Trump's (and his acolytes) "Victory Lap"...........interrupted

How do you know it was biased?
I swear, its like all you totalitarians do is fucking lie.

Simple way to determine that is to release the report, right?

The redacted report will be released in due time just relax.

No. The COMPLETE report will be turned over to congressional committees.

It's illegal to turn the COMPLETE report over to Congressional committees or anyone else because that report contains testimony from Grand Juries. You need to understand our laws so you can grasp how shamefully you're being played right now by people like Jerry Nadler and Adam Shiff!
If Trump has nothing to hide then he would release the report

that is his MO, rub it in their noses

He has spent the last 2 years berating Mueller and the investigation, yet he will not tell Barr to release it

and we all know how Trump like to give orders as he doesn't trust anybody but family members, fox and his own prerogatives

Not necessarily in that order
If Trump has nothing to hide then he would release the report

that is his MO, rub it in their noses

He has spent the last 2 years berating Mueller and the investigation, yet he will not tell Barr to release it

and we all know how Trump like to give orders as he doesn't trust anybody but family members, fox and his own prerogatives

Not necessarily in that order

Oh, God...another clueless liberal! What part of this concept can't you people grasp! Trump doesn't have the legal right to demand that the report be released without redactions! To do so would violate Federal law's that have been on the books since 1983!
We know it was biased because of Barr's "Application Letter" which categorically stated that he didn't believe that the Mueller Investigation was properly constituted, and the Mueller had no authority to investigate or charge the President.


1. The FBI's own internal investigation prior to the official investigation being opened, according to FBI Agt Page, resulted in finding NO EVIDENCE OF COLLUSION, MO EVIDENCE of a crime that warranted an investigation or a Special Counsel Appointment

2. Mueller should NEVER have been appointed Special Counsel due to several reasons:
- CONFLICT OF INTEREST: Mueller was the former FBI Director, so he had reason to want to protect the FBI.

- CONFLICT OF INTEREST: Mueller was FBI Director during Uranium One Scandal and reportedly hid Russian crimes of extortion, bribery, intimidation, etc...until after the deal was completed

- CONFLICT OF INTEREST: Mueller was called before a secret FISA Court to answer for the FBI's numerous instances of defrauding / deceiving / withholding evidence from the FISA Court (Mueller himself was proven to have withheld evidence in a court case, intentionally sending several innocent Americans to jail)

- CONFLICT OF INTEREST: Mueller was Comey's 'Mentor' and Friend (investigating the President for firing his protégé and friend?)

- CONFLICT OF INTEREST: DOJ's Ohr testified that Mueller was working with him and Trump-Hating foreign spy Steele on the Dossier BEFORE THE OFFICIAL INVESTIGATION BEGAN AND BEFORE MUELLER WAS APPOINTED SPECIAL COUNSEL (WTF?!)

3. The US IG reported the FBI abandoned its standard practices in the 'investigation' of Hillary Clinton and hammered the FBI for actions such as refusing to indict Hillary aides Mills and Abedin for the same crimes they invited Papa and Flynn - lying to the FBI, and even recommended Comey' Deputy for leaking; yet Mueller proved his bias by not investigating any of this and choosing to protect Comey and his beloved FBI

4. Mueller hand-picked an All-Star Anti-Trump / Pro-Hillary 'Political Hit Squad' right off the bat that includes Trump-Hating DNC/Hillary Donors and even a Clinton Foundation lawyer. There was never even an attempt to create the illusion of objectivity.

Barr is being attacked for his beliefs regarding the investigation....WHICH ALL TURNED OUT TO BE CORRECT!
because that report contains testimony from Grand Juries.

Has Barr asked a judge for some help on his "redactions" of grand juries' testimonies ???

Here, nitwit.....You may never hear about this from Fox and Friends (and ask Nixon and Clinton if THEIR grand jury testimonies were made public....LOL)

Appeals court affirms judges can release secret grand jury records ...
Gee, got a liberal Appeals court to make a ruling that contradicted established law! A decision that will be challenged and overturned on appeal. It's what you on the left have been doing since Trump took office. Nothing in that changes what has been the rule of law since shortly after Nixon was ousted.
If Trump has nothing to hide then he would release the report

that is his MO, rub it in their noses

He has spent the last 2 years berating Mueller and the investigation, yet he will not tell Barr to release it

and we all know how Trump like to give orders as he doesn't trust anybody but family members, fox and his own prerogatives

Not necessarily in that order

Oh, God...another clueless liberal! What part of this concept can't you people grasp! Trump doesn't have the legal right to demand that the report be released without redactions! To do so would violate Federal law's that have been on the books since 1983!

