Trump gives another gift to V. Putin


Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2012
Washington (CNN) President Donald Trump's decision to pull nearly 12,000 US troops from Germany triggered an onslaught of disapproval from Republicans, Democrats and former senior military officials, who said the move will benefit Russia, degrade US national security and military readiness, cost US taxpayers billions and undermine US relations with Germany, NATO and Europe.

Trump's explanation to reporters about the withdrawal, announced Wednesday morning by Defense Secretary Mark Esper, misrepresented how NATO works and contradicted his own military officials, raising questions about what strategy -- if any -- drove the decision.


We know that Trump did not give a damn enough about American lives in Afghanistan to confront Putin about GRU bounties on American lives. Not content to disregard American lives, his administration has given Putin another gift: withdrawal of 12,000 troops from Germany. Putin has sought this for years. The decision by Trump is so fucked up, Administration officials can‘t even come up for a rationale for the withdrawal.

It may be that Trump is just repaying past favors to Putin or does not like Merkel or NATO or all of the above, but there can be no doubt that Trump is the gift that keeps on giving to one of our greatest adversaries and all to our detriment.
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We have way too many troops in way too many places around the world. Bring them home. Germany is a big boy now, they can take care of themselves.
Nah, the troops have kept the peace. NATO wants them there. This is Trump doing favors for our adversaries to the detriment of our allies. Putin is breaking out the good Vodka today.
The withdrawal of U.S. troops from Germany is being called a gift for Putin. Here’s why

The Trump administration just announced the upcoming withdrawal of nearly 12,000 U.S. troops from bases in Germany. Experts say this damages America’s alliances with Germany and with Europe as a whole, and advances one of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s key objectives - to weaken NATO and dim U.S. influence in the region.

Of the 12,000 troops being withdrawn from Germany, half will be going home to the United States. Most of the rest will be going to Italy and some will go to Belgium. If the troops were being deployed to countries like Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, then the the move would make some sense. But their not. The troops are being sent further away from the potential conflict zone with Russia in countries like Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland. This action weakens NATO, increased the possibility of Russian military action against NATO members like Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland, which increases the possibility of World War III.

If Joe Biden is elected President in November, he will stop this move move and instead reinforce U.S. and NATO defenses in northeastern Europe!
We have way too many troops in way too many places around the world. Bring them home. Germany is a big boy now, they can take care of themselves.
Nah, the troops have kept the peace. NATO wants them there. This is Trump doing favors for our adversaries to the detriment of our allies. Putin is breaking out the good Vodka today.
We had over 40,000 troops in Germany. Pulling 12k is meaningless.
Russia, Russia, Russia........

We have way too many troops in way too many places around the world. Bring them home. Germany is a big boy now, they can take care of themselves.
Nah, the troops have kept the peace. NATO wants them there. This is Trump doing favors for our adversaries to the detriment of our allies. Putin is breaking out the good Vodka today.
We had over 40,000 troops in Germany. Pulling 12k is meaningless.
That is 30% of all troops. Does not look meaningless to me. Trump’s message is clear.
Germany and russia are friends. Hek germans are mad at us because we dropped sanctions on a russia/Germany pipeline. Even europe sided with the ruskies.
But yeah Trump sucks putin dick
Germany and russia are friends. Hek germans are mad at us because we dropped sanctions on a russia/Germany pipeline. Even europe sided with the ruskies.
But yeah Trump sucks putin dick
Germany and Russia are friends? They do business together but they are leery of each other. Did Germany or NATO ask for removal of the troops? No they did not.

Before calling others morons do you homework because you only come across as a fool when you do so.

We have way too many troops in way too many places around the world. Bring them home. Germany is a big boy now, they can take care of themselves.
Nah, the troops have kept the peace. NATO wants them there. This is Trump doing favors for our adversaries to the detriment of our allies. Putin is breaking out the good Vodka today.
We had over 40,000 troops in Germany. Pulling 12k is meaningless.

pull them all. the cold war is over. it is insane that we are treaty bound to fight wwiii over estonia.
Washington (CNN) President Donald Trump's decision to pull nearly 12,000 US troops from Germany triggered an onslaught of disapproval from Republicans, Democrats and former senior military officials, who said the move will benefit Russia, degrade US national security and military readiness, cost US taxpayers billions and undermine US relations with Germany, NATO and Europe.

