Trump's Address on Iran On Now

Trump is right, we should do whatever we have to militarily to make sure Iran never has nukes.
What did he say? Are we retaliating
  • The Iran attack was a non-starter. We knew it was coming and totally repulsed it.
  • Soleimani was a far worse dude than was generally known.
  • Trump is cranking up new sanctions on Iran even higher.
  • Life just got much worse for the Iranian leaders.
  • They continue to look at their options.
  • We will never let Iran have a nuke.
  • Trump invited all NATO countries to get more involved in settling the Iran problem once and for all.
  • Trump failed to live up to all of the horror stories and dire predictions of the Democrats, Hollywood, and all of the Trump-haters.
Repulsed it? How many missiles were shot down before they reached their mark?
was anyone killed? if not then you have to question either their technology (and from what i understand it is pretty solid) or their aim. so what would their mark be in this instance?

looks more like a PR move on Irans part to say they did something back yet not enough for a counter-attack.
Andrea Mitchell thinks they have highly precise missiles and missed on purpose. (which they did)

Iran ‘deliberately missed’: MSNBC issues initial battle damage assessment

“That they have such highly precise missiles — we know they do, they were able to take out the major Aramco oil field in September in Saudi Arabia — we know that they can do this if they really want to, and they apparently, according to this early report, they may have hit a not populated part of the al-Asad base and, in Arbil, landed in a field,” she reported.

She thinks they have highly precise missiles. haahahahahahahaha she is as clueless as anyone I know. And she's a fking journalist? can't make it up.
i really have zero idea what they are using. but i would think that if they fired 20+ times and didn't hit anything, they didn't want to. if that is the case then Trumps warnings took root and they simply fired back to show their people they were not afraid of us. what i did hear last night is they (Iran) was reporting 80 people killed.

i was watching this on FOX last night and they were pretty annoying also with the constant insults to Iran and glowing praise of Trump. kinda the same as praising Iran to a large degree as it's simply catering to their target audience. i just want the news. that was it.

just hard to find "just the news" anymore. :)

any idea what missles they were using and where they were from?
Cruise ballistic missiles from Iran from what I’ve heard
the speech was fine if you agree with Trumps hhandling of the situation. I think the whole thing has been mishandled bigly so I shake my head at it. Especially when he reaches out to NATO for help after reeming them for years. And then promising Iran riches with the world market if they play ball, immediately after accusing Obama’s lifted sanctions as funding terrorism. The irony was very rich.

Your desperation is duly noted!

Of course, you think President Trump has handled this badly. You believe we should ignore terrorists murdering tens of thousands, torturing millions, and a real threat to the world with nuclear destruction should be sent billions of dollars in cash on pallets secretly in the night. Then hope they'll publicly agree to your terms and kick the can down the road to the next president while continuing to whatever they please while thumbing their nose at us.

President Trump doesn't believe in kicking the can down the road. He has proven that he faces problems and solves them, not dodging them.

Yes, President Trump badgered other NATO members for not keeping their word regarding their contributions. As a result, they have greatly increased their spending for defense and thusly, Trump is asking for their help in solving a mutual problem. What is your point?
My desperation?? What do you think I’m desperate about?

also you really should avoid telling people what they believe. You are extremely bad at it. Ask more questions.
Not surprised you find honesty is something you lack
Your peers on here don’t think you’re honest

I have very few peers on here. You Trump worshipers do not count as my peers. And coming from a guy that said he was on the ground in Baghdad heading to the airport last have no room to talk about honesty.
My comment stands. No one here thinks you’re honest.. Only you can change that
I think Gator is honest. Sorry jizz you’re wrong again
You represent the minority , hehe

Between you and GG, GG seems way more honest. Then again, between you and a rock, I trust the rock.
So, maybe we send you to Siberia, then?
I’m already booked to Iceland. Go ahead to Siberia without me, let me know how you like it
went to iceland in october. it's surreal in the most of amazing of ways.
Really?! That’s good to hear. How was the weather there in October?

