Trump's Hurricane Katrina

Why did Obama ignore the 2005 report, that claimed the U.S. would need more than 700,000 ventilators should we have a pandemic like the Spanish Flu ?

Why has Obama left us so unprepared ?
For most Americans (except the biggest sheep that can never criticize anything a republican ever does), Bush's failed response to Hurricane Katrina was the moment when they realized he truly was a terrible president, and a failed president. The Bush financial meltdown was no surprise, as we already knew he was a failure.

Trump's failed response, and irrational downplay of the coronavirus pandemic is that same moment. US cases are about to surge exponentially, where they will stop nobody knows, but they will be much higher than the 3,000+ we have today.

Even now Trump and his sheep still think the virus is contained. They still don't see how the outbreak will spread and they still don't see the threat it poses.

It is really really sad that we need mass suffering and death for people to realize just how incompetent Bush was, and how incompetent Trump is.

In pictures: Coronavirus spreads unstoppable around the world
Dr. Siegel warns people not to go to bars and concerts as coronavirus spreads in US

Bush: this hurricane will be devastating. People should evacuate New Orleans.

Leftists: Bush is racist. Were staying.

Below are the images of buses that could have evacuated thousands of people from Katrina, yet the Mayor refused to use them causing the deaths of many. To blame Bus for the Governor and the mayor's incompetence is the epitome of Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA lies and disinformation.... Mayor Nagin never implemented the city's emergency evacuation plan.


A true sheep, you can't even accept Bush fucked up his Katrina response, it's always somebody else's fault. You could be the most pathetic person on this board.

Didn't democrats hide the emergency supplies delivered by president Trump in the last crisis, in a failed attempt to make our great president look bad?

Yup. Puerto Rico. They're still finding them.
For most Americans (except the biggest sheep that can never criticize anything a republican ever does), Bush's failed response to Hurricane Katrina was the moment when they realized he truly was a terrible president, and a failed president. The Bush financial meltdown was no surprise, as we already knew he was a failure.

Trump's failed response, and irrational downplay of the coronavirus pandemic is that same moment. US cases are about to surge exponentially, where they will stop nobody knows, but they will be much higher than the 3,000+ we have today.

Even now Trump and his sheep still think the virus is contained. They still don't see how the outbreak will spread and they still don't see the threat it poses.

It is really really sad that we need mass suffering and death for people to realize just how incompetent Bush was, and how incompetent Trump is.

In pictures: Coronavirus spreads unstoppable around the world
Dr. Siegel warns people not to go to bars and concerts as coronavirus spreads in US

Bush: this hurricane will be devastating. People should evacuate New Orleans.

Leftists: Bush is racist. Were staying.

Below are the images of buses that could have evacuated thousands of people from Katrina, yet the Mayor refused to use them causing the deaths of many. To blame Bus for the Governor and the mayor's incompetence is the epitome of Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA lies and disinformation.... Mayor Nagin never implemented the city's emergency evacuation plan.


A true sheep, you can't even accept Bush fucked up his Katrina response, it's always somebody else's fault. You could be the most pathetic person on this board.

Didn't democrats hide the emergency supplies delivered by president Trump in the last crisis, in a failed attempt to make our great president look bad?

Yup. Puerto Rico. They're still finding them.

The Marxists at CDC apparently hid the test kits at well.. or maybe it was just a other failure.

In any case, Trump is doing an amazing job.
"I don't take responsibility at all." - Donald J. Trump

Three hours later: Lou Dobbs gets signed 'skyrocketing' Dow chart from Trump after 'signature day'


The DNC's ad campaign this summer is set.
Trump at the presser yesterday said he had "tremendous control" over the virus.
The DNC danced in a circle when those words left his big fat pie hole.
Now they just start adding dates for reported cases and deaths that are going to happen throughout the spring and summer and incorporate them into the ad.

Let's just fucking hope the U.S. isn't the next Italy.
Trump not only gutted the pandemic dept of the CDC in 2018 but he also turned down test kits from W.H.O.
He's fucking toast in November.

Thanks for the admission, shit for brains

It doesn't matter what Trump does, you cocksuckers will spin the hell out of it so the message is lost.

I don't have to spin a fucking thing, you stupid shithead. It's all documented.

I ran the White House pandemic office. Trump closed it.
The federal government is moving too slowly, due to a lack of leadership.

Beth Cameron
Beth Cameron is vice president for global biological policy and programs at the Nuclear Threat Initiative. She previously served as the senior director for global health security and biodefense on the White House National Security Council.
March 13, 2020 at 9:32 a.m. EDT
When President Trump took office in 2017, the White House’s National Security Council Directorate for Global Health Security and Biodefense survived the transition intact. Its mission was the same as when I was asked to lead the office, established after the Ebola epidemic of 2014: to do everything possible within the vast powers and resources of the U.S. government to prepare for the next disease outbreak and prevent it from becoming an epidemic or pandemic.

One year later, I was mystified when the White House
dissolved the office, leaving the country less prepared for pandemics like covid-19.

The U.S. government’s slow and inadequate response to the new
coronavirus underscores the need for organized, accountable leadership to prepare for and respond to pandemic threats."""

Wow, eliminating redundant crap from government, only you commies would think that's a bad thing. The CDC and NIH are responsible for pandemic response, the NSC has no place in that function. But hey, feel free to keep lying and pushing your propaganda.

No one can know what Obama's pandemic response preparations would have done because Trump eliminated the office and said he could ramp it up on a dime.

But again, it may blow away. We'll see.

In FACT, one level of bureaucracy was removed. The people remained, the title is gone.
Why did Obama ignore the 2005 report, that claimed the U.S. would need more than 700,000 ventilators should we have a pandemic like the Spanish Flu ?

Why has Obama left us so unprepared ?
Why does any Democrat ignore problems till they bit us in the ass?

Because they control the media.

They don't have to do anything because they never get blamed for anything.....thanks to their corrupt media friends.
Bush: this hurricane will be devastating. People should evacuate New Orleans.

Leftists: Bush is racist. Were staying.

Below are the images of buses that could have evacuated thousands of people from Katrina, yet the Mayor refused to use them causing the deaths of many. To blame Bus for the Governor and the mayor's incompetence is the epitome of Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA lies and disinformation.... Mayor Nagin never implemented the city's emergency evacuation plan.


A true sheep, you can't even accept Bush fucked up his Katrina response, it's always somebody else's fault. You could be the most pathetic person on this board.

Didn't democrats hide the emergency supplies delivered by president Trump in the last crisis, in a failed attempt to make our great president look bad?

Yup. Puerto Rico. They're still finding them.

The Marxists at CDC apparently hid the test kits at well.. or maybe it was just a other failure.

In any case, Trump is doing an amazing job.

If ever there was somebody totally brainwashed and detached from reality!!!

I guess this is what Trump mean when he said:

"I could shoot somebody in the head on 5th avenue and still not loose any votes"

February 24: “The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA. … Stock Market starting to look very good to me!

February 26: “Because of all we’ve done, the risk to the American people remains very low. … When you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero. That’s a pretty good job we’ve done."
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