Trump's 12 Billion Dollar Welfare Plan for Farmers

President Trump is a proud Christian. just like Jesus, he gets criticized for wanting to help his fellow man.
Giving billions of dollars to farmers and ranchers to prop up their business is Socialism. Are we still against handouts?

Trump's Road to Socialism | Tho Bishop

Some rad-Left-babushkas would like to eat what farmers couldn't otherwise grow. Not socialism. Limited economic interventionism. Removed the spin for you. Right round!
In English?

If'n you want to eat what them farmers are a growin' then be glad fer dah farmer bailout. Over, and out.
Even 22 years after the Clinton/Gingrich welfare reform, academics still determinedly ignore the difference between work-tested benefits (EITC. Social Security), which are popular, and non-work-tested benefits (TANF, SNAP) which aren't
You gotta admit Trump's hilarious failure was so terrible he had to turn to socialism to fix it.
/—-/ I gotta admit nothing. He’s helping those who will be affected the most. Why don’t you care about those hurt by high export tariffs?
Helping those hurt by his trade war...

Trump hurts us to help those he's hurt in his trade wars, and the Trumpbots say "no worries,. we'll all get new cars for free later on."
Funny how lefties never call welfare, welfare but they get hysterical about subsidies to the agra community. There wasn't a peep on the left when Barry Hussein was bailing out solar companies which were about to go under. The economy is booming, the DOW is around 25,000 and unemployment is at a record low so the angry left has to have something to whine about.
Funny how lefties never call welfare, welfare but they get hysterical about subsidies to the agra community. There wasn't a peep on the left when Barry Hussein was bailing out solar companies which were about to go under. The economy is booming, the DOW is around 25,000 and unemployment is at a record low so the angry left has to have something to whine about.
Dow is well below it’s high. Debt at an all time high.
Farmers massively voted for Trump.

Trump is desperately looking for ways to save farmers from his trade war with China

2.5 Billion Pounds Of Meat Is Sitting In US Warehouses

Trump still has money left over from his Depression Era slush fund.

Enough to pay off farmers until the midterms.

After that?

Not only will farmers be fuked, but millions of Americans, including millions of Trump voters will no longer have healthcare, or possibly even farms.

And the deficit keeps on growing.

These aren't policies.

These are scams. Trickery to keep his voters voting Trump. Throw money at them and they will cheer failure. But how long can the money party last? Before it all comes crashing down? Like it did under Bush and the GOP?

These are scams. Trickery to keep his voters voting Trump.

So he'll keep the House and Senate and name 3 more Supreme Court Justices.


$12 Billion dollars for three Supreme Court justices, lower taxes, great economic growth and to keep America great? Money well spent.

Beats the hell out of that trillion that Obama spent that did nothing to help anybody except for a few Democrat special interest groups.
Farmers massively voted for Trump.

Trump is desperately looking for ways to save farmers from his trade war with China

2.5 Billion Pounds Of Meat Is Sitting In US Warehouses

Trump still has money left over from his Depression Era slush fund.

Enough to pay off farmers until the midterms.

After that?

Not only will farmers be fuked, but millions of Americans, including millions of Trump voters will no longer have healthcare, or possibly even farms.

And the deficit keeps on growing.

These aren't policies.

These are scams. Trickery to keep his voters voting Trump. Throw money at them and they will cheer failure. But how long can the money party last? Before it all comes crashing down? Like it did under Bush and the GOP?

These are scams. Trickery to keep his voters voting Trump.

So he'll keep the House and Senate and name 3 more Supreme Court Justices.

Our debt can’t afford that.
Farmers massively voted for Trump.

Trump is desperately looking for ways to save farmers from his trade war with China

2.5 Billion Pounds Of Meat Is Sitting In US Warehouses

Trump still has money left over from his Depression Era slush fund.

Enough to pay off farmers until the midterms.

After that?

Not only will farmers be fuked, but millions of Americans, including millions of Trump voters will no longer have healthcare, or possibly even farms.

And the deficit keeps on growing.

These aren't policies.

These are scams. Trickery to keep his voters voting Trump. Throw money at them and they will cheer failure. But how long can the money party last? Before it all comes crashing down? Like it did under Bush and the GOP?

