Trump's (and his acolytes) "Victory Lap"...........interrupted

Well, they NOW are...........Some of the investigators within Mueller's team are starting to divulge to media outlets the fact that THEIR own summaries of their respective investigations DO NOT exonerate Trump.....especially on the issue of the Trump cohorts' obstruction of justice.
I'm pretty sure Barr's summary said the same thing. He said it neither condemned nor exonerated Trump, but that the issue were difficult questions of law and fact. I don't recall it mentioning any of Trump's minions.
they could not ESTABLISH the conspiracy to defraud the united states crime, beyond a reasonable doubt,

this could simply mean they colluded with the Russians, but not wittingly... they unwittingly did so... which would mean they were simply 'useful idiots' for the Russians... (yes, I am speculating)

Hopefully, the Mueller report will not be so redacted, that we still won't know the actual facts.
As was to be expected, after Barr's somewhat biased, 3.5-pages "book report" on Mueller's findings, Trump, his entourage and his cultists cheered that there was total EXONERATION of both Trump's presidential campaign members' COLLUSION with Russian entities.......and of OBSTRUCTION in law enforcement entities to investigate such collusion.

The slightly saner Trump cultists would offer as confirmation of such a conclusion, the fact that if Barr was acting as a two-bit stooge for Trump, then the Mueller team investigators would have balked a bit......

Well, they NOW are...........Some of the investigators within Mueller's team are starting to divulge to media outlets the fact that THEIR own summaries of their respective investigations DO NOT exonerate Trump.....especially on the issue of the Trump cohorts' obstruction of justice.

As we have well learned from the Watergate-era, the original "crime" [collusion as a preamble of conspiracy in Trump's case] PALES in comparison to the real crime of obstruction [the attempted cover-ups and the many lies] of justice.

As the Mueller team has begun to balk at Barr's biased "conclusions," the Victory Lap for cult members has just hit a major obstacle.

Since most of the team were Democrats that's no surprise at all.

They couldn't find anything and will do what they can to try and make Mueller's report look bad.

What a bunch of whinny assed bitches.
NO WHERE does the report say they could not find "anything".... nor does Barr's report..... :rolleyes:

LMAO The report cleared Trump of collusion which was what the whole exercise was about.

You can nit pick all you want. Facts are facts.

No it will be redacted. That's the way these things work.

We'll see. Congress has a right to see the entire thing, and I doubt they will give up their oversight authority this time.

Only the Committee can see the entire report, not the rest of Congress or the public.

I'm sure the committees will be just as careful about leaks as all those republican committees were. Does that make you feel better?

You should stop the habit trying to impute something on me I never talk about and you have avoided my question HERE, about WHY Democrats wants a massive Tax document dump.

I never disputed the 1924 law in any form.
I never attacked the Democrat Committee over the Mueller report.
I never disputed the Committee right to see the entire report.
I never disputed the request that the public gets a legally redacted report.

In a nutshell, the request was for enough information to evaluate how well the laws concerning this, or any other president's private business dealings actually work, and to determine if additional legislation might be needed.


Fishing expedition.



Thank you for your accidentally provided admission that it is a politically motivated witch hunt, since they can do that easily WITHOUT seeing his documents, since it is well known that many millionairs/Billionaires abuse the tax code all the time. I have the award winning book in my large bookshelf, that shows in detail about the bucket load of tax avoidance loopholes that are well known, since it was the Congress who made them in the first place.

Here is the name of the book:

Perfectly Legal

David Cay Johnson

A New York Times Bestseller

Winner of the IRE Medal Best Investigative Book of The Year.

The Covert Campaign To Rig Out Tax System To Benefit The Super Rich----- And Cheat Everybody Else.


You are not just wrong, you are miserably stupidly partisan hack wrong!
We'll see. Congress has a right to see the entire thing, and I doubt they will give up their oversight authority this time.

Only the Committee can see the entire report, not the rest of Congress or the public.

I'm sure the committees will be just as careful about leaks as all those republican committees were. Does that make you feel better?

You should stop the habit trying to impute something on me I never talk about and you have avoided my question HERE, about WHY Democrats wants a massive Tax document dump.

I never disputed the 1924 law in any form.
I never attacked the Democrat Committee over the Mueller report.
I never disputed the Committee right to see the entire report.
I never disputed the request that the public gets a legally redacted report.

