Trump’s Empire: A Maze of Debts and Opaque Ties

Clinton foundation. Pay for play. You can't be credible if you are turning a blind eye to this but calling out trumps businesses.

nice deflection. does dumb donald pay you to derail every discussion about his underhanded dealings?

and feel free to show where any policy changed based on a donation.

oh wait... you can't.


now do address donald's nefarious dealings.

we'll wait.
Actually not – it was an idiotic and failed attempt to deflect.

It shows how comprehensively bankrupt (pun intended) of values and solutions of merit the Trump ‘campaign’ is, and how ridiculous and pathetic Trump supporters are.
"Trump’s Empire: A Maze of Debts and Opaque Ties

On the campaign trail, Donald J. Trump, the Republican presidential nominee, has sold himself as a businessman who has made billions of dollars and is beholden to no one.

But an investigation by The New York Times into the financial maze of Mr. Trump’s real estate holdings in the United States reveals that companies he owns have at least $650 million in debt — twice the amount than can be gleaned from public filings he has made as part of his bid for the White House. The Times’s inquiry also found that Mr. Trump’s fortunes depend deeply on a wide array of financial backers, including one he has cited in attacks during his campaign.

For example, an office building on Avenue of the Americas in Manhattan, of which Mr. Trump is part owner, carries a $950 million loan. Among the lenders: the Bank of China, one of the largest banks in a country that Mr. Trump has railed against as an economic foe of the United States, and Goldman Sachs, a financial institution he has said controls Hillary Clinton, the Democratic nominee, after it paid her $675,000 in speaking fees.

Real estate projects often involve complex ownership and mortgage structures. And given Mr. Trump’s long real estate career in the United States and abroad, as well as his claim that his personal wealth exceeds $10 billion, it is safe to say that no previous major party presidential nominee has had finances nearly as complicated.

As president, Mr. Trump would have substantial sway over monetary and tax policy, as well as the power to make appointments that would directly affect his own financial empire. He would also wield influence over legislative issues that could have a significant impact on his net worth, and would have official dealings with countries in which he has business interests.

Yet The Times’s examination underscored how much of Mr. Trump’s business remains shrouded in mystery. He has declined to disclose his tax returns or allow an independent valuation of his assets.

Earlier in the campaign, Mr. Trump submitted a 104-page federal financial disclosure form. It said his businesses owed at least $315 million to a relatively small group of lenders and listed ties to more than 500 limited liability companies. Though he answered the questions, the form appears to have been designed for candidates with simpler finances than his, and did not require disclosure of portions of his business activities."

more at link

Your problem stems from your source, the NYT. They are nothing but a propaganda rag. What the posted is that Trump runs a normal business that borrows money, just like every other business. However, they tried to make it sound sinister. Only dumbasses like you are fooled.
Clinton foundation. Pay for play. You can't be credible if you are turning a blind eye to this but calling out trumps businesses.

nice deflection. does dumb donald pay you to derail every discussion about his underhanded dealings?

and feel free to show where any policy changed based on a donation.

oh wait... you can't.


now do address donald's nefarious dealings.

we'll wait.
Actually not – it was an idiotic and failed attempt to deflect.

It shows how comprehensively bankrupt (pun intended) of values and solutions of merit the Trump ‘campaign’ is, and how ridiculous and pathetic Trump supporters are.

How is asking you to demonstrate your worthless claims "an attempt to deflect?"
"Trump’s Empire: A Maze of Debts and Opaque Ties

Hmmm...the US foreign policy in general: A Maze of Debts and Opaque Ties.... Maybe I was wrong about Trump. He is the perfect president!
Clinton foundation. Pay for play. You can't be credible if you are turning a blind eye to this but calling out trumps businesses.
This fails as a red herring fallacy, the thread is about Trump, not Clinton.

But your failed attempt to deflect is understandable

They know that their orange bigoted fascist can't withstand scrutiny. Notice that it a single one of them has even tried to address the issue.

Ultimately that's because dumb Donald is correct and his uneducated bigoted males could watch him shoot someone on 5th avenue and it wouldn't matter to them
Clinton foundation. Pay for play. You can't be credible if you are turning a blind eye to this but calling out trumps businesses.
This fails as a red herring fallacy, the thread is about Trump, not Clinton.

