Trump's bandwagon is falling apart


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
Trump Supporters: The honeymoon is over, that space cadet glow had faded, and the day to day grind of governing is here. I'm sorry to report Donald Trump's bandwagon is falling apart. Even with Republicans controlling both houses of Congress, legislation on healthcare, the budget, infrastructure, tax reform, the national debt, immigration and other important business is not going anywhere under President Trump. Big GOP donors, angry over the lack of progress have closed their wallets, and refused to back this administration and Congress. President Trump has become distrusted even within his own political party (see National Review Link Below) Trump's relationship with his own Secretary of State had eroded to the point to where it's almost unworkable, most of his inner circle of trusted staff members of just 9 months ago has either been fired, or has quit. To make matters worse, Michael Flynn and Paul Manafort's serious legal woes would suggest that the reports of Trump's dealings with Russia is not all "fake news" Rather than focusing on governing, President Trump has cooked up cute little diversions such as his spat with the NFL players, and his recent little tease about this being "the calm before the storm" Reality Check: This is not governing. It's creating diversions to cover up his lack of progress. Not a pretty it? The Democrats may not be a very organized bunch, but it's time for Trump supporters out there (about 32% of you) to start facing the unpleasant fact that President Trump is soon going to have to start working with at least one house of Congress controlled by Democrats (unless of course Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation concludes with impeachment proceedings!) I'm not sure if President Trump can right this little ship of his, but he'd better do it pretty soon or Mr. "Art of the Deal" is going down as a colossal failure as President.

Those are the facts Jack...just the facts! :bye1:

Despite Claims To Contrary, Trump Has Signed No Major Laws 5 Months In

Angry GOP donors close their wallets

Donald Trump’s first six months in office have been a spectacular failure.

Trump–GOP Split: Who’s the Bellwether?
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My nightmare scenario: Trump fucks this up so bigly and hugely that the Regressives can just jump back in the saddle before the Democrats can marginalize them.

This keeps going back and forth until the crazies on both ends are somehow ignored.
Our beloved Pres. Trump is doing a magnificent job. .... :thup:

We are blessed to have him as our ruler. ... :cool:
From the article:
The bill, which passed earlier this month with strong bipartisan support, also gives the secretary authority to revoke bonuses and protects whistleblowers who report wrongdoing.
Protects whistleblowers? Let's see how that works out. Trump behaves as though any information he didn't personally disclose or personally authorize for disclosure is a leak, not whistleblowing...
From the rubric:
On May 16, the president signed a law requiring the government to allow federal employees to use Uber, Lyft, bike sharing and other forms of alternative transportation for official travel.
On June 6, Trump signed a law designating the courthouse on Church Street in Nashville, Tenn., as the Fred D. Thompson Federal Building and United States Courthouse.

As if the similarity between Trump, his Trumpkins and the Know Nothings weren't enough, he's now firmly sailing toward thoroughly owning, in substance, the moniker of "do nothing."
I guess over 34 bills that Congress signed.
He guesses? Really? Apparently, the man doesn't even have an accurate tabulation of the relatively insignificant bills he's rubber-stamped.

Ah, a regressive dreaming about murdering the president of the USA has arrived. Brilliant, just what I was missing.

Turning this post into a threat to murder the President is ridiculous. He didn't say he'd set him on fire. He just said that if he were on fire he'd do nothing to help put it out. Kind of like how Trump treated Puerto Rico when he went golfing after the hurricane.

Ah, a regressive dreaming about murdering the president of the USA has arrived. Brilliant, just what I was missing.

Turning this post into a threat to murder the President is ridiculous. He didn't say he'd set him on fire. He just said that if he were on fire he'd do nothing to help put it out. Kind of like how Trump treated Puerto Rico when he went golfing after the hurricane.

Yea, murder and golf, I can see a connection....sigh.

Ah, a regressive dreaming about murdering the president of the USA has arrived. Brilliant, just what I was missing.

