Trump's " and fury" against NK --What a clown.

Obama's burying his head in the sand policy for North Korea's nuclear proliferation was the joke.

The joke was George W. Bush, under whose direct intervention North Korea became a nuclear nation. Bush took the North Koreans "cheating" where they were 20 years from making a nuclear weapon, and broke the agreement, freeing them of NPPT restraints, so they were able to make a nuclear weapon within 2 years.

From 20 years in the future (2021) to 2 years (2003)

When are you Moon Bats ever going to stop blaming Bush for Obama's failures? I sure as hell don't see you commenting on Slick Willy's dumbass policy of trying to pay off the commie bastards or Obama's policy of burying his head in the sand and pretending they weren't doing anything for the last eight years. You sure as hell aren't commenting on that dipshit Obama enabling the Iranians that and giving them billions of dollars that resulted in them transferring technology to the Norks. That was really stupid, wasn't it? Was it Obama's doing or his communist Iranian Muslim advisor Valarie Jarrett's doing it?

Bush owned a little bit of that shit sandwhich. However, Slick Willy and the Kenyans made the sandwich and served it up.

Trump inherited a big problem that Obama ignored for his entire administration and now it is going to bite us in the ass.

You Moon Bats were idiots electing Obama. What the hell were you morons thinking?
Last edited:
He's nothing but a mouth. A great big mouth and the NK kid knows it.

From Reuters: No report yet, just headline:
Trump says U.S. considering stopping all trade with any country doing business with North Korea

And of course the big pussy is blaming China. He can't take responsibility for ANYTHING.

What an idiot. We stop trading with China and store shelves everywhere are going to look far worse than any store shelf in Houston, Texas right now.
What would you like to see happen?

1. Trump shuts the fuck up, no more public threats.
2. Trump stops Tweeting, especially about NK.
3. Trump backs down and let's Mattis, McMaster and Tillerson handle this.
4. Any statements made by Trump need to be vetted and edited by Kelly.
That's a good start.

Obama isn't president anymore , Trump will keep us ALL safe

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Time to cut the head off the snake and that is china.....stop all trade with them. If Walmart and the dollar stores don't like it tough shit they will find another country with slave wages to deal with.

Walmart and the dollar stores???? You think that is the extent of China's imports? You've got to be kidding.


  • China was the United States' 3rd largest goods export market in 2016.
  • U.S. goods exports to China in 2016 were $115.8 billion, down 0.3% ($297 million) from 2015 but up 115.7% from 2006. U.S. exports to China are up 504% from 2001 (pre-WTO accession). U.S. exports to China account for 8.0% of overall U.S. exports in 2016.
  • The top export categories (2-digit HS) in 2016 were: miscellaneous grain, seeds, fruit (soybeans) ($15 billion), aircraft ($15 billion), electrical machinery ($12 billion), machinery ($11 billion), and vehicles ($11 billion).
  • U.S. exports of agricultural products to China totaled $21 billion in 2016, our 2nd largest agricultural export market. Leading export categories include: soybeans ($14 billion), coarse grains (ex. corn) ($1.0 billion), hides & skins ($949 million), pork & pork products ($715 million), and cotton ($553 million).
  • U.S. exports of services to China were an estimated $53.5 billion in 2016, 10.5% ($5.1 billion) more than 2015, and 406% greater than 2006 levels. It was up roughly 896% from 2001 (pre-WTO accession). Leading services exports from the U.S. to China, in 2015, were in the travel, intellectual property (trademark, computer software), and transport sectors.

  • China was the United States' largest supplier of goods imports in 2016.
  • U.S. goods imports from China totaled $462.8 billion in 2016, down 4.2% ($20.4 billion) from 2015, but up 60.8% from 2006. U.S. imports from are up 353% from 2001 (pre-WTO accession).
  • The top import categories (2-digit HS) in 2016 were: electrical machinery ($129 billion), machinery ($97 billion), furniture and bedding ($29 billion), toys and sports equipment ($24 billion), and footwear ($15 billion).
  • U.S. imports of agricultural products from China totaled $4.3 billion in 2016, our 3rd largest supplier of agricultural imports. Leading categories include: processed fruit & vegetables ($1.1 billion), fruit & vegetable juices ($328 million), snack foods ($213 million), fresh vegetables ($205 million), and tea, incl herb ($152 million).
  • U.S. imports of services from China were an estimated $16.1 billion in 2016, 6.6% ($993 million) more than 2015, and 58.8% greater than 2006 levels. It was up roughly 350% from 2001 (pre-WTO accession). Leading services imports from China to the U.S., in 2015, were in the transport, travel, and research and development sectors.
The People's Republic of China | United States Trade Representative
F&F " like the worlds never seen before "

the bullshit coming out of that Fr's mouth is like the worlds never seen before, and never will again.
He's nothing but a mouth. A great big mouth and the NK kid knows it.

