Trump's (and his acolytes) "Victory Lap"...........interrupted

Actually that litany is reserved ONLY for Trump cult members....Aren't you a loyal cult member??

You are a LIAR. Post the link to where Barr states, 'The President is above the law'. Produce the link or prove me right!
1. Barr auditioned for the job of AG by writing a memo basically stating that the president is above the law

You are a LIAR. Post the link to where Barr states, 'The President is above the law'. Fail to do so, and you prove me right.

Get a grown up to help you read some of these sources......LOL

Barr authored memo last year ruling out obstruction of justice
Legal experts question William Barr's rationale for exonerating Trump ...

Bill Barr's Very Strange Memo on Obstruction of Justice - Lawfare
In the immortal words of Barak Obama, little snowflake, 'Elections have Consequences'!

BOY, was he ever right........Check out what is happening to the orange clown since last November....LMAO


Post the Link showing Barr said, 'The President is above the law'.


Not one of these links has Barr stating, "The President is above the Law."

Thank you for PROVING to the whole board you are a Triggered Trump-hating LIAR!
Actually that litany is reserved ONLY for Trump cult members....Aren't you a loyal cult member??

You are a LIAR. Post the link to where Barr states, 'The President is above the law'. Produce the link or prove me right!

Here.......(not for're too far up Trump's behind....but for others)

[Barr's] memo questions the scope of Mueller’s investigation, and it argues that Mueller should not be permitted to demand answers from the president about possible obstruction of justice based on attempts by Trump to pressure former FBI Director James Comey to drop his investigation of Trump’s ex-National Security Advisor Michael Flynn.

The fact that Barr sent Trump this memo, and may have subsequently been rewarded with a nomination to join Trump’s cabinet, raises serious concerns. To start, the memo’s legal theories advance an overly expansive view of presidential power.

William Barr’s Unsolicited Memo to Trump About Obstruction of Justice
Actually that litany is reserved ONLY for Trump cult members....Aren't you a loyal cult member??

You are a LIAR. Post the link to where Barr states, 'The President is above the law'. Produce the link or prove me right!

Here.......(not for're too far up Trump's behind....but for others)

[Barr's] memo questions the scope of Mueller’s investigation, and it argues that Mueller should not be permitted to demand answers from the president about possible obstruction of justice based on attempts by Trump to pressure former FBI Director James Comey to drop his investigation of Trump’s ex-National Security Advisor Michael Flynn.

The fact that Barr sent Trump this memo, and may have subsequently been rewarded with a nomination to join Trump’s cabinet, raises serious concerns (FROM TRUMP-HATING SNOWFLAKES). To start, the memo’s legal theories advance an overly expansive view of presidential power.

William Barr’s Unsolicited Memo to Trump About Obstruction of Justice


Been clear from Day 1 that Mueller's report didn't exonerate Trump on obstruction. Didn't recommend an indictment either.

If that's all that's new, then nothing's new.

Dems need to find a new shtick, and fast. 2020 is coming fast and right now the whole 2+ year "russian collusion" canard is burning down around their ears.
[Barr's] memo questions the scope of Mueller’s investigation, and it argues that Mueller should not be permitted to demand answers from the president about possible obstruction of justice based on attempts by Trump to pressure former FBI Director James Comey to drop his investigation of Trump’s ex-National Security Advisor Michael Flynn.

The fact that Barr sent Trump this memo, and may have subsequently been rewarded with a nomination to join Trump’s cabinet, raises serious concerns. To start, the memo’s legal theories advance an overly expansive view of presidential power.

William Barr’s Unsolicited Memo to Trump About Obstruction of Justice

BTW GNAT, Do YOU realize:

1. The President has the Constitutional Authority to fire the Director of the FBI at any time and for whatever reason....

2. Deputy US AG Rod Rosenstein is the one who authored the justification for the President to fire Comey and recommended he do so... (And as soon as Trump did Rosenstein tried to spring his trap by being the one to recommend the President be investigated for Obstruction over firing Comey - WTF?!)