Legal rights have nothing to do with what trump does

He can tell Barr to release it and I believe that Barr would do that at his bequest

yeah, yeah the Attorney General “may determine that public release of these reports would be in the public interest, to the extent that release would comply with applicable legal restrictions.”

Its a decision and if his boss strongly suggest a course of action then I believe he will do it. Barr is a dickrider

after all Trump fired session and replaced him with barr just a few months prior to the report being released

coincidence or he had advance warnings

IF Starr report on Clinton had been withheld you all would have had a field day but you know it was released

Trump overrides security clearances because he can

Trump can declare states of emergencies because he can

Barr withholding is because they are afraid of something

As they say democracy dies in darkness

and Dark Vader T-Rump loves darkness
As was to be expected, after Barr's somewhat biased, 3.5-pages "book report" on Mueller's findings, Trump, his entourage and his cultists cheered that there was total EXONERATION of both Trump's presidential campaign members' COLLUSION with Russian entities.......and of OBSTRUCTION in law enforcement entities to investigate such collusion.

The slightly saner Trump cultists would offer as confirmation of such a conclusion, the fact that if Barr was acting as a two-bit stooge for Trump, then the Mueller team investigators would have balked a bit......

Well, they NOW are...........Some of the investigators within Mueller's team are starting to divulge to media outlets the fact that THEIR own summaries of their respective investigations DO NOT exonerate Trump.....especially on the issue of the Trump cohorts' obstruction of justice.

As we have well learned from the Watergate-era, the original "crime" [collusion as a preamble of conspiracy in Trump's case] PALES in comparison to the real crime of obstruction [the attempted cover-ups and the many lies] of justice.

As the Mueller team has begun to balk at Barr's biased "conclusions," the Victory Lap for cult members has just hit a major obstacle.
because that report contains testimony from Grand Juries.

Has Barr asked a judge for some help on his "redactions" of grand juries' testimonies ???

Here, nitwit.....You may never hear about this from Fox and Friends (and ask Nixon and Clinton if THEIR grand jury testimonies were made public....LOL)

Appeals court affirms judges can release secret grand jury records ...
We are still waiting for the real social security number for Obama.
We are still waiting for the real social security number for Obama.

People from Mars don't have social security numbers.......

(Is this moron able to push the on button on his computer.....all by himself???)
We know it was biased because of Barr's "Application Letter" which categorically stated that he didn't believe that the Mueller Investigation was properly constituted, and the Mueller had no authority to investigate or charge the President.


1. The FBI's own internal investigation prior to the official investigation being opened, according to FBI Agt Page, resulted in finding NO EVIDENCE OF COLLUSION, MO EVIDENCE of a crime that warranted an investigation or a Special Counsel Appointment

2. Mueller should NEVER have been appointed Special Counsel due to several reasons:
- CONFLICT OF INTEREST: Mueller was the former FBI Director, so he had reason to want to protect the FBI.

- CONFLICT OF INTEREST: Mueller was FBI Director during Uranium One Scandal and reportedly hid Russian crimes of extortion, bribery, intimidation, etc...until after the deal was completed

- CONFLICT OF INTEREST: Mueller was called before a secret FISA Court to answer for the FBI's numerous instances of defrauding / deceiving / withholding evidence from the FISA Court (Mueller himself was proven to have withheld evidence in a court case, intentionally sending several innocent Americans to jail)

- CONFLICT OF INTEREST: Mueller was Comey's 'Mentor' and Friend (investigating the President for firing his protégé and friend?)

- CONFLICT OF INTEREST: DOJ's Ohr testified that Mueller was working with him and Trump-Hating foreign spy Steele on the Dossier BEFORE THE OFFICIAL INVESTIGATION BEGAN AND BEFORE MUELLER WAS APPOINTED SPECIAL COUNSEL (WTF?!)