But your failed attempt to deflect is understandable

They know that their orange bigoted fascist can't withstand scrutiny. Notice that it a single one of them has even tried to address the issue.

Ultimately that's because dumb Donald is correct and his uneducated bigoted males could watch him shoot someone on 5th avenue and it wouldn't matter to them
By "scrutiny" you mean phoney manufactured scandals.
"Trump’s Empire: A Maze of Debts and Opaque Ties

On the campaign trail, Donald J. Trump, the Republican presidential nominee, has sold himself as a businessman who has made billions of dollars and is beholden to no one.

But an investigation by The New York Times into the financial maze of Mr. Trump’s real estate holdings in the United States reveals that companies he owns have at least $650 million in debt — twice the amount than can be gleaned from public filings he has made as part of his bid for the White House. The Times’s inquiry also found that Mr. Trump’s fortunes depend deeply on a wide array of financial backers, including one he has cited in attacks during his campaign.

For example, an office building on Avenue of the Americas in Manhattan, of which Mr. Trump is part owner, carries a $950 million loan. Among the lenders: the Bank of China, one of the largest banks in a country that Mr. Trump has railed against as an economic foe of the United States, and Goldman Sachs, a financial institution he has said controls Hillary Clinton, the Democratic nominee, after it paid her $675,000 in speaking fees.

Real estate projects often involve complex ownership and mortgage structures. And given Mr. Trump’s long real estate career in the United States and abroad, as well as his claim that his personal wealth exceeds $10 billion, it is safe to say that no previous major party presidential nominee has had finances nearly as complicated.

As president, Mr. Trump would have substantial sway over monetary and tax policy, as well as the power to make appointments that would directly affect his own financial empire. He would also wield influence over legislative issues that could have a significant impact on his net worth, and would have official dealings with countries in which he has business interests.

Yet The Times’s examination underscored how much of Mr. Trump’s business remains shrouded in mystery. He has declined to disclose his tax returns or allow an independent valuation of his assets.

Earlier in the campaign, Mr. Trump submitted a 104-page federal financial disclosure form. It said his businesses owed at least $315 million to a relatively small group of lenders and listed ties to more than 500 limited liability companies. Though he answered the questions, the form appears to have been designed for candidates with simpler finances than his, and did not require disclosure of portions of his business activities."

more at link
The NYSlimes strikes again...

... they have made up so much crap and told so many lies and slandered Trump to the point where his attorneys are begging him to let them SUE them. That would no doubt put them out of business, because they're such a filthy, nasty, pathetic leftard rag that they're just hanging on by a thread now.

I doubt they'll be in business much longer. They'll either be sued into bankruptcy or just dry up and blow away. Stupid liberals cut their nose off to spite their face. Would rather run a business into the dirt with their ultra leftist progtard trash than simply tell the truth and stay afloat. Liberalism truly does mean retarded in so many cases.
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"Trump’s Empire: A Maze of Debts and Opaque Ties

Hmmm...the US foreign policy in general: A Maze of Debts and Opaque Ties.... Maybe I was wrong about Trump. He is the perfect president!

Not really. Now kindly address the issue....which ultimately is that Donald's dealings would create one giant conflict of interest -- which is what the former CIA director said.
"Trump’s Empire: A Maze of Debts and Opaque Ties

On the campaign trail, Donald J. Trump, the Republican presidential nominee, has sold himself as a businessman who has made billions of dollars and is beholden to no one.

But an investigation by The New York Times into the financial maze of Mr. Trump’s real estate holdings in the United States reveals that companies he owns have at least $650 million in debt — twice the amount than can be gleaned from public filings he has made as part of his bid for the White House. The Times’s inquiry also found that Mr. Trump’s fortunes depend deeply on a wide array of financial backers, including one he has cited in attacks during his campaign.

For example, an office building on Avenue of the Americas in Manhattan, of which Mr. Trump is part owner, carries a $950 million loan. Among the lenders: the Bank of China, one of the largest banks in a country that Mr. Trump has railed against as an economic foe of the United States, and Goldman Sachs, a financial institution he has said controls Hillary Clinton, the Democratic nominee, after it paid her $675,000 in speaking fees.

