Trump's (and his acolytes) "Victory Lap"...........interrupted

How do you know it was biased?
I swear, its like all you totalitarians do is fucking lie.

I love how the bed wetters use the term "acolytes" after their unwavering zealotry of that incompetent meat puppet faggot.

The funniest part is, a lot of us voice our disagreements and criticize the World's Richest Professional Clown from time to time depending on the issue. When did you EVER see the bed wetters utter a word of criticism or acknowledge any of the failures of obozo or hitlery?


World's richest professional clown?
That's purely a political assessment, because everybody that knows Trump knows he's not a clown, not like Joe Biden, or that faggot (Osama) that gave $152 billion to Iran.

I remember when they said the same kind of shit about Bush.
This is because the left doesn't have ideas......just clever imaginations.....and lowsy attitudes.
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President Trump was exonerated. The fact that (some) disgruntled Mueller staff members are leaking their own opinions to the media is proof that the investigation was a political sham.
As was to be expected, after Barr's somewhat biased, 3.5-pages "book report" on Mueller's findings, Trump, his entourage and his cultists cheered that there was total EXONERATION of both Trump's presidential campaign members' COLLUSION with Russian entities.......and of OBSTRUCTION in law enforcement entities to investigate such collusion.

The slightly saner Trump cultists would offer as confirmation of such a conclusion, the fact that if Barr was acting as a two-bit stooge for Trump, then the Mueller team investigators would have balked a bit......

Well, they NOW are...........Some of the investigators within Mueller's team are starting to divulge to media outlets the fact that THEIR own summaries of their respective investigations DO NOT exonerate Trump.....especially on the issue of the Trump cohorts' obstruction of justice.

As we have well learned from the Watergate-era, the original "crime" [collusion as a preamble of conspiracy in Trump's case] PALES in comparison to the real crime of obstruction [the attempted cover-ups and the many lies] of justice.

As the Mueller team has begun to balk at Barr's biased "conclusions," the Victory Lap for cult members has just hit a major obstacle.

The "balking Mueller team" is being corrected, as we type, by the DOJ.
How do you know it was biased?
I swear, its like all you totalitarians do is fucking lie.

THREE responses:

1. Barr auditioned for the job of AG by writing a memo basically stating that the president is above the law (Trump LOVES those kind of stooges.)

2. Although the Mueller report had several "SUMMARIES" already prepared (as reports are confirming,) Barr chose his OWN Reader's Digest version....

3. Mueller's team of investigators are now "informing" us that Trump saying that he was COMPLETELY EXONERATED based on Barr's the equivalent of asking Don Jr. to be the "impartial judge" on this issue.
As was to be expected, after Barr's somewhat biased, 3.5-pages "book report" on Mueller's findings, Trump, his entourage and his cultists cheered that there was total EXONERATION of both Trump's presidential campaign members' COLLUSION with Russian entities.......and of OBSTRUCTION in law enforcement entities to investigate such collusion.

The slightly saner Trump cultists would offer as confirmation of such a conclusion, the fact that if Barr was acting as a two-bit stooge for Trump, then the Mueller team investigators would have balked a bit......

Well, they NOW are...........Some of the investigators within Mueller's team are starting to divulge to media outlets the fact that THEIR own summaries of their respective investigations DO NOT exonerate Trump.....especially on the issue of the Trump cohorts' obstruction of justice.

As we have well learned from the Watergate-era, the original "crime" [collusion as a preamble of conspiracy in Trump's case] PALES in comparison to the real crime of obstruction [the attempted cover-ups and the many lies] of justice.

As the Mueller team has begun to balk at Barr's biased "conclusions," the Victory Lap for cult members has just hit a major obstacle.

I heard that Trumps victory lap paled in comparison to Putins.....

who is STILL in Venezuela!

I guess trump pissed all over the Monroe Doctrine.
Don't you have something constructive to do?
After the Mueller report release results in another heartbreak for snowflakes.....

After pulling 8 years of Trump taxes results in another Rachel Madcow Moment...


I am beginning to think the ONLY thing that will stop it is Barr appointing SEVERAL independent Special Counsels to re-investigate Hillary and the Obama DOJ and FBI who have been proven to have protected investigate the exposed coup[ against the current investigate the corruption and crime within the DOJ, NSA, CIA, and investigate the crimes committed by Democrats like Schiff who admitted to leaking classified....and by indicting the criminals and putting them in jail, OFFICIALLY signifying 'Enough Of the Treasonous Butt-Hurt' already!

