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Trump's high wire act

Nope, the police have one job, and that is to enforce the laws we created. All police shootings of suspects (armed or not) have one thing in common: they refused to obey the orders of the police.

Poiice are not supposed to shoot unarmed suspects. They're supposed to protect the public, not gun them down. If they were felons who committed crimes of serious bodily injury, they are considered armed and dangerous, even if they're not.
Nope, the police have one job, and that is to enforce the laws we created. All police shootings of suspects (armed or not) have one thing in common: they refused to obey the orders of the police.

Poiice are not supposed to shoot unarmed suspects.

Says who, you?

Police are allowed to use deadly force (as I am) when presented with a danger.

If an unarmed guy tries to break into my car because of some road rage incident, I have the legal right to blow his brains out, and there is nothing anybody can do to me. It doesn't matter if the attacker is armed or not. If they present me with a dangerous situation, I'm allowed to defend myself anyway necessary.
Police are allowed to use deadly force (as I am) when presented with a danger.

If an unarmed guy tries to break into my car because of some road rage incident, I have the legal right to blow his brains out, and there is nothing anybody can do to me. It doesn't matter if the attacker is armed or not. If they present me with a dangerous situation, I'm allowed to defend myself anyway necessary.

So if you get into a fender bender, and the guy jumps out of his car and runs toward you yelling like a mad man, you can pull out your gun and blow him away,

When he sees you pull out your gun, goes he then have the right to pull out his gun and blow you away?
Police are allowed to use deadly force (as I am) when presented with a danger.

If an unarmed guy tries to break into my car because of some road rage incident, I have the legal right to blow his brains out, and there is nothing anybody can do to me. It doesn't matter if the attacker is armed or not. If they present me with a dangerous situation, I'm allowed to defend myself anyway necessary.

So if you get into a fender bender, and the guy jumps out of his car and runs toward you yelling like a mad man, you can pull out your gun and blow him away,

When he sees you pull out your gun, goes he then have the right to pull out his gun and blow you away?

It's never happened before over here, but the law states if he's trying to break into my car, it's the same as trying to break into my home under the Castle Doctrine. If you feel that somebody is a threat, you stay in the safety of your car. If the attacker tries to break into your car to get you, it's legal to use deadly force.

If he attacks, sees you're ready to defend yourself with deadly force, and shoots you, he is going to jail for assault or murder. You can't use a firearm if you are the aggressor.
The point however (which flew over your head) is that crime is not because of poverty. A lot of people stay in or escape poverty without being involved in any kind of crime. Show me any black person today that grew up worse than my father and his siblings. They didn't even have a bathroom. Every fall they had to dig a new hole to move the outhouse to, and going outside in the winter up north is no picnic in the middle of the night. The damn thing didn't even have a roof on it.

Largely meaningless. Living back in those days was shitty for everyone, but your forebears were not subject to laws that held them in second class citizenry

Most blacks alive today were not held as second class citizens either. But their friends (the Democrats) pushed the idea of single-parent households. Single-parent households are directly related to poverty. Their buddies are also trying to bring in foreigners that take jobs blacks would otherwise have had. Out of wedlock births in the black community average 70%.

What aids in crime is no father figure in the home. I see it right here in my community. In fact, we had to create a policy of charging home owners for more than 3 police calls to a resident in a year. These single black mothers who can't control their male children when they reach teen years use the police as surrogate fathers. We simply ran out of time and resources for this nonsense. So after a while, the mother can't use the cops any longer, and the child grows up thinking he's above all authority because the mother can't control the kid anymore.
NO this part is not true "most blacks not 2nd class citizens" blacks went from owned to no class to 2nd class. It is scary for us white people who are use to having preferred treatment. what I don't understand is as they are only 12% of the population would we not be better of if we had assimilated them into the population?
There you go with your ignorance of the law again. Self-defense is not murder, it's self-defense, and every American is allowed to defend themselves. That goes for police and citizens alike

So he was defending himself from a child with a toy?

Wow.. I'm quivering.

One, he didn't know the 200 lbs 5'8" male was a child, and two, he didn't know that it was a toy gun.