I’m probably gonna go in June/July
40s give or take. but the wind is the killer. i gave up any pretenses of setting up a tripod for pictures with the wind going on usually. when it wasn't, there was usually a herd of japanese tourists with a line of tripods on the walkway or bridge getting in peoples way. :)

but the scenery coming out of the Reykjavik airport was the surreal part. broken up ground that was in fact more or less lava w/moss on them to give a green appearance.

we stayed on the south of the island and went to the most southern point for a drive. at that point the weather was freaking insane. wind, rain, and just power of it all. drove out of that town 5 minutes and it was back to just a summer rain.

did some of the VIKINGS waterfalls tours.

my first real attempt to photoshop out people and "man-made" stuff.
wow, that is epic. I’m so pumped to check it out. Experience the awe of Mother Nature in a whole new level. Were the Northern lights out?
no. there are programs / apps that can give you a % chance of seeing them, but iceland is "overcast" quite a bit and even if they are out, odds are you'll see a blank sky. but when the sky is clear - it's breath taking.

what is strange you won't notice at first is no birds, no crickets, no squirrels running around. at least in october when we went. also, when you rent a car they will flat out tell you to hold onto the door (HOLD THE DOOR!!!!) when opening it cause the wind WILL blow it back and cost you a fortune to repair the vehicle.

the waterfalls here were pretty open and not that crowded. the ones about 30 minutes south were jam packed. but those you can walk behind. i suppose you could walk behind this one too but i'd not recommend it.

i did photoshop out the stairs going to the top of the falls but you can walk up there if you'd like.

here was the original.
  • The Iran attack was a non-starter. We knew it was coming and totally repulsed it.
  • Soleimani was a far worse dude than was generally known.
  • Trump is cranking up new sanctions on Iran even higher.
  • Life just got much worse for the Iranian leaders.
  • They continue to look at their options.
  • We will never let Iran have a nuke.
  • Trump invited all NATO countries to get more involved in settling the Iran problem once and for all.
  • Trump failed to live up to all of the horror stories and dire predictions of the Democrats, Hollywood, and all of the Trump-haters.
Repulsed it? How many missiles were shot down before they reached their mark?
was anyone killed? if not then you have to question either their technology (and from what i understand it is pretty solid) or their aim. so what would their mark be in this instance?

looks more like a PR move on Irans part to say they did something back yet not enough for a counter-attack.
Andrea Mitchell thinks they have highly precise missiles and missed on purpose. (which they did)

Iran ‘deliberately missed’: MSNBC issues initial battle damage assessment

“That they have such highly precise missiles — we know they do, they were able to take out the major Aramco oil field in September in Saudi Arabia — we know that they can do this if they really want to, and they apparently, according to this early report, they may have hit a not populated part of the al-Asad base and, in Arbil, landed in a field,” she reported.

She thinks they have highly precise missiles. haahahahahahahaha she is as clueless as anyone I know. And she's a fking journalist? can't make it up.
i really have zero idea what they are using. but i would think that if they fired 20+ times and didn't hit anything, they didn't want to. if that is the case then Trumps warnings took root and they simply fired back to show their people they were not afraid of us. what i did hear last night is they (Iran) was reporting 80 people killed.

i was watching this on FOX last night and they were pretty annoying also with the constant insults to Iran and glowing praise of Trump. kinda the same as praising Iran to a large degree as it's simply catering to their target audience. i just want the news. that was it.

just hard to find "just the news" anymore. :)

any idea what missles they were using and where they were from?
Cruise ballistic missiles from Iran from what I’ve heard
Shouldn't they ask Russia for a refund of their Obama Bucks they used to buy Obama Bombs?

Or should they just ask Ollie Assburn to oust Ayatollah Assahollah, since neither he nor their fake god Ollie Assburn, could protect General Salami, nor make Russia's Obama Bombs hit their intended targets so that Iran may strike Terror in to the Hearts of The Infidels?

Ollie Assburn!

