Trump's adminitration is a clusterf*ck

Lying morons have until 2PM on friday to answer

Why would it take you that long?

Because that's what the judge told the scum

So you have no answer for my original question, just commie bullshit, got it.

I gave you the answer Your asses wanted to at least Mon to answer Judge said no more BS 2PM on friday

The answer to the judge is simple, it's been asked in one form or another on virtually every census since the founding. As I said, the maobama administration asked it every year on the ACS. It's not new or unique.

But the annual American Community Survey (ACS), a lesser-known tabulation conducted by the Census Bureau, asked recipients about their citizenship status every year during the Obama administration.

Obama's Census Bureau Asked About Citizenship in Yearly Survey | NTK Network

That's all the judge needs to know.

No ijit. A random survey doesn’t have any legal ramifications. The census does. And the intentional effort by lowlife trumpkin bigots to avoid the laws of this country is sad and pathetic.
Have you been under a rock or are you doing the "I'm a stupid republican" thing?

You must be the Democrat who is too stupid to answer the question.

Creepipus is your usual libtard who can't see the Sun before his eyes, asks you to prove the Moon is there after having already been proven, denies everything, asks answers to irrelevant and circuitous questions designed to change subjects but never actually has any sort of real answer himself for a single thing asked him, so the replies, as with Pogo, are all either:
  1. Answer a question with a question or other deflection.
  2. Answer a question with a basically derogatory ad hominem in an attempt to discredit the asker thereby relieving him of the duty to answer seriously.
Put another way, while the Left is forever trying to pin you down to exact details and minutiae, they themselves never have a straight answer to anything because their entire party is basically a FRAUD and indefensible.
So, are you saying you don't know what made it political either?

If you guys are so poorly informed why do you bother coming here?
I can't believe you assfucks are really this stupid.

Asking the question will cause people, including US citizens, not to answer because some one in their family might be undocumented. Certainly undocumented families would likely not reply.

For them replying would be like telling the government that you are illegal & here is where you live.

The results would be lower populations especially in cities and in certain states like California.

Even a stupid fuck like you knows that could mean fewer congressional seats.

And even a fucktard like you knows that is fewer electoral votes.


Republicans love to cheat.

They gerrymander
they pass photo voter ID laws
They use the Census
They welcome help from Russians
They put insufficient polling stations in Democrat districts to create long lines
They make voting more difficult

Republicans are so fucking pathetic, they have to cheat & even elect total assfucks like Donald Trump who is killing America,
No please, quit your fucking never endiug whining. It is not my fault you are such an ignorant fool.

For them replying would be like telling the government that you are illegal & here is where you live.

The results would be lower populations especially in cities and in certain states like California.

Even a stupid fuck like you knows that could mean fewer congressional seats.

Not counting illegal aliens would mean fewer Congressional seats for Dems?
And that makes it political and therefore bad?

But counting them, and encouraging more to come here means more Congressional seats for Dems.
And that makes it political and therefore good.


And even a fucktard like you knows that is fewer electoral votes.


Yes, preventing illegal aliens from tilting the EC towards the Dems is cheating.


Finally an honest answer why the Dems want an endless flood of illegal aliens. Political power.

Yet another lying fuck claiming Democrats want illegal immigration.

Illegals can't vote. You are such a Truimpette.
DOJ announces it will; print Census forms without the citizenship question.

Trump comes out later & vows to print them with the question on them.


Trump can't seem to manage anything including himself.
Donald baby can’t figure out that the court rulings apply to him. Neither can his idiot trumpkins.
The POS thinks he's King and the supremes and all others are his subjects The sooner this scum is removed the better off America will be

If Hillary is Crooked, why is she not in jail....

Because the filthy ass Obama Administration wouldn't pursue justice because she was the Moon Bat Presidential Candidate.

Comey said she was guilty as hell but let her off the hook for "no intent", which is the lamest excuse ever.
intent is a requirement to prosecute a statute under criminal law.
You must be the Democrat who is too stupid to answer the question.