Real estate projects often involve complex ownership and mortgage structures. And given Mr. Trump’s long real estate career in the United States and abroad, as well as his claim that his personal wealth exceeds $10 billion, it is safe to say that no previous major party presidential nominee has had finances nearly as complicated.

As president, Mr. Trump would have substantial sway over monetary and tax policy, as well as the power to make appointments that would directly affect his own financial empire. He would also wield influence over legislative issues that could have a significant impact on his net worth, and would have official dealings with countries in which he has business interests.

Yet The Times’s examination underscored how much of Mr. Trump’s business remains shrouded in mystery. He has declined to disclose his tax returns or allow an independent valuation of his assets.

Earlier in the campaign, Mr. Trump submitted a 104-page federal financial disclosure form. It said his businesses owed at least $315 million to a relatively small group of lenders and listed ties to more than 500 limited liability companies. Though he answered the questions, the form appears to have been designed for candidates with simpler finances than his, and did not require disclosure of portions of his business activities."

more at link

Your problem stems from your source, the NYT. They are nothing but a propaganda rag. What the posted is that Trump runs a normal business that borrows money, just like every other business. However, they tried to make it sound sinister. Only dumbasses like you are fooled.
It is not sinister nor illegal, the point that eludes you is that Trump runs a business which is dependent on banks and foreign entities, which goes against the narrative by those like you that Trump isn't beholden to anyone. Clearly he is.
"Trump’s Empire: A Maze of Debts and Opaque Ties

On the campaign trail, Donald J. Trump, the Republican presidential nominee, has sold himself as a businessman who has made billions of dollars and is beholden to no one.

But an investigation by The New York Times into the financial maze of Mr. Trump’s real estate holdings in the United States reveals that companies he owns have at least $650 million in debt — twice the amount than can be gleaned from public filings he has made as part of his bid for the White House. The Times’s inquiry also found that Mr. Trump’s fortunes depend deeply on a wide array of financial backers, including one he has cited in attacks during his campaign.

For example, an office building on Avenue of the Americas in Manhattan, of which Mr. Trump is part owner, carries a $950 million loan. Among the lenders: the Bank of China, one of the largest banks in a country that Mr. Trump has railed against as an economic foe of the United States, and Goldman Sachs, a financial institution he has said controls Hillary Clinton, the Democratic nominee, after it paid her $675,000 in speaking fees.

Real estate projects often involve complex ownership and mortgage structures. And given Mr. Trump’s long real estate career in the United States and abroad, as well as his claim that his personal wealth exceeds $10 billion, it is safe to say that no previous major party presidential nominee has had finances nearly as complicated.

As president, Mr. Trump would have substantial sway over monetary and tax policy, as well as the power to make appointments that would directly affect his own financial empire. He would also wield influence over legislative issues that could have a significant impact on his net worth, and would have official dealings with countries in which he has business interests.

Yet The Times’s examination underscored how much of Mr. Trump’s business remains shrouded in mystery. He has declined to disclose his tax returns or allow an independent valuation of his assets.

Earlier in the campaign, Mr. Trump submitted a 104-page federal financial disclosure form. It said his businesses owed at least $315 million to a relatively small group of lenders and listed ties to more than 500 limited liability companies. Though he answered the questions, the form appears to have been designed for candidates with simpler finances than his, and did not require disclosure of portions of his business activities."

more at link

So what the Clinton's made 250 million dollars so far after leaving office..

Pelosi made millions on insider trading.and you are worried about trump?

you seem not to comprehend what your'e reading.

maybe you should let someone else take this who does.
Laughing out loudly
"Trump’s Empire: A Maze of Debts and Opaque Ties

Hmmm...the US foreign policy in general: A Maze of Debts and Opaque Ties.... Maybe I was wrong about Trump. He is the perfect president!

Not really. Now kindly address the issue....which ultimately is that Donald's dealings would create one giant conflict of interest -- which is what the former CIA director said.
We don't care.....get it.
"Trump’s Empire: A Maze of Debts and Opaque Ties

Hmmm...the US foreign policy in general: A Maze of Debts and Opaque Ties.... Maybe I was wrong about Trump. He is the perfect president!

