Trump's Deutsche bank loans cosigned by Russian Oligarch?

What part of the deadbeat president sucking russian balls because they cosigned his loans in order to expedite the laundering of their criminal money surprises you?

What part of the story was FAKE escapes you? That egg on your face just got 6 inches thicker.
now maybe you could use the same criteria to go after all the s*** you believe, dumbass.
But I'm sure scum propagandist demagogues like Rush Limbaugh and fox primetime and all your garbage websites and institutes have evidence for all the hundreds of ridiculous phony scandals against Democrats. They never retract anyting they never have any evidence and . You people are absolutely ridiculous.and O'Donnell before he said it gave a long explanation that he only had one source but he believed it and it is much like a prediction of what is going to happen. But who cares about facts when you are a brainwashed functional moron....
invoking rush's name again, too fking funny.. dude :auiqs.jpg:
Rush etc etc and fox primetime at least and all your phony institutes and organizations paid for by greedy idiot billionaires are all the same garbage, brain-washed functional moron. Never any evidence never any retractions and 30% of the United States believes all that crap. Worst thing that has ever happened to American politics. There's so much crap out there that now the only explanation is deep State another joke for everyone in the world but you brain-washed fools.

You know what's amusing about you, Franco? You go on your rants about how people on the right are "brainwashed dupes"...all above your list of far left talking points on the bottom of every post you make! You're the epitome of brainwashed dupe but you're too clueless to realize it!
All respected law enforcement and journalists around the world agree with me and believe that fox noise Rush Limbaugh etc etc the Koch brothers is a disgrace. Only You brainwashed idiots believe this crap. Brainwashed leftist talking points are actually the facts in the world LOL. Watch the BBC for a while. You don't hear half the news.
Damn... it’s looking like francoHFW is also experiencing a meltdown.


Nah, he believe someone cosigned for Donald Trump just like Davey boi...

Tooooo bad they have no hard evodence...
It’s sometimes funny to see how gullible some people can be. RealDave and francoHFW never disappoint.

I have never seen such a pack of pathetic stupid people in all my life.

You assfucks are still twisting yourselves in knots trying to defend Trump.

A person supposedly with knowledge tells a reporter that Russians cosigned Trump's loans and you assfucks go into meltdown mode.

" OMG OMG OMG Liars Liars Liars"

Based on what" Trumps shining reputation?
Calm down, snowflake. Your lack of common sense isn’t our fault.
You are hilarious, super duper dupe.But I'm sure scum propagandist demagogues like Rush Limbaugh and fox primetime and all your garbage websites and institutes have evidence for all the hundreds of ridiculous phony scandals against Democrats. They never retract anyting they never have any evidence and . You people are absolutely ridiculous.and O'Donnell before he said it gave a long explanation that he only had one source but he believed it and it is much like a prediction of what is going to happen. But who cares about facts when you are a brainwashed functional moron....
Look Mr Sit on the curb & throw stones, I clearly said in the first post "If it were true"

Since then I have said that it was retracted for lack of verification. Not that it was false.

That is it. You & your assfuck buddies were having a freaking fit. So I never said I supported a lying press. Or a press that reports without verification.

Let me know when you Trumpettes EVER say anything about Trump's lies & statements without verification.

Why does the press have a higher standard than POTUS? You OK with that?

Actually Dave you made it clear you support a lying press by what you wrote, so stop lying.

You know very well the evidence is not there and yet you keep on screaming about Trump lies which is your way excusing MSNBC mistake...

I did not excuse MSNBC for anything.

I merely asked why assfucks like you demand that MSBBC have higher standards than POTUS.

Why can't you answer that?

Simple, all Presidents have lied and individuals like you live in this lala dreamland thinking Trump is the first one.

The MSM need to be held accountable for spreading fake news no matter FOX or MSNBC.

So as you have stated many times you excuse MSNBC because of your hatred for Trump, which is sad...

Also are you enjoying the melting you are having Dave?
I'm not melting. I am having fun watching you assfucks twist yourselves in knots trying to defend Trump.

I never excvuse MSNBC, You are now resorting to lying. Why do all you Trumpettes end up there?

You are having a fit about MSNBC last of verification. I want to know why you don't have this same outrage when Trump outright lies as POTUS.

Why do you insist more out of MSNBC than the POTUS?

When will you answer this?

I have acknowledged from the first post that this may or may not be true. I have acknowledged that this has not been verified.

I have answered your question before and now you want an answer to another question and I look at Trump the same way I looked at Clinton, Bush and Obama which is they are all full of shit, well just like you.

Now just in your response you defended MSNBC by saying they should be allow to lie like Trump does.

Also melting is when you can not reframe from verbal attacks and lies about posters.

I am no fan of Trump and have stated my opinion of the man just in this thread but alas you ignore it and lie as usual...

Now tell me where is the evidence to support MSNBC and your claim Trump had a cosigner from Russia?

You offered up your slanted opinion many times but never once offered up any hard evidence...

Can Trump get a lone with his own signature without a cosigner?

He make the claim through his lawyers that he has...

Now what if you discover it was Kushner that signed for the loan?