Iran proved vital to al Qaeda’s safe passage, according to bin Laden records, 9/11 commission
  • The Iran attack was a non-starter. We knew it was coming and totally repulsed it.
  • Soleimani was a far worse dude than was generally known.
  • Trump is cranking up new sanctions on Iran even higher.
  • Life just got much worse for the Iranian leaders.
  • They continue to look at their options.
  • We will never let Iran have a nuke.
  • Trump invited all NATO countries to get more involved in settling the Iran problem once and for all.
  • Trump failed to live up to all of the horror stories and dire predictions of the Democrats, Hollywood, and all of the Trump-haters.
Repulsed it? How many missiles were shot down before they reached their mark?
was anyone killed? if not then you have to question either their technology (and from what i understand it is pretty solid) or their aim. so what would their mark be in this instance?

looks more like a PR move on Irans part to say they did something back yet not enough for a counter-attack.
Andrea Mitchell thinks they have highly precise missiles and missed on purpose. (which they did)

Iran ‘deliberately missed’: MSNBC issues initial battle damage assessment

“That they have such highly precise missiles — we know they do, they were able to take out the major Aramco oil field in September in Saudi Arabia — we know that they can do this if they really want to, and they apparently, according to this early report, they may have hit a not populated part of the al-Asad base and, in Arbil, landed in a field,” she reported.

She thinks they have highly precise missiles. haahahahahahahaha she is as clueless as anyone I know. And she's a fking journalist? can't make it up.
i really have zero idea what they are using. but i would think that if they fired 20+ times and didn't hit anything, they didn't want to. if that is the case then Trumps warnings took root and they simply fired back to show their people they were not afraid of us. what i did hear last night is they (Iran) was reporting 80 people killed.

i was watching this on FOX last night and they were pretty annoying also with the constant insults to Iran and glowing praise of Trump. kinda the same as praising Iran to a large degree as it's simply catering to their target audience. i just want the news. that was it.

just hard to find "just the news" anymore. :)

any idea what missles they were using and where they were from?
Cruise ballistic missiles from Iran from what I’ve heard
Ted has his own missles???? >g<
the speech was fine if you agree with Trumps hhandling of the situation. I think the whole thing has been mishandled bigly so I shake my head at it. Especially when he reaches out to NATO for help after reeming them for years. And then promising Iran riches with the world market if they play ball, immediately after accusing Obama’s lifted sanctions as funding terrorism. The irony was very rich.

Your desperation is duly noted!

Of course, you think President Trump has handled this badly. You believe we should ignore terrorists murdering tens of thousands, torturing millions, and a real threat to the world with nuclear destruction should be sent billions of dollars in cash on pallets secretly in the night. Then hope they'll publicly agree to your terms and kick the can down the road to the next president while continuing to whatever they please while thumbing their nose at us.

President Trump doesn't believe in kicking the can down the road. He has proven that he faces problems and solves them, not dodging them.

Yes, President Trump badgered other NATO members for not keeping their word regarding their contributions. As a result, they have greatly increased their spending for defense and thusly, Trump is asking for their help in solving a mutual problem. What is your point?
My desperation?? What do you think I’m desperate about?

also you really should avoid telling people what they believe. You are extremely bad at it. Ask more questions.
if you keep talking to him i'd think intelligent conversation would be something you'd be desperate for.
the speech was fine if you agree with Trumps hhandling of the situation. I think the whole thing has been mishandled bigly so I shake my head at it. Especially when he reaches out to NATO for help after reeming them for years. And then promising Iran riches with the world market if they play ball, immediately after accusing Obama’s lifted sanctions as funding terrorism. The irony was very rich.

Your desperation is duly noted!

Of course, you think President Trump has handled this badly. You believe we should ignore terrorists murdering tens of thousands, torturing millions, and a real threat to the world with nuclear destruction should be sent billions of dollars in cash on pallets secretly in the night. Then hope they'll publicly agree to your terms and kick the can down the road to the next president while continuing to whatever they please while thumbing their nose at us.

President Trump doesn't believe in kicking the can down the road. He has proven that he faces problems and solves them, not dodging them.

