Trump's having a rough day

He's not President yet and I was checking his twitter stats and they are staggering. Over 7 million followers from what I read and he's ranked something like 260th something in the world for popularity on twitter.

And he's a smart ass and funny.

They laughed at Hitler before he won his election.

Twelve years later they didn't find him so funny.
He's not President yet and I was checking his twitter stats and they are staggering. Over 7 million followers from what I read and he's ranked something like 260th something in the world for popularity on twitter.

And he's a smart ass and funny.

So now you want to elect Al Franken for President?
Anyone else think Trump decided to run for POTUS the moment Obama mocked him at the WH Correspondents Dinner.

Oh....what a night that was.

Come to think of it. He didn't tweet much that night. Did he?

Yes, absolutely that occurred to me. It became the next obsession of "how can I top this guy? I know -- I'll take office from him. Then I'll be a 'winner'".

Must be an interesting campaign for ---- pediatricians.

Thats probably it come to think about it.

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