What will you say?

Will you scream " It has to be Russia " while being restrained in a straight jacket?

The fact is MSM has to be careful what they claim is factual no matter if our President lies or not.

MSNBC should have made sure the source was credible but they did not.

Now where is your outrage at MSNBC for their lie?
has it been proven to be a lie or just no evidence yet,,,,,,bank could release their info to prove it one way or another ,,,,,,but scumpt is afraid
Davey come back and show us the evidence that Donald Trump had a cosigner!

Just provide actual evidence and not your slanted opinion!!

If you do not want to do it here then take it to NPR, BBC or Al - Jazeera and let them review it and show it if it is credible and not just your opinion!!!

Come on Davey!!!!

Look asdfguck, I never said the story was true,

Quit lying.

All anyone knows at this point outside the bank & Fat Assed Trump is that the story has not (yet) been verified.

That does not mean it was false.
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Damn... it’s looking like francoHFW is also experiencing a meltdown.


Nah, he believe someone cosigned for Donald Trump just like Davey boi...

Tooooo bad they have no hard evodence...
It’s sometimes funny to see how gullible some people can be. RealDave and francoHFW never disappoint.

I have never seen such a pack of pathetic stupid people in all my life.

You assfucks are still twisting yourselves in knots trying to defend Trump.

A person supposedly with knowledge tells a reporter that Russians cosigned Trump's loans and you assfucks go into meltdown mode.

" OMG OMG OMG Liars Liars Liars"

Based on what" Trumps shining reputation?
Calm down, snowflake. Your lack of common sense isn’t our fault.
You are hilarious, super duper dupe.But I'm sure scum propagandist demagogues like Rush Limbaugh and fox primetime and all your garbage websites and institutes have evidence for all the hundreds of ridiculous phony scandals against Democrats. They never retract anyting they never have any evidence and . You people are absolutely ridiculous.and O'Donnell before he said it gave a long explanation that he only had one source but he believed it and it is much like a prediction of what is going to happen. But who cares about facts when you are a brainwashed functional moron....
I’m just here for the laughs.
As I said earlier, I sometimes find it comical to see how nutty and gullible you and RealDave are.

Davey come back and show us the evidence that Donald Trump had a cosigner!

Just provide actual evidence and not your slanted opinion!!

If you do not want to do it here then take it to NPR, BBC or Al - Jazeera and let them review it and show it if it is credible and not just your opinion!!!

Come on Davey!!!!

Look asdfguck, I never said the story was true,

Quit lying.

All anyone knows at this point outside the bank & Fat Assed Trump is that the story has not (yet) been verified.

That does not mean it was false.
If I am walking down the road & see you fucking a goat, I tell people you are a goatfucker.

Just because I am the only one who saw it does not make me a liar and you still are a goatfucker.
you know bruce?
Nah, he believe someone cosigned for Donald Trump just like Davey boi...

Tooooo bad they have no hard evodence...
It’s sometimes funny to see how gullible some people can be. RealDave and francoHFW never disappoint.

I have never seen such a pack of pathetic stupid people in all my life.

You assfucks are still twisting yourselves in knots trying to defend Trump.

A person supposedly with knowledge tells a reporter that Russians cosigned Trump's loans and you assfucks go into meltdown mode.

" OMG OMG OMG Liars Liars Liars"

Based on what" Trumps shining reputation?
Calm down, snowflake. Your lack of common sense isn’t our fault.
You are hilarious, super duper dupe.But I'm sure scum propagandist demagogues like Rush Limbaugh and fox primetime and all your garbage websites and institutes have evidence for all the hundreds of ridiculous phony scandals against Democrats. They never retract anyting they never have any evidence and . You people are absolutely ridiculous.and O'Donnell before he said it gave a long explanation that he only had one source but he believed it and it is much like a prediction of what is going to happen. But who cares about facts when you are a brainwashed functional moron....
I’m just here for the laughs.
As I said earlier, I sometimes find it comical to see how nutty and gullible you and RealDave are.

Real Knave
Because some one can not prove that what did not happen did not happen then they did it.
Lib 101 and one of 10 commandments
More than Fox, Rush Limbaugh & Mindwars - the stalwarts of the right
Hey, I have no love for any of those guys. If they have lied, start another thread and state their lies, and I will give them equal scrutiny, but note, Limbaugh does not profess to be an unbiased source, just like all politicians do not. So, if Limbaugh is a liar, so be it. He is not passing himself off to the public as an unbiased source, like MSLSD is.

You could make the argument that O'Donnell is the same as Limbaugh (not news people, but partisan commentators), and I would agree. Limbaugh would not be excused from defamation any more, had he made the same or similar claims as O'Donnell.

The only reason this is even an argument is because we had people on here DECLARING O'Donnell's comments are truthful with nothing more than O'Donnell's word, EVEN AFTER he retracted those comments (and some have even argued that he didn't retract).

Do you see the problem?

The problem is you declare them false.

I never declared them true.
I didn't declare them false. I said that NOW NOBODY can TOUCH this story because it is already discredited and they do not want to share in any defamation liability.