3. The ONLY was Trump-Hating coup-collaborators can make the argument for charging the President with Obstruction of Justice is by CLAIMING TO KNOW WHAT HE WAS THINKING AND WHAT HIS MOTIVATIONS WERE. The fact that butt-hurt desperate Democrats are trying to charge the President with THOUGHT CRIME-BASED Obstruction is beyond laughable.

Are the Democrats Psychic? Hell No! MENTAL! Absolutely! :p


Post the Link showing Barr said, 'The President is above the law'.


Not one of these links has Barr stating, "The President is above the Law."

Thank you for PROVING to the whole board you are a Triggered Trump-hating LIAR!

Can't fix fucked up ignorance on a forum like this......Stay dumb....I don't give a flying fuck...LOL


Post the Link showing Barr said, 'The President is above the law'.


Not one of these links has Barr stating, "The President is above the Law."

Thank you for PROVING to the whole board you are a Triggered Trump-hating LIAR!
Quote, you're requesting and whining about does not exist because the quote you reference actually said "basically", leaving the quote open to interpretation and generalization. Implying the quote says what you claim, is a lie, making you a malicious liar, but everyone already knows that.
It's a good thing that all the evidence in Muller's report is documented, isn't it? That prevents just a bunch of unfounded accusations, doesn't it?

What are the chances that EACH member of Mueller's team kept an ORIGINAL copy of the report, just in case some sections get "lost" in the shuffle???.................LOL

I would think the odds are pretty good for that.
By law the report will be redacted.

Redacted by whom???.....By Trump's stooges???

You do realize that grand jury testimony has previously been made public by a judge's order.....Check what happened to Nixon and Clinton.

Go back to bed....
How do you know it was biased?
I swear, its like all you totalitarians do is fucking lie.

Simple way to determine that is to release the report, right?

The redacted report will be released in due time just relax.

No. The COMPLETE report will be turned over to congressional committees.
No it will be redacted. That's the way these things work.

We'll see. Congress has a right to see the entire thing, and I doubt they will give up their oversight authority this time.

Only the Committee can see the entire report, not the rest of Congress or the public.
Simple way to determine that is to release the report, right?

The redacted report will be released in due time just relax.

No. The COMPLETE report will be turned over to congressional committees.
No it will be redacted. That's the way these things work.

We'll see. Congress has a right to see the entire thing, and I doubt they will give up their oversight authority this time.

Only the Committee can see the entire report, not the rest of Congress or the public.

I'm sure the committees will be just as careful about leaks as all those republican committees were. Does that make you feel better?
As was to be expected, after Barr's somewhat biased, 3.5-pages "book report" on Mueller's findings, Trump, his entourage and his cultists cheered that there was total EXONERATION of both Trump's presidential campaign members' COLLUSION with Russian entities.......and of OBSTRUCTION in law enforcement entities to investigate such collusion.

The slightly saner Trump cultists would offer as confirmation of such a conclusion, the fact that if Barr was acting as a two-bit stooge for Trump, then the Mueller team investigators would have balked a bit......

Well, they NOW are...........Some of the investigators within Mueller's team are starting to divulge to media outlets the fact that THEIR own summaries of their respective investigations DO NOT exonerate Trump.....especially on the issue of the Trump cohorts' obstruction of justice.

As we have well learned from the Watergate-era, the original "crime" [collusion as a preamble of conspiracy in Trump's case] PALES in comparison to the real crime of obstruction [the attempted cover-ups and the many lies] of justice.

As the Mueller team has begun to balk at Barr's biased "conclusions," the Victory Lap for cult members has just hit a major obstacle.

Since most of the team were Democrats that's no surprise at all.

They couldn't find anything and will do what they can to try and make Mueller's report look bad.

What a bunch of whinny assed bitches.
NO WHERE does the report say they could not find "anything".... nor does Barr's report..... :rolleyes:
The redacted report will be released in due time just relax.