In a nutshell, the request was for enough information to evaluate how well the laws concerning this, or any other president's private business dealings actually work, and to determine if additional legislation might be needed.


Fishing expedition.



Thank you for your accidentally provided admission that it is a politically motivated witch hunt, since they can do that easily WITHOUT seeing his documents, since it is well known that many millionairs/Billionaires abuse the tax code all the time. I have the award winning book in my large bookshelf, that shows in detail about the bucket load of tax avoidance loopholes that are well known, since it was the Congress who made them in the first place.

Here is the name of the book:

Perfectly Legal

David Cay Johnson

A New York Times Bestseller

Winner of the IRE Medal Best Investigative Book of The Year.

The Covert Campaign To Rig Out Tax System To Benefit The Super Rich----- And Cheat Everybody Else.


You are not just wrong, you are miserably stupidly partisan hack wrong!

Perhaps you should look into why the law was passed to start with. It is being used exactly for what it was originally intended.
As was to be expected, after Barr's somewhat biased, 3.5-pages "book report" on Mueller's findings, Trump, his entourage and his cultists cheered that there was total EXONERATION of both Trump's presidential campaign members' COLLUSION with Russian entities.......and of OBSTRUCTION in law enforcement entities to investigate such collusion.

The slightly saner Trump cultists would offer as confirmation of such a conclusion, the fact that if Barr was acting as a two-bit stooge for Trump, then the Mueller team investigators would have balked a bit......

Well, they NOW are...........Some of the investigators within Mueller's team are starting to divulge to media outlets the fact that THEIR own summaries of their respective investigations DO NOT exonerate Trump.....especially on the issue of the Trump cohorts' obstruction of justice.

As we have well learned from the Watergate-era, the original "crime" [collusion as a preamble of conspiracy in Trump's case] PALES in comparison to the real crime of obstruction [the attempted cover-ups and the many lies] of justice.

As the Mueller team has begun to balk at Barr's biased "conclusions," the Victory Lap for cult members has just hit a major obstacle.

Since most of the team were Democrats that's no surprise at all.

They couldn't find anything and will do what they can to try and make Mueller's report look bad.

What a bunch of whinny assed bitches.
NO WHERE does the report say they could not find "anything".... nor does Barr's report..... :rolleyes:

LMAO The report cleared Trump of collusion which was what the whole exercise was about.

You can nit pick all you want. Facts are facts.

the report said they could not ESTABLISH conspiracy (collusion) beyond a reasonable doubt...

establish, means establishing collusion/ conspiracy in legal terms, beyond a reasonable doubt....

it in no way, says or implies, there was no evidence of so called collusion....
ONLY the president is mouthing that lie... even Barr did not say there was no evidence of anything... there simply was not enough evidence to establish a charge of conspiracy, beyond a reasonable doubt... which was Mueller's standard for charging a person with a crime.
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Quote, you're requesting and whining about does not exist because the quote you reference actually said "basically", leaving the quote open to interpretation and generalization. Implying the quote says what you claim, is a lie, making you a malicious liar, but everyone already knows that.
Gnat stated US AG Barr said, "'The President is above the law'.

The US AG never said that.

What Gnat posted - what Gnat did - was the EXACT thing snowflakes are claiming Barr is doing in regards to the Mueller report -- 'giving a summary / interpretation of what Mueller MEANT'.

Gnat is citing what a few Trump-Haters / others claim Barr said or meant because it fits his false narrative of this grand conspiracy that Barr is, they claim, a part of. Of course the TRUTH is, just like the results of the last 3 years, Gnat and others have no evidence of this except their own speculation and unsubstantiated claims this is so.

Gnat and other snowflakes would rather hold on to the delusional conspiracy theories and denial of facts to claim the President is a Russian colluder...

- DESPITE THE FACT that FBI Agent Page testified under oath that the FBI ran its own internal investigation trying to find evidence of collusion AND FOUND NO EVIDENCE, NO CRIME - this was BEFORE the Obama DOJ, NSA, CIA, and FBI were proven to have collaborated / worked together to illegally obtain warrants to spy on Trump and his associates and con Congress into opening an Official investigation.

