Trump's Appeal to Conservatives


Take a Memo:
Apr 21, 2012
We hear all kinds of opinions on why people think Trump is appealing so strongly with Conservatives. What is somewhat confusing is how there seems to be SOME Conservatives who vehemently don't like Trump while others do... so what is the deal here? Are the ones who like Trump just naive and stupid? Are the ones who don't like Trump just paranoid and disillusioned? Let us throw out the OBVIOUS disdain from the liberal left Democrats who HATE Trump and any other potential Republican or person to the right of Chairman Mao... What is it about Trump that is appealing so strongly to so many Conservatives?

I personally think the very thing that many Conservatives complain about with Trump is the exact thing that appeals to so many other Conservatives. The complaint is that Trump doesn't really stand for a conservative ideology... and that's the point... he is NOT ideological! He is tapping in to something I have been vocal about here for years... Conservatism is NOT an ideology, it's an overall philosophy.

Conservatism is actually the antithesis of Ideology. It is the pragmatic approach to problem solving. Reasoned and rational solutions that are time tested and proven as opposed to some rigid ideological bent that must be adhered to in all circumstances. Looking at a problem from all sides and formulating a strategy which considers the human equation. Not being so tied to an ideological difference that you can't see any other possibility before you. It's not "go along to get along" but rather a reasoned pragmatism which considers both sides of the coin.

I think Ronald Reagan, although he articulated this better than Trump, tapped in to the same sentiment. This is precisely what promulgated the "Reagan Democrat" and was highly responsible for his immense popularity. Think about, when you encounter people who hate Reagan or hate Trump, they tend to be the more ideological type. Whether from the left or right, they are the "extremists" and they don't like Trump because he doesn't fit their mold. How many times do we hear and see the examples of how he's "not a true conservative"? It usually centers on something that he has favored or taken a position on in the past that is inconsistent with values or perceptions of what a "true" conservative is supposed to be.

This has got to be a huge advantage for him politically because he is not tied to "far-right" or "far-left" radicalism. And I think THAT is his major appeal to so many true philosophical conservatives. I also think this will be a great appeal to so-called independents and moderates. He represents the type of person they are looking for in a leader... someone who isn't rooted in some extremist rhetorical ideology but rather a problem solver who can step outside the box of political correctness or partisan politics to affect change. I think he poses a huge political problem for the ideologues on both sides because he also has a certain charisma that others don't have. Even when he is wrong he is interesting.
I don't know why everyone is Assuming his supporters have to be Conservatives. Unless someone has gone to one of his rally's and took a poll of everyone there. Then I find this offensive to just assume that's who is supporting him. Where did this attacking your own Republican party supporters come from? That used to be a no no. But then so did attacking a candidates baby with downs syndrome.
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Conservatives are not ideological. That's awesome.

There certainly is no shortage of hand wringing going on regarding the Donald. Some of you folks are twisting yourselves into untidy pretzels as you seek comfort. It's very entertaining.
This has got to be a huge advantage for him politically because he is not tied to "far-right" or "far-left" radicalism. And I think THAT is his major appeal to so many true philosophical conservatives. I also think this will be a great appeal to so-called independents and moderates. He represents the type of person they are looking for in a leader... someone who isn't rooted in some extremist rhetorical ideology but rather a problem solver who can step outside the box of political correctness or partisan politics to affect change.
In other words, he represents common sense. How many times have we heard people express the desire to return to common sense governing? Well, now we have somebody who uses it. Illegal immigration is destroying our economy, so put a stop to it instead of looking for ways to live with it. Common sense.
Yeah! Common sense! it doesn't take experience, gravitas or superior intellect. All we need is a guy with common sense. We need someone to make our problems sound simple.....then we can have simple solutions! Weeeeeeeee!
Conservatives are not ideological. That's awesome.

There certainly is no shortage of hand wringing going on regarding the Donald. Some of you folks are twisting yourselves into untidy pretzels as you seek comfort. It's very entertaining.

As a sociopath, it is probably hard for you to relate to people.
Yeah! Common sense! it doesn't take experience, gravitas or superior intellect. All we need is a guy with common sense. We need someone to make our problems sound simple.....then we can have simple solutions! Weeeeeeeee!

that's what happens when someone appeals to simplistic people.
Yeah! Common sense! it doesn't take experience, gravitas or superior intellect. All we need is a guy with common sense. We need someone to make our problems sound simple.....then we can have simple solutions! Weeeeeeeee!

that's what happens when someone appeals to simplistic people.

All you just did was reveal was how narrow minded and arrogant you are.
Conservatives are not ideological. That's awesome.

