Trump's Financial Disclosure Report Released--Confirms He Paid Cohen


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
Trump's financial disclosure report released


"President Donald Trump's public financial disclosure form was released on Wednesday, and it says Trump "fully reimbursed" his long-time lawyer Michael Cohen for an unspecified amount and purpose in 2017.
Cohen is known to have paid porn star Stormy Daniels $130,000 on the eve of the 2016 presidential election in exchange for her silence about an alleged affair with Trump.
The disclosure does not mention the reason Trump paid Cohen.
But it says that Cohen incurred expenses in 2016 and that he sought reimbursement for those expenses, "and Mr. Trump fully reimbursed Mr. Cohen in 2017."
The "category of value" of the reimbursement Trump paid Cohen according to the disclosure is not a firm amount, but a range: $100,001 to $250,000.

The disclosure appears to corroborate claims from Rudy Giuliani — a recent addition to Trump's legal team — that the president personally reimbursed Cohen for that $130,000 payment.
The former New York City mayor Giuliani offered that new information in a series of interviews earlier this month, after Cohen's own lawyer had denied Trump reimbursed Cohen.

Giuliani told the New York Times that Trump paid Cohen in monthly installments of $35,000 beginning after the election, which totaled up to $470,000.

Trump had previously denied knowledge of Cohen's payment to Daniels.

But the president acknowledged the hush deal and Cohen's reimbursement in a trio of tweets following Giuliani's initial revelations.
Cohen, he said, "received a monthly retainer, not from the campaign and having nothing to do with the campaign, from which he entered into, through reimbursement, a private contract between two parties, known as a non-disclosure agreement."
Trump added that such deals are "very common among celebrities and people of wealth," and that it was used in this case to "stop the false and extortionist accusations made by her about an affair.""

Accusations were false..yet still he paid? This does not sound like the same Trump who would stiff small contractors just to save a dollar or two.
He paid his lawyer????? really???? that's it impeach him....I've had it!!!!! A man that pays his Attorney should never be president!!!!!!!!
Rump and Cohen are pitbulls, streetfighting roughknecks! No way they pay some twobit porn star hush money if it didn't happen! Remember Dump never settles, except Trump U, Trump Foundation and oh, oooops!
Rump and Cohen are pitbulls, streetfighting roughknecks! No way they pay some twobit pork star Bush money if it didn't happen! Remember Dump never settles, except Trump U, Trump Foundation and oh, oooops!
Speculation and a pile of shit gets you a pile of shit...That's why there are so many piles of shit on CNN.....
Rump and Cohen are pitbulls, streetfighting roughknecks! No way they pay some twobit pork star Bush money if it didn't happen! Remember Dump never settles, except Trump U, Trump Foundation and oh, oooops!
Speculation and a pile of shit gets you a pile of shit...That's why there are so many piles of shit on CNN.....

Snowflake, Rump has already he knew about Stormy and paid Cohen for it. What you got?
Snowflake, Rump has already he knew about Stormy and paid Cohen for it. What you got?
Its common practice for an attorney to cover expenses up front and collect at a later date...Trump stated about the Cohen pay off to Stormy that he did not know until later about the payoff and what it was for....that's what I speculation just the facts of what Trump and Cohen said.....
Snowflake, Rump has already he knew about Stormy and paid Cohen for it. What you got?
Its common practice for an attorney to cover expenses up front and collect at a later date...Trump stated about the Cohen pay off to Stormy that he did not know until later about the payoff and what it was for....that's what I speculation just the facts of what Trump and Cohen said.....

Facts of what 2 notorious liars said, forgive me!:bsflag::iyfyus.jpg::rofl::spinner::yapyapyapf::laughing0301:
Snowflake, Rump has already he knew about Stormy and paid Cohen for it. What you got?
Its common practice for an attorney to cover expenses up front and collect at a later date...Trump stated about the Cohen pay off to Stormy that he did not know until later about the payoff and what it was for....that's what I speculation just the facts of what Trump and Cohen said.....

Facts of what 2 notorious liars said, forgive me!:bsflag::iyfyus.jpg::rofl::spinner::yapyapyapf::laughing0301:
Well you can assume all day long that they are lying but you can't prove it in a courtroom....
Snowflake, Rump has already he knew about Stormy and paid Cohen for it. What you got?
Its common practice for an attorney to cover expenses up front and collect at a later date...Trump stated about the Cohen pay off to Stormy that he did not know until later about the payoff and what it was for....that's what I speculation just the facts of what Trump and Cohen said.....
Sounds pretty desperate to me when Cohen took out a home equity loan on his own home to make the payment. That's not routine in my book. But anyway, who cares. This whole thing was manufactured by that loud mouthed attorney for Stormy and it's never held any interest for me. A loud but insignificant side show.
Yep, I was anticipating this development ..