From Reuters: No report yet, just headline:
Trump says U.S. considering stopping all trade with any country doing business with North Korea

And of course the big pussy is blaming China. He can't take responsibility for ANYTHING.

What an idiot. We stop trading with China and store shelves everywhere are going to look far worse than any store shelf in Houston, Texas right now.

So after you people foam at the mouth about Trump nuking NK now you are foaming at the mouth that Trump isn't nuking NK? ^^^ schizophrenic??

I guess this is too deep for you to understand. The idiot shouldn't threaten what he can't actually do. Especially on Twitter.

He's taking Kim Jong Un's bait just like the thin-skinned imbecile that he is.

You liberals are always bashing President Trump for anything he does , instead of bashing give us your idea of how to handle NK. Come on give us your brilliant ideas, don't sit back and bitch about everything.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

I posted my 5 points that I'd like to see happen.
Trump isn't getting bashed for anything he does, because he doesn't do anything, hasn't accomplished anything, he's a lame duck and he's only 8 months in.
Take all the time you need, WaitingFor2020. I want you to think about my question before answering.

F&F " like the worlds never seen before "

the bullshit coming out of that Fr's mouth is like the worlds never seen before, and never will again.

Yep, he's a fucking drama queen for sure. The only thing important to him is being the center of attention, every single day. That's why he arbitrarily stirs the shit up, so cameras and air time refocus back on him. He's so out of his depth with this NK it's stunning.
The joke was George W. Bush, under whose direct intervention North Korea became a nuclear nation. Bush took the North Koreans "cheating" where they were 20 years from making a nuclear weapon, and broke the agreement, freeing them of NPPT restraints, so they were able to make a nuclear weapon within 2 years.

From 20 years in the future (2021) to 2 years (2003)

When are you Moon Bats ever going to stop blaming Bush for Obama's failures?

As soon as the huge list of Bush failures run their course.
Remember when Obama took office, he inherited one of the worst economies in history, two wars, a recession, terrorism, a $1.5 trillion deficit, over 8% unemployment, 700,000+ jobs lost each month, a stock market at 8,000.

And after cleaning up most of Bush';s shit, Obama left an economy even Trump can't mess up
Last edited:
He's nothing but a mouth. A great big mouth and the NK kid knows it.

From Reuters: No report yet, just headline:
Trump says U.S. considering stopping all trade with any country doing business with North Korea

And of course the big pussy is blaming China. He can't take responsibility for ANYTHING.

What an idiot. We stop trading with China and store shelves everywhere are going to look far worse than any store shelf in Houston, Texas right now.
Jin San Pang laughs at Trump and his "red lines".

They are all laughing at him. And his Twitter fest. They know he's a juvenile idiot. So embarrassing.
So after you people foam at the mouth about Trump nuking NK now you are foaming at the mouth that Trump isn't nuking NK? ^^^ schizophrenic??

I guess this is too deep for you to understand. The idiot shouldn't threaten what he can't actually do. Especially on Twitter.

He's taking Kim Jong Un's bait just like the thin-skinned imbecile that he is.

Doesn't explain your hypocrisy dummy. Here let me rate your OP :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:

You really run into a wall by your third post. "Sad."

Many agree with my posts, yours not so much. We are still waiting for you to explain the fear mongering 'Trump is going to nuke someone, take the nuke football away from him' narrative vs your current narrative that Trump couldn't nuke NK even if he wanted to. Why the two polar opposite narratives? Just admit you are a liar I mean its rather obvious at this point.

Why don't you go over to some of the boards on Facebook and try to throw your fat ass around there? It's not seething with redneck rightwing idiots like this one. You'd fare very poorly. Better stay here where it's safe, flake. No snow. Just a flake.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- even their insults make no sense . The lefties are funny as they quiver and shake with fear BluesLegend .
He's nothing but a mouth. A great big mouth and the NK kid knows it.

From Reuters: No report yet, just headline:
Trump says U.S. considering stopping all trade with any country doing business with North Korea

And of course the big pussy is blaming China. He can't take responsibility for ANYTHING.
Maybe we can wish him well and hope for the best on this, huh?

Sarcasm is all you've got? The first thing which needs to be done is for Twitter to shut down Trump. I'm surprised Kelly hasn't muzzled him.
I guess this is too deep for you to understand. The idiot shouldn't threaten what he can't actually do. Especially on Twitter.

He's taking Kim Jong Un's bait just like the thin-skinned imbecile that he is.

Doesn't explain your hypocrisy dummy. Here let me rate your OP :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:

You really run into a wall by your third post. "Sad."

Many agree with my posts, yours not so much. We are still waiting for you to explain the fear mongering 'Trump is going to nuke someone, take the nuke football away from him' narrative vs your current narrative that Trump couldn't nuke NK even if he wanted to. Why the two polar opposite narratives? Just admit you are a liar I mean its rather obvious at this point.

Why don't you go over to some of the boards on Facebook and try to throw your fat ass around there? It's not seething with redneck rightwing idiots like this one. You'd fare very poorly. Better stay here where it's safe, flake. No snow. Just a flake.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- even their insults make no sense . The lefties are funny as they quiver and shake with fear BluesLegend .

Trump got elected by instilling fear into idiots like yourself and BoozeLegend. Fear of Mexicans, China, judges, the federal gov't and "fake news". But not Russia or Putin. Never a bad word about his butt-buddy Putin.
He's nothing but a mouth. A great big mouth and the NK kid knows it.

From Reuters: No report yet, just headline:
Trump says U.S. considering stopping all trade with any country doing business with North Korea

And of course the big pussy is blaming China. He can't take responsibility for ANYTHING.
Maybe we can wish him well and hope for the best on this, huh?

Sarcasm is all you've got? The first thing which needs to be done is for Twitter to shut down Trump. I'm surprised Kelly hasn't muzzled him.

Good point. But Trump is Kelly's boss and Trump isn't going to let anyone muzzle him. I don't think Kelly is going to be around much longer. Trump loves the chaos and spontaneity that defines his administration. If Kelly keeboshes that, he's gone.
He's nothing but a mouth. A great big mouth and the NK kid knows it.

From Reuters: No report yet, just headline:
Trump says U.S. considering stopping all trade with any country doing business with North Korea

And of course the big pussy is blaming China. He can't take responsibility for ANYTHING.

What an idiot. We stop trading with China and store shelves everywhere are going to look far worse than any store shelf in Houston, Texas right now.

So after you people foam at the mouth about Trump nuking NK now you are foaming at the mouth that Trump isn't nuking NK? ^^^ schizophrenic??

I guess this is too deep for you to understand. The idiot shouldn't threaten what he can't actually do. Especially on Twitter.

He's taking Kim Jong Un's bait just like the thin-skinned imbecile that he is.

You liberals are always bashing President Trump for anything he does , instead of bashing give us your idea of how to handle NK. Come on give us your brilliant ideas, don't sit back and bitch about everything.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

I posted my 5 points that I'd like to see happen.
Trump isn't getting bashed for anything he does, because he doesn't do anything, hasn't accomplished anything, he's a lame duck and he's only 8 months in.

, post: 18076186, member: 51009"]
So after you people foam at the mouth about Trump nuking NK now you are foaming at the mouth that Trump isn't nuking NK? ^^^ schizophrenic??

I guess this is too deep for you to understand. The idiot shouldn't threaten what he can't actually do. Especially on Twitter.

He's taking Kim Jong Un's bait just like the thin-skinned imbecile that he is.

Doesn't explain your hypocrisy dummy. Here let me rate your OP :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:

You really run into a wall by your third post. "Sad."

Many agree with my posts, yours not so much. We are still waiting for you to explain the fear mongering 'Trump is going to nuke someone, take the nuke football away from him' narrative vs your current narrative that Trump couldn't nuke NK even if he wanted to. Why the two polar opposite narratives? Just admit you are a liar I mean its rather obvious at this point.
Funny. Trump has garnered respect around the globe, and here at home. He has made it known that he isn't the pushover that The Blamer was. When congress gets back from their August recess, you're gonna see a whole new attitude from both sides of the aisle. Or they won't be there much longer.
What you leftist clowns don't understand, or ever will, is Trump is putting America first. That is exactly why I voted for him, and exactly why he will be a two-term president, if he chooses.
So after you people foam at the mouth about Trump nuking NK now you are foaming at the mouth that Trump isn't nuking NK? ^^^ schizophrenic??