Sooo, they're using a law that has existed for decades and this is trumps "new" tactic?

What about all of those companies that obummer granted waivers to so that they wouldn't have to pony up billions before the mid term elections? It's OK for your guy, but not for their guy?

Sounds kind of infantile to me. What about you?
You gotta admit Trump's hilarious failure was so terrible he had to turn to socialism to fix it.
/—-/ I gotta admit nothing. He’s helping those who will be affected the most. Why don’t you care about those hurt by high export tariffs?
Helping those hurt by his trade war...

Trump hurts us to help those he's hurt in his trade wars, and the Trumpbots say "no worries,. we'll all get new cars for free later on."
/-----/ bwhahahahaha
think I care about a left wing rag like snopes
So facts don't mean anything to you. Only trump's lies do, right? Pitiful!
So where you been the last 10 years?
What does snopes say about collusion ?

I'm waiting to hear what Mueller says about it. His findings will be the only credible ones. And you didn't believe what I posted because it didn't agree with what you believe, period...
It’s hurt the dairy farmers the worst
A little bit in the spud market
think I care about a left wing rag like snopes
So facts don't mean anything to you. Only trump's lies do, right? Pitiful!
So where you been the last 10 years?
What does snopes say about collusion ?

I'm waiting to hear what Mueller says about it. His findings will be the only credible ones. And you didn't believe what I posted because it didn't agree with what you believe, period...
/-----/ you'll be waiting a long long long time.
Look at the picture. The meat in storage is smoked. Relax. It'll keep. So will the soybeans.
Keep for what? Christmas?

Farmers are saying "we want trade, not aid".

Farmers have spent decades developing these markets. China is now buying it's soybeans from Brazil, Venezuela, and other places. Once those markets have moved, they are gone. Farmers are fuked.

Farmers believed Trump when he said they would get better healthcare that costs less.

Now, they will not only not have healthcare, they will lose their farms.

You can't believe a six time bankrupt con man. Why? Because they are a con man.
Farmers massively voted for Trump.

Trump is desperately looking for ways to save farmers from his trade war with China

2.5 Billion Pounds Of Meat Is Sitting In US Warehouses

Trump still has money left over from his Depression Era slush fund.

Enough to pay off farmers until the midterms.

After that?

Not only will farmers be fuked, but millions of Americans, including millions of Trump voters will no longer have healthcare, or possibly even farms.

And the deficit keeps on growing.

These aren't policies.

These are scams. Trickery to keep his voters voting Trump. Throw money at them and they will cheer failure. But how long can the money party last? Before it all comes crashing down? Like it did under Bush and the GOP?

Sooo, they're using a law that has existed for decades and this is trumps "new" tactic?

What about all of those companies that obummer granted waivers to so that they wouldn't have to pony up billions before the mid term elections? It's OK for your guy, but not for their guy?

Sounds kind of infantile to me. What about you?
I don't know what you are talking about. Waivers for what?

The money Trump has was put in place during the depression to help farmers. It wasn't put there to help farmers survive a policy started by the president.
Giving billions of dollars to farmers and ranchers to prop up their business is Socialism. Are we still against handouts?

Trump's Road to Socialism | Tho Bishop

Some rad-Left-babushkas would like to eat what farmers couldn't otherwise grow. Not socialism. Limited economic interventionism. Removed the spin for you. Right round!

Voilà -- when you're against it it's "socialism" or plug in whatever Emmanuel Goldstein term is in vogue that week; when you're for it, it becomes "limited".

Having it both ways: Priceless.
Look at the picture. The meat in storage is smoked. Relax. It'll keep. So will the soybeans.
Keep for what? Christmas?

Farmers are saying "we want trade, not aid".

Farmers have spent decades developing these markets. China is now buying it's soybeans from Brazil, Venezuela, and other places. Once those markets have moved, they are gone. Farmers are fuked.

Farmers believed Trump when he said they would get better healthcare that costs less.

Now, they will not only not have healthcare, they will lose their farms.

You can't believe a six time bankrupt con man. Why? Because they are a con man.
Do you really believe there are no other markets? Calm down, deary. You may be panicky and ignorant but farmers are not.

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