Trump's Deutsche bank loans cosigned by Russian Oligarch?

3. Hannity TO THIS DAY has not appologized to his audience or Seth Rich's family.
Hannity's bosses asked him to drop his investigation of the murder of Seth Rich because of threatened legal action.

How was he supposed to know they weren't interested at all in determining who whacked their son or why.

Horseshit, no one asked him to drop "investigation", in fact he said he was going to continue doing just that.

What his bosses forced him to do is STOP SPREADING BASELESS CONSPIRACY THEORIES using someone's son's death

Its a baseless conspiracy theory to think that Mr. Rich got whacked in an attempted robbery.

No evidence whatsoever has come forward to prove that claim, no one has confessed.

Jessus you are a fucking moron.

People get killed and murdered without any underlying conspiracy theory all the time. You didn't know that?
How many times did their contractor have contact with Russians?
Russian people, not Russian government.

Russian spies.

Post evidence or retract.

If you are not sure what that means see how O'Donnel just did it.
You want evidence that the British spies sources were Russian spies?

British spies means spies that work for Britain. It does not mean British citizens, they could be Russian citizens that are spying for Britain on Russian government. Russian spies means spies that work for Russia.

So go ahead and prove that someone was working with Russian spies.

Why was Steele hired? Because he had Russian sources.
You think his sources were Russians working in a hotel?
Common Russian citizens that he just called up for dirt on Trump?

That's funny.
You keep believing that, a defamation suit is being drawn up. The Trumps have had enough of MSLSDs lies.
So? Is that supposed to impress someone that the king of frivolous lawsuits might file a lawsuit?
Once again, why would O'Donnell tweet that statement if he intended to do ANYTHING but retract his on-air comments?

If he is now continuing to say it is true, even after admitting his prior disregard for the truth, he has NOT shielded himself or MSLSD from liability, which MUST have been the purpose of his tweet.

You seem to think he can walk the fence on that issue. He is either retracting those on-air comment, or he stating that it's the truth, despite admitting his willful disregard for truth.

Which is it? He cannot backtrack that tweet now.

3. Hannity TO THIS DAY has not appologized to his audience or Seth Rich's family.
Hannity's bosses asked him to drop his investigation of the murder of Seth Rich because of threatened legal action.

How was he supposed to know they weren't interested at all in determining who whacked their son or why.

Horseshit, no one asked him to drop "investigation", in fact he said he was going to continue doing just that.

What his bosses forced him to do is STOP SPREADING BASELESS CONSPIRACY THEORIES using someone's son's death

Its a baseless conspiracy theory to think that Mr. Rich got whacked in an attempted robbery.

No evidence whatsoever has come forward to prove that claim, no one has confessed.

Jessus you are a fucking moron.

People get killed and murdered without any underlying conspiracy theory all the time. You didn't know that?

Sure, that can happen.

But there is no proof that this is why Seth Rich was whacked.

I want to see an investigation and try to find out if people at the DNC ordered Rich's execution and if so, why.

The fact that the DC Police have failed to identify any suspects or persons of interest to bring in and grill is peculiar.
It is amazing how the AUTHOR who originally told the lie can admit openly that they lied and that their accusation is baseless; yet, snowflakes like franco / Ant / Dave will still argue with those authors who admit they lied by claiming that their lie is NOT a lie but is instead true.

It is amazing how the AUTHOR who originally told the lie can admit openly that they lied and that their accusation is baseless; yet, snowflakes like franco / Ant / Dave will still argue with those authors who admit they lied by claiming that their lie is NOT a lie but is instead true.


They are the same libs who believe the Killian letters are legit as well.
Russian people, not Russian government.

Russian spies.

Post evidence or retract.

If you are not sure what that means see how O'Donnel just did it.
You want evidence that the British spies sources were Russian spies?

British spies means spies that work for Britain. It does not mean British citizens, they could be Russian citizens that are spying for Britain on Russian government. Russian spies means spies that work for Russia.

So go ahead and prove that someone was working with Russian spies.

Why was Steele hired? Because he had Russian sources.
You think his sources were Russians working in a hotel?
Common Russian citizens that he just called up for dirt on Trump?

That's funny.

Whats funny is is how pathetically inedequate your understanding of the world is.

Belive it or not but there are people that live in Russia come to work, go have a drink (or ten) and have dealings with politicans and bussinesses. They hear things and they just may share some of that info with an interested party for a few bucks.

To date there has not been any indication that Steele was knowingly or un-knowingly fed by the Russian intelligence. In fact his Dossier was directly counter to Russian interests.
If it was true, why did Mr. O'Donnell denounce his own story and withdraw it?
He didn't retract his claim.
Well, in that case, I think O'Donnell needs to go on record and say that very thing.

He needs to say that his prior reporting was totally true and that he did nothing wrong. He needs to state publicly that all he reported is unequivocally true and he has sources to prove it.

Do you think he will?

Why not?

I will wait for your undoubtedly snarky-assed response.

He already did that. His reporting was that a source told him something. He appears to be standing by that as true, as he has not refuted that.

ROFLMAO ! Yeah.. sounds like he's standing by it alright :rolleyes:

O'Donnell said his reporting "didn't go through our rigorous verification and standards process." In a tweeted statement, he added, "I shouldn't have reported it and I was wrong to discuss it on the air."

MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell Admits 'Error in Judgment' in Report on Trump Finances After President's Legal Threat

Sir, would you like to stand, hit or DOUBLE DOWN ON STUPID?
Except...he still hasn't said he doesn't believe the report, or that it is false.

It's probably true.
Under the circumstances, he cannot afford to walk that fence.

Either he is retracting the statement and making no further comment about its truth, or he is saying it's true and continuing to defame, showing his willful disregard for the truth, as he admitted in his tweet.

Either way, you continue to demonstrate your ignorance on the subject of defamation.

this has been proven to be a lie, even the chief liar on CNN has retracted the story.
time to move on
mods, close this BS thread

How was it proven a lie?

the "reporter" who spewed it retracted it. would he do that if it was true?
He retracted because it had not yet been verified. The Press tries to verify things before they report. More than I can say for your lie spewing President,

ROFLMAO! Are you really this stupid? If MSNBC would have "tried" to verify the story BEFORE it was reported they wouldn't be retracting it now ya fucking retard.

.... your post deserves a prize for the most vapid post of the month.
but but but it wasn't a retraction!


this has been proven to be a lie, even the chief liar on CNN has retracted the story.
time to move on
mods, close this BS thread

How was it proven a lie?

the "reporter" who spewed it retracted it. would he do that if it was true?
He retracted because it had not yet been verified. The Press tries to verify things before they report. More than I can say for your lie spewing President,

ROFLMAO! Are you really this stupid? If MSNBC would have "tried" to verify the story BEFORE it was reported they wouldn't be retracting it now ya fucking retard.

.... your post deserves a prize for the most vapid post of the month.
but but but it wasn't a retraction!



Said no one ever.

Belive it or not but there are people that live in Russia come to work, go have a drink (or ten) and have dealings with politicans and bussinesses. They hear things and they just may share some of that info with an interested party for a few bucks.
So you're saying his source of information was a bunch of drunk dudes down at a bar saying anything for a buck?

Yeah, that sounds completely reliable.

How was it proven a lie?

the "reporter" who spewed it retracted it. would he do that if it was true?
He retracted because it had not yet been verified. The Press tries to verify things before they report. More than I can say for your lie spewing President,

ROFLMAO! Are you really this stupid? If MSNBC would have "tried" to verify the story BEFORE it was reported they wouldn't be retracting it now ya fucking retard.

.... your post deserves a prize for the most vapid post of the month.
but but but it wasn't a retraction!



Said no one ever.

Said Fort Fun Indiana in this very thread at least 5 times.

the "reporter" who spewed it retracted it. would he do that if it was true?
He retracted because it had not yet been verified. The Press tries to verify things before they report. More than I can say for your lie spewing President,

ROFLMAO! Are you really this stupid? If MSNBC would have "tried" to verify the story BEFORE it was reported they wouldn't be retracting it now ya fucking retard.

.... your post deserves a prize for the most vapid post of the month.
but but but it wasn't a retraction!



Said no one ever.

Said Fort Fun Indiana in this very thread at least 5 times.


Ok then quote him saying that retraction did not happen.
Most Americans think Trump is a failure.


President Trump's name has been synonymous with success in the field of excellence for 40 years.

Where do libs get the idea he is some kind of doofus or failure?

Donald Trump does have faults, as we all do. If a lib said he was a blowhard or a braggart who was full of himself, I would say at least the opinion has some basis is reality and I could see where they are coming from even if I disagree.
Trump's Deutsche bank loans cosigned by Russian Oligarch?

He retracted because it had not yet been verified.

WOW...The criminal deutsche bank, laundering criminal russian money...President Pussyboy, the criminal assisting in the task...As everyone pretty much already knew.

The retraction of the claim does not mean it's false, it just wasn't apropriately supported. ... Which is EXACTLY WHY dean is saying "O’Donnell just jumped the gun. But we’ll find out the truth."



(It's a 'Fisherman' thing... :p )



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