3. The US IG reported the FBI abandoned its standard practices in the 'investigation' of Hillary Clinton and hammered the FBI for actions such as refusing to indict Hillary aides Mills and Abedin for the same crimes they invited Papa and Flynn - lying to the FBI, and even recommended Comey' Deputy for leaking; yet Mueller proved his bias by not investigating any of this and choosing to protect Comey and his beloved FBI

4. Mueller hand-picked an All-Star Anti-Trump / Pro-Hillary 'Political Hit Squad' right off the bat that includes Trump-Hating DNC/Hillary Donors and even a Clinton Foundation lawyer. There was never even an attempt to create the illusion of objectivity.

Barr is being attacked for his beliefs regarding the investigation....WHICH ALL TURNED OUT TO BE CORRECT!

Let's look at each of your lies in the cold light of day:

1. The FBI's own internal investigation prior to the official investigation being opened, according to FBI Agt Page, resulted in finding NO EVIDENCE OF COLLUSION, MO EVIDENCE of a crime that warranted an investigation or a Special Counsel Appointment.

The Investigations had not been completed nor had there been any findings one way or the other, when Trump fired Comey. The reason why Comey refused to make a public statement to the effect that Donald Trump was not under investigation is because, although this was true at the time, the possibility still existed that evidence would surface in the investigations into Russian interference, and members of his campaign staff or administration, which might implicate the President, and Comey didn't want to comment publically on an ongoing investigation at that time.

2. Mueller should NEVER have been appointed Special Counsel due to several reasons:
- CONFLICT OF INTEREST: Mueller was the former FBI Director, so he had reason to want to protect the FBI.

- CONFLICT OF INTEREST: Mueller was FBI Director during Uranium One Scandal and reportedly hid Russian crimes of extortion, bribery, intimidation, etc...until after the deal was completed

BULLSHIT. A complete Russian fabrication. There is no uranium one scandal. This is a fabricated Russian lie meant to discredit the Obama administration. The donations to the Clinton Foundation were a matter of public record, as were the approvals of the deal. Republicans have looked at the facts, not the lies you keep repeating, numerous times and have found nothing. No witnesses, no evidence, no crimes, even. No one has ever been charged.

- CONFLICT OF INTEREST: Mueller was called before a secret FISA Court to answer for the FBI's numerous instances of defrauding / deceiving / withholding evidence from the FISA Court

Standard Russian twisting of facts: The abuses the FISA Court was concerned about, occurred in the wake of the 9/11 attacks, and BEFORE MUELLER CAME TO WORK FOR THE FBI.

Mueller hauled before secret FISA court to address FBI abuses in 2002, Congress told

From the Hill:

Other sources who worked for Mueller at the time told me the court's concerns arose in 2002 and 2003 — shortly after America was stunned by the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks — when the FISC learned the FBI had omitted material facts from FISA warrant applications in more than 75 terrorism cases that dated back to the late 1990s.

Most of the omissions occurred in FBI work that pre-dated Mueller’s arrival, the sources said. But the court wanted assurances the new sheriff in town was going to stop such widespread abuses.

- CONFLICT OF INTEREST: Mueller was Comey's 'Mentor' and Friend (investigating the President for firing his protégé and friend?)

Comey and Mueller are not friends or mentors. They know each other, and have respect for one another, and their paths crossed frequently when Comey was assistant AG and Mueller was head of the FBI, under George W. Bush.

FACT CHECK: Is James Comey 'Best Friends' with Robert Mueller, And Is That Friendship a Conflict of Interest?

- CONFLICT OF INTEREST: DOJ's Ohr testified that Mueller was working with him and Trump-Hating foreign spy Steele on the Dossier BEFORE THE OFFICIAL INVESTIGATION BEGAN AND BEFORE MUELLER WAS APPOINTED SPECIAL COUNSEL (WTF?!)

More lies.

3. The US IG reported the FBI abandoned its standard practices in the 'investigation' of Hillary Clinton and hammered the FBI for actions such as refusing to indict Hillary aides Mills and Abedin for the same crimes they invited Papa and Flynn - lying to the FBI, and even recommended Comey' Deputy for leaking; yet Mueller proved his bias by not investigating any of this and choosing to protect Comey and his beloved FBI

But at no time did the IG say that the conclusions of that investigation were flawed or that Hillary should have been charged. In fact, the IG confirmed that Comey's decision was correct.

4. Mueller hand-picked an All-Star Anti-Trump / Pro-Hillary 'Political Hit Squad' right off the bat that includes Trump-Hating DNC/Hillary Donors and even a Clinton Foundation lawyer. There was never even an attempt to create the illusion of objectivity.