Not really. Now kindly address the issue....which ultimately is that Donald's dealings would create one giant conflict of interest -- which is what the former CIA director said.
We don't care.....get it.
Yet you expect people to care about the Clinton Foundation.
"Trump’s Empire: A Maze of Debts and Opaque Ties

Hmmm...the US foreign policy in general: A Maze of Debts and Opaque Ties.... Maybe I was wrong about Trump. He is the perfect president!

Not really. Now kindly address the issue....which ultimately is that Donald's dealings would create one giant conflict of interest -- which is what the former CIA director said.

I agree, Trump as president is as desired by me as Jeffery Dahmer being president. If it were legal to kill and eat people, Trump would do it. It's unnerving that only a law keeps him from being capable of the types of acts I know he's capable of. I sense ZERO patriotism in the man... He'll sell the US out to the highest bidder so fast it'll make your head spin. And seeing as how he likes to get the edge on the deal, he probably already has an underground auction going on right now as much as he globe trots know..."on business trips"..

If he does get elected, the CIA will have to watch him like a hawk. Providing they too aren't on the take, selling poor America to anyone who pays the best. I assume there are at least a few patriots still at the helm in the Men In Black?
"Trump’s Empire: A Maze of Debts and Opaque Ties

Hmmm...the US foreign policy in general: A Maze of Debts and Opaque Ties.... Maybe I was wrong about Trump. He is the perfect president!

Not really. Now kindly address the issue....which ultimately is that Donald's dealings would create one giant conflict of interest -- which is what the former CIA director said.
We don't care.....get it.
Yet you expect people to care about the Clinton Foundation.
No, it's because the press is in the tank for hillary. So we don't care what's in print.
It's all bias.
You bring up the clinton foundation.
Who in the alphabet media is questioning it? Certainly not ABC.
"Trump’s Empire: A Maze of Debts and Opaque Ties

Hmmm...the US foreign policy in general: A Maze of Debts and Opaque Ties.... Maybe I was wrong about Trump. He is the perfect president!

Not really. Now kindly address the issue....which ultimately is that Donald's dealings would create one giant conflict of interest -- which is what the former CIA director said.
We don't care.....get it.
Yet you expect people to care about the Clinton Foundation.
More evidence of WHY WE DON'T CARE

The Truth About the New York Bombing
"Trump’s Empire: A Maze of Debts and Opaque Ties

Hmmm...the US foreign policy in general: A Maze of Debts and Opaque Ties.... Maybe I was wrong about Trump. He is the perfect president!

Not really. Now kindly address the issue....which ultimately is that Donald's dealings would create one giant conflict of interest -- which is what the former CIA director said.
We don't care.....get it.
Yet you expect people to care about the Clinton Foundation.
No, it's because the press is in the tank for hillary. So we don't care what's in print.
It's all bias.
You bring up the clinton foundation.
Who in the alphabet media is questioning it? Certainly not ABC.
What was written about Trump is fairly common knowledge. He has a history that is public knowledge that many (all) of you ignore. The hypocrisy is astounding.
"Trump’s Empire: A Maze of Debts and Opaque Ties

Hmmm...the US foreign policy in general: A Maze of Debts and Opaque Ties.... Maybe I was wrong about Trump. He is the perfect president!

Not really. Now kindly address the issue....which ultimately is that Donald's dealings would create one giant conflict of interest -- which is what the former CIA director said.

According to your theory, anyone who wasn't sucking on the government tit would have a conflict of interest.
"Trump’s Empire: A Maze of Debts and Opaque Ties

Hmmm...the US foreign policy in general: A Maze of Debts and Opaque Ties.... Maybe I was wrong about Trump. He is the perfect president!

Not really. Now kindly address the issue....which ultimately is that Donald's dealings would create one giant conflict of interest -- which is what the former CIA director said.
We don't care.....get it.
Yet you expect people to care about the Clinton Foundation.
No, it's because the press is in the tank for hillary. So we don't care what's in print.
It's all bias.
You bring up the clinton foundation.
Who in the alphabet media is questioning it? Certainly not ABC.
What was written about Trump is fairly common knowledge. He has a history that is public knowledge that many (all) of you ignore. The hypocrisy is astounding.
Go for it.....and I still won't care.

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