Trump's " and fury" against NK --What a clown.

Ah, N. Korea is being run by a psycho. That dufus over there doesn't give a shit about the rest of the world.

Same in the USA.
I think you should move to N Korea. They like good little marxist followers as yourself.

All these Moon Bats wish the US was either a North Korea Communist dictatorship or a Venezuela or a Cuba. God only knows they work their asses off to to create one in the US.
What does the left want to do about N.K.? The leaderless democrat party is silent and who knows if they intend to undermine Trump no matter what he does. Angry lefties feel free to call the President a clown but their memory is short. When Hillary's husband was literally caught with his pants down he bombed freaking Europe and the crazy left cheered him on while 9-11 terrorists were going to flight school in Florida.
Clearly Trump is being out maneuvered by Kim Jong'un whose actions continue to have Trump hammering a wedge between the U.S. and our allies and trading partners.
All these Moon Bats wish the US was either a North Korea Communist dictatorship or a Venezuela or a Cuba. God only knows they work their asses off to to create one in the US.

We just want a president who acts like a president, and doesn't scare the shit out of world leaders every time he tweets something stupid.

The Generals at the pentagon thought Trump was ordering a military strike on N. Korea, until he finished his tweet on the transgender ban.

Trump even scares the shit out of his own generals.
Many agree with my posts, yours not so much. We are still waiting for you to explain the fear mongering 'Trump is going to nuke someone, take the nuke football away from him' narrative vs your current narrative that Trump couldn't nuke NK even if he wanted to. Why the two polar opposite narratives? Just admit you are a liar I mean its rather obvious at this point.

Why don't you go over to some of the boards on Facebook and try to throw your fat ass around there? It's not seething with redneck rightwing idiots like this one. You'd fare very poorly. Better stay here where it's safe, flake. No snow. Just a flake.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- even their insults make no sense . The lefties are funny as they quiver and shake with fear BluesLegend .

Trump got elected by instilling fear into idiots like yourself and BoozeLegend. Fear of Mexicans, China, judges, the federal gov't and "fake news". But not Russia or Putin. Never a bad word about his butt-buddy Putin.
-------------------------------------------- Russia and Putin are the guys that we should be friendly with as we sh1tcan the muslims and other third worlders like mexicans '2020' .

Just when I didn't think someone on this board could get any stupider.
Than you?
Clearly Trump is being out maneuvered by Kim Jong'un whose actions continue to have Trump hammering a wedge between the U.S. and our allies and trading partners.

Kim Jong Un called Trumps bluff on "fire and fury and power, the likes of which the earth has never seen"
Trump promised to unleash fire and fury if N. Korea threatened the US or one of its allies.

Hello - This is Japan calling. N. Korea just launched an ICBM over Japan. What are you going to do about it?

What do you mean he was just bluffing? We have potential nukes flying over our heads.

What do you mean don't worry? What do you mean Trump is working on a really vicious tweet about Kim Jong Un?

Is that all you got?
The nuclear program and all the research and development for the missiles happened under Obama. .

Actually the nuclear program happened under Bush.

You are really confused Moon Bat and an asshole trying to blame Obama's failures on Bush. That shit gets old after awhile.

Actually it started back when Slick Willy was President and he gave them the needed resources but took off in the last eight years and that got the Norks to the point where they have the technology. We can thank the worthless affirmation action Kenyan for that. Especially him enabling Valarie Jarrett's Iranian buddies to be able to transfer technology.
Clearly Trump is being out maneuvered by Kim Jong'un whose actions continue to have Trump hammering a wedge between the U.S. and our allies and trading partners.
Just the opposite, genius. China and Japan have both condemned the actions of N. Korea and have answered Trumps call for trade sanctions.
What does the left want to do about N.K.? The leaderless democrat party is silent and who knows if they intend to undermine Trump no matter what he does. Angry lefties feel free to call the President a clown but their memory is short. When Hillary's husband was literally caught with his pants down he bombed freaking Europe and the crazy left cheered him on while 9-11 terrorists were going to flight school in Florida.
I don't know what anyone else wants to do, but I want the U.S. to recognize the fact that NK has nukes. Duh.
Now, I don't know why the U.S. feels it needs to maintain such a strong presence in Korea and Japan, but presumably it's to deter China from getting any smart ideas? Maybe? That is what has NK's panties in a twist. But the only way to talk this out and come to some sort of solution is diplomacy, including China, which has been absolutely stopped cold from happening by the absurd diplomatic stance that NK is not a nuclear power.
We aren't angels either. Maybe if we want something so bad, we'd be willing to give a little? Do we have to be bunched up practicing our military drills within spitting distance of the NK border? I don't know the answer to any of these questions, but that's what I want.
Trump promised to unleash fire and fury if N. Korea threatened the US or one of its allies.

Hello - This is Japan calling. N. Korea just launched an ICBM over Japan. What are you going to do about it?

What do you mean he was just bluffing? We have potential nukes flying over our heads.

You are confused Moon Bat and you keep on reminding us of your confusion. .

The worthless affirmative action Kenyan was more interested in picking basketball tournaments brackets and kissing the Muslims asses than he was in preventing nuclear proliferation by a Communist madman and that is why Trump is having to deal with the problem now.
Actually the nuclear program happened under Bush.

You are really confused Moon Bat and an asshole trying to blame Obama's failures on Bush. That shit gets old after awhile..

Before Bush N. Korea didn't have any nuclear weapons, or the capability to make them for the next 20 years.

N. Korea developed and built nukes starting in 2003, tested them starting in 2006. And had dozens of nukes by 2008.

And you blame that on Obama?
You are confused Moon Bat and you keep on reminding us of your confusion. .

The worthless affirmative action Kenyan was more interested in picking basketball tournaments brackets and kissing the Muslims asses than he was in preventing nuclear proliferation by a Communist madman and that is why Trump is having to deal with the problem now.

N. Korea didn't fly missiles, over our allies under Obama.

They didn't launch ICBM's until Trump started to threaten them.

They didn't test H-bombs until Trump promised "fire and fury and power"
Clearly Trump is being out maneuvered by Kim Jong'un whose actions continue to have Trump hammering a wedge between the U.S. and our allies and trading partners.
Just the opposite, genius. China and Japan have both condemned the actions of N. Korea and have answered Trumps call for trade sanctions.

If you really believe that China and Japan were guided by Trump and not acting in their own self interest then I know of some ocean front property in Yuma you might be interested in.
Twitter: FYI, more people attended my inauguration than yours
What are you going to do about it Mr. tiny hands? - Kim Jong Un.
China cant build a fucking bridge or building that doesn't fall down and these moron leftists are scared of them.....Without us they would be broke in a month
Clearly Trump is being out maneuvered by Kim Jong'un whose actions continue to have Trump hammering a wedge between the U.S. and our allies and trading partners.
Just the opposite, genius. China and Japan have both condemned the actions of N. Korea and have answered Trumps call for trade sanctions.

Japan doesn't trade with N. Korea, and China isn't cutting it's trade with N. Korea. But just like Trump, they're issuing really strong statements condemning N. Korea. If that doesn't work, Plan B involves sticks and stones.
China cant build a fucking bridge or building that doesn't fall down and these moron leftists are scared of them.....Without us they would be broke in a month

China built a great wall.

Trump can't.

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