Trump's Hurricane Katrina

US cases are about to surge exponentially, where they will stop nobody knows


Oh no here it is another Trump sheep in denial of reality. When did you realize Bush failed us in his response to Katrina?

How many US cases will it take for you to realize trump failed in his response to this virus?

Trump January 24: "It will all work out well."

January 30: “We think we have it very well under control. We have very little problem in this country at this moment — five. And those people are all recuperating successfully. But we’re working very closely with China and other countries, and we think it’s going to have a very good ending for it. So that I can assure you.”

February 14: “We have a very small number of people in the country, right now, with it. It’s like around 12. Many of them are getting better. Some are fully recovered already. So we’re in very good shape.”

February 24: “The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA. … Stock Market starting to look very good to me!

February 26: “Because of all we’ve done, the risk to the American people remains very low. … When you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero. That’s a pretty good job we’ve done."

February 28: “It’s going to disappear. One day, it’s like a miracle, it will disappear.”

March 9: “So last year 37,000 Americans died from the common Flu. It averages between 27,000 and 70,000 per year. Nothing is shut down, life & the economy go on. At this moment there are 546 confirmed cases of CoronaVirus, with 22 deaths. Think about that!”

We have thousands before he reaches the Obama failure reacting to the swine flu.

See there's your partisanship. W didn't fail New Orleans, true. But Katrina was not the first time the City sacrificed thousands of blacks. And there was no human way to really have an evacuation plan for the numbers of really poor people. The buses …. that was the Plan, but no one remotely believed it would work. What would work is getting all those poor people to move to …. Houston. But Obama didn't fail in H1N1. It was what it was. 60 million - 2 natl emergency declarations and finally a vaccine. What Trump has done is simply not do anything until he had no political choice, and even then what he chooses to do is really nothing. So governors and hospitals are left doing what they can.
Finally, belatedly, he announces an emergency … And still there's no testing, no new beds, no new ventilators … but hey … it the virus blows away, we'll be fine and so will Trump. So it is what it is.

Trump back in January stopped travel to and from China. You loons called him racist. I'm surprised you had the time while you were trying to impeach him. No matter what Trump does you still gonna whine.

I didn't call him anything. But travel bans are ineffective when the virus is already within borders. Trump is simply betting the farm that his refusals to make the calls to shut down sporting events and restaurants colleges and do millions of tests per week and early quarantines of cities will not result in hospitals being overwhelmed. Time will tell whether his bet pays off

Oh no here it is another Trump sheep in denial of reality. When did you realize Bush failed us in his response to Katrina?

How many US cases will it take for you to realize trump failed in his response to this virus?

Trump January 24: "It will all work out well."

January 30: “We think we have it very well under control. We have very little problem in this country at this moment — five. And those people are all recuperating successfully. But we’re working very closely with China and other countries, and we think it’s going to have a very good ending for it. So that I can assure you.”

February 14: “We have a very small number of people in the country, right now, with it. It’s like around 12. Many of them are getting better. Some are fully recovered already. So we’re in very good shape.”

February 24: “The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA. … Stock Market starting to look very good to me!

February 26: “Because of all we’ve done, the risk to the American people remains very low. … When you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero. That’s a pretty good job we’ve done."

February 28: “It’s going to disappear. One day, it’s like a miracle, it will disappear.”

March 9: “So last year 37,000 Americans died from the common Flu. It averages between 27,000 and 70,000 per year. Nothing is shut down, life & the economy go on. At this moment there are 546 confirmed cases of CoronaVirus, with 22 deaths. Think about that!”

We have thousands before he reaches the Obama failure reacting to the swine flu.

See there's your partisanship. W didn't fail New Orleans, true. But Katrina was not the first time the City sacrificed thousands of blacks. And there was no human way to really have an evacuation plan for the numbers of really poor people. The buses …. that was the Plan, but no one remotely believed it would work. What would work is getting all those poor people to move to …. Houston. But Obama didn't fail in H1N1. It was what it was. 60 million - 2 natl emergency declarations and finally a vaccine. What Trump has done is simply not do anything until he had no political choice, and even then what he chooses to do is really nothing. So governors and hospitals are left doing what they can.
Finally, belatedly, he announces an emergency … And still there's no testing, no new beds, no new ventilators … but hey … it the virus blows away, we'll be fine and so will Trump. So it is what it is.

Trump back in January stopped travel to and from China. You loons called him racist. I'm surprised you had the time while you were trying to impeach him. No matter what Trump does you still gonna whine.

I didn't call him anything. But travel bans are ineffective when the virus is already within borders. Trump is simply betting the farm that his refusals to make the calls to shut down sporting events and restaurants colleges and do millions of tests per week and early quarantines of cities will not result in hospitals being overwhelmed. Time will tell whether his bet pays off

The travel bans were before any known cases were here. Anyway, you do realize they are saying now the virus has been here since October or November?
For most Americans (except the biggest sheep that can never criticize anything a republican ever does), Bush's failed response to Hurricane Katrina was the moment when they realized he truly was a terrible president, and a failed president. The Bush financial meltdown was no surprise, as we already knew he was a failure.

Trump's failed response, and irrational downplay of the coronavirus pandemic is that same moment. US cases are about to surge exponentially, where they will stop nobody knows, but they will be much higher than the 3,000+ we have today.

Even now Trump and his sheep still think the virus is contained. They still don't see how the outbreak will spread and they still don't see the threat it poses.

It is really really sad that we need mass suffering and death for people to realize just how incompetent Bush was, and how incompetent Trump is.

In pