Trump's " and fury" against NK --What a clown.

Obama's burying his head in the sand policy for North Korea's nuclear proliferation was the joke.

He was so damn weak and more interested in kissing the ass of the Muslims and Castro that he left Trump with a significant threat.

Then you had that dumbass Slick Willy who thought that if we just gave them stuff that they would be good little Commie boys.

A batshit crazy Commie asshole with nuclear weapons and a hatred of the US. What could possibly go wrong.?
Obama's burying his head in the sand policy for North Korea's nuclear proliferation was the joke.

He was so damn weak and more interested in kissing the ass of the Muslims and Castro that he left Trump with a significant threat.

Then you had that dumbass Slick Willy who thought that if we just gave them stuff that they would be good little Commie boys.

A batshit crazy Commie asshole with nuclear weapons and a hatred of the US. What could possibly go wrong.?

You missed a prez there .

And what is Trump going to do that's any different?
aw this is funny , lefties going crazy , hey , the President is in charge no matter which way things go you lefty dem hilary and mrobama lovers ,
He's nothing but a mouth. A great big mouth and the NK kid knows it.

From Reuters: No report yet, just headline:
Trump says U.S. considering stopping all trade with any country doing business with North Korea

And of course the big pussy is blaming China. He can't take responsibility for ANYTHING.

What an idiot. We stop trading with China and store shelves everywhere are going to look far worse than any store shelf in Houston, Texas right now.

And The Hag & Co. could not beat him.

That is the source of your butthurt bro.

He's going to be the source of YOUR butthurt, idiot. That's what you morons can't understand.
Obama's burying his head in the sand policy for North Korea's nuclear proliferation was the joke.

He was so damn weak and more interested in kissing the ass of the Muslims and Castro that he left Trump with a significant threat.

Then you had that dumbass Slick Willy who thought that if we just gave them stuff that they would be good little Commie boys.

A batshit crazy Commie asshole with nuclear weapons and a hatred of the US. What could possibly go wrong.?

You missed a prez there .

And what is Trump going to do that's any different?

Yea, we know. We have heard it many times before. Everything that Obama did to screw up this country was somehow Bush's fault.

North Korea made significant progress in the lat eight years on nuclear weapons and missile technology while that asshole Obama did nothing and now they are a significant threat that Trump has to dealt with. Just another one of Obama's disasters that Trump has to fix.

On top of Obama being a chickenshit in dealing with the Norks the dumbass gave away the store to the Iranians that have been helping the Norks. How stupid was that? Isn't Obama like the dumbest cowardly shithead ever to be Commander in Chief? I think we all know he is.

Obama never met a Muslim or Communist dictator that he didn't love, did he?
He's nothing but a mouth. A great big mouth and the NK kid knows it.

From Reuters: No report yet, just headline:
Trump says U.S. considering stopping all trade with any country doing business with North Korea

And of course the big pussy is blaming China. He can't take responsibility for ANYTHING.

What an idiot. We stop trading with China and store shelves everywhere are going to look far worse than any store shelf in Houston, Texas right now.
What would you like to see happen?

1. Trump shuts the fuck up, no more public threats.
2. Trump stops Tweeting, especially about NK.
3. Trump backs down and let's Mattis, McMaster and Tillerson handle this.
4. Any statements made by Trump need to be vetted and edited by Kelly.
That's a good start.
Trump threatens to nuke NK and libs freak out. Trump doesn't nuke NK and libs freak out. The left possibly the most dishonest group of people on the planet.

It's about what HE SAYS PUBLICLY, you stupid fucking idiot. He can't keep his mouth shut. He has absolutely no self control or restraint or impulse control.

Translation, I hate it when Blues throws my hypocrisy in my face. Go ahead explain it, you fruitcakes have been spinning the narrative that Trump is going to nuke someone for months, now you seem convinced he can't nuke NK even if he wanted to. Go ahead explain it, you can't. Go lick your wounds.