Yes, President Trump badgered other NATO members for not keeping their word regarding their contributions. As a result, they have greatly increased their spending for defense and thusly, Trump is asking for their help in solving a mutual problem. What is your point?
My desperation?? What do you think I’m desperate about?

also you really should avoid telling people what they believe. You are extremely bad at it. Ask more questions.
if you keep talking to him i'd think intelligent conversation would be something you'd be desperate for.
seems to be his flaw.
  • The Iran attack was a non-starter. We knew it was coming and totally repulsed it.
  • Soleimani was a far worse dude than was generally known.
  • Trump is cranking up new sanctions on Iran even higher.
  • Life just got much worse for the Iranian leaders.
  • They continue to look at their options.
  • We will never let Iran have a nuke.
  • Trump invited all NATO countries to get more involved in settling the Iran problem once and for all.
  • Trump failed to live up to all of the horror stories and dire predictions of the Democrats, Hollywood, and all of the Trump-haters.
Repulsed it? How many missiles were shot down before they reached their mark?
was anyone killed? if not then you have to question either their technology (and from what i understand it is pretty solid) or their aim. so what would their mark be in this instance?

looks more like a PR move on Irans part to say they did something back yet not enough for a counter-attack.
Andrea Mitchell thinks they have highly precise missiles and missed on purpose. (which they did)

Iran ‘deliberately missed’: MSNBC issues initial battle damage assessment

“That they have such highly precise missiles — we know they do, they were able to take out the major Aramco oil field in September in Saudi Arabia — we know that they can do this if they really want to, and they apparently, according to this early report, they may have hit a not populated part of the al-Asad base and, in Arbil, landed in a field,” she reported.

She thinks they have highly precise missiles. haahahahahahahaha she is as clueless as anyone I know. And she's a fking journalist? can't make it up.
i really have zero idea what they are using. but i would think that if they fired 20+ times and didn't hit anything, they didn't want to. if that is the case then Trumps warnings took root and they simply fired back to show their people they were not afraid of us. what i did hear last night is they (Iran) was reporting 80 people killed.

i was watching this on FOX last night and they were pretty annoying also with the constant insults to Iran and glowing praise of Trump. kinda the same as praising Iran to a large degree as it's simply catering to their target audience. i just want the news. that was it.

just hard to find "just the news" anymore. :)

any idea what missles they were using and where they were from?

I can't find too many details on the type of missiles, but the consensus seems to be around a dozen fired.
22 or 23, with 17 fired at the main base near the center of Iraq. The others went up north to another base.
Repulsed it? How many missiles were shot down before they reached their mark?
was anyone killed? if not then you have to question either their technology (and from what i understand it is pretty solid) or their aim. so what would their mark be in this instance?

looks more like a PR move on Irans part to say they did something back yet not enough for a counter-attack.
Andrea Mitchell thinks they have highly precise missiles and missed on purpose. (which they did)

Iran ‘deliberately missed’: MSNBC issues initial battle damage assessment

“That they have such highly precise missiles — we know they do, they were able to take out the major Aramco oil field in September in Saudi Arabia — we know that they can do this if they really want to, and they apparently, according to this early report, they may have hit a not populated part of the al-Asad base and, in Arbil, landed in a field,” she reported.

She thinks they have highly precise missiles. haahahahahahahaha she is as clueless as anyone I know. And she's a fking journalist? can't make it up.
i really have zero idea what they are using. but i would think that if they fired 20+ times and didn't hit anything, they didn't want to. if that is the case then Trumps warnings took root and they simply fired back to show their people they were not afraid of us. what i did hear last night is they (Iran) was reporting 80 people killed.

i was watching this on FOX last night and they were pretty annoying also with the constant insults to Iran and glowing praise of Trump. kinda the same as praising Iran to a large degree as it's simply catering to their target audience. i just want the news. that was it.

just hard to find "just the news" anymore. :)

any idea what missles they were using and where they were from?