Again, BULLSHIT. This was a Republican Investigation of the President, by a Republican Department of Justice, lead by a Republican Deputy AG, and conducted by a Republican former head of the FBI. It only stands to reason that there would be more Democratic lawyers, than Republican investigators and prosecutors available to work with Mueller, since all of the Democrats who worked at the Justice and all of the Obama-appointed federal prosecutors, had been fired by Trump only a few weeks before, and all of the Republican prosecutors had been hired by the Justice Department to replace them.

People are done with your stupid lies and twisting of the truth.

If Trump doesn't release this report to Congress, he loses the election. Pure and simple. Just like his taxes, he's hiding things he doesn't want the American people to see. People care. They see the harm he's doing to the country. The mid-Terms are nothing compared to the landslide that is about to fall on this President's Big Orange Head.
As was to be expected, after Barr's somewhat biased, 3.5-pages "book report" on Mueller's findings, Trump, his entourage and his cultists cheered that there was total EXONERATION of both Trump's presidential campaign members' COLLUSION with Russian entities.......and of OBSTRUCTION in law enforcement entities to investigate such collusion.

The slightly saner Trump cultists would offer as confirmation of such a conclusion, the fact that if Barr was acting as a two-bit stooge for Trump, then the Mueller team investigators would have balked a bit......

Well, they NOW are...........Some of the investigators within Mueller's team are starting to divulge to media outlets the fact that THEIR own summaries of their respective investigations DO NOT exonerate Trump.....especially on the issue of the Trump cohorts' obstruction of justice.

As we have well learned from the Watergate-era, the original "crime" [collusion as a preamble of conspiracy in Trump's case] PALES in comparison to the real crime of obstruction [the attempted cover-ups and the many lies] of justice.

As the Mueller team has begun to balk at Barr's biased "conclusions," the Victory Lap for cult members has just hit a major obstacle.

lol......go check the ratings for the Maddow Show since the Mueller Report released!!:bye1::bye1:
A day in the life of nat4900-

6 AM - wake to a rerun of Rachel Maddow talking about collusion.
7AM to noon- scouring the web for tweets, Facebook post and articles
about collusion.
Noon to 1PM- eat lunch at Cafe Collusion.
1 to 6PM - make post, phone calls, tweets, and text messages about
6 to 7 PM -eat dinner with wife while ranting about collusion.
7 to 10 PM- More Rachel Maddow reruns about collusion.
10 to 10:01 PM - make love to wife while she is dressed like Rachel
Maddow and screaming
10:01 to 10:02 - write in journal “do more research on collusion”.
10PM to 6AM - Dream about Rachel Maddow talking about collusion.

You omitted...
Keep forgetting collusion is not a crime.
because that report contains testimony from Grand Juries.

Has Barr asked a judge for some help on his "redactions" of grand juries' testimonies ???

Here, nitwit.....You may never hear about this from Fox and Friends (and ask Nixon and Clinton if THEIR grand jury testimonies were made public....LOL)

Appeals court affirms judges can release secret grand jury records ...
That has already been established, LIAR, under certain circumstance and to certain people - you left out the fact that the Democrats in Congress are NOT one of those.
We know it was biased because of Barr's "Application Letter" which categorically stated that he didn't believe that the Mueller Investigation was properly constituted, and the Mueller had no authority to investigate or charge the President.


1. The FBI's own internal investigation prior to the official investigation being opened, according to FBI Agt Page, resulted in finding NO EVIDENCE OF COLLUSION, MO EVIDENCE of a crime that warranted an investigation or a Special Counsel Appointment

2. Mueller should NEVER have been appointed Special Counsel due to several reasons:
- CONFLICT OF INTEREST: Mueller was the former FBI Director, so he had reason to want to protect the FBI.

- CONFLICT OF INTEREST: Mueller was FBI Director during Uranium One Scandal and reportedly hid Russian crimes of extortion, bribery, intimidation, etc...until after the deal was completed

- CONFLICT OF INTEREST: Mueller was called before a secret FISA Court to answer for the FBI's numerous instances of defrauding / deceiving / withholding evidence from the FISA Court (Mueller himself was proven to have withheld evidence in a court case, intentionally sending several innocent Americans to jail)

- CONFLICT OF INTEREST: Mueller was Comey's 'Mentor' and Friend (investigating the President for firing his protégé and friend?)