Hopefully Barr will do it.
1. Barr auditioned for the job of AG by writing a memo basically stating that the president is above the law

You are a LIAR. Post the link to where Barr states, 'The President is above the law'. Fail to do so, and you prove me right.
Get over Trump's victory

What makes morons like you harp on the same fucking thing over and over and over again?

By now, NO ONE is arguing that Trump "won"........The argument is now whether the liar-in-chief is fit to pollute the oval office........Can you get that through your half brain? Yes or No?
Get over Trump's victory
What makes morons like you harp on the same fucking thing over and over and over again?

In the immortal words of Barak Obama, little snowflake, 'Elections have Consequences'!

After 3 years, 2 investigations, 1 report, and ZERO indictments for 'Collusion' and / or evidence of it, it's time to put your big boy pants on, accept reality, and instead of living to overturn the election from years ago - work to win the next one.
Get over Trump's victory

What makes morons like you harp on the same fucking thing over and over and over again?

By now, NO ONE is arguing that Trump "won"........The argument is now whether the liar-in-chief is fit to pollute the oval office........Can you get that through your half brain? Yes or No?

You and your ilk have been throwing a tantrum since 2016; that's all this is. You've desperately attempted and failed to tear him down with anything at all rather than attempt to do something constructive.

Let me say it again...

Trump won; get over it.
A day in the life of nat4900-

6 AM - wake to a rerun of Rachel Maddow talking about collusion.
7AM to noon- scouring the web for tweets, Facebook post and articles
about collusion.
Noon to 1PM- eat lunch at Cafe Collusion.
1 to 6PM - make post, phone calls, tweets, and text messages about
6 to 7 PM -eat dinner with wife while ranting about collusion.
7 to 10 PM- More Rachel Maddow reruns about collusion.
10 to 10:01 PM - make love to wife while she is dressed like Rachel
Maddow and screaming
10:01 to 10:02 - write in journal “do more research on collusion”.
10PM to 6AM - Dream about Rachel Maddow talking about collusion.


GED students like you should know that "Collusion" is NOT a crime.......conspiracy is......

Now, ask Hannity to "advise" you IF "obstruction of justice" constitutes a crime.....Go on.....LMAO
When a report is redacted by one of your stooges, is like asking Frank Nitti to be the judge of Al Capone's case.
You keep running your lying-ass mouth, but you - like Mueller, Schiff, Democrats, and other snowflakes - keep avoiding producing any evidence to back up your bullshit.

You are a LIAR. Post the link to where Barr states, 'The President is above the law'. Produce the link or prove me right!
Since most of the team were Democrats that's no surprise at all.

They couldn't find anything and will do what they can to try and make Mueller's report look bad.

You mean those "mean democrats" appointed BY REPUBLICANS, dimwit???...........LOL
It's a good thing that all the evidence in Muller's report is documented, isn't it? That prevents just a bunch of unfounded accusations, doesn't it?

What are the chances that EACH member of Mueller's team kept an ORIGINAL copy of the report, just in case some sections get "lost" in the shuffle???.................LOL
A day in the life of nat4900-

6 AM - wake to a rerun of Rachel Maddow talking about collusion.
7AM to noon- scouring the web for tweets, Facebook post and articles
about collusion.
Noon to 1PM- eat lunch at Cafe Collusion.
1 to 6PM - make post, phone calls, tweets, and text messages about
6 to 7 PM -eat dinner with wife while ranting about collusion.
7 to 10 PM- More Rachel Maddow reruns about collusion.
10 to 10:01 PM - make love to wife while she is dressed like Rachel
Maddow and screaming
10:01 to 10:02 - write in journal “do more research on collusion”.
10PM to 6AM - Dream about Rachel Maddow talking about collusion.


GED students like you should know that "Collusion" is NOT a crime.......conspiracy is......

Now, ask Hannity to "advise" you IF "obstruction of justice" constitutes a crime.....Go on.....LMAO

I wonder if in your nearly 40,000 posts you've ever posted something that's actually worth a fuck.
I love how the bed wetters use the term "acolytes" after their unwavering zealotry of that incompetent meat puppet faggot.

Please don't forget "HALF-BLACK" also.....Your ilk would be very, very disappointed for THAT oversight.....LOL
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