- DESPITE THE FACT that it has been proven that Ohr informed Obama's DOJ, NSA, CIA, and FBI that the Trump-Hating foreign spy, Steele, could not be trusted and the Dossier was completely reliable BEFORE they went ahead and briefed it as fact - falsely represented the info inside of it as 'Legitimate Intel' which it was NOT - to defraud the FISA COURT and Con Congress!

These, unlike anything the Democrats / Mueller has after 3 years, have been proven - substantiated with documents and multiple corroborating testimony!

In short, the COUP attempt has been proven. There was no evidence of collusion - as per Page / the FBI. There never was from the start, and Mueller's report confirms 'NONE WAS ESTABLISHED' - A LACK OF EVIDENCE TO SUBSTANTIATE THE CLAIM. (Again, this is what sane, non-partisan people call 'Innocent Due To A Lack Of Evidence'.)

Barr never said the President was above the law, just as Mueller never said Trump is guilty of any crime, thus no indictment.

Gnat LIED. There is no such quote from Barr because Barr never made such a quote.
As was to be expected, after Barr's somewhat biased, 3.5-pages "book report" on Mueller's findings, Trump, his entourage and his cultists cheered that there was total EXONERATION of both Trump's presidential campaign members' COLLUSION with Russian entities.......and of OBSTRUCTION in law enforcement entities to investigate such collusion.

The slightly saner Trump cultists would offer as confirmation of such a conclusion, the fact that if Barr was acting as a two-bit stooge for Trump, then the Mueller team investigators would have balked a bit......

Well, they NOW are...........Some of the investigators within Mueller's team are starting to divulge to media outlets the fact that THEIR own summaries of their respective investigations DO NOT exonerate Trump.....especially on the issue of the Trump cohorts' obstruction of justice.

As we have well learned from the Watergate-era, the original "crime" [collusion as a preamble of conspiracy in Trump's case] PALES in comparison to the real crime of obstruction [the attempted cover-ups and the many lies] of justice.

As the Mueller team has begun to balk at Barr's biased "conclusions," the Victory Lap for cult members has just hit a major obstacle.

Which means.... he was exonerated, but some people disagree, just like people disagree that Hillary is innocent.... and you are jumping on that.
the report said they could not ESTABLISH conspiracy (collusion) beyond a reasonable doubt...

Thank you for admitting Guilt was not proven, that the claims by proven coup conspirators and Trump-hating traitors made for the last 3 years were NOT substantiated, NOT proven!

For 3 years the butt-hurt Left have been trying to prove Trump colluded with the Russians, and Mueller just said THEY CAN'T DO IT.

"could not ESTABLISH conspiracy (collusion) beyond a reasonable doubt"

Again, SANE, non-butt-hurt, non-TDS-suffering, non-Trump-hating, Objective people call this:
- 'Innocent due to a failure to prove'
- 'Innocent due to a lack of proof beyond a reasonable doubt'
- A
dmitting 'INNOCENT due to a FAILURE to establish 'collusion'.

You snowflakes keep on repeating the words over and over again, but it as if you have no idea what the words mean.

A 'FAILURE TO ESTABLISH COLLUSION' does NOT mean 'He is guilty despite the fact that Mueller's team could not establish that collusion.
As was to be expected, after Barr's somewhat biased, 3.5-pages "book report" on Mueller's findings, Trump, his entourage and his cultists cheered that there was total EXONERATION of both Trump's presidential campaign members' COLLUSION with Russian entities.......and of OBSTRUCTION in law enforcement entities to investigate such collusion.

The slightly saner Trump cultists would offer as confirmation of such a conclusion, the fact that if Barr was acting as a two-bit stooge for Trump, then the Mueller team investigators would have balked a bit......

Well, they NOW are...........Some of the investigators within Mueller's team are starting to divulge to media outlets the fact that THEIR own summaries of their respective investigations DO NOT exonerate Trump.....especially on the issue of the Trump cohorts' obstruction of justice.

As we have well learned from the Watergate-era, the original "crime" [collusion as a preamble of conspiracy in Trump's case] PALES in comparison to the real crime of obstruction [the attempted cover-ups and the many lies] of justice.

As the Mueller team has begun to balk at Barr's biased "conclusions," the Victory Lap for cult members has just hit a major obstacle.

Which means.... he was exonerated, but some people disagree, just like people disagree that Hillary is innocent.... and you are jumping on that.
His team was exonerated, because they could not establish conspiracy to defraud the United States, beyond a reasonable doubt.