Creepipus is your usual libtard who can't see the Sun before his eyes, asks you to prove the Moon is there after having already been proven, denies everything, asks answers to irrelevant and circuitous questions designed to change subjects but never actually has any sort of real answer himself for a single thing asked him, so the replies, as with Pogo, are all either:
  1. Answer a question with a question or other deflection.
  2. Answer a question with a basically derogatory ad hominem in an attempt to discredit the asker thereby relieving him of the duty to answer seriously.
Put another way, while the Left is forever trying to pin you down to exact details and minutiae, they themselves never have a straight answer to anything because their entire party is basically a FRAUD and indefensible.
So, are you saying you don't know what made it political either?

If you guys are so poorly informed why do you bother coming here?
I can't believe you assfucks are really this stupid.

Asking the question will cause people, including US citizens, not to answer because some one in their family might be undocumented. Certainly undocumented families would likely not reply.

For them replying would be like telling the government that you are illegal & here is where you live.

The results would be lower populations especially in cities and in certain states like California.

Even a stupid fuck like you knows that could mean fewer congressional seats.

And even a fucktard like you knows that is fewer electoral votes.


Republicans love to cheat.

They gerrymander
they pass photo voter ID laws
They use the Census
They welcome help from Russians
They put insufficient polling stations in Democrat districts to create long lines
They make voting more difficult

Republicans are so fucking pathetic, they have to cheat & even elect total assfucks like Donald Trump who is killing America,
No please, quit your fucking never endiug whining. It is not my fault you are such an ignorant fool.

For them replying would be like telling the government that you are illegal & here is where you live.

The results would be lower populations especially in cities and in certain states like California.

Even a stupid fuck like you knows that could mean fewer congressional seats.

Not counting illegal aliens would mean fewer Congressional seats for Dems?
And that makes it political and therefore bad?

But counting them, and encouraging more to come here means more Congressional seats for Dems.
And that makes it political and therefore good.


And even a fucktard like you knows that is fewer electoral votes.


Yes, preventing illegal aliens from tilting the EC towards the Dems is cheating.


Finally an honest answer why the Dems want an endless flood of illegal aliens. Political power.

Yet another lying fuck claiming Democrats want illegal immigration.

Illegals can't vote. You are such a Truimpette.
They prove every day that they are the u educated uninformed segment of society

If Hillary is Crooked, why is she not in jail....

Because the filthy ass Obama Administration wouldn't pursue justice because she was the Moon Bat Presidential Candidate.

Comey said she was guilty as hell but let her off the hook for "no intent", which is the lamest excuse ever.
intent is a requirement to prosecute a statute under criminal law.

Really? So, if I shoot my gun into the air just for the hell of it and a stray bullet hits and kills someone I cannot be prosecuted since I did not intend to kill anyone?
Why would it take you that long?

Because that's what the judge told the scum

So you have no answer for my original question, just commie bullshit, got it.

I gave you the answer Your asses wanted to at least Mon to answer Judge said no more BS 2PM on friday

The answer to the judge is simple, it's been asked in one form or another on virtually every census since the founding. As I said, the maobama administration asked it every year on the ACS. It's not new or unique.

But the annual American Community Survey (ACS), a lesser-known tabulation conducted by the Census Bureau, asked recipients about their citizenship status every year during the Obama administration.

Obama's Census Bureau Asked About Citizenship in Yearly Survey | NTK Network

That's all the judge needs to know.

No ijit. A random survey doesn’t have any legal ramifications. The census does. And the intentional effort by lowlife trumpkin bigots to avoid the laws of this country is sad and pathetic.
Trumpkins don't know Jack Shitt
Creepipus is your usual libtard who can't see the Sun before his eyes, asks you to prove the Moon is there after having already been proven, denies everything, asks answers to irrelevant and circuitous questions designed to change subjects but never actually has any sort of real answer himself for a single thing asked him, so the replies, as with Pogo, are all either:
  1. Answer a question with a question or other deflection.
  2. Answer a question with a basically derogatory ad hominem in an attempt to discredit the asker thereby relieving him of the duty to answer seriously.
Put another way, while the Left is forever trying to pin you down to exact details and minutiae, they themselves never have a straight answer to anything because their entire party is basically a FRAUD and indefensible.
So, are you saying you don't know what made it political either?

If you guys are so poorly informed why do you bother coming here?