When a report is redacted by one of your stooges, is like asking Frank Nitti to be the judge of Al Capone's case.

By law the report will be redacted. Are you suggesting the law should be ignored?

By law the report will be redacted.

Redacted by whom???.....By Trump's stooges???

You do realize that grand jury testimony has previously been made public by a judge's order.....Check what happened to Nixon and Clinton.

Go back to bed....

The redacted report will be released in due time just relax.

No. The COMPLETE report will be turned over to congressional committees.
No it will be redacted. That's the way these things work.

We'll see. Congress has a right to see the entire thing, and I doubt they will give up their oversight authority this time.

Only the Committee can see the entire report, not the rest of Congress or the public.

I'm sure the committees will be just as careful about leaks as all those republican committees were. Does that make you feel better?

Which of the Mueller lawyers said this?

We don't know, or even if they said it!

Why not?

Because they never said what GNAT said to the New York Times, supposedly people who KNOW the lawyers on the Mueller team, said it was what they were told. In essence, 3rd hand information, AKA anonymous sources that can say anything they want.

How phony is the GNATSTER? Pretty phony baloney! He has a 3 page thread already on this, and so far, none of the lawyers have said a word, lol. He has proffered another pseudo event because----------->we know their screwed, they know their screwed, and even the GNATSTER knows their screwed, so all the little GNAT wants to do is harass the victors.

Do to the GNATSTER what you to all other gnats--------->swat it away and laugh!
World's richest professional clown?
That's purely a political assessment, because everybody that knows Trump knows he's not a clown, not like Joe Biden, or that faggot (Osama) that gave $152 billion to Iran.

I remember when they said the same kind of shit about Bush.
This is because the left doesn't have ideas......just clever imaginations.....and lowsy attitudes.

I stand by my "epithet". He is a clown on TV. Except that he's actually funny, he's good at entertaining people. Better than all the other clowns on TV.

The fact that he's the greatest president we could have hoped for, and had more success at repairing regressive democrook damage than anyone else could have is beside the point. It says a lot about the rest of the sociopaths, thieves, stooges and lunatics in DC that we call "politicians". A clown governs better than all of them combined.

I was not a supporter AT ALL if you recall, before the election. I'm a loyal zealot now, except that I don't think he's going to be the best for some of my 2A concerns, but he beat hitlery so that makes up for it.

The redacted report will be released in due time just relax.

No. The COMPLETE report will be turned over to congressional committees.
No it will be redacted. That's the way these things work.

We'll see. Congress has a right to see the entire thing, and I doubt they will give up their oversight authority this time.

Only the Committee can see the entire report, not the rest of Congress or the public.

I'm sure the committees will be just as careful about leaks as all those republican committees were. Does that make you feel better?

You should stop the habit trying to impute something on me I never talk about and you have avoided my question HERE, about WHY Democrats wants a massive Tax document dump.

I never disputed the 1924 law in any form.
I never attacked the Democrat Committee over the Mueller report.
I never disputed the Committee right to see the entire report.
I never disputed the request that the public gets a legally redacted report.
No. The COMPLETE report will be turned over to congressional committees.
No it will be redacted. That's the way these things work.

We'll see. Congress has a right to see the entire thing, and I doubt they will give up their oversight authority this time.

Only the Committee can see the entire report, not the rest of Congress or the public.

I'm sure the committees will be just as careful about leaks as all those republican committees were. Does that make you feel better?

You should stop the habit trying to impute something on me I never talk about and you have avoided my question HERE, about WHY Democrats wants a massive Tax document dump.

I never disputed the 1924 law in any form.
I never attacked the Democrat Committee over the Mueller report.
I never disputed the Committee right to see the entire report.
I never disputed the request that the public gets a legally redacted report.

In a nutshell, the request was for enough information to evaluate how well the laws concerning this, or any other president's private business dealings actually work, and to determine if additional legislation might be needed.

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