Not that it would have made a difference. We constantly read stories here about kids brining guns into school with them. You're quivering? Well riddle me this: which bullet is likely to cost you your life, the one shot by a 30 year old, or the one shot by a 12 year old? Think real hard now Joe.
The point however (which flew over your head) is that crime is not because of poverty. A lot of people stay in or escape poverty without being involved in any kind of crime. Show me any black person today that grew up worse than my father and his siblings. They didn't even have a bathroom. Every fall they had to dig a new hole to move the outhouse to, and going outside in the winter up north is no picnic in the middle of the night. The damn thing didn't even have a roof on it.

Largely meaningless. Living back in those days was shitty for everyone, but your forebears were not subject to laws that held them in second class citizenry

Most blacks alive today were not held as second class citizens either. But their friends (the Democrats) pushed the idea of single-parent households. Single-parent households are directly related to poverty. Their buddies are also trying to bring in foreigners that take jobs blacks would otherwise have had. Out of wedlock births in the black community average 70%.

What aids in crime is no father figure in the home. I see it right here in my community. In fact, we had to create a policy of charging home owners for more than 3 police calls to a resident in a year. These single black mothers who can't control their male children when they reach teen years use the police as surrogate fathers. We simply ran out of time and resources for this nonsense. So after a while, the mother can't use the cops any longer, and the child grows up thinking he's above all authority because the mother can't control the kid anymore.
NO this part is not true "most blacks not 2nd class citizens" blacks went from owned to no class to 2nd class. It is scary for us white people who are use to having preferred treatment. what I don't understand is as they are only 12% of the population would we not be better of if we had assimilated them into the population?

No, because it's been tried repeatedly with failure. Integration simply doesn't work.

If you take 3/4 cup of fresh wholesome milk, and mix that with 1/4 cup of stale, old and sour milk, you only have one thing, and that is one cup of bad milk.

The good seldom changes the bad. Usually, the bad changes the good.

People of different races can live together in peace, but people of different cultures can't. That's why whites can live with Asians, Arabs, Jews, just about any other race or ethnicity with no problem.

My suburb was once an all white suburb. When change took place, the changes were monumental. the good people left. Our schools turned into gang battle grounds. Our city even had to stop Forth of July fireworks because you can't assemble any large group of blacks without it turning into gang fights or riots. Most of the other suburbs around us had to do the same thing.
One, he didn't know the 200 lbs 5'8" male was a child, and two, he didn't know that it was a toy gun.

The people who called it in did. and the gun wasn't out or visible.

Not that it would have made a difference. We constantly read stories here about kids brining guns into school with them. You're quivering? Well riddle me this: which bullet is likely to cost you your life, the one shot by a 30 year old, or the one shot by a 12 year old? Think real hard now Joe.

Sounds like a good reason to ban guns. Oh, wait. No. Then you'd have to contend with your 'shortcomings'.

My suburb was once an all white suburb. When change took place, the changes were monumental. the good people left. Our schools turned into gang battle grounds. Our city even had to stop Forth of July fireworks because you can't assemble any large group of blacks without it turning into gang fights or riots. Most of the other suburbs around us had to do the same thing.

Look, everyone, Ray brought the racism again.
People of different races can live together in peace, but people of different cultures can't. That's why whites can live with Asians, Arabs, Jews, just about any other race or ethnicity with no problem. .

Hence the history of "whites only" signs. And who got to sit in the front of the bus.
The people who called it in did. and the gun wasn't out or visible.

Then how did the gun end up on the ground? Why would any officer shoot somebody who wasn't presenting them with a threat?

The officers had no idea it was a kid because that part of the callers information was never relayed to the officers. Nor did they have any idea that it might be a toy. Even if that information was relayed, they can't depend on the assessment of a caller. He was only guessing.

Sounds like a good reason to ban guns. Oh, wait. No. Then you'd have to contend with your 'shortcomings'.

No, then you would finally learn that banning guns only disarms the innocent--not the criminal.

Look, everyone, Ray brought the racism again.

Yeah, to a liberal, truth is racism. Liberals hate truth.
Then how did the gun end up on the ground? Why would any officer shoot somebody who wasn't presenting them with a threat?