Turning this post into a threat to murder the President is ridiculous. He didn't say he'd set him on fire. He just said that if he were on fire he'd do nothing to help put it out. Kind of like how Trump treated Puerto Rico when he went golfing after the hurricane.

The guy is cheering of the thought of the president burning alive. Even if he wasn't for the murder, it's not completely reasonable to watch someone burn to death with extinguisher on hand, is it now?

Regressives... as dumb as they are unreasonable.
Trump Supporters: The honeymoon is over, that space cadet glow had faded, and the day to day grind of governing is here. I'm sorry to report Donald Trump's bandwagon is falling apart. Even with Republicans controlling both houses of Congress, legislation on healthcare, the budget, infrastructure, tax reform, the national debt, immigration and other important business is not going anywhere under President Trump. Big GOP donors, angry over the lack of progress have closed their wallets, and refused to back this administration and Congress. President Trump has become distrusted even within his own political party (see National Review Link Below) Trump's relationship with his own Secretary of State had eroded to the point to where it's almost unworkable, most of his inner circle of trusted staff members of just 9 months ago has either been fired, or has quit. To make matters worse, Michael Flynn and Paul Manafort's serious legal woes would suggest that the reports of Trump's dealings with Russia is not all "fake news" Rather than focusing on governing, President Trump has cooked up cute little diversions such as his spat with the NFL players, and his recent little tease about this being "the calm before the storm" Reality Check: This is not governing. It's creating diversions to cover up his lack of progress. Not a pretty it? The Democrats may not be a very organized bunch, but it's time for Trump supporters out there (about 32% of you) to start facing the unpleasant fact that President Trump is soon going to have to start working with at least one house of Congress controlled by Democrats (unless of course Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation concludes with impeachment proceedings!) I'm not sure if President Trump can right this little ship of his, but he'd better do it pretty soon or Mr. "Art of the Deal" is going down as a colossal failure as President.

Those are the facts Jack...just the facts! :bye1:

Despite Claims To Contrary, Trump Has Signed No Major Laws 5 Months In

Angry GOP donors close their wallets

Donald Trump’s first six months in office have been a spectacular failure.

Trump–GOP Split: Who’s the Bellwether?

Hahaha....Nothing's changed since January 20th bud.
Trump is still hated by many...including but not limited to, corrupt establishment politicians, the barely Americans of Loon York and North Mexico (California), illegitimate classless filth, Feminazi's, low-life's and bottom feeders, weirdos, illegals, men in dresses, carpet munchers and pole puffers.
Meanwhile, hard working, positive contributing REAL Americans who matter are still smiling ear to ear.

Ah, a regressive dreaming about murdering the president of the USA has arrived. Brilliant, just what I was missing.

Turning this post into a threat to murder the President is ridiculous. He didn't say he'd set him on fire. He just said that if he were on fire he'd do nothing to help put it out. Kind of like how Trump treated Puerto Rico when he went golfing after the hurricane.

The guy is cheering of the thought of the president burning alive. Even if he wasn't for the murder, it's not completely reasonable to watch someone burn to death with extinguisher on hand, is it now?

Regressives... as dumb as they are unreasonable.

It's an analogy Norman. As in "If the guy was on fire I wouldn't cross the road to piss on him".

That you don't understand the expression makes me question whether you are an American, or just another Russian troll farmer.

Ah, a regressive dreaming about murdering the president of the USA has arrived. Brilliant, just what I was missing.

Turning this post into a threat to murder the President is ridiculous. He didn't say he'd set him on fire. He just said that if he were on fire he'd do nothing to help put it out. Kind of like how Trump treated Puerto Rico when he went golfing after the hurricane.

The guy is cheering of the thought of the president burning alive. Even if he wasn't for the murder, it's not completely reasonable to watch someone burn to death with extinguisher on hand, is it now?

Regressives... as dumb as they are unreasonable.

It's an analogy Norman. As in "If the guy was on fire I wouldn't cross the road to piss on him".

That you don't understand the expression makes me question whether you are an American, or just another Russian troll farmer.