More zoo noises.
He's nothing but a mouth. A great big mouth and the NK kid knows it.

From Reuters: No report yet, just headline:
Trump says U.S. considering stopping all trade with any country doing business with North Korea

And of course the big pussy is blaming China. He can't take responsibility for ANYTHING.

What an idiot. We stop trading with China and store shelves everywhere are going to look far worse than any store shelf in Houston, Texas right now.

So after you people foam at the mouth about Trump nuking NK now you are foaming at the mouth that Trump isn't nuking NK? ^^^ schizophrenic??

I guess this is too deep for you to understand. The idiot shouldn't threaten what he can't actually do. Especially on Twitter.

He's taking Kim Jong Un's bait just like the thin-skinned imbecile that he is.

Doesn't explain your hypocrisy dummy. Here let me rate your OP :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:

You really run into a wall by your third post. "Sad."

Many agree with my posts, yours not so much. We are still waiting for you to explain the fear mongering 'Trump is going to nuke someone, take the nuke football away from him' narrative vs your current narrative that Trump couldn't nuke NK even if he wanted to. Why the two polar opposite narratives? Just admit you are a liar I mean its rather obvious at this point.
Trump threatens to nuke NK and libs freak out. Trump doesn't nuke NK and libs freak out. The left possibly the most dishonest group of people on the planet.

It's about what HE SAYS PUBLICLY, you stupid fucking idiot. He can't keep his mouth shut. He has absolutely no self control or restraint or impulse control.

Translation, I hate it when Blues throws my hypocrisy in my face. Go ahead explain it, you fruitcakes have been spinning the narrative that Trump is going to nuke someone for months, now you seem convinced he can't nuke NK even if he wanted to. Go ahead explain it, you can't. Go lick your wounds.

More zoo noises.

Translation, I destroyed your OP and you got nothing.
He's nothing but a mouth. A great big mouth and the NK kid knows it.

From Reuters: No report yet, just headline:
Trump says U.S. considering stopping all trade with any country doing business with North Korea

And of course the big pussy is blaming China. He can't take responsibility for ANYTHING.

What an idiot. We stop trading with China and store shelves everywhere are going to look far worse than any store shelf in Houston, Texas right now.
Jin San Pang laughs at Trump and his "red lines".
He's nothing but a mouth. A great big mouth and the NK kid knows it.

From Reuters: No report yet, just headline:
Trump says U.S. considering stopping all trade with any country doing business with North Korea

And of course the big pussy is blaming China. He can't take responsibility for ANYTHING.

What an idiot. We stop trading with China and store shelves everywhere are going to look far worse than any store shelf in Houston, Texas right now.

And The Hag & Co. could not beat him.

That is the source of your butthurt bro.

He's going to be the source of YOUR butthurt, idiot. That's what you morons can't understand.

You keep telling us that.

But you also assured us that The Hag would win as Trump had no path to the presidency.
Accordingly, you have zero credibility darling.
He's nothing but a mouth. A great big mouth and the NK kid knows it.

From Reuters: No report yet, just headline:
Trump says U.S. considering stopping all trade with any country doing business with North Korea

And of course the big pussy is blaming China. He can't take responsibility for ANYTHING.

What an idiot. We stop trading with China and store shelves everywhere are going to look far worse than any store shelf in Houston, Texas right now.
What would you like to see happen?

1. Trump shuts the fuck up, no more public threats.
2. Trump stops Tweeting, especially about NK.
3. Trump backs down and let's Mattis, McMaster and Tillerson handle this.
4. Any statements made by Trump need to be vetted and edited by Kelly.
That's a good start.

Will NK stop pursuing their ambitions if Trump stops talking?
Time to cut the head off the snake and that is china.....stop all trade with them. If Walmart and the dollar stores don't like it tough shit they will find another country with slave wages to deal with.
Obama's burying his head in the sand policy for North Korea's nuclear proliferation was the joke.