Because he was an emotionally unstable bully who lost his shit on a firing range?

We've been over this.

No, then you would finally learn that banning guns only disarms the innocent--not the criminal.

Every other industrial democracy bans private gun ownership.... they have a fraction of our crime.
Because he was an emotionally unstable bully who lost his shit on a firing range?

We've been over this.

Oh, so the goal posts are moved again? So what you're saying is he took a chance that the kid had a gun and really didn't see it???

Because after all, if he didn't have a gun of any sort, this officer would have faced murder charges and went to prison with the people who hate his kind the most outside of liberals. But then again, most criminals are liberals anyway.

Every other industrial democracy bans private gun ownership.... they have a fraction of our crime.

They are also not multicultural as we are.

Plus the fact that places that did institute gun bans seen no difference in gun and violent crime. Some have even seen an increase. What they did see however is other crimes increase such as theft, rape and physical assaults.
Oh, so the goal posts are moved again? So what you're saying is he took a chance that the kid had a gun and really didn't see it???

I'm saying he never saw it. He popped out of his car firing 1.6 seconds after his car stopped. He had no opportunity to see what that kid had. He just started shooting.

Because he was an emotionally stunted, immature person who never, ever, should have been given a badge and a gun.

Because after all, if he didn't have a gun of any sort, this officer would have faced murder charges and went to prison with the people who hate his kind the most outside of liberals. But then again, most criminals are liberals anyway.

Uh, no. Cops never go to jail for shooting black people. That's the fucking problem. You can't think he was actually worried about something that never happened. The ONLY reason why this became a big deal was that it turned out to be a kid playing with a toy.

They are also not multicultural as we are.

Yeeeahhhh. Ray brought the Racism. He must have a machine that makes it at home.

Actually, France and the UK have plenty of multiculturalism and STILL not a fraction of our crime.

Plus the fact that places that did institute gun bans seen no difference in gun and violent crime. Some have even seen an increase. What they did see however is other crimes increase such as theft, rape and physical assaults.

Uh. No. Bullshit. The thing was, the countries that instituted gun bans didn't have a lot of guns to start with... and everyone was good with that.

America, on the other hand, has a gun industry telling guys like you that you can make up for your shortcomings if you own a gun.
Uh. No. Bullshit. The thing was, the countries that instituted gun bans didn't have a lot of guns to start with... and everyone was good with that.

No, not everybody was good with that. In fact, some do want the repeal of gun laws in their country because other crimes increased and they have no way to protect themselves like you'd like to see happen here.

Uh, no. Cops never go to jail for shooting black people. That's the fucking problem. You can't think he was actually worried about something that never happened. The ONLY reason why this became a big deal was that it turned out to be a kid playing with a toy.

No, the only reason is because he was black. Outside of your self-hating white world, all people are treated the same in a police shooting. In your racist world, if a white cop shoots a black suspect, he should be sent to prison immediately no questions asked.

I'm saying he never saw it. He popped out of his car firing 1.6 seconds after his car stopped. He had no opportunity to see what that kid had. He just started shooting.

Because he was an emotionally stunted, immature person who never, ever, should have been given a badge and a gun.

Right, because if it was somebody with a real gun, 2.1 seconds would have cost him and his partner their lives.

All you leftists think you are mind readers. It's quite amazing really how delusional you people are. You know more than the investigators, you know what the cop seen or thought, you know more than the grand jury, you know more than forensic scientists, you know more than your own Communist news sites, you leftists seem to know more than everybody.

Yet with all that you think you know, you don't know squat about our court system or laws.
No, not everybody was good with that. In fact, some do want the repeal of gun laws in their country because other crimes increased and they have no way to protect themselves like you'd like to see happen here.

every country has those guys who are "compensating' for the "shortcomings", but unlike here, they don't listen to this angry minority.

No, the only reason is because he was black. Outside of your self-hating white world, all people are treated the same in a police shooting. In your racist world, if a white cop shoots a black suspect, he should be sent to prison immediately no questions asked.