Donald and Pals would have made good Mafiosos from the 60's

Oh wait - They WERE! :)
Sounds pretty desperate to me when Cohen took out a home equity loan on his own home to make the payment. That's not routine in my book. But anyway, who cares. This whole thing was manufactured by that loud mouthed attorney for Stormy and it's never held any interest for me. A loud but insignificant side show.
Sideshow indeed. You didn't need to tell me that Trump is a slimy dude who cheats on his wive(s). I already knew that, just like i already knew he's an abnormally pompous and insecure blow-hard who says a lot of stupid shit, and doesn't really give a fuck how it'll affect anyone as a result.

I do however fail to see how that disqualifies him from holding the office that he fairly won.
But anyway, who cares. This whole thing was manufactured by that loud mouthed attorney for Stormy and it's never held any interest for me. A loud but insignificant side show.

Someone told me last week that they'd rather have Rudy as their attorney then Avenatti. As in SERIOUS? I'd take MA every day and twice on Sunday. He may be a loudmouth but DAMN if everything he's predicted hasn't come true!
Sounds pretty desperate to me when Cohen took out a home equity loan on his own home to make the payment. That's not routine in my book. But anyway, who cares. This whole thing was manufactured by that loud mouthed attorney for Stormy and it's never held any interest for me. A loud but insignificant side show
Speaking frankly OL...I believe Trump had some kind of a relationship with Stormy and wanted it kept from his wife and the electorate....
So What? He is not the first and won't be the last...that is why it doesn't bother me in the least...we knew Trump before we voted for him...We know he was a player way back when he did TV...this will not drive his supporters away in fact it will add to his base if the left keeps this crap up...IMO People don't like people that renege on a deal and turn to blackmail and that is what Stormy has done...
She blew it IMO....
Snowflake, Rump has already he knew about Stormy and paid Cohen for it. What you got?
Its common practice for an attorney to cover expenses up front and collect at a later date...Trump stated about the Cohen pay off to Stormy that he did not know until later about the payoff and what it was for....that's what I speculation just the facts of what Trump and Cohen said.....

Facts of what 2 notorious liars said, forgive me!:bsflag::iyfyus.jpg::rofl::spinner::yapyapyapf::laughing0301:
Well you can assume all day long that they are lying but you can't prove it in a courtroom....

You are correct, I cannot. But someone will prove Cohen is, well unless he flips on Imperial Cheato!
You are correct, I cannot. But someone will prove Cohen is, well unless he flips on Imperial Cheato!
I think you know that would never happen...Cohen and Trump have worked together a very long time...this is a dead tree to be barking up at so tells me the left has nothing else...
You are correct, I cannot. But someone will prove Cohen is, well unless he flips on Imperial Cheato!
I think you know that would never happen...Cohen and Trump have worked together a very long time...this is a dead tree to be barking up at so tells me the left has nothing else...

Then why is Rump and Rudy missing and moaning about it daily. Don't be so sure Cohen won't flip, Rudy and Rump cut him loose and threw him under the bus!
Then why is Rump and Rudy missing and moaning about it daily. Don't be so sure Cohen won't flip, Rudy and Rump cut him loose and threw him under the bus
I think what you all are missing is that Trump likes this constant attack on his self and his presidency...he knows the people that voted for him stay energized and ready to vote because of it....He could end the whole Mueller investigation by declassifying and releasing all evidence in Mueller's possession...he would rather keep the left jumping at smart...
Then why is Rump and Rudy missing and moaning about it daily. Don't be so sure Cohen won't flip, Rudy and Rump cut him loose and threw him under the bus
I think what you all are missing is that Trump likes this constant attack on his self and his presidency...he knows the people that voted for him stay energized and ready to vote because of it....He could end the whole Mueller investigation by declassifying and releasing all evidence in Mueller's possession...he would rather keep the left jumping at smart...

You are the one that is missing, missing even the semblance of real critical thinking! Agent Orange is always in a state of panick! It is because he is a phoney and a coward, DO SOMETHING!!!!!!

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