Trump's having a rough day

Trump Goes on All-Out Twitter Tirade Against Cruz, Romney, Erick Erickson, Megyn Kelly and Others

He sounds like he has totally lost it.

He is right about one thing. Mormons don't like liars. Hence Trump's problems

This is exactly what I meant when I referenced his insatiable need for attention and his thin-skinned nature. He just had a big win in the last primary and yet he's so fucking petty and maniacally insecure that he obsesses about Megyn Kelly. He has no business running for POTUS.

He has your attention and wow who is obsessing? :laugh:
Another day, another 20 Avatar4321 anti-Trump threads. Ho-hum.

Boy, you know, it sure would be swell if, instead of wasting your time with bullshit like this...maybe start a positive thread about the candidate you support.

I would challenge you Avatar4321...find ONE negative thing I've said about your candidate. Just one.

I think this would explain a great deal about why your side is losing.

What is worse than insulting Trump is that the Cruz campaign including Cruz himself are out there insulting the crap out of those that back Trump. Even the talkers have been slagging Trump supporters.

Levin and the Red Eye guys in particular.

The bloody fools absolutely don't understand that if you keep calling Trump supporters every name in the book they won't come to Cruz if Trump loses to him and Cruz goes on to the general.

Cruz absolutely can't win the general with Jeb Bush/Rubio/Kasich supporters. :lol:

It's crazy that they just don't get it.

This is truly the most entertaining political season of my lifetime.
Yep......watching the Democrat race is like watching snails fuck....
Actually, that's quite fascinating...

Sorry, "get a life" .. crossed my mind.. :smile:

Welcome to the USMB Expat .. it could only get better from here.. (just teasing)

Fine, carry on ignoring the rest of reality going on around you.

This is truly the most entertaining political season of my lifetime.
Yep......watching the Democrat race is like watching snails fuck....
Actually, that's quite fascinating...

Sorry, "get a life" .. crossed my mind.. :smile:

Welcome to the USMB Expat .. it could only get better from here.. (just teasing)

Fine, carry on ignoring the rest of reality going on around you.

Sheesh, you'll have a lot more fun around here if you have a sense of humor, actually, it's a requirement.

That video was fascinating... I :crybaby:
He's just hitting hard like he always does. How is that losing it?

Well, it's alot like going out to the club and leaving with a fat chick. Sure, you might be getting laid. But there's nothing lucky about it.

I guess you missed the great news he got today about the polls in New York where he's up 52 points on Cruz. 95 delegates are probably going all his way because at the percentage he's got it's winner take all.

But hey if you think he's crying in his beer because Lindsey Graham and Mitt Romney endorsed Cruz instead of him, be my freaking guest.

He's just hitting hard like he always does. How is that losing it?

Are we saying he's losing it because the establishment is backing Cruz? That Lindsay Graham is holding fundraisers for Cruz? That Mitt Romney has come out for the anti *cough* establishment candidate?

Oh and he has a 52 point lead over Cruz in New York with 95 delegates at stake?

I think he's actually having a lot of fun today. I know I am.
Classic Trump. He is rubbing it in.............causing blow back for FREE ADVERTISING...........and he will get it.

But then they say that not all advertising is good advertising.

At what point do people get fed up of all of this? Not those at the bottom of the pile of society who will probably stay with Trump the whole way, but the people who can change elections?
Look at the TV shows of today and get back to me. He is feeding the Mob........He understands what they want to hear. Same thing Dems do.
Yep......but the Dems motivations center completely on punishing the right, whereas the right just wants to force the left to leave them the fuck alone.
Looks to me like he's having a blast. He has a poll going on twitter on who should star in the remake of Liar Liar.


He's just hitting hard like he always does. How is that losing it?

Well, it's alot like going out to the club and leaving with a fat chick. Sure, you might be getting laid. But there's nothing lucky about it.

I guess you missed the great news he got today about the polls in New York where he's up 52 points on Cruz. 95 delegates are probably going all his way because at the percentage he's got it's winner take all.

But hey if you think he's crying in his beer because Lindsey Graham and Mitt Romney endorsed Cruz instead of him, be my freaking guest.

An endorsement from Lindsey Grahmnesty and Mitt Romney seems to me to be the kiss of death to political careers.

They only want to make sure that Trump doesn't get enough delegates....they don't care for anyone who's in the race.

This is truly the most entertaining political season of my lifetime.
Yep......watching the Democrat race is like watching snails fuck....
Actually, that's quite fascinating...

Sorry, "get a life" .. crossed my mind.. :smile:

Welcome to the USMB Expat .. it could only get better from here.. (just teasing)

Fine, carry on ignoring the rest of reality going on around you.

Just realised I picked up the wrong reply. D'oh!
I will be honest, implying a sense of decency to Mormons (they don't like liars, implying honesty is important to them) was unexpected from me on Trump's part.

I'm surprised he didn't insult the religion in response to Romney's affiliation to it, and his desire to appeal to born-again Christians who generally hold that religion in contempt
Trump Goes on All-Out Twitter Tirade Against Cruz, Romney, Erick Erickson, Megyn Kelly and Others

He sounds like he has totally lost it.

He is right about one thing. Mormons don't like liars. Hence Trump's problems
Trump will continue to melt down in more extreme ways as time goes on. The man is delusional and not mentally stable. If he does manage to last and get the nomination, we will unload on him like he's never seen, knowing he's obsessed with responding to every criticism. At some point he will just flat out lose it.
Mr.Trump honestly needs to learn to keep his mouth shut...truly!

Are we going to have him doing this twittering IF he's President of the United States?

IS this how he will deal with foreign leaders he may differ with? He's an embarrassment, and not at all leader like imo

As it stands, he is NOT in any way, presidential material...he really needs to work on that....IF he honestly wants to represent the USA.
He's not President yet and I was checking his twitter stats and they are staggering. Over 7 million followers from what I read and he's ranked something like 260th something in the world for popularity on twitter.

And he's a smart ass and funny.
Mr.Trump honestly needs to learn to keep his mouth shut...truly!

Are we going to have him doing this twittering IF he's President of the United States?

IS this how he will deal with foreign leaders he may differ with? He's an embarrassment, and not at all leader like imo

As it stands, he is NOT in any way, presidential material...he really needs to work on that....IF he honestly wants to represent the USA.

And I remember a lot of people who initially thought Clinton wasn't Presidential material because he went on late night talk shows, he played the saxaphone, he answered boxers or briefs and went jogging.

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