I guess this is too deep for you to understand. The idiot shouldn't threaten what he can't actually do. Especially on Twitter.

He's taking Kim Jong Un's bait just like the thin-skinned imbecile that he is.

You liberals are always bashing President Trump for anything he does , instead of bashing give us your idea of how to handle NK. Come on give us your brilliant ideas, don't sit back and bitch about everything.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

I posted my 5 points that I'd like to see happen.
Trump isn't getting bashed for anything he does, because he doesn't do anything, hasn't accomplished anything, he's a lame duck and he's only 8 months in.

, post: 18076186, member: 51009"]
So after you people foam at the mouth about Trump nuking NK now you are foaming at the mouth that Trump isn't nuking NK? ^^^ schizophrenic??

I guess this is too deep for you to understand. The idiot shouldn't threaten what he can't actually do. Especially on Twitter.

He's taking Kim Jong Un's bait just like the thin-skinned imbecile that he is.

Doesn't explain your hypocrisy dummy. Here let me rate your OP :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:

You really run into a wall by your third post. "Sad."

Many agree with my posts, yours not so much. We are still waiting for you to explain the fear mongering 'Trump is going to nuke someone, take the nuke football away from him' narrative vs your current narrative that Trump couldn't nuke NK even if he wanted to. Why the two polar opposite narratives? Just admit you are a liar I mean its rather obvious at this point.

Why don't you go over to some of the boards on Facebook and try to throw your fat ass around there? It's not seething with redneck rightwing idiots like this one. You'd fare very poorly. Better stay here where it's safe, flake. No snow. Just a flake.
Funny. Trump has garnered respect around the globe, and here at home. He has made it known that he isn't the pushover that The Blamer was. When congress gets back from their August recess, you're gonna see a whole new attitude from both sides of the aisle. Or they won't be there much longer.
What you leftist clowns don't understand, or ever will, is Trump is putting America first. That is exactly why I voted for him, and exactly why he will be a two-term president, if he chooses.[/QUOTE]

Goddamn, you been asleep since last summer? Or just brain dead?
Doesn't explain your hypocrisy dummy. Here let me rate your OP :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:

You really run into a wall by your third post. "Sad."

Many agree with my posts, yours not so much. We are still waiting for you to explain the fear mongering 'Trump is going to nuke someone, take the nuke football away from him' narrative vs your current narrative that Trump couldn't nuke NK even if he wanted to. Why the two polar opposite narratives? Just admit you are a liar I mean its rather obvious at this point.

Why don't you go over to some of the boards on Facebook and try to throw your fat ass around there? It's not seething with redneck rightwing idiots like this one. You'd fare very poorly. Better stay here where it's safe, flake. No snow. Just a flake.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- even their insults make no sense . The lefties are funny as they quiver and shake with fear BluesLegend .

Trump got elected by instilling fear into idiots like yourself and BoozeLegend. Fear of Mexicans, China, judges, the federal gov't and "fake news". But not Russia or Putin. Never a bad word about his butt-buddy Putin.
Looks like you should just admit you're a snowflake who is easily frightened by anything that happens outside of the norm.
Doesn't explain your hypocrisy dummy. Here let me rate your OP :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:

You really run into a wall by your third post. "Sad."

Many agree with my posts, yours not so much. We are still waiting for you to explain the fear mongering 'Trump is going to nuke someone, take the nuke football away from him' narrative vs your current narrative that Trump couldn't nuke NK even if he wanted to. Why the two polar opposite narratives? Just admit you are a liar I mean its rather obvious at this point.

Why don't you go over to some of the boards on Facebook and try to throw your fat ass around there? It's not seething with redneck rightwing idiots like this one. You'd fare very poorly. Better stay here where it's safe, flake. No snow. Just a flake.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- even their insults make no sense . The lefties are funny as they quiver and shake with fear BluesLegend .

Trump got elected by instilling fear into idiots like yourself and BoozeLegend. Fear of Mexicans, China, judges, the federal gov't and "fake news". But not Russia or Putin. Never a bad word about his butt-buddy Putin.
-------------------------------------------- Russia and Putin are the guys that we should be friendly with as we sh1tcan the muslims and other third worlders like mexicans '2020' .

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