- CONFLICT OF INTEREST: DOJ's Ohr testified that Mueller was working with him and Trump-Hating foreign spy Steele on the Dossier BEFORE THE OFFICIAL INVESTIGATION BEGAN AND BEFORE MUELLER WAS APPOINTED SPECIAL COUNSEL (WTF?!)

3. The US IG reported the FBI abandoned its standard practices in the 'investigation' of Hillary Clinton and hammered the FBI for actions such as refusing to indict Hillary aides Mills and Abedin for the same crimes they invited Papa and Flynn - lying to the FBI, and even recommended Comey' Deputy for leaking; yet Mueller proved his bias by not investigating any of this and choosing to protect Comey and his beloved FBI

4. Mueller hand-picked an All-Star Anti-Trump / Pro-Hillary 'Political Hit Squad' right off the bat that includes Trump-Hating DNC/Hillary Donors and even a Clinton Foundation lawyer. There was never even an attempt to create the illusion of objectivity.

Barr is being attacked for his beliefs regarding the investigation....WHICH ALL TURNED OUT TO BE CORRECT!

Let's look at each of your lies in the cold light of day:

1. The FBI's own internal investigation prior to the official investigation being opened, according to FBI Agt Page, resulted in finding NO EVIDENCE OF COLLUSION, MO EVIDENCE of a crime that warranted an investigation or a Special Counsel Appointment.

The Investigations had not been completed nor had there been any findings one way or the other, when Trump fired Comey. The reason why Comey refused to make a public statement to the effect that Donald Trump was not under investigation is because, although this was true at the time, the possibility still existed that evidence would surface in the investigations into Russian interference, and members of his campaign staff or administration, which might implicate the President, and Comey didn't want to comment publically on an ongoing investigation at that time.

2. Mueller should NEVER have been appointed Special Counsel due to several reasons:
- CONFLICT OF INTEREST: Mueller was the former FBI Director, so he had reason to want to protect the FBI.

- CONFLICT OF INTEREST: Mueller was FBI Director during Uranium One Scandal and reportedly hid Russian crimes of extortion, bribery, intimidation, etc...until after the deal was completed

BULLSHIT. A complete Russian fabrication. There is no uranium one scandal. This is a fabricated Russian lie meant to discredit the Obama administration. The donations to the Clinton Foundation were a matter of public record, as were the approvals of the deal. Republicans have looked at the facts, not the lies you keep repeating, numerous times and have found nothing. No witnesses, no evidence, no crimes, even. No one has ever been charged.

- CONFLICT OF INTEREST: Mueller was called before a secret FISA Court to answer for the FBI's numerous instances of defrauding / deceiving / withholding evidence from the FISA Court

Standard Russian twisting of facts: The abuses the FISA Court was concerned about, occurred in the wake of the 9/11 attacks, and BEFORE MUELLER CAME TO WORK FOR THE FBI.

Mueller hauled before secret FISA court to address FBI abuses in 2002, Congress told

From the Hill:

Other sources who worked for Mueller at the time told me the court's concerns arose in 2002 and 2003 — shortly after America was stunned by the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks — when the FISC learned the FBI had omitted material facts from FISA warrant applications in more than 75 terrorism cases that dated back to the late 1990s.

Most of the omissions occurred in FBI work that pre-dated Mueller’s arrival, the sources said. But the court wanted assurances the new sheriff in town was going to stop such widespread abuses.

- CONFLICT OF INTEREST: Mueller was Comey's 'Mentor' and Friend (investigating the President for firing his protégé and friend?)

Comey and Mueller are not friends or mentors. They know each other, and have respect for one another, and their paths crossed frequently when Comey was assistant AG and Mueller was head of the FBI, under George W. Bush.

FACT CHECK: Is James Comey 'Best Friends' with Robert Mueller, And Is That Friendship a Conflict of Interest?

- CONFLICT OF INTEREST: DOJ's Ohr testified that Mueller was working with him and Trump-Hating foreign spy Steele on the Dossier BEFORE THE OFFICIAL INVESTIGATION BEGAN AND BEFORE MUELLER WAS APPOINTED SPECIAL COUNSEL (WTF?!)

More lies.

3. The US IG reported the FBI abandoned its standard practices in the 'investigation' of Hillary Clinton and hammered the FBI for actions such as refusing to indict Hillary aides Mills and Abedin for the same crimes they invited Papa and Flynn - lying to the FBI, and even recommended Comey' Deputy for leaking; yet Mueller proved his bias by not investigating any of this and choosing to protect Comey and his beloved FBI

But at no time did the IG say that the conclusions of that investigation were flawed or that Hillary should have been charged. In fact, the IG confirmed that Comey's decision was correct.