I understand why you're afraid to explain why it's political.
It will make the Democrats look bad. And rightly so.

So purposefully reducing the population in certain areas is NOT political. How fucking stupid are you?

Not nearly as jacked off dumb as your trying to claim that artificially RAISING the population by seeding it with illegal aliens to get more funding for areas of high democratic population ISN'T political!
No one is encouraging illegal immigration. You are ridiculous.

You can't be serious. Of course the Democrats are encouraging illegal immigration. Sanctuary cities allow them to stay without fear of retribution, despite breaking the law. EVERY SINGLE democratic candidate said they support free healthcare for illegals. You don't think that is some incentive? You guys are not hitting on all cylinders.
You must be the Democrat who is too stupid to answer the question.

Creepipus is your usual libtard who can't see the Sun before his eyes, asks you to prove the Moon is there after having already been proven, denies everything, asks answers to irrelevant and circuitous questions designed to change subjects but never actually has any sort of real answer himself for a single thing asked him, so the replies, as with Pogo, are all either:
  1. Answer a question with a question or other deflection.
  2. Answer a question with a basically derogatory ad hominem in an attempt to discredit the asker thereby relieving him of the duty to answer seriously.
Put another way, while the Left is forever trying to pin you down to exact details and minutiae, they themselves never have a straight answer to anything because their entire party is basically a FRAUD and indefensible.
So, are you saying you don't know what made it political either?

If you guys are so poorly informed why do you bother coming here?
Asking the question will cause people,~ ~ ~ , not to answer because some one in their family might be undocumented. Certainly undocumented families would likely not reply.

CRY, baby, CRY. Trump's going to get those counts, exactly because:
A). Undocumented people are here illegally breaking the law.
B). Tax dollars are not meant to support their sorry criminal asses.
C). Fighting to hide them is the only cheating going on here, cheating to get more money for democrats, cheating to conceal them so then they can corrupt an election by adding to democrat votes. Cheating, cheating, cheating, thy name is DEMOCRAT.

Sooner or later Trump is going to smoke these people out and kick their asses out of the country. Run, baby, run.

Ans shove this voting crap up your ignorant ass. Illegals can't vote.
Fuck off you lying unreal stupid dipshit:
Supreme Court: States Cannot Prevent Illegal Aliens from Voting in U.S. Elections - Truth And Action
Undocumented immigrants can vote in some elections. But ICE could keep them away.
Illegal Aliens Really Do Vote – a Lot
Real simple, CHANGE the law or follow the law.

I guess you suddenly don't care about the laws anymore huh? Dumbfuck.

They break our laws daily ya dumbshit.
And why the sudden influx of immigrants when statistics show crime has actually gone down in South America since 2015?
Where were they when shit was really bad?

They break the laws daily because Trump is not following proper asylum procedures. :rolleyes:

He KNOWS that, and you are falling for it.

People from Central and Southern America have been coming to the U.S. for decades... since the collapse of many of the governments there due to the U.S. causing destabilization there that was filled with drug lords, gangs, and others.

The U.S. was a major reason why their countries are so fucked up... like Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. You reap what you sew.

Answer my assessment or STFU.

Answer your assessment? I did. If the President doesn't follow the asylum laws of the country, and it causes more immigrants to enter illegally rather than through the correct process, that's not the immigrant's fault.

Of course I understand why you don't understand this position... it's because the immigrants are much easier targets, just like the poor and minorities you are always attacking in every thread you get a chance to. You think I'll ever forget you bragging about how much money worth of food you throw away monthly while complaining about poor people getting food stamps?

The influx of immigrants is caused by several years of the U.S. fucking up the governments of Central and south American countries... most Presidents understood that, and is why they put the laws and immigration policies into place, even with Republican presidents like Reagan. Iran/Contra? You forget about that one? Noriega and Panama? History?

Trump has tried his damnedest to figure out a way to please his small base by working around the laws rather than actually doing things correctly, and it is going to blow up in his face. He is one of the most disgusting pieces of shit to ever step foot in this country. Anyone that will purposely put people into the situations he has at the border, including kids all by themselves just to please his base and try to get re-elected, is about as a low piece of scum as they get.

