Trumps Bond $200,000, Whole New Set Of Restrictions Imposed

Why don't you just crawl back into your hole and hide.
The Trump Train has crashed and burned.
Your red MAGAt cap movement is dead.
The grownups are back in charge now and will be for the foreseeable future.
Pinch yourself........You're dreaming about Trump again.
Bigoted white-dude much?

Won't matter if you Trumptard MAGAts consider it a "kangaroo court."
Your opinions won't matter one wit.
He'll still be GUILTY as fuck forever.
It will go into the history books.
Because he's a fucking CRIMINAL!
Trigger much?

These crimes require "Mens Rea", the criminal intent state of mind.
No they don't.
If I rob a Walgreen's tomorrow the court is not going to give a shit what my "state of mind" was when I did it.
The case comes down to:
Did I do X?
Was X illegal?
Slam dunk!
No they don't.
If I rob a Walgreen's tomorrow the court is not going to give a shit what my "state of mind" was when I did it.
The case comes down to:
Did I do X?
Was X illegal?
Slam dunk!
In Trump's case 'X' wasn't illegal so now they are trying the 'state of mind' canard. Hell Fani is trying to get him on RICO because even she can't prove he did anything illegal. Her case is very brittle.
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Why should they, He's already guilty in your mind.
I know he's guilty as hell. If I were called to be a juror I'd have to recuse myself. I wonder how many strong trump supporters would have the decency to do the same.
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I know he's guilty as hell. If I were called to be a juror I'd have to recuse myself. I wonder how many string trump supporters would have the decency to do the same.
How do you know that? Because he's indicted? What crime did Trump actually commit?
No they don't.
If I rob a Walgreen's tomorrow the court is not going to give a shit what my "state of mind" was when I did it.
The case comes down to:
Did I do X?
Was X illegal?
Slam dunk!
Swing and a miss.........Smith has to prove Trump's 'criminal' intent.
All the EVIDENCE Smith has proves exactly that!
Hey Delldud....I'm not sure if you're aware of this....but that's like, kinda what criminal indictments are all about dude.
If Fani had good evidence she would not have to rely on RICO. She's trying to prove a web of criminal activity using a law created for the Mafia. She did it once with teachers so I guess she thinks she can do it again but, this is a whole different ballgame and she's just the bat boy. She's a Soros girl and shouldn't be trusted.
All the EVIDENCE Smith has proves exactly that!
Hey Delldud....I'm not sure if you're aware of this....but that's like, kinda what criminal indictments are all about dude.
No they are not. Indictments are a GJ saying they 'think' crimes have been is then up to the AG or DA to determine if the evidence warrants filing charges and being able to prove his case.

You need a course in how the legal system works.
Good. But unfortunately drugs show up in places where there is a demand.[/quote
Whites are the biggest consumers of drugs, so what are you talking about. Ride through the Hood sometime, you might be shocked at what you see.

Yes, reducing availability of guns and stricter controls on them is needed for everyone's sake. Here in Omaha we have country policing efforts underway to.male things better. It has lead to some good changes. But the youth keep dying despite all the efforts. Keep up.the good work. Are you a member of the million.dads. That's a good organization saving kids lives.

There are many organizations out here that are trying to help our young folks. Are you a member of any? Remember reach one, teach one. That is where we start.
I don't particularly care for Biden but I support his years and years of selfless work and what he is trying to accomplish for the good of the country, not what's good and easy for his ego. Stoking the people's fears is never a good idea. Biden is a refreshing difference from the hate monger trump.
You are a put on!
Yea we should start voting for MAGA racist, that makes a lot of sense. Will you accept us if we run around here boot licking like Uncle Tim Scott. The atrocities and injustices that you have inflicted upon us doesn't have a damn thing to do with our brethren. That is easy for your pasty, white ass to say.
Quit being a coward living on the Democrat urban plantation, suck it up buttercup and do something for yourself! Quit living in the past my gosh you are suck a wussy. Blacks did very well under Trump!
Why don't you just crawl back into your hole and hide.
The Trump Train has crashed and burned.
Your red MAGAt cap movement is dead.
The grownups are back in charge now and will be for the foreseeable future.
Nah you just keep pissing him, and patriotic, non democrat boot lickers off!

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