Trumps home raided by fbi

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Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home searched by FBI, former president says

"Federal Bureau of Investigation agents have executed a search warrant at former president Donald Trump’s Palm Beach, Florida home at his Mar-a-Lago club, the ex-president said in a statement Monday evening.

Mr Trump said his Florida residence was “currently under siege, raided, and occupied by a large group of FBI agents” who, among other things, “broke into” a safe belonging to the ex-president."


The legal and political implications of this are - simply put - staggering.

The residence of a former President of the United States, subject to a search warrant and search process by the United States Department of Justice...

Trump isn't above the law, no matter what he thinks. His Jerry Springer presidency paid off, didn't it?
What’s up with this

For the first time in 242 years. The government agency (FBI) has raided the home of a former president.
The Rubicon has been crossed.
This is an abomination and violation of the law.
Christopher Wray has now become the Henrich Himmler of the Biden Reich,
I wonder, was CCN notified by Wray so that the raid could be televised?
Trump has been spied upon, lied about and impeached to no avail by the Progressive Maoist Left. This is undermining American Democracy.
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So you're ok with a violation of an American citizen's Fourth Amendment right to be free from unlawful search and seizure?

You really are a traitorous piece of shit, aren't you?
I have never seen a Dim with integrity... never seen a good dimrat president except JFK wasn't too hideous, at least not all the time. He was a slut.. but I don't recall him lying to We the People 24/7
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