Trump's efforts to delay justice is falling apart

House Oversight and Reform Committee Chair Carolyn Maloney said Thursday that the panel reached an agreement with former President Donald Trump and his ex-accounting firm, Mazars USA, to obtain his financial records, putting an end to years of litigation.

“After facing years of delay tactics, the committee has now reached an agreement with the former president and his accounting firm, Mazars USA, to obtain critical documents,” Maloney, D-N.Y., said in a statement Thursday.

House Oversight and Reform Committee Chair Carolyn Maloney said Thursday that the panel reached an agreement with former President Donald Trump and his ex-accounting firm, Mazars USA, to obtain his financial records, putting an end to years of litigation.

Mazars said this year that it would no longer work with the Trump Organization in a letter made public by New York Attorney General Letitia James as part of her civil probe into the company. In its letter, Mazars said a decade’s worth of statements from the Trump Organization could no longer “be relied upon.”

Trump and his attorney's efforts to delay justice has come to an end. trump's corruption will become his legacy and I wonder how many lawyers will lose their bar card.
President Donald John Trump 45th and 47th president of America
His tax breaks for the rich, the division he caused in this country, his attacks on fellow veterans.
EVERYONE GOT A TAX BREAK . The division in this country was started by liberals and their hatred for this country. Then we had Obama divided us by race. You do realize Kerry bashed our Vietnam vets? Trump helped our veterans by signing a bill to let them see the doctors they wanted. Quit spouting talking points.
EVERYONE GOT A TAX BREAK . The division in this country was started by liberals and their hatred for this country. Then we had Obama divided us by race. You do realize Kerry bashed our Vietnam vets? Trump helped our veterans by signing a bill to let them see the doctors they wanted. Quit spouting talking points.
You don't even begin to recognize what a rube you are.

Trump helped our veterans by signing a bill to let them see the doctors they wanted

That's got a real talking point pong to it.
1. The IRS scandal – Democrats bemoaned the number of conservative political organizations that were being created to fight President Obama’s agenda. Through the media and letters to Congressional leaders, Democrats through their complaints demanded the IRS target conservative groups for greater scrutiny and harassment. They did this and led by Lois Lerner, destroyed evidence, including emails to cover up any obvious illegalities. President Obama and other Democrats bent over backward to protect IRS officials. Lerner was able to retire with a full pension. Nobody was fired. The only penalty the IRS suffered was having to pay a $50,000 in damages for their agency leaking information about the National Organization for Marriage to an organization supporting gay marriage, who then leaked it to the press.

2. The National Labor Relations Board harassment of Boeing – In this case, Boeing, a company free to open up production plants wherever it wants, was charged by the NLRB of violating labor laws by opening a plant in South Carolina instead of its home state of Washington. Lafe Solomon, the labor board’s general counsel, absurdly stated Boeing was acting in a “retaliatory” manner by deciding to open a production plant in South Carolina, instead of Washington. He claimed it was “retaliation” because of striking workers in Washington. Solomon could never prove this and Boeing officials said lower costs are what drove their decision. The NLRB case was dropped but only after Boeing workers in Washington, ratified a four-year contract extension.

3. EPA Director uses a fake email address to hide political activityFrom the WSJ: “Lisa Jackson, who announced on Dec. 27 that she was stepping down as head of the Environmental Protection Agency, will be leaving under a cloud. It turns out that she had been using an email account, under the alias “Richard Windsor,” to conduct official business, in an apparent attempt to evade federal transparency laws, including the Freedom of Information Act.” Of course, EPA officials said her using two “official” accounts is nothing new, but choosing an alias that doesn’t correspond to her real name is very suspicious especially considering the head of the EPA acts alone, unlike the Nuclear Regulatory Commission that acts with several board members. Those outside DC were not buying Jackson’s excuse, either: “I don’t know any other agency that does this,” said Anne Weismann, chief counsel of the watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, which asked EPA’s inspector general on Tuesday to investigate the matter. Even if Jackson needs a separate email account, Weismann asked, “why would you pick a fictitious name of someone of different gender? To me it smacks of … trying to hide.”

4. The surveillance of Fox News reporter, James Rosen: The Obama administration, under direction from Attorney General Eric Holder. did the following to James Rosen:

  • Named him a “criminal co-conspirator” under the Espionage Act of 1917
  • Used that as a basis for monitoring his movements to and from The State Department
  • Traced his phone calls
  • Read his personal emails
  • Described as a “flight risk” so he wouldn’t have to be informed of what was happening.

On that last one, it makes me question the veracity of people like Chuck Todd who tweeted President Trump’s tweets about the press were “un-American” but didn’t do the same when a professional colleague was named as a “criminal conspirator” for doing his job.

