Trump's Deutsche bank loans cosigned by Russian Oligarch?

Our "cash-strapped" Prez donates his $400,000/yr salary to various charities.
Which, if you believe his net worth, translates to the median American household giving $13/yr to charity. Of course, the average american doesn't also steal from chatities....
Oh, so he IS a billionaire...except, of course, when he isn't.

I bet you completely missed the dichotomy here.
Who knows. The GOP and fox have their own planet...
Describe the planet you’re on.

Are there rainbows and unicorns? Free money and days of never having to contribute to society?
My feelings don't get hurt when people disagree with me.
Of course they do. Tbus the constant, embarrassing hissy fit.
You kinda seem to have forgotten about the court's involvement in the punishment phase,
Excuse you. I mentioned impeachment. Trump's court is the congress.
Their butthurt is meaningless, too.

Why are you leftists unable to accept that your emotions are no substitute for the rule of law?
Oh look, more irrelevant whining.
Oh, so you think Congress' emotions ARE a substitute for the rule of law.

Well, it's not like you're surprising anyone here. You are an emotional child.
It's been reported that you lick yogurt off of hobos' feet. I reported it, and it makes sense, so you should consider it.

Dood. That's nasty. You need to cut that out.
every GOP dupe turns out to be a troll in the end.... They have to be ignorant to believe all that crap.
Have...have you read your posts?
Yes what I write is what everyone educated or journalists or law enforcement all around the world believe about you idiots and your orange clown. And fox primetime and Rush Limbaugh etc etc. Total garbage propaganda. And my insults are political.
News flash: Nobody cares what foreign journalists and law enforcement thinks. I don't know why you insist we should.
Some people are obsessed with finding out the truth. I know you don't care about that.
Some people are obsessed with finding out the truth.

And some people are obsessed with making it up. Others are obsessed with believing the lies.

Prediction: You will not accept you're the last one.
Oh, so you think Congress' emotions ARE a substitute for the rule of law.
No,that's just you making something up to which you can respond, since you can't actually address any of the points anyone is making. You are a mental midget.
every GOP dupe turns out to be a troll in the end.... They have to be ignorant to believe all that crap.
Have...have you read your posts?
Yes what I write is what everyone educated or journalists or law enforcement all around the world believe about you idiots and your orange clown. And fox primetime and Rush Limbaugh etc etc. Total garbage propaganda. And my insults are political.
News flash: Nobody cares what foreign journalists and law enforcement thinks. I don't know why you insist we should.
Some people are obsessed with finding out the truth. I know you don't care about that.
Some people are obsessed with finding out the truth.

And some people are obsessed with making it up. Others are obsessed with believing the lies.

Prediction: You will not accept you're the last one.
Oh look, more irrelevant whining by the triggered trump cultist....
You kinda seem to have forgotten about the court's involvement in the punishment phase,
Excuse you. I mentioned impeachment. Trump's court is the congress.
Their butthurt is meaningless, too.

Why are you leftists unable to accept that your emotions are no substitute for the rule of law?
There is plenty of reason to investigate to see if impeachment might work in the Senate- conviction that is. The House of Representatives is coming back from vacation soon. There is a problem with being a con man and fraud and not understanding how the government is supposed to work. The attorney general is supposed to be independent. Russians should be fought not allowed to carry on. Not telling anyone about what Russia was doing is treasonous except with the orange clown I guess.
I'm curious -- how difficult was the transition for you? You know, loving Russia for decades...then finding out just two years ago they're the bad guys. Did you accept it right away without question, or did it take a while to change your beliefs like you were told?
Deutsche Bank has Trump’s taxes — and loan applications cosigned by Russian oligarchs: report

This story breaking. If this is true....

What will the Trumpettes say about this? Will they support impeachment?

The trails that lead from Trump's relationship with this bank could easily put Trump in prison. The ties to retired USSC Kennedy, the times to Russia & Trump, the ties to Trump falsification of documents provided to the government.

As this becomes more & more likely, when will Republicans in the Senate start to jump ship?
They won't care. He could literally ass-rape most of them and they'd forgive him before he pulled out and be here making excuses for him before they pulled up their pants.

It's a cult thing.
Oh, look...yet another gullible leftist.
Yer butt still sore there tRumpkin?
About what? You believing everything you're told to believe? Why would that bother me?
every GOP dupe turns out to be a troll in the end.... They have to be ignorant to believe all that crap.
Have...have you read your posts?
Yes what I write is what everyone educated or journalists or law enforcement all around the world believe about you idiots and your orange clown. And fox primetime and Rush Limbaugh etc etc. Total garbage propaganda. And my insults are political.
News flash: Nobody cares what foreign journalists and law enforcement thinks. I don't know why you insist we should.
Some people are obsessed with finding out the truth. I know you don't care about that.
Some people are obsessed with finding out the truth.

And some people are obsessed with making it up. Others are obsessed with believing the lies.

Prediction: You will not accept you're the last one.
Our "cash-strapped" Prez donates his $400,000/yr salary to various charities.
Which, if you believe his net worth, translates to the median American household giving $13/yr to charity. Of course, the average american doesn't also steal from chatities....
Oh, so he IS a billionaire...except, of course, when he isn't.