An analogy? Of what exactly? Are the 10,000 and growing assassination tweets also analogies?

Rhetorical question, what was displayed was clearly not an analogy, but a demonstration of how regressive some individuals can be. And to tie the thoughts into being "reasonable", it's clearly visible that you are taking pride in having the head up your ass.

Ah, everyone who disagrees with you is a Russian Nazi, just more classic regressive behavior and leftist intolerance.
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Ah, a regressive dreaming about murdering the president of the USA has arrived. Brilliant, just what I was missing.

Turning this post into a threat to murder the President is ridiculous. He didn't say he'd set him on fire. He just said that if he were on fire he'd do nothing to help put it out. Kind of like how Trump treated Puerto Rico when he went golfing after the hurricane.

The guy is cheering of the thought of the president burning alive. Even if he wasn't for the murder, it's not completely reasonable to watch someone burn to death with extinguisher on hand, is it now?

Regressives... as dumb as they are unreasonable.

It's an analogy Norman. As in "If the guy was on fire I wouldn't cross the road to piss on him".

That you don't understand the expression makes me question whether you are an American, or just another Russian troll farmer.

An analogy? Of what exactly?

Rhetorical question, what was displayed was clearly not an analogy, but a demonstration of how regressive some individuals can be. And to tie the thoughts into being "reasonable", everyone knows that you are taking pride in having the head up your ass.

Ah, everyone who disagrees with you is a Russian Nazi, just more classic regressive behavior and leftist intolerance.

Anyone who fails to grasp standard North American analogies is suspect. You don't otherwise fit the profile, except for your blind devotion to Trump, but your stubborn insistence on declaring this analogy is a threat against the life of the President suggests that it's a possibility.
Ah, a regressive dreaming about murdering the president of the USA has arrived. Brilliant, just what I was missing.

Turning this post into a threat to murder the President is ridiculous. He didn't say he'd set him on fire. He just said that if he were on fire he'd do nothing to help put it out. Kind of like how Trump treated Puerto Rico when he went golfing after the hurricane.

The guy is cheering of the thought of the president burning alive. Even if he wasn't for the murder, it's not completely reasonable to watch someone burn to death with extinguisher on hand, is it now?

Regressives... as dumb as they are unreasonable.

It's an analogy Norman. As in "If the guy was on fire I wouldn't cross the road to piss on him".

That you don't understand the expression makes me question whether you are an American, or just another Russian troll farmer.

An analogy? Of what exactly?

Rhetorical question, what was displayed was clearly not an analogy, but a demonstration of how regressive some individuals can be. And to tie the thoughts into being "reasonable", everyone knows that you are taking pride in having the head up your ass.

Ah, everyone who disagrees with you is a Russian Nazi, just more classic regressive behavior and leftist intolerance.

Anyone who fails to grasp standard North American analogies is suspect. You don't otherwise fit the profile, except for your blind devotion to Trump, but your stubborn insistence on declaring this analogy is a threat against the life of the President suggests that it's a possibility.

These regressive morons... The fact that you would like to see the president murdered is not a threat, I never said such thing. It's however, despicable and anti-civilization, which perfectly describes you. There is nothing that points to the expression being an analogy, of course, you probably view these tweets as "analogies" as well:

More than 12,000 tweets call for Trump's assassination | Daily Mail Online

At best, it could be an analogy about how much the person/you want to see the president murdered...

Ah, a regressive dreaming about murdering the president of the USA has arrived. Brilliant, just what I was missing.

Turning this post into a threat to murder the President is ridiculous. He didn't say he'd set him on fire. He just said that if he were on fire he'd do nothing to help put it out. Kind of like how Trump treated Puerto Rico when he went golfing after the hurricane.

I want to know what you people wanted him to do. Could you please explain why you complain that he went playing golf during a hurricane in Puerto Rico.

What was he supposed to be doing?

Did you want him to fly down there, climb a mountain and try to blow the hurricane off course?

You people are so ignorant you can't even form a valid point in the discussion.

