Trump's " and fury" against NK --What a clown.

Obama was a terrible President. The worst we ever had.

Not only did he give us more poverty, less family income, tremendous debt, increased income disparity, disastrous health care and dismal economic growth but he sat on his ass and did nothing that allowed North Korea to proliferate nuclear weapons. Now Trump has to deal with that problem.

These Moon Bats that elected Obama were morons, weren't they? What did they expect form an idiot like Obama that hired a Communist Muslim Iranian like Valarie Jarrett to advise him on foreign policy? What could possibly go wrong?
Sarcasm is all you've got? The first thing which needs to be done is for Twitter to shut down Trump. I'm surprised Kelly hasn't muzzled him.

Kelly isn't around when Trump tweets. He's not there when Trump calls his old friends like Bannon, Lewindowski and Flynn. That Kelly can't control. But you can see Kelly's influence on Trump. Like after his first visit to Texas where Trump behaved like a candidate talking to the crowd, to his second visit where he acted like Pence did on his visit. Humble, reassuring, actually shaking hands, hugging people serving meals, and talking to them one on one. He even got Trumps arm candy wife to dress in jeans and sneakers.
He's nothing but a mouth. A great big mouth and the NK kid knows it.

From Reuters: No report yet, just headline:
Trump says U.S. considering stopping all trade with any country doing business with North Korea

And of course the big pussy is blaming China. He can't take responsibility for ANYTHING.
Maybe we can wish him well and hope for the best on this, huh?

Sarcasm is all you've got? The first thing which needs to be done is for Twitter to shut down Trump. I'm surprised Kelly hasn't muzzled him.
I wasn't being sarcastic.

Sad that you think I was.

Partisan politics continues to be our bane.
He's nothing but a mouth. A great big mouth and the NK kid knows it.

From Reuters: No report yet, just headline:
Trump says U.S. considering stopping all trade with any country doing business with North Korea

And of course the big pussy is blaming China. He can't take responsibility for ANYTHING.
Maybe we can wish him well and hope for the best on this, huh?

Sarcasm is all you've got? The first thing which needs to be done is for Twitter to shut down Trump. I'm surprised Kelly hasn't muzzled him.

Good point. But Trump is Kelly's boss and Trump isn't going to let anyone muzzle him. I don't think Kelly is going to be around much longer. Trump loves the chaos and spontaneity that defines his administration. If Kelly keeboshes that, he's gone.
------------------------------------ if 'kelly' won't do as he is told then TRUMP should get rid of him . [same for mcmaster] '2020' !!

Sarcasm is all you've got? The first thing which needs to be done is for Twitter to shut down Trump. I'm surprised Kelly hasn't muzzled him.

No Moon Bat. You are confused. The first thing we need to do is undo as much of the damage that was done during the Obama administration as possible and that includes having a backbone to deal with a batshit crazy Communist dictator that has nuclear weapons and a delivery system that Obama chose to ignore.

Obama's weakness is what put Trump in a position of having to be tough.
I wonder if Trump knows this as he threatens our trade agreements with China:

"China presently produces more than 95% of all rare earth materials that are vital in the creation of a big variety of electronic technologies including lithium car batteries, solar panels, wind turbines, flat-screen television, compact fluorescent light bulbs, petroleum-to-gasoline catalytic cracking, and military defense components such as missile guidance systems. It also dominates abilities to process them. """

China's Rare Earth Metals Monopoly Needn't Put An Electronics Stranglehold On America
Funny. Trump has garnered respect around the globe, and here at home. He has made it known that he isn't the pushover that The Blamer was. .

That explains North Korea's dozens of missile tests, including an ICBM over Japan, and now the test of an H-bomb. The device that unleashes fire and fury and power, the likes of which the earth has never seen before.
Obama was a terrible President. The worst we ever had.

Obama's ranked 13 of 44

Not by anybody that has a brain. Maybe some stupid Moon Bats that get their news for sources like Comedy Central, Saturday Night Live, Rachael Maddow or Democratunderground but not by anybody that knows Obama's record of failure..
Sarcasm is all you've got? The first thing which needs to be done is for Twitter to shut down Trump. I'm surprised Kelly hasn't muzzled him.