I bet you completely missed the dichotomy here.
Who knows. The GOP and fox have their own planet...
Planet Reality. Come visit sometime.
So, the deadbeat was blacklisted. Deustche bank was stupid enough to lend to him. Then -- surprise!! -- the deadbeat defaulted on their loan.

Then, they lend him the money to pay themselves back, plus hundreds of millions more.

Yep, the deadbeat had a very rich co-signer. I wonder if the co-signer is actually the one making the loan payments? Deadbeat Donnie doesn't like writing checks.
Oh, so you think Congress' emotions ARE a substitute for the rule of law.
No,that's just you making something up to which you can respond, since you can't actually address any of the points anyone is making. You are a mental midget.
You project a lot. I mean -- a LOT.

I mean, it's hilarious you think you've made a point. Let me summarize your position: ORANGE MAN BAD THE TEEVEE TOLD ME SO
The Russian connection. Another big reason for the House to get Trump's tax returns.
They will have them now, once deutsche bank turns over its documents.

Yep, Russians co-signing Trump's loans is not a good thing - especially with Putin connections.
Hate to break it to you...but they had to retract that fake news yesterday.
Turns out Lawrence O'Donnell was too quick to report it without verifying it.

Nolte: MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell Proves the Elite Media Have Zero Standards | Breitbart

August 29, 2019
MSNBC and its host Lawrence O'Donnell humiliated, forced to retract charges against President Trump
By Thomas Lifson
President Trump's charge that his media enemies peddle fake news about him got reinforcement yesterday from one of his primary antagonists, who scored an own-goal on his team, MSNBC. That cable news channel's host Lawrence O'Donnell on Tuesday had opened his show with a charge that President Trump's loans from Deutsche Bank had been co-signed by Russian oligarchs close to Vladimir Putin, guaranteeing repayment at a time when his finances were strained. This amounted to mouth-to-mouth resuscitation for the Russia hoax, the claim that Vlad Putin has Trump in his hip pocket, a dream that the Left simply cannot let go of.

As O'Donnell opened his show Tuesday, he touted his hot story to Rachel Maddow as the cable network transitioned to O'Donnell's show from Maddow's:

Maddow's pained facial expressions as O'Donnell's madness unfolded were priceless.​
Last edited:
So, the deadbeat was blacklisted. Deustche bank was stupid enough to lend to him. Then -- surprise!! -- the deadbeat defaulted on their loan.

Then, they lend him the money to pay themselves back, plus hundreds of millions more.

Yep, the deadbeat had a very rich co-signer. I wonder if the co-signer is actually the one making the loan payments? Deadbeat Donnie doesn't like writing checks.
Sounds like you getting food stamps in Indiana
The Russian connection. Another big reason for the House to get Trump's tax returns.
They will have them now, once deutsche bank turns over its documents.

Yep, Russians co-signing Trump's loans is not a good thing - especially with Putin connections.
Hate to break it to you...but they had to retract that fake news yesterday.
Turns out Lawrence O'Donnell was to quick to report it without verifying it.

Nolte: MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell Proves the Elite Media Have Zero Standards | Breitbart

August 29, 2019
MSNBC and its host Lawrence O'Donnell humiliated, forced to retract charges against President Trump
By Thomas Lifson
President Trump's charge that his media enemies peddle fake news about him got reinforcement yesterday from one of his primary antagonists, who scored an own-goal on his team, MSNBC. That cable news channel's host Lawrence O'Donnell on Tuesday had opened his show with a charge that President Trump's loans from Deutsche Bank had been co-signed by Russian oligarchs close to Vladimir Putin, guaranteeing repayment at a time when his finances were strained. This amounted to mouth-to-mouth resuscitation for the Russia hoax, the claim that Vlad Putin has Trump in his hip pocket, a dream that the Left simply cannot let go of.

As O'Donnell opened his show Tuesday, he touted his hot story to Rachel Maddow as the cable network transitioned to O'Donnell's show from Maddow's:

Maddow's pained facial expressions as O'Donnell's madness unfolded were priceless.​
Which, of course, doesn't mean it's not true. Welcome to 2 days ago. Take some time to catch up.
So, the deadbeat was blacklisted. Deustche bank was stupid enough to lend to him. Then -- surprise!! -- the deadbeat defaulted on their loan.

Then, they lend him the money to pay themselves back, plus hundreds of millions more.

Yep, the deadbeat had a very rich co-signer. I wonder if the co-signer is actually the one making the loan payments? Deadbeat Donnie doesn't like writing checks.
Sounds like you getting food stamps in Indiana
Oh look, another whiny little cultist.... Dog on deadbeat Donnie, and they start nipping at your ankles ...
So, the deadbeat was blacklisted. Deustche bank was stupid enough to lend to him. Then -- surprise!! -- the deadbeat defaulted on their loan.

Then, they lend him the money to pay themselves back, plus hundreds of millions more.

Yep, the deadbeat had a very rich co-signer. I wonder if the co-signer is actually the one making the loan payments? Deadbeat Donnie doesn't like writing checks.
Sounds like you getting food stamps in Indiana
Oh look, another whiny little cultist.... Dog on deadbeat Donnie, and they start nipping at your ankles ...
I snap there necks and eat them for breakfast

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