Trumps Bond $200,000, Whole New Set Of Restrictions Imposed

To whom it may concern, the Georgia Democrat judgment may eventually be appealed to the Supreme Court, for the breaching of President Trump's privacy using questionable tactics is described well here and why it was illegal:

So Georgia is unsafe for Conservatives who voted for Trump too? Fine. My flights around the country will no longer be ones that go to Atlanta first, last, or in between. I'll never spend money at the Fanni Willis deep State sewer again. The state officials are doing nothing about this heinous weaponization of their state against conservatives? That is pure sewer snorting. I can hardly believe this hateful act using her state to hurt an innocent man. If I lived there, I'd be packing to escape before they stole my free speech from me, dragged me into their courts of horrific discrimination against Trump and Trump supporters. Are they banning Maga hats and car stickers too? Letting creeps go who scratch the paint off cars with Maga stickers on them? Georgia has turned to following communist Marxism instead of the United States Constitution. :puke:
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Another Constitutional Expert, Alan Dershowitz on the Georgia Indictment faults as a political vendetta.

Another Constitutional Expert, Alan Dershowitz on the Georgia Indictment faults as a political vendetta.

If he really thought it was a baseless case, he'd defend Trump.

Even someone of your limited capacity should be able to deduce why he is remaining on the sidelines.
To whom it may concern, the Georgia Democrat judgment may eventually be appealed to the Supreme Court, for the breaching of President Trump's privacy using questionable tactics is described well here and why it was illegal:

I should have bought helium futures. It sounds like he's sucking it before he goes on one one his goofy rambling rants.
Not sure about the state charges. But there are number of federal lock ups to where the blob could be warehoused like a. big tub of goo and allotments could be made for someone to protect him from any dangers that it would pose.

But he'll never see the inside of a correctional facility. Lets be realistic.
The list of requirements for Donald Trumpif he is to remain out on bail are the strictest so far imposed on him in his criminal cases.

Trump's lawyers agreed that he would put up $200,000 in bail, but the conditions that he must agree to go beyond simply not making threats, which is required in other bail negotiations.

How long will it take for RICO boy to violate his bail?
You do realize, you loons just opened a pandoras box with this? If Biden doesn't die in office, he will in jail.
Everything being done to Trump is
1. Scare tactics for anyone who dares cross the tyrannical democrat (communist) party in the future.
2. To create fatigue among conservative voters who support Trump, they hope we will get tired and give up on Trump by creating the illusion he must be guilty becuase of so many indictments.
3. To allow for more cheating, they can say look people just gave up on him and pad their own vote totals.
4. Evil, as it creates the lane for one world government in the future
Actually, he can go to jail. The justice system does not have to give any credence to logistics. That’s his problem, and the secret services problem. There is no protections in the Constitution, that gives RICO Don any special consideration, if he violates any state or federal laws.

Wrong. His SS protection came before his so called "crimes." His SS protection is written into the constitution. Him going to jail is not. So no, his SS protection is the JAIL'S problem. THEY are the one incarcerating him. He's not shoving himself into that building should he go to jail.

So sorry, he can't go to jail.


Could Trump face prison? “Theoretically, yes and practically, no,” said Chuck Rosenberg, a former top federal prosecutor and counsel to then-FBI Director James B. Comey. Rosenberg served briefly as head of the Drug Enforcement Administration in the Trump administration and notably said the president had “condoned police misconduct” in remarking to officers in Long Island that they need not protect suspects’ heads when loading them in to police vehicles.
“Any federal district judge ought to understand it raises enormous and unprecedented logistical issues,” Rosenberg said of the prospect Trump could be incarcerated. “Probation, fines, community service and home confinement are all alternatives.”
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Wrong. His SS protection came before his so called "crimes." His SS protection is written into the constitution. Him going to jail is not. So no, his SS protection is the JAIL'S problem. THEY are the one incarcerating him. He's not shoving himself into that building should he go to jail.

So sorry, he can't go to jail.


They have been triggered since he first said he was running for president. The left is a machine designed to malign, and destroy anyone who gets in the way of their power, it has become the worst problem we face, that and the sheep they call voters.
They have been triggered since he first said he was running for president. The left is a machine designed to malign, and destroy anyone who gets in the way of their power, it has become the worst problem we face, that and the sheep they call voters.

It's so cute. They say things like "Trumps SS protection is his problem."

So clueless. Trump's federal SS protection trumps state jail any day.
Over 200 million people watched Tucker last night. If half votes for Trump, no way they can cheat.

They have been triggered since he first said he was running for president. The left is a machine designed to malign, and destroy anyone who gets in the way of their power, it has become the worst problem we face, that and the sheep they call voters.

Things just got real sunshine

A total of three of Donald Trump's co-defendants in the Georgia RICO case have reportedly told prosecutors that they became false (or "contingent") electors at the request of the former president himself or his attorneys.

It was reported on Thursday that Donald Trump purportedly directed one of his co-defendants, a Georgia Republican, to sign false papers claiming to be a legitimate elector in the 2020 election. Specifically, Politico reported that "Shawn Still, a Georgia Republican charged alongside former President Donald Trump in a racketeering conspiracy to subvert the 2020 election, says he signed false papers claiming to be a legitimate presidential elector at Trump’s direction."

Now, the number of co-defendants making similar claims has grown, according to Kyle Cheney, senior legal affairs reporter for Politico.

You know this is only going to get worse right?
"Contempt for the rule of law" should be the Democrat Party's new slogan. They have used the Constitution as butt wipe and made a mockery of our so called Department of Justice.
In 2016, when a campaign aide tried to explain the Constitution to Trump, Trump responded with indifference and incomprehension.

Once as president Trump was asked to read a part of the Constitution out loud. Trump said he could not do it because it read like a foreign language.
Trump was thinking about people like you when he said he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and none of his supporters would care.
Chuck Schumer was thinking of YOU when he threatened SCOTUS justices with "you have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price!!!' Politicians exaggerate, grow up and chill.
Biden and Hillary did real felonies and zero accountability
Fake country
Ken Starr was sent on an open ended hunting expedition to find something, anything on Bill Clinton. After spending fifty millions dollars, and five years rummaging through White House garbage cans, and peeping into the windows of the Oval Office, the only thing that sanctimonious bore had on President Clinton was a lie he asked himself, hoping that Clinton would lie.

The lie was about a consensual affair with a woman past the age of consent who took most of the initiative. Gentlemen are supposed to deny that sort of thing.

When Starr read his charges in the Congress I felt as though I was listening to a prim, prissy school head master tell me with detail after boring detail that he was not impressed by my artfully composed excuse for being late for study hall.

Everything Christian conservatives hated about Bill Clinton is far more true of Donald Trump.
Chuck Schumer was thinking of YOU when he threatened SCOTUS justices with "you have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price!!!' Politicians exaggerate, grow up and chill.
Anyone who thinks that Trump has never violated the law is delusional.

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