So, fess up! What we he supposed to be doing that he didn't do?
Turning this post into a threat to murder the President is ridiculous. He didn't say he'd set him on fire. He just said that if he were on fire he'd do nothing to help put it out. Kind of like how Trump treated Puerto Rico when he went golfing after the hurricane.

The guy is cheering of the thought of the president burning alive. Even if he wasn't for the murder, it's not completely reasonable to watch someone burn to death with extinguisher on hand, is it now?

Regressives... as dumb as they are unreasonable.

It's an analogy Norman. As in "If the guy was on fire I wouldn't cross the road to piss on him".

That you don't understand the expression makes me question whether you are an American, or just another Russian troll farmer.

An analogy? Of what exactly?

Rhetorical question, what was displayed was clearly not an analogy, but a demonstration of how regressive some individuals can be. And to tie the thoughts into being "reasonable", everyone knows that you are taking pride in having the head up your ass.

Ah, everyone who disagrees with you is a Russian Nazi, just more classic regressive behavior and leftist intolerance.

Anyone who fails to grasp standard North American analogies is suspect. You don't otherwise fit the profile, except for your blind devotion to Trump, but your stubborn insistence on declaring this analogy is a threat against the life of the President suggests that it's a possibility.

These regressive morons... The fact that you would like to see the president murdered is not a threat, I never said such thing. It's however, despicable and anti-civilization, which perfectly describes you. There is nothing that points to the expression being an analogy, of course, you probably view these tweets as "analogies" as well:

More than 12,000 tweets call for Trump's assassination | Daily Mail Online

At best, it could be an analogy about how much the person/you want to see the president murdered...

I don't want to see anyone murdered and I don't think threatening the life of the President is in any way helpful.

Tell me Norman, did you get this upset when people threatened to murder Obama, or when the carried effigies of the President hanging by a noose, or did you think that was a good idea?
Trump Supporters: The honeymoon is over, that space cadet glow had faded, and the day to day grind of governing is here. I'm sorry to report Donald Trump's bandwagon is falling apart. Even with Republicans controlling both houses of Congress, legislation on healthcare, the budget, infrastructure, tax reform, the national debt, immigration and other important business is not going anywhere under President Trump. Big GOP donors, angry over the lack of progress have closed their wallets, and refused to back this administration and Congress. President Trump has become distrusted even within his own political party (see National Review Link Below) Trump's relationship with his own Secretary of State had eroded to the point to where it's almost unworkable, most of his inner circle of trusted staff members of just 9 months ago has either been fired, or has quit. To make matters worse, Michael Flynn and Paul Manafort's serious legal woes would suggest that the reports of Trump's dealings with Russia is not all "fake news" Rather than focusing on governing, President Trump has cooked up cute little diversions such as his spat with the NFL players, and his recent little tease about this being "the calm before the storm" Reality Check: This is not governing. It's creating diversions to cover up his lack of progress. Not a pretty it? The Democrats may not be a very organized bunch, but it's time for Trump supporters out there (about 32% of you) to start facing the unpleasant fact that President Trump is soon going to have to start working with at least one house of Congress controlled by Democrats (unless of course Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation concludes with impeachment proceedings!) I'm not sure if President Trump can right this little ship of his, but he'd better do it pretty soon or Mr. "Art of the Deal" is going down as a colossal failure as President.

Those are the facts Jack...just the facts! :bye1:

Despite Claims To Contrary, Trump Has Signed No Major Laws 5 Months In

Angry GOP donors close their wallets

Donald Trump’s first six months in office have been a spectacular failure.

Trump–GOP Split: Who’s the Bellwether?
One seasoned GOP fundraiser forwarded along a curt email from a sought-after donor. “The GOP leaders should know, no movement on remaining agenda: tax reform, infrastructure, deregulation, etc. means no funding from supporters like me,” it read. “No meetings, calls, contributions until we see progress.”

Dears, nothing but repeal really is worth-less, in the non-porn sector.

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