Trump's explanation to reporters about the withdrawal, announced Wednesday morning by Defense Secretary Mark Esper, misrepresented how NATO works and contradicted his own military officials, raising questions about what strategy -- if any -- drove the decision.


We know that Trump did not give a damn enough about American lives in Afghanistan to confront Putin about GRU bounties on American lives. Not content to disregard American lives, his administration has given Putin another gift: withdrawal of 12,000 troops from Germany. Putin has sought this for years. The decision by Trump is so fucked up, Administration officials can‘t even come up for a rationale for the withdrawal.

It may be that Trump just is repaying past favors to Putin or does not like Merkel or NATO or all of the above, but there can be no doubt that Trump is the gift that keeps on giving to one of our greatest adversaries and all to our detriment.

There is no proof that the Russian Federation put a bounty on American troops in Afghanistan. Just because it was in the Left Wing media doesn't mean its true. Accusing Uncle Pooty of this is in bad form w/o actual proof.

As far as troops in Germany, I can't see why Germany can't take care of its own military needs. BTW, this year, they said they don't want Americans traveling over there and have banned us all from their Reich.
Germany and russia are friends. Hek germans are mad at us because we dropped sanctions on a russia/Germany pipeline. Even europe sided with the ruskies.
But yeah Trump sucks putin dick
Germany and Russia are friends? They do business together but they are leery of each other. Did Germany or NATO ask for removal fo the troops? No they did not.

Before calling others morons do you homework because you only come across as a fool when you do so.

europe making themselves dependent on russian gas shows they are not serious about...

well , anything.
I love the way the Russian hoax always reappears whenever Democrats are fucking up and need something to criticize. It's like their phony systemic racism claims. Dems. need a diversion since our country is burning, chaos is enveloping everything and it's totally their party's fault. Our country's condition today is the reason we must not vote for Democrats. What's happening in America today is the Democrat's objective.
I love the way the Russian hoax always reappears whenever Democrats are fucking up and need something to criticize. It's like their phony systemic racism claims. Dems. need a diversion since our country is burning, chaos is enveloping everything and it's totally their party's fault. Our country's condition today is the reason we must not vote for Democrats. What's happening in America today is the Democrat's objective.
Only Trumpers call Trump’s own actions a hoax. Trump ordered withdrawals of 12,000 troops. Who benefits? Putin. That is not a hoax that is a fact.

The rest of your post is just deflection rubbish.
It blows my
I love the way the Russian hoax always reappears whenever Democrats are fucking up and need something to criticize. It's like their phony systemic racism claims. Dems. need a diversion since our country is burning, chaos is enveloping everything and it's totally their party's fault. Our country's condition today is the reason we must not vote for Democrats. What's happening in America today is the Democrat's objective.
Only Trumpers call Trump’s own actions a hoax. Trump ordered withdrawals of 12,000 troops. Who benefits? Putin. That is not a hoax that is a fact.

The rest of your post is just deflection rubbish.
We benefit too
If captain clorox added more troops, john would be mad.
If left wing media put out an article that said it was bad Trump is leaving all troops, john would be mad.
We call people like that "hacks" where im from. The bottom of the intelligence barrel
We have way too many troops in way too many places around the world. Bring them home. Germany is a big boy now, they can take care of themselves.
Nah, the troops have kept the peace. NATO wants them there. This is Trump doing favors for our adversaries to the detriment of our allies. Putin is breaking out the good Vodka today.
We had over 40,000 troops in Germany. Pulling 12k is meaningless.
That is 30% of all troops. Does not look meaningless to me. Trump’s message is clear.
30,000 troops in Germany is still way too many. We need enough peeps to run the airbase and that's it. We don't need ground troops anywhere, that's old school.
If captain clorox added more troops, john would be mad.
If left wing media put out an article that said it was bad Trump is leaving all troops, john would be mad.
We call people like that "hacks" where im from. The bottom of the intelligence barrel
Wrong! If Trump took action that strengthened the transatlantic alliance I would give Trump credit. The NATO alliance has kept the peace. I support it and am opposed to Russian hegemony. Some favor it. I don’t.

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