There certainly is no shortage of hand wringing going on regarding the Donald. Some of you folks are twisting yourselves into untidy pretzels as you seek comfort. It's very entertaining.

As a sociopath, it is probably hard for you to relate to people.

stop projecting. :cuckoo:

I've a very warm person.

LL is not a normal person.

There is something seriously wrong with that guy.
Conservatives are not ideological. That's awesome.

There certainly is no shortage of hand wringing going on regarding the Donald. Some of you folks are twisting yourselves into untidy pretzels as you seek comfort. It's very entertaining.

As a sociopath, it is probably hard for you to relate to people.

stop projecting. :cuckoo:

I've a very warm person.

LL is not a normal person.

There is something seriously wrong with that guy.

Are you obsessed with me? It sure seems like it.

Being such a warm guy, would you pee on me to save my life if I was on fire?
Conservatives are not ideological. That's awesome.

There certainly is no shortage of hand wringing going on regarding the Donald. Some of you folks are twisting yourselves into untidy pretzels as you seek comfort. It's very entertaining.

As a sociopath, it is probably hard for you to relate to people.

stop projecting. :cuckoo:

I've a very warm person.

LL is not a normal person.

There is something seriously wrong with that guy.

Are you obsessed with me? It sure seems like it.

Being such a warm guy, would you pee on me to save my life if I was on fire?

Hell no. The world would be better without a soulless monster like you in it.
Election cycle after election cycle, the establishment trots out some milquetoast Republican and stacks the deck to ensure their guy gets the nomination.

This time around, the rank and file party members have subverted the system. We've got a more moderate, non-social conservative candidate who is offering 65% of a loaf of bread to conservatives, and 65% of a loaf of bread to moderates. And, he takes the spot that a Bush, Romney, McCain or Dole would occupy. What's not to like?

The GOP primary system is designed to give the moderate candidate a huge advantage. Most of the left-leaning states give 100% of there delegates to the primary winners.

Remember when Romney said "I'm the inevitable winner."?

He was right. The Blue Wall is nearly insurmountable for a conservative candidate. It invariably comes down to a very conservative candidate and a moderate candidate...and the more moderate candidate wins.

This time around, we've subverted the system. By backing a more moderate candidate that is palatable to most conservative...opposes illegal immigration, is more pro-protectionism, is a smart and successful business, is opposed to political incorrectness...especially as it impairs our national security, and is pro-second amendment, plus, is YUGEly popular, pro-American worker, and is willing to negotiate for fairer trade with Asia and Mexico...we've managed to shut the establishment out completely!

Now it's a two man race...Trump, and Cruz...both at least somewhat palatable to anti-establishment conservative and moderates. It's win/win.

Personally, I think Trump is the more electable of the two. If I thought Cruz could win, I'd back him...but I don't. Trump is the teflon attack sticks to him. The last teflon man in my lifetime was Ronald Reagan...another former entertainer that was written off as not a serious candidate...a "California Republican"...with no chance of winning...and we all know how that turned out...

tl:dr -- Trump is palatable to conservatives, shuts out Bush-esque democrat-lites, and makes a two man Cruz/Trump primary a win/win.
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Conservatives are not ideological. That's awesome.

There certainly is no shortage of hand wringing going on regarding the Donald. Some of you folks are twisting yourselves into untidy pretzels as you seek comfort. It's very entertaining.

As a sociopath, it is probably hard for you to relate to people.

stop projecting. :cuckoo:

I've a very warm person.

LL is not a normal person.

There is something seriously wrong with that guy.

Are you obsessed with me? It sure seems like it.

Being such a warm guy, would you pee on me to save my life if I was on fire?

Hell no. The world would be better without a soulless monster like you in it.

That's interesting. What's do you think the worst thing I've ever done is? Consider that for a minute. If I am a monster.....what monstrous things have you imagined me doing?
"When a true genius appears in your world, you may know him by this sign; that all the dunces are against him in a confederacy."
—Jonathon Swift
As a sociopath, it is probably hard for you to relate to people.

stop projecting. :cuckoo:

I've a very warm person.

LL is not a normal person.

There is something seriously wrong with that guy.

Are you obsessed with me? It sure seems like it.

Being such a warm guy, would you pee on me to save my life if I was on fire?

Hell no. The world would be better without a soulless monster like you in it.

That's interesting. What's do you think the worst thing I've ever done is? Consider that for a minute. If I am a monster.....what monstrous things have you imagined me doing?

With a sociopath is could be anything. Or it could be nothing. You might just be a complete asshole who manages to stay within the letter of the law.

Still, completely soulless, dead inside.

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