It is, for practical purposes, false because now no media outlet will touch it. It will never be reported as true.

O'Donnell fucked it up for everyone because he was too impatient and too result driven. He has no business on TV.

It’s sometimes funny to see how gullible some people can be. RealDave and francoHFW never disappoint.

I have never seen such a pack of pathetic stupid people in all my life.

You assfucks are still twisting yourselves in knots trying to defend Trump.

A person supposedly with knowledge tells a reporter that Russians cosigned Trump's loans and you assfucks go into meltdown mode.

" OMG OMG OMG Liars Liars Liars"

Based on what" Trumps shining reputation?
Calm down, snowflake. Your lack of common sense isn’t our fault.
You are hilarious, super duper dupe.But I'm sure scum propagandist demagogues like Rush Limbaugh and fox primetime and all your garbage websites and institutes have evidence for all the hundreds of ridiculous phony scandals against Democrats. They never retract anyting they never have any evidence and . You people are absolutely ridiculous.and O'Donnell before he said it gave a long explanation that he only had one source but he believed it and it is much like a prediction of what is going to happen. But who cares about facts when you are a brainwashed functional moron....
I’m just here for the laughs.
As I said earlier, I sometimes find it comical to see how nutty and gullible you and RealDave are.

Real Knave
Some people aren’t smart enough to know when they’re embarrassing themselves. :)
Davey come back and show us the evidence that Donald Trump had a cosigner!

Just provide actual evidence and not your slanted opinion!!

If you do not want to do it here then take it to NPR, BBC or Al - Jazeera and let them review it and show it if it is credible and not just your opinion!!!

Come on Davey!!!!

Look asdfguck, I never said the story was true,

Quit lying.

All anyone knows at this point outside the bank & Fat Assed Trump is that the story has not (yet) been verified.

That does not mean it was false.
Good exit. Now time out.
Deutsche Bank has Trump’s taxes — and loan applications cosigned by Russian oligarchs: report

This story breaking. If this is true....

What will the Trumpettes say about this? Will they support impeachment?

The trails that lead from Trump's relationship with this bank could easily put Trump in prison. The ties to retired USSC Kennedy, the times to Russia & Trump, the ties to Trump falsification of documents provided to the government.

As this becomes more & more likely, when will Republicans in the Senate start to jump ship?

If true - this is very damning to Trump. I felt sorry for Lawrence O'Donnell last night when he started his show by walking this back - as unverified. However, he didn't say the story is not true. I expect he'll have more to say about it tonight.
I don't appreciate grey areas like leftists. They like the grey areas, primarily because they're cowardly and operate on emotions. Let's see how they do with black & white.

Leftists, the reason Trump should not co-sign with Russians on business loans is because [insert reasons here]

Well then you must despise Trump..but you don't, so we know you are full of it.

The facts here are simple: It is at this point not an established fact that Russians co-signed with Trump on a loan.


First sentence makes no sense. Let's try this again:

Leftists, the reason Trump should not co-sign with Russians on business loans is because [insert reasons here]
Deutsche Bank has Trump’s taxes — and loan applications cosigned by Russian oligarchs: report

This story breaking. If this is true....

What will the Trumpettes say about this? Will they support impeachment?

The trails that lead from Trump's relationship with this bank could easily put Trump in prison. The ties to retired USSC Kennedy, the times to Russia & Trump, the ties to Trump falsification of documents provided to the government.

As this becomes more & more likely, when will Republicans in the Senate start to jump ship?

If true - this is very damning to Trump. I felt sorry for Lawrence O'Donnell last night when he started his show by walking this back - as unverified. However, he didn't say the story is not true. I expect he'll have more to say about it tonight.

In what way is it "very damning" to Trump if true? Go:
Deutsche Bank has Trump’s taxes — and loan applications cosigned by Russian oligarchs: report

This story breaking. If this is true....

What will the Trumpettes say about this? Will they support impeachment?

The trails that lead from Trump's relationship with this bank could easily put Trump in prison. The ties to retired USSC Kennedy, the times to Russia & Trump, the ties to Trump falsification of documents provided to the government.

As this becomes more & more likely, when will Republicans in the Senate start to jump ship?

If true - this is very damning to Trump. I felt sorry for Lawrence O'Donnell last night when he started his show by walking this back - as unverified. However, he didn't say the story is not true. I expect he'll have more to say about it tonight.
Deutsche Bank has Trump’s taxes — and loan applications cosigned by Russian oligarchs: report

This story breaking. If this is true....

What will the Trumpettes say about this? Will they support impeachment?

The trails that lead from Trump's relationship with this bank could easily put Trump in prison. The ties to retired USSC Kennedy, the times to Russia & Trump, the ties to Trump falsification of documents provided to the government.

As this becomes more & more likely, when will Republicans in the Senate start to jump ship?

If true - this is very damning to Trump. I felt sorry for Lawrence O'Donnell last night when he started his show by walking this back - as unverified. However, he didn't say the story is not true. I expect he'll have more to say about it tonight.

In what way is it "very damning" to Trump if true? Go:

The Russian connection. Another big reason for the House to get Trump's tax returns.

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