Most of his supporters on here don't really like him, they know he is a liar... they know he is a scumbag crook...

They still support him and everything he does just because he isn't a democrat and instead take any attack on him and his character as a personal attack on them.

The influx of immigrants is caused by several years of the U.S. fucking up the governments of Central and south American countries...

That's awful!

They still need to go back to their shithole.
the right wing only alleges to believe in natural rights, in abortion threads.
Actually, they had proof that the impetus behind the effort was political.

How was it political?
Have you been under a rock or are you doing the "I'm a stupid republican" thing?

You must be the Democrat who is too stupid to answer the question.

Creepipus is your usual libtard who can't see the Sun before his eyes, asks you to prove the Moon is there after having already been proven, denies everything, asks answers to irrelevant and circuitous questions designed to change subjects but never actually has any sort of real answer himself for a single thing asked him, so the replies, as with Pogo, are all either:
  1. Answer a question with a question or other deflection.
  2. Answer a question with a basically derogatory ad hominem in an attempt to discredit the asker thereby relieving him of the duty to answer seriously.
Put another way, while the Left is forever trying to pin you down to exact details and minutiae, they themselves never have a straight answer to anything because their entire party is basically a FRAUD and indefensible.
So, are you saying you don't know what made it political either?

If you guys are so poorly informed why do you bother coming here?

I understand why you're afraid to explain why it's political.
It will make the Democrats look bad. And rightly so.
Show us the express immigration clause right wingers, don't imply it.
DOJ announces it will; print Census forms without the citizenship question.

Trump comes out later & vows to print them with the question on them.


Trump can't seem to manage anything including himself.
The Left Hand not knowing what the Right Hand is doing?

That's quite normal, unfortunately... just another day in Gubmintland.

And, frankly, The Creature is now part of the problem rather than the solution.
Tobe doesn't know Jack Schitt
jack shit
Nothing, or something equivalent to nothing. Jack shit has the remarkable property that its absence and presence are identical. Typically used with or without a negative to describe a total lack of knowledge, value, or significance. Its use carries a strong negative connotation which can express frustration, disdain, ignorance, or other negative qualities.
Creepipus is your usual libtard who can't see the Sun before his eyes, asks you to prove the Moon is there after having already been proven, denies everything, asks answers to irrelevant and circuitous questions designed to change subjects but never actually has any sort of real answer himself for a single thing asked him, so the replies, as with Pogo, are all either:
  1. Answer a question with a question or other deflection.
  2. Answer a question with a basically derogatory ad hominem in an attempt to discredit the asker thereby relieving him of the duty to answer seriously.
Put another way, while the Left is forever trying to pin you down to exact details and minutiae, they themselves never have a straight answer to anything because their entire party is basically a FRAUD and indefensible.
So, are you saying you don't know what made it political either?

If you guys are so poorly informed why do you bother coming here?

I understand why you're afraid to explain why it's political.
It will make the Democrats look bad. And rightly so.

So purposefully reducing the population in certain areas is NOT political. How fucking stupid are you?

Not nearly as jacked off dumb as your trying to claim that artificially RAISING the population by seeding it with illegal aliens to get more funding for areas of high democratic population ISN'T political!
No one is encouraging illegal immigration. You are ridiculous.

Radio Ads In Central America Are Encouraging Illegal Immigration, Border Patrol Says
IRS Admits It Encourages Illegals To Steal Social Security Numbers For Taxes
US law against encouraging illegal immigration struck down

If Hillary is Crooked, why is she not in jail....

Because the filthy ass Obama Administration wouldn't pursue justice because she was the Moon Bat Presidential Candidate.

Comey said she was guilty as hell but let her off the hook for "no intent", which is the lamest excuse ever.
intent is a requirement to prosecute a statute under criminal law.

Really? So, if I shoot my gun into the air just for the hell of it and a stray bullet hits and kills someone I cannot be prosecuted since I did not intend to kill anyone?
not for intentional murder.

And disobeying the Supreme Court. But what the hell nothing is going to happen to teflon don even is he has to have his family work day and night putting that question on the form.

the SCOTUS refused to hear the case. Trump is not disobeying them. Geez, do you ever tell the truth about anything?

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