I can't find too many details on the type of missiles, but the consensus seems to be around a dozen fired.
22 or 23, with 17 fired at the main base near the center of Iraq. The others went up north to another base.
I believe one took down a Jet Liner with 186 people on it. ooops.
Is there any way to get him a reading tutor? It’s soooo painful watching him try and navigate the teleprompter. I pay for it
Is there a way for you to go back to Iran? I'll pay for it.
Never been there... got many other places on my travel list above Iran. Think my next adventure is going to be Iceland
So, maybe we send you to Siberia, then?
Spoken as someone who knows.
Well, I live in Chicago, it isn't much better.
Is there any way to get him a reading tutor? It’s soooo painful watching him try and navigate the teleprompter. I pay for it

Of course your jumping onto Gator's insignificant drivel about the teleprompter. I wouldn't have expected any less.
I haven’t heard Gators analysis but I’m not surprise that others share my view. Do you honestly not cringe just a little while watching him struggle through those speeches? Honestly?

For fucks sake you dicks, how much sleep did Trump get in the past 24 hours maybe a couple hours? You sit in the big chair and address the world on little sleep and we'll see how well you speak live on camera. :eusa_hand:
Does that explain all the sniffing?
Your peers on here don’t think you’re honest

I have very few peers on here. You Trump worshipers do not count as my peers. And coming from a guy that said he was on the ground in Baghdad heading to the airport last have no room to talk about honesty.
My comment stands. No one here thinks you’re honest.. Only you can change that
I think Gator is honest. Sorry jizz you’re wrong again
You represent the minority , hehe

Between you and GG, GG seems way more honest. Then again, between you and a rock, I trust the rock.
And the minority speaks up.. thank you
  • The Iran attack was a non-starter. We knew it was coming and totally repulsed it.
  • Soleimani was a far worse dude than was generally known.
  • Trump is cranking up new sanctions on Iran even higher.
  • Life just got much worse for the Iranian leaders.
  • They continue to look at their options.
  • We will never let Iran have a nuke.
  • Trump invited all NATO countries to get more involved in settling the Iran problem once and for all.
  • Trump failed to live up to all of the horror stories and dire predictions of the Democrats, Hollywood, and all of the Trump-haters.
Repulsed it? How many missiles were shot down before they reached their mark?
was anyone killed? if not then you have to question either their technology (and from what i understand it is pretty solid) or their aim. so what would their mark be in this instance?

looks more like a PR move on Irans part to say they did something back yet not enough for a counter-attack.
Andrea Mitchell thinks they have highly precise missiles and missed on purpose. (which they did)

Iran ‘deliberately missed’: MSNBC issues initial battle damage assessment

“That they have such highly precise missiles — we know they do, they were able to take out the major Aramco oil field in September in Saudi Arabia — we know that they can do this if they really want to, and they apparently, according to this early report, they may have hit a not populated part of the al-Asad base and, in Arbil, landed in a field,” she reported.

She thinks they have highly precise missiles. haahahahahahahaha she is as clueless as anyone I know. And she's a fking journalist? can't make it up.
i really have zero idea what they are using. but i would think that if they fired 20+ times and didn't hit anything, they didn't want to. if that is the case then Trumps warnings took root and they simply fired back to show their people they were not afraid of us. what i did hear last night is they (Iran) was reporting 80 people killed.

i was watching this on FOX last night and they were pretty annoying also with the constant insults to Iran and glowing praise of Trump. kinda the same as praising Iran to a large degree as it's simply catering to their target audience. i just want the news. that was it.

just hard to find "just the news" anymore. :)

any idea what missles they were using and where they were from?
Cruise ballistic missiles from Iran from what I’ve heard
They were updated versions of SCUD rockets.
Trump might be the smartest president this country has ever had.
trump must be the most idiotic president in history, he just gave away irak to iran on a golden plate despite all the sacrifices of last 30 years.
the thousands of american servicemen and civilians dead or hurt, the $ 2 trillion wasted, the continuation of iran's nuclear program...etc, are still here to remind us, so is the treat .
Now, iraq is a province of iran and syria is next.
Great job Mr president.

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