On obstruction, the president was NOT exonerated by the Mueller team.
As was to be expected, after Barr's somewhat biased, 3.5-pages "book report" on Mueller's findings, Trump, his entourage and his cultists cheered that there was total EXONERATION of both Trump's presidential campaign members' COLLUSION with Russian entities.......and of OBSTRUCTION in law enforcement entities to investigate such collusion.

The slightly saner Trump cultists would offer as confirmation of such a conclusion, the fact that if Barr was acting as a two-bit stooge for Trump, then the Mueller team investigators would have balked a bit......

Well, they NOW are...........Some of the investigators within Mueller's team are starting to divulge to media outlets the fact that THEIR own summaries of their respective investigations DO NOT exonerate Trump.....especially on the issue of the Trump cohorts' obstruction of justice.

As we have well learned from the Watergate-era, the original "crime" [collusion as a preamble of conspiracy in Trump's case] PALES in comparison to the real crime of obstruction [the attempted cover-ups and the many lies] of justice.

As the Mueller team has begun to balk at Barr's biased "conclusions," the Victory Lap for cult members has just hit a major obstacle.

Which means.... he was exonerated, but some people disagree, just like people disagree that Hillary is innocent.... and you are jumping on that.
His team was exonerated, because they could not establish conspiracy to defraud the United States, beyond a reasonable doubt.

On obstruction, the president was NOT exonerated by the Mueller team.

President Trump was exonerated. The fact that (some) disgruntled Mueller staff members are leaking their own opinions to the media is proof that the investigation was a political sham.
It turns out it's not even Mueller's Staff members, but the infamous un-named sources that know staff members.

In other words, journalists making shit up again.
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Which means.... he was exonerated, but some people disagree, just like people disagree that Hillary is innocent.... and you are jumping on that.

How fucking stupid must a Trumpster be to "claim" that Trump was exonerated where EVEN Barr stated that Mueller did NOT exonerate him???

(Collusion was NEVER a crime......a breach of ethics and patriotism BUT not a crime.....Whereas OBSTRUCTION certainly is.....)

And, btw, why the hell do you nitwits bring up Clinton where this thread is STRICTLY about Trump??
As was to be expected, after Barr's somewhat biased, 3.5-pages "book report" on Mueller's findings, Trump, his entourage and his cultists cheered that there was total EXONERATION of both Trump's presidential campaign members' COLLUSION with Russian entities.......and of OBSTRUCTION in law enforcement entities to investigate such collusion.

The slightly saner Trump cultists would offer as confirmation of such a conclusion, the fact that if Barr was acting as a two-bit stooge for Trump, then the Mueller team investigators would have balked a bit......

Well, they NOW are...........Some of the investigators within Mueller's team are starting to divulge to media outlets the fact that THEIR own summaries of their respective investigations DO NOT exonerate Trump.....especially on the issue of the Trump cohorts' obstruction of justice.

As we have well learned from the Watergate-era, the original "crime" [collusion as a preamble of conspiracy in Trump's case] PALES in comparison to the real crime of obstruction [the attempted cover-ups and the many lies] of justice.

As the Mueller team has begun to balk at Barr's biased "conclusions," the Victory Lap for cult members has just hit a major obstacle.

Since most of the team were Democrats that's no surprise at all.

They couldn't find anything and will do what they can to try and make Mueller's report look bad.

What a bunch of whinny assed bitches.
NO WHERE does the report say they could not find "anything".... nor does Barr's report..... :rolleyes:

LMAO The report cleared Trump of collusion which was what the whole exercise was about.

You can nit pick all you want. Facts are facts.

the report said they could not ESTABLISH conspiracy (collusion) beyond a reasonable doubt...

establish, means establishing collusion/ conspiracy in legal terms, beyond a reasonable doubt....

it in no way, says or implies, there was no evidence of so called collusion....
ONLY the president is mouthing that lie... even Barr did not say there was no evidence of anything... there simply was not enough evidence to establish a charge of conspiracy, beyond a reasonable doubt... which was Mueller's standard for charging a person with a crime.

Nit pick away. Enjoy.
How do you know it was biased?
I swear, its like all you totalitarians do is fucking lie.

