation of families at the border....each of which led to nothing in terms of legislation.

If Trump and the GOP were in charge of a company, they'd be fired. However....when you have a group of dupes that will do whatever the hell you want, it doesn't matter. Trump knew how stupid Republicans are during the campaign.
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Tariffs and trickle down economics DO NOT WORK. Trump not only did trickle down economics with his tax cuts... which economic analyst have shown hasn't worked, as companies have just bought back stock, and after a few initial bonuses to employees, HAVE NOT RAISED WAGES. Now he is trying tariffs to get people to buy more American made products, but the problem is so many American made products REQUIRE parts from other countries and now that those parts cost more for the companies, now the US made products cost more.

I think it is becoming quite obvious now Trump isn't as good a business man as people thought, and if it weren't for the people that work for him that do most of the business, a lot more of Trump's business would be belly up.
And their "beloved" California being the number one agricultural state stands to reap the greatest reward from the bailout.

The irony is sweet.

6 Corporate Bankruptcies
Trump has filed Chapter 11 bankruptcy for his companies six times.
Three of the casino bankruptcies came during the recession of the early 1990s and the Gulf War, both of which contributed to hard times in Atlantic City, New Jersey's gambling facilities. He also entered a Manhattan hotel and two casino holding companies into bankruptcy.

Chapter 11 bankruptcy allows companies to restructure or wipe away much of their debt to other companies, creditors, and shareholders while remaining in business but under the supervision of a bankruptcy court. Chapter 11 is often called "reorganization" because it allows the business to emerge from the process more efficient and on good terms with its creditors.""""

The Details About the 6 Donald Trump Corporate Bankruptcies
Where are the Trumpanzees? Out "winning" somewhere?
The basic hate of opponents is not forgivable. I wasn't hot for his defense policies, but Reagan showed we can be better than that. Trump's sold a bunch of rubes an economic plan that everyone who should know better, knows better. He's going to crash the economy. The Fed hoped for a "soft landing" with rates going back up 3-5% and continued modest growth. But that conflicted with Trumpnomics and the gop mantra on tax cuts. Trump's polls will crater when the economy craters. Unfortunately, the majority who didn't vote for him will pay the price as well.
Before food stamps, we fed the hungry with subsidized surplus food. True story. Food would be distributed monthly from community locations. Blocks of cheese, peanut butter, powdered milk, flour, rice, etc. The government bought it from the farmers to ensure they stayed in business from year to year despite any volatile or troublesome market.

Jesus, you must be as old as I am. I remember that back in the 50's and 60's.
Subsidizing farmers is a tenet of socialism. Government control of production is a basic socialism requirement that defines socialism.

That is infantile in the extreme.

All governments since the beginning of time have subsidized Farming.

Go back to reading your comic books
You just don't want to admit you have stumbled into supporting socialism. Nothing is infantile about my post. Any definition of Socialism begins with government control of production. When a government subsidizes it is controlling production.

Subsidizing farmers and controlling farm production has been part of America since the founding of America by the founding fathers. Subsidies began as soon as America became America and even before the Constitution was written.

Yes they have but quite a few house republican's don't want to go this route.
Sure, let's spend more money we don't have. I mean, we're only $22 Trillion in Debt. :cuckoo:
I think the attempts to deflect from Trump's tariffs by going W or Obama are weak sauce. The run up of the Dow is attributable to really three administrations (W Obama and Trump) coupled with QE. We bailed out the banks. Those of us with retirement plans benefitted, the folks in the rust belt who don't ... not so much.

The bailout occurred because the home mortgage market collapsed because bad debt was marketed and sold a really really good debt, and there was a crack like demand for that debt. It too was a bipartisan cluserfuck (and not really because of a bunch of poor people with cheap houses, but that's another story)

Trump is tanking commodity markets. If one is a trump supporter, I think they can fairly say other administrations didn't address unfair markets. But Trump is putting tariffs on the EU and China. He can't do both without killing our commodities. If Jina doesn't buy our corn, the EU will. But if nobody buys the corn, then the farmers get fucked or Trump pays them welfare. It's his baby.

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