Well, that's EXACTLY what would happen if they shot a white kid. Except they almost never shoot white kids. In fact, gave you a whole list of white kids who had ACTUAL GUNS who were taken into custody without being shot.

Right, because if it was somebody with a real gun, 2.1 seconds would have cost him and his partner their lives.

But it wasn't a real gun.

All you leftists think you are mind readers. It's quite amazing really how delusional you people are. You know more than the investigators, you know what the cop seen or thought, you know more than the grand jury, you know more than forensic scientists, you know more than your own Communist news sites, you leftists seem to know more than everybody.

Yes, we know that this was a whitewash, where the Grand Jury wasn't even allowed to vote, where the prosecutor withheld evidence and didn't even TRY to get an indictment. And that's the problem with these killer cops. The Prosecutors don't want to run their relationship with the PD, so they don't persue these cases.

Which is why it's taken four years to put Jason Van Dyke on trial even though he's ON TAPE SHOOTING A CHILD IN THE BACK WHILE HE'S LYING ON THE GROUND!! 16 TIMES!!!

The good news- Communities are getting fed up with this shit, which is why Alvarez and McGinty are out of jobs.
every country has those guys who are "compensating' for the "shortcomings", but unlike here, they don't listen to this angry minority.

The Captain's Journal » Do Gun Bans Reduce Violent Crime? Ask the Aussies and Brits


Britain wants its guns back - The Commentator

UK police behind effort to ban knives to end ‘knife violence’

Well, that's EXACTLY what would happen if they shot a white kid. Except they almost never shoot white kids. In fact, gave you a whole list of white kids who had ACTUAL GUNS who were taken into custody without being shot.

You don't know who they shoot, and in fact, if you want me to post the local story I posted before about an unarmed white suspect getting shot, I still have the story. More whites get shot and killed by police every year than blacks. Proportionately, more blacks should be killed by police than whites because blacks make up most of the violent crime in this country. Compared to whites, blacks get more breaks.

But it wasn't a real gun.

But the cop had no way of knowing that.

Yes, we know that this was a whitewash, where the Grand Jury wasn't even allowed to vote, where the prosecutor withheld evidence and didn't even TRY to get an indictment. And that's the problem with these killer cops. The Prosecutors don't want to run their relationship with the PD, so they don't persue these cases.

Which is why it's taken four years to put Jason Van Dyke on trial even though he's ON TAPE SHOOTING A CHILD IN THE BACK WHILE HE'S LYING ON THE GROUND!! 16 TIMES!!!

The good news- Communities are getting fed up with this shit, which is why Alvarez and McGinty are out of jobs.

Talking to a leftist like you is like talking to a brick wall. I just posted an article (from a source even you used) pointing out that juries don't vote on criminal offenses in the shooting if the shooting was ruled justified under our law. HTF could they rule the shooting justified and then bring any criminal charges? If there were any charges to be brought, the grand jury would have ruled the shooting unjustified and then proceeded to list the charges. Ruling a shooting as justified precludes any further procedure.
You don't know who they shoot, and in fact, if you want me to post the local story I posted before about an unarmed white suspect getting shot, I still have the story. More whites get shot and killed by police every year than blacks. Proportionately, more blacks should be killed by police than whites because blacks make up most of the violent crime in this country. Compared to whites, blacks get more breaks.

Yeeeahhhh, Ray brought the Racism!!!

Talking to a leftist like you is like talking to a brick wall. I just posted an article (from a source even you used) pointing out that juries don't vote on criminal offenses in the shooting if the shooting was ruled justified under our law. HTF could they rule the shooting justified and then bring any criminal charges?

I don't know. How could guys EVERYONE knew Lynch Emmett Till and still be acquitted by a racist jury?
Then how did the gun end up on the ground? Why would any officer shoot somebody who wasn't presenting them with a threat?

Because he was an emotionally unstable bully who lost his shit on a firing range?

We've been over this.

No, then you would finally learn that banning guns only disarms the innocent--not the criminal.

Every other industrial democracy bans private gun ownership.... they have a fraction of our crime.
You need a better boogie man, this country has much bigger fish to fry... it's an non-issue.
You need to get out of your mothers basement more often.
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