We know it was biased because of Barr's "Application Letter" which categorically stated that he didn't believe that the Mueller Investigation was properly constituted, and the Mueller had no authority to investigate or charge the President. Barr was the AG who gave cover the W's use of torture at Gitmo, and whose reasoning has been called into question before.

Barr promised transparentcy and that publication of the Mueller Report at his confirmation hearings. If he breaks that promise, it will be proof positive that, just like his tax returns, Trump has no intention of ever releasing Mueller's evidence to the public or to Congress.
How do you know it was biased?
I swear, its like all you totalitarians do is fucking lie.

We know it was biased because of Barr's "Application Letter" which categorically stated that he didn't believe that the Mueller Investigation was properly constituted, and the Mueller had no authority to investigate or charge the President. Barr was the AG who gave cover the W's use of torture at Gitmo, and whose reasoning has been called into question before.

Barr promised transparentcy and that publication of the Mueller Report at his confirmation hearings. If he breaks that promise, it will be proof positive that, just like his tax returns, Trump has no intention of ever releasing Mueller's evidence to the public or to Congress.
The mueller report is none of your business
His team was exonerated, because they could not establish conspiracy to defraud the United States, beyond a reasonable doubt.

On obstruction, the president was NOT exonerated by the Mueller team.

1. 'could not establish conspiracy' - INNOCENT due to inability to prove guilt / lack of evidence.

Why don't you go one step further and admit WHY Obstruction could NOT be proven, either.....


The President of the United States has the authority to fire the Director of the FBI at any time for any reason
- The Deputy US AG recommended that the President fire the FBI Director and authored the justification to do so
--- Immediately after the President did so the proven co-conspirator was the one to recommend the investigation of the President for Obstruction for doing what he had the Constitutional authority to do and what he had been advised to do by the Deputy US AG

The traitors claim the President fired the FBI Director to Obstruct Justice. There's just a couple of things wrong with that claim:

1. The Deputy US AG gave the President reasons / justification for firing the FBI Director - 'Obstruction' was not on that list, so how can they claim the President did not fire the FBI Director for any of the justified reasons the Deputy US AG Gave him?
-- The Democrats seek to testify to what the President was THINKING at the time he fired the FBI Director! The traitors are not 'psychic' and do not have the ability to indict a President based on what THEY say he was THINKING!

2. The reasons the Deputy US AG gave the President for firing Comey aside, it has been proven that the President was justified in doing so because:
- He leaked classified information to his professor friend with the intent that it be leaked to the press, reported, and result in helping get an investigation of the President. (This was not only leaking classified it was a betrayal of the President by the Director of the FBI, who did not have the BALLS to go to the DOJ or Congress with his concerns - No, he illegally leaked the Info.

- He and his FBI has been exposed, by his own former agents, as having collaborated with the DOJ in Obstructing Justice and protecting Hillary from being indicted for her proven crimes.

- he and his FBI were proven to have intentionally illegally gone before the FISA Court and lied / withheld info / falsely presented KNOWN 'UNRELIABLE' information from the Dossier as 'Legitimate Intel' to obtain warrants to illegally spy on the GOP Presidential Candidate during an election.
*** Ohr testified he informed the DOJ, NSA, CIA, and FBI Steele could not be trusted because he was a known TRUMP-HATING foreign spy and that the Dossier was UNRELIABLE, that he informed them of this BEFORE he went to the FISA Court and misled them to get the Warrant
*** The FBI has a documented history of breaking the law / misleading the FISA Court - Mueller as FBI Director was called before a secret FISA counsel board to answer to the fact that the FBI had done so many times

TRUMP NOTONLY HAD EVERY JUSTIFICATION IN THE WORLD TO FIRE COMEY HE HAD A RESPONSIBILITY TO DO SO AND THERE WAS ENOUGH CRIMINAL EVIDENCE AGAINST COMEY TO HAVE HIM INVESTIGATED / INDICTED (which the Democrats would have called 'Obstruction', too). At the very least, Comey's demonstration of incompetence, inability to control an FBI that was breaking laws / cutting corners to illegally investigate American citizens, and had a complete disregard for the law (leaking info) was enough to fire him.
How do you know it was biased?
I swear, its like all you totalitarians do is fucking lie.

Simple way to determine that is to release the report, right?

The report will be released, Bulldog. You're being lied to AGAIN by the very same people who lied to you when they claimed there was evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government!

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