Trump’s First Year Was Even Worse Than Feared

7 links proving what these assholes didn’t know about their own fuhrer.

Notice not one link debunking it.

All they can do is cry FAKE NEWS.

Ha ha ha ha
Seven links from cry baby regressive fools with no proof on anything. Like always, and then you repeat it over and over and over like that proves anything. Where is your proof? Actual FACTS of pollution? Where is the order saying the "RIGHT TO POLLUTE" has been granted? Where is anything tangible other than media opinions from liberal cry babies?
More regressive opinion stories that prove nothing.
Is Fox News “ regressive?”
Trump overturns bill on coal mining debris

lol Mikey gets his ass kicked AGAIN.
Yes Fox is liberal. Like I have stated here many times. Where is the proof any polluting has been done? All you have a are media links to other turds crying over regs being removed. They prove nothing.
When backed into a corner the bed wetter can only muster,” Fox News is liberal.”
How fucking funny is that.

Just like the fuhrer himself, his cult cant admit when they’re wrong or hold him accountable.
I answered your question about Fox, and now you play the nazi card just like regressives do every time they cannot get away with their lies. Next it'll be the race card.
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7 links proving what these assholes didn’t know about their own fuhrer.

Notice not one link debunking it.

All they can do is cry FAKE NEWS.

Ha ha ha ha
Seven links from cry baby regressive fools with no proof on anything. Like always, and then you repeat it over and over and over like that proves anything. Where is your proof? Actual FACTS of pollution? Where is the order saying the "RIGHT TO POLLUTE" has been granted? Where is anything tangible other than media opinions from liberal cry babies?
Where is the order?
It was one of the first EO’s Trump signed. Remember when he held it up like a 3rd grader proud of his work?
Poor poor Lil Mikey.... doesn’t know shit about his own prez which is why he supports the antenvironmental prez.
This is so much fun watching the cognitive dissonance of the cult when they come face to face with what this prez is doing.
“To understand how deviant the Trump administration is, consider this: Since its founding, the nation has treasured civilian control of the military as a restraint on adventurism. Now we must rely on three generals — Trump's chief of staff, his national security adviser and his secretary of defense — to keep this rash and erratic president from careering off the rails.”

Only president that has need multiple babysitters to keep him from starting WWIII or ruining the country more than he has already.

Trump has all but ceded his role as Commander-in-Chief to his generals. We know this because of the botched mission in Niger where four American Marines were killed and Trump acted like he didn't know about the mission at all. We found out about it in the press. Something that a Commander-in-Chief should know first. Either Trump ordered that mission and didn't know the consequences (in which case, he wasn't listening to his generals) or he didn't order the mission (in which case, he's not Commander-in-Chief).

The four dead Marines in Niger deserve no less than 7 different investigations to find out what the hell happened.
Every despicable thing he does is always excused by his cult. View attachment 167980
/----/ Hey Spanky, try and keep up with the news: Year One List: 81 major Trump achievements, 11 Obama legacy items repealed
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worse than feared for dems and libs. Better than hoped for; for working americans, retired americans, police, military, and patriotic law abiding citizens.
Here’s a picture of the POLLUTER IN CHIEF signing the EO that lets Big Coal pollute.
Standing next to him is the scoundrel Scott Pruitt with an erection knowing more damage will be done to our environment.
Also there are coal miners who many admit Coal is a dying industry.
More regressive opinion stories that prove nothing.
Is Fox News “ regressive?”
Trump overturns bill on coal mining debris

lol Mikey gets his ass kicked AGAIN.
Yes Fox is liberal. Like I have stated here many times. Where is the proof any polluting has been done? All you have a are media links to other turds crying over regs being removed. They prove nothing.
Howbout lets go swimming in these lakes and rivers!
example 1
example 2
example 3
Last one in is a rotten egg.

But the best part is this: "Lawmakers also voted to rescind a separate rule requiring companies to disclose payments made to foreign governments relating to mining and drilling."
‘Trump and his enablers have waged a relentless war against truth in an attempt to delegitimize any and all critical voices. He wields the epithet “fake news” as a cudgel against inconvenient facts and those who report them. Can a democracy function without a commonly accepted chronicle of events and encyclopedia of knowledge? We are conducting a dangerous experiment to find out.’ ibid

It's a dangerous experiment being conducted against the will of a majority of the American people.

That was Obama and the left wing media------------WTF is wrong with you?
7 links proving what these assholes didn’t know about their own fuhrer.

Notice not one link debunking it.

All they can do is cry FAKE NEWS.

Ha ha ha ha
And yet you posted nothing about pollution
“To understand how deviant the Trump administration is, consider this: Since its founding, the nation has treasured civilian control of the military as a restraint on adventurism. Now we must rely on three generals — Trump's chief of staff, his national security adviser and his secretary of defense — to keep this rash and erratic president from careering off the rails.”

Only president that has need multiple babysitters to keep him from starting WWIII or ruining the country more than he has already.

Trump has all but ceded his role as Commander-in-Chief to his generals. We know this because of the botched mission in Niger where four American Marines were killed and Trump acted like he didn't know about the mission at all. We found out about it in the press. Something that a Commander-in-Chief should know first. Either Trump ordered that mission and didn't know the consequences (in which case, he wasn't listening to his generals) or he didn't order the mission (in which case, he's not Commander-in-Chief).

The four dead Marines in Niger deserve no less than 7 different investigations to find out what the hell happened.
Every despicable thing he does is always excused by his cult. View attachment 167980
/----/ Hey Spanky, try and keep up withteh news: Year One List: 81 major Trump achievements, 11 Obama legacy items repealed
List already debunked.
Giving Wall St. less regulations to do what they did in 2007 is NOT an achievement.

Replacing scientists with fossil fuel CEO’s in the EPA is NOT an achievement.

Hurting Americans is NOT an achievement.
“To understand how deviant the Trump administration is, consider this: Since its founding, the nation has treasured civilian control of the military as a restraint on adventurism. Now we must rely on three generals — Trump's chief of staff, his national security adviser and his secretary of defense — to keep this rash and erratic president from careering off the rails.”

Only president that has need multiple babysitters to keep him from starting WWIII or ruining the country more than he has already.

Trump has all but ceded his role as Commander-in-Chief to his generals. We know this because of the botched mission in Niger where four American Marines were killed and Trump acted like he didn't know about the mission at all. We found out about it in the press. Something that a Commander-in-Chief should know first. Either Trump ordered that mission and didn't know the consequences (in which case, he wasn't listening to his generals) or he didn't order the mission (in which case, he's not Commander-in-Chief).

The four dead Marines in Niger deserve no less than 7 different investigations to find out what the hell happened.
Every despicable thing he does is always excused by his cult. View attachment 167980
/----/ Hey Spanky, try and keep up withteh news: Year One List: 81 major Trump achievements, 11 Obama legacy items repealed
List already debunked.
Giving Wall St. less regulations to do what they did in 2007 is NOT an achievement.

Replacing scientists with fossil fuel CEO’s in the EPA is NOT an achievement.

Hurting Americans is NOT an achievement.
What Americans have been hurt? Proof?
Grit your teeth. Persevere. Just a few more days and this awful, rotten, no-good, ridiculous, rancorous, sordid, disgraceful year in the civic life of our nation will be over. Here's hoping that we all — particularly special counsel Robert S. Mueller III — have a better 2018.

Many of us began 2017 with the consoling thought that the Donald Trump presidency couldn't possibly be as bad as we feared. It turned out to be worse.

Did you ever think you would hear a president use the words "very fine people" to describe participants in a torch-lit rally organized by white supremacists, neo- Nazis and the Ku Klux Klan? Did you ever think you would hear a U.S. ambassador to the United Nations thuggishly threaten that she would be "taking names" of countries that did not vote on a General Assembly resolution the way she wanted? Did you ever think the government of the world's biggest military and economic power would reject not just science but also empiricism itself, preferring to use made-up "alternative facts" as the basis for major decisions?

We knew that Trump was narcissistic and shallow, but on Inauguration Day it was possible to at least hope he was self-aware enough to understand the weight that now rested on his shoulders, and perhaps grow into the job. He did not. If anything, he has gotten worse.

Here are the reasons why:

Opinion | Trump’s first year was even worse than feared

Trump overturns law preventing companies dumping coal mining debris in streams and rivers
President dismisses regulation as 'a job-killing rule' by signing Resolution 38, nullifying stream protection legislation

Donald Trump has overturned a law preventing companies dumping coal mining debris in streams

9th source proving what this bastard is doing.
9th opinion from the shill
^^ allergic to facts.
It’s part of the oath he took when he supported the serial sex offender..
My work here is done, and I would like to thank "reasonable" for helping secure an even greater dim loss in 2018. Kudos to you sir!
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Moron: Youre lying Trump signed an order to let Big Coal pollute..Show me a link.

Me: 8 links

Moron : they’re only opinion by the left wing media

Me: link saying the same thing from Fox

Moron: Fox is liberal.

I rest my case.

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