Zone1 Trumps Economic Record Is Full Of Tax Cut Hype, Debt, And Disease. The Numbers Make That Very Clear


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
But the economic numbers expose a far more complicated reality during Trump's time in the White House. His tax cuts never delivered the promised growth. His budget deficits surged and then stayed relatively high under Biden. His tariffs and trade deals never brought back all of the lost factory jobs.

And there was the pandemic, an event that caused historic job losses for which Trump accepts no responsibility as well as low inflation—for which Trump takes full credit.

If anything, the economy during Trump's presidency never lived up to his own hype.

Trump had no economic record. The economy was recovering with low inflation and energy prices, with a robust jobs market before he took office. Inflation was lower under Obama, then doubled after the tax cuts for the rich. He was the only President to ever leave office losing jobs, 2.7 million. With his inflation rate at 2.4% when he left, is only 1% higher now, and thats after a full recovery from the pandemic. The difference, Biden has added 15.7 million jobs in just 3 years. Trumps ridiculous GDP at 1.45%, while Biden is averaging 3.4%. And no, 401K's weren't better under Trump either. With the stock market at 40,000, retirement funds are the highest in history. Trump did manage to add $9 Trillion in debt in one term, so he does hold the record for that.

This is the factual math. Not the delusional utopia that Trump voters remember that never happened.
The economy FOR THE LITTLE GUY was the best i have seen since the end of Vietnam. Im in Detroit and over the last 50 yrs, I have never seen a company hire people off of the street, it was all Nepotism; family and friends getting you a job, you had to KNOW SOMEBODY until Trump came along. You could actually get a job in the Auto industry without any connections; all my nephew and nieces got good jobs.
The economy FOR THE LITTLE GUY was the best i have seen since the end of Vietnam. Im in Detroit and over the last 50 yrs, I have never seen a company hire people off of the street, it was all Nepotism; family and friends getting you a job, you had to KNOW SOMEBODY until Trump came along. You could actually get a job in the Auto industry without any connections; all my nephew and nieces got good jobs.
I was born on 7 mile road, the river side of the 94 freeway
Great post.

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