“Trump’s Going To Get Re-elected, Isn’t He?”

And so does Medicare
Really?!?! Interesting...

So you're saying sometimes they don't pay, thus leaving the patient high and dry in the dust?

Tell me something fella, what are the numbers of Americans on medicare that went backrupt over medical bills?
Since when do you care about responsible people?

Why do you think healthcare is so high?

The whole purpose of Obamacare
was to alleviate the governments financial burden.
What are they? You can't do your own research?
I've never heard of someone on medicare going bankrupt due to medical bills.

What does that tell you?
It tells me you want a government so big it will be the decision maker for Americans and that sucks. Individual rights will disappear. But that is what Democrats want.

Democrats want Gov't to be the sole provider of healthcare.........and then they take the guns!
Looks to me like a recipe for extreme co-dependency on Big Gov't and ensuing bondage!

"I’m struck at how many people have come up to me recently and said, “Trump’s going to get re-elected, isn’t he?” And in each case, when I drilled down to ask why, I bumped into the Democratic presidential debates in June. I think a lot of Americans were shocked by some of the things they heard there. I was.

"I was shocked that so many candidates in the party whose nominee I was planning to support want to get rid of the private health insurance covering some 250 million Americans and have “Medicare for all” instead. I think we should strengthen Obamacare and eventually add a public option.

"I was shocked that so many were ready to decriminalize illegal entry into our country. I think people should have to ring the doorbell before they enter my house or my country.

"I was shocked at all those hands raised in support of providing comprehensive health coverage to undocumented immigrants. I think promises we’ve made to our fellow Americans should take priority, like to veterans in need of better health care."

- Tom Friedman, The New York Times

Opinion | ‘Trump’s Going to Get Re-elected, Isn’t He?’
I would warn anyone about taking this path, that being the hillary road to implosion...it was her undoing and will be trumps if you guys keep predicting this...:2cents:

I agree being overconfident is a losing game, but circumstances often dictate outcomes. Short of the econ collapsing in September 2020, the odds are in his favor. The Democrats have nothing to offer.
Emergency room. Hospitals are bound by law to treat.
Not a good solution.

Not sustainable.

Not worthy of a system for the richest country in the world.

It's going to end and is being replaced by a better system.

Stand aside and watch.
first I aint no republican

behind where???

all youve done is complain,,,got any solutions that dont include theft or slavery???
I didn't call you one.

All I did was point out ONE difference between the two parties.

Why are you being so defensive?
I resent having to pay for others at the barrel of a gun.

These matters were previously handled by private charities, as they should be. Charity is not a venue of the federal government.
No amount of private charities can handle the job of what needs to be done nationally.

See my thread featuring Presidential Candidate Marianne Williamson debunking all the rightwing tropes and rhetoric via Dave Rubin.

Learn something for a change.

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