4. Mueller hand-picked an All-Star Anti-Trump / Pro-Hillary 'Political Hit Squad' right off the bat that includes Trump-Hating DNC/Hillary Donors and even a Clinton Foundation lawyer. There was never even an attempt to create the illusion of objectivity.

Again, BULLSHIT. This was a Republican Investigation of the President, by a Republican Department of Justice, lead by a Republican Deputy AG, and conducted by a Republican former head of the FBI. It only stands to reason that there would be more Democratic lawyers, than Republican investigators and prosecutors available to work with Mueller, since all of the Democrats who worked at the Justice and all of the Obama-appointed federal prosecutors, had been fired by Trump only a few weeks before, and all of the Republican prosecutors had been hired by the Justice Department to replace them.

People are done with your stupid lies and twisting of the truth.

If Trump doesn't release this report to Congress, he loses the election. Pure and simple. Just like his taxes, he's hiding things he doesn't want the American people to see. People care. They see the harm he's doing to the country. The mid-Terms are nothing compared to the landslide that is about to fall on this President's Big Orange Head.




"If Trump doesn't release this report to Congress, he loses the election."
As was to be expected, after Barr's somewhat biased, 3.5-pages "book report" on Mueller's findings, Trump, his entourage and his cultists cheered that there was total EXONERATION of both Trump's presidential campaign members' COLLUSION with Russian entities.......and of OBSTRUCTION in law enforcement entities to investigate such collusion.

The slightly saner Trump cultists would offer as confirmation of such a conclusion, the fact that if Barr was acting as a two-bit stooge for Trump, then the Mueller team investigators would have balked a bit......

Well, they NOW are...........Some of the investigators within Mueller's team are starting to divulge to media outlets the fact that THEIR own summaries of their respective investigations DO NOT exonerate Trump.....especially on the issue of the Trump cohorts' obstruction of justice.

As we have well learned from the Watergate-era, the original "crime" [collusion as a preamble of conspiracy in Trump's case] PALES in comparison to the real crime of obstruction [the attempted cover-ups and the many lies] of justice.

As the Mueller team has begun to balk at Barr's biased "conclusions," the Victory Lap for cult members has just hit a major obstacle.
Seriously? More desperate clinging without a single fact? It's good that this Forum exists, without it you might easily take your derangement to the streets and end up in prison. But do yourself a favor - embrace defeat.
As was to be expected, after Barr's somewhat biased, 3.5-pages "book report" on Mueller's findings, Trump, his entourage and his cultists cheered that there was total EXONERATION of both Trump's presidential campaign members' COLLUSION with Russian entities.......and of OBSTRUCTION in law enforcement entities to investigate such collusion.

The slightly saner Trump cultists would offer as confirmation of such a conclusion, the fact that if Barr was acting as a two-bit stooge for Trump, then the Mueller team investigators would have balked a bit......

Well, they NOW are...........Some of the investigators within Mueller's team are starting to divulge to media outlets the fact that THEIR own summaries of their respective investigations DO NOT exonerate Trump.....especially on the issue of the Trump cohorts' obstruction of justice.

As we have well learned from the Watergate-era, the original "crime" [collusion as a preamble of conspiracy in Trump's case] PALES in comparison to the real crime of obstruction [the attempted cover-ups and the many lies] of justice.

As the Mueller team has begun to balk at Barr's biased "conclusions," the Victory Lap for cult members has just hit a major obstacle.

Which means.... he was exonerated, but some people disagree, just like people disagree that Hillary is innocent.... and you are jumping on that.
His team was exonerated, because they could not establish conspiracy to defraud the United States, beyond a reasonable doubt.

On obstruction, the president was NOT exonerated by the Mueller team.
Of course not, but first one needs a crime before you can charge anyone with obstruction, thus no exoneration needed.
If Trump has nothing to hide then he would release the report

Presumption of innocence, heard of it? :anj_stfu:

IF your truly innocents you have nothing to hide

A full release of the Mueller report with nothing that can incriminate Trump would be a total win for him

Presumption of innocence only apply to a court of law when all the facts are presented and a jury of your peers or the judge affirms your innocence as a defendent

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