Kelly isn't around when Trump tweets. He's not there when Trump calls his old friends like Bannon, Lewindowski and Flynn. That Kelly can't control. But you can see Kelly's influence on Trump. Like after his first visit to Texas where Trump behaved like a candidate talking to the crowd, to his second visit where he acted like Pence did on his visit. Humble, reassuring, actually shaking hands, hugging people serving meals, and talking to them one on one. He even got Trumps arm candy wife to dress in jeans and sneakers.
WTF are you spewing about? Trump wasn't there to interact with victims on his 1st visit. He was there to get an assessment of the devastation. He was in Corpus Christi, not Houston. He then got emergency funds and national guard rolling at a faster pace than that was happening. He then went to Houston to see if victims were getting the help they need.
The first thing we need to do is undo as much of the damage that was done during the Obama administration as possible and that includes having a backbone to deal with a batshit crazy Communist dictator that has nuclear weapons and a delivery system that Obama chose to ignore. .

N. Korea didn't start testing ICBM's until Trump took office.
Funny. Trump has garnered respect around the globe, and here at home. He has made it known that he isn't the pushover that The Blamer was. .

That explains North Korea's dozens of missile tests, including an ICBM over Japan, and now the test of an H-bomb. The device that unleashes fire and fury and power, the likes of which the earth has never seen before.
Ah, N. Korea is being run by a psycho. That dufus over there doesn't give a shit about the rest of the world.
Trump wasn't there to interact with victims on his 1st visit. He was there to get an assessment of the devastation. He was in Corpus Christi, not Houston.

So Trump was getting an assessment of the devastation in Houston, from Corpus Christi? If he wasn't going to get close, he could have done the same from Washington DC.

Pence was on the ground helping flood victims,

It wasn't until Trump got such bad ratings for his first visit, that the "new Trump" acted with the same compassion, as VP Mike Pence.
Trump wasn't there to interact with victims on his 1st visit. He was there to get an assessment of the devastation. He was in Corpus Christi, not Houston.

So Trump was getting an assessment of the devastation in Houston, from Corpus Christi? If he wasn't going to get close, he could have done the same from Washington DC.

Pence was on the ground helping flood victims,

It wasn't until Trump got such bad ratings for his first visit, that the "new Trump" acted with the same compassion, as VP Mike Pence.
That's right dumfuk. He couldn't get close to Houston his first trip. Roads were all flooded.
Many agree with my posts, yours not so much. We are still waiting for you to explain the fear mongering 'Trump is going to nuke someone, take the nuke football away from him' narrative vs your current narrative that Trump couldn't nuke NK even if he wanted to. Why the two polar opposite narratives? Just admit you are a liar I mean its rather obvious at this point.

Why don't you go over to some of the boards on Facebook and try to throw your fat ass around there? It's not seething with redneck rightwing idiots like this one. You'd fare very poorly. Better stay here where it's safe, flake. No snow. Just a flake.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- even their insults make no sense . The lefties are funny as they quiver and shake with fear BluesLegend .

Trump got elected by instilling fear into idiots like yourself and BoozeLegend. Fear of Mexicans, China, judges, the federal gov't and "fake news". But not Russia or Putin. Never a bad word about his butt-buddy Putin.
-------------------------------------------- Russia and Putin are the guys that we should be friendly with as we sh1tcan the muslims and other third worlders like mexicans '2020' .

Just when I didn't think someone on this board could get any stupider.
It's a good thing we have a smart guy like you to explain why the US should sit back and wait until we're attacked by a country with that goal.

The first thing we need to do is undo as much of the damage that was done during the Obama administration as possible and that includes having a backbone to deal with a batshit crazy Communist dictator that has nuclear weapons and a delivery system that Obama chose to ignore. .

N. Korea didn't start testing ICBM's until Trump took office.

It always amazes me how you stupid Moon Bats try to cover up the failures of the Kenyan. The worst President we ever had. If you can't blame it on Bush then you just go in your denial or lying mode.

The nuclear program and all the research and development for the missiles happened under Obama. That was the time that he could have done something to curtail the proliferation. Now it is just about too late. Trump now has to fix another one of Obama's failures. One that probably has no good ending thanks to the weakness of the worthless affirmative action asshole that you stupid Moon Bats elected.
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That's right dumfuk. He couldn't get close to Houston his first trip. Roads were all flooded.

Vice President Mike Pence on Thursday offered up a playbook for President Donald Trump's follow-up visit to hurricane-ravaged Texas

Vice President Mike Pence met with survivors of Hurricane Harvey's destruction on Thursday at a battered church, donned work gloves to haul debris, and issued hug after hug on a tour of storm damage.

The hands-on approach stood in contrast to President Donald Trump's trip to Corpus Christi and Austin two days earlier, when the president never encountered displaced Texans as he received briefings and met with state and local officials. Trump will return to Texas on Saturday, likely in the Houston area.

On Texas storm tour, VP Pence hauls debris, dispenses hugs and promises full recovery | Politics | Dallas News

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