The joke was George W. Bush, under whose direct intervention North Korea became a nuclear nation. Bush took the North Koreans "cheating" where they were 20 years from making a nuclear weapon, and broke the agreement, freeing them of NPPT restraints, so they were able to make a nuclear weapon within 2 years.

From 20 years in the future (2021) to 2 years (2003)

1. Trump shuts the fuck up, no more public threats.
2. Trump stops Tweeting, especially about NK.
3. Trump backs down and let's Mattis, McMaster and Tillerson handle this.
4. Any statements made by Trump need to be vetted and edited by Kelly.
That's a good start.

Isn't that pretty much Obama's policy that resulted in the proliferation? Yea, that really worked, didn't it?

The only thing that the Norks understand is strength and the reason why they are now a threat to the US is because that cowardly piece of shit Obama was too much of dumbass to do anything to pressure on them to stop. In fact Obama enabled the fucking Iranians to be able to transfer nuckar and missile technology. How stupid was that?

Thanks to Obama Trump is at the point where the little commie bastards will have the nukes and a delivery system so all he can do is let that crazy dictator know that if he ever uses them then that will be the last few minutes of his life and his country will be destroyed. China also needs to understand that message. They sure as hell didn't get the message when that asshole Obama was President, did they?
aw this is funny , lefties going crazy , hey , the President is in charge no matter which way things go you lefty dem hilary and mrobama lovers ,
^^^ Drunk already!
---------------------- naw not yet , its early . But hey , you lefties are in a constant state of panic and i like that and as i say , TRUMP is in charge and your life and death and even your well being is in his hands Synth .
He's nothing but a mouth. A great big mouth and the NK kid knows it.

From Reuters: No report yet, just headline:
Trump says U.S. considering stopping all trade with any country doing business with North Korea

And of course the big pussy is blaming China. He can't take responsibility for ANYTHING.
Maybe we can wish him well and hope for the best on this, huh?

I wish we could push him into a well, a deep one with no rope.

No need he is doing it just fine himself.
He's nothing but a mouth. A great big mouth and the NK kid knows it.

From Reuters: No report yet, just headline:
Trump says U.S. considering stopping all trade with any country doing business with North Korea

And of course the big pussy is blaming China. He can't take responsibility for ANYTHING.

What an idiot. We stop trading with China and store shelves everywhere are going to look far worse than any store shelf in Houston, Texas right now.

So after you people foam at the mouth about Trump nuking NK now you are foaming at the mouth that Trump isn't nuking NK? ^^^ schizophrenic??

I guess this is too deep for you to understand. The idiot shouldn't threaten what he can't actually do. Especially on Twitter.

He's taking Kim Jong Un's bait just like the thin-skinned imbecile that he is.

You liberals are always bashing President Trump for anything he does , instead of bashing give us your idea of how to handle NK. Come on give us your brilliant ideas, don't sit back and bitch about everything.

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He's nothing but a mouth. A great big mouth and the NK kid knows it.

From Reuters: No report yet, just headline:
Trump says U.S. considering stopping all trade with any country doing business with North Korea

And of course the big pussy is blaming China. He can't take responsibility for ANYTHING.

What an idiot. We stop trading with China and store shelves everywhere are going to look far worse than any store shelf in Houston, Texas right now.

So after you people foam at the mouth about Trump nuking NK now you are foaming at the mouth that Trump isn't nuking NK? ^^^ schizophrenic??

I guess this is too deep for you to understand. The idiot shouldn't threaten what he can't actually do. Especially on Twitter.

He's taking Kim Jong Un's bait just like the thin-skinned imbecile that he is.

You liberals are always bashing President Trump for anything he does , instead of bashing give us your idea of how to handle NK. Come on give us your brilliant ideas, don't sit back and bitch about everything.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
-------------------------------------- i wouldn't pay any attention to what the lefty dems have to say about anything , norks need to be confronted , today is a good day MShangles.

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