It’s for reasons like this Donald Trump’s allegations may not be true, but they are not implausible.

So, the question of the chicken and the egg comes in here.. You people love to do the underhanded, and illegal things you do, but when the precedent comes back to haunt you, you don't like freakin hoo....
1. The IRS scandal – Democrats bemoaned the number of conservative political organizations that were being created to fight President Obama’s agenda. Through the media and letters to Congressional leaders, Democrats through their complaints demanded the IRS target conservative groups for greater scrutiny and harassment. They did this and led by Lois Lerner, destroyed evidence, including emails to cover up any obvious illegalities. President Obama and other Democrats bent over backward to protect IRS officials. Lerner was able to retire with a full pension. Nobody was fired. The only penalty the IRS suffered was having to pay a $50,000 in damages for their agency leaking information about the National Organization for Marriage to an organization supporting gay marriage, who then leaked it to the press.

2. The National Labor Relations Board harassment of Boeing – In this case, Boeing, a company free to open up production plants wherever it wants, was charged by the NLRB of violating labor laws by opening a plant in South Carolina instead of its home state of Washington. Lafe Solomon, the labor board’s general counsel, absurdly stated Boeing was acting in a “retaliatory” manner by deciding to open a production plant in South Carolina, instead of Washington. He claimed it was “retaliation” because of striking workers in Washington. Solomon could never prove this and Boeing officials said lower costs are what drove their decision. The NLRB case was dropped but only after Boeing workers in Washington, ratified a four-year contract extension.

3. EPA Director uses a fake email address to hide political activityFrom the WSJ: “Lisa Jackson, who announced on Dec. 27 that she was stepping down as head of the Environmental Protection Agency, will be leaving under a cloud. It turns out that she had been using an email account, under the alias “Richard Windsor,” to conduct official business, in an apparent attempt to evade federal transparency laws, including the Freedom of Information Act.” Of course, EPA officials said her using two “official” accounts is nothing new, but choosing an alias that doesn’t correspond to her real name is very suspicious especially considering the head of the EPA acts alone, unlike the Nuclear Regulatory Commission that acts with several board members. Those outside DC were not buying Jackson’s excuse, either: “I don’t know any other agency that does this,” said Anne Weismann, chief counsel of the watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, which asked EPA’s inspector general on Tuesday to investigate the matter. Even if Jackson needs a separate email account, Weismann asked, “why would you pick a fictitious name of someone of different gender? To me it smacks of … trying to hide.”

4. The surveillance of Fox News reporter, James Rosen: The Obama administration, under direction from Attorney General Eric Holder. did the following to James Rosen:

  • Named him a “criminal co-conspirator” under the Espionage Act of 1917
  • Used that as a basis for monitoring his movements to and from The State Department
  • Traced his phone calls
  • Read his personal emails
  • Described as a “flight risk” so he wouldn’t have to be informed of what was happening.

On that last one, it makes me question the veracity of people like Chuck Todd who tweeted President Trump’s tweets about the press were “un-American” but didn’t do the same when a professional colleague was named as a “criminal conspirator” for doing his job.

It’s for reasons like this Donald Trump’s allegations may not be true, but they are not implausible.

So, the question of the chicken and the egg comes in here.. You people love to do the underhanded, and illegal things you do, but when the precedent comes back to haunt you, you don't like freakin hoo....
Why don't you credit the bullshit you cut and pasted?
You think that a big deal?

He stole money from the Military to build his Folly on the Southern Border.
He handed Biden a secure border and he fucked it up. You really don't listen to your politicians. Obama told you loons, Don't underestimate had Biden can fuck things up.

House Oversight and Reform Committee Chair Carolyn Maloney said Thursday that the panel reached an agreement with former President Donald Trump and his ex-accounting firm, Mazars USA, to obtain his financial records, putting an end to years of litigation.

“After facing years of delay tactics, the committee has now reached an agreement with the former president and his accounting firm, Mazars USA, to obtain critical documents,” Maloney, D-N.Y., said in a statement Thursday.

House Oversight and Reform Committee Chair Carolyn Maloney said Thursday that the panel reached an agreement with former President Donald Trump and his ex-accounting firm, Mazars USA, to obtain his financial records, putting an end to years of litigation.

Mazars said this year that it would no longer work with the Trump Organization in a letter made public by New York Attorney General Letitia James as part of her civil probe into the company. In its letter, Mazars said a decade’s worth of statements from the Trump Organization could no longer “be relied upon.”

Trump and his attorney's efforts to delay justice has come to an end. trump's corruption will become his legacy and I wonder how many lawyers will lose their bar card.

Why don't you believe in innocent until proven guilty??

Is is because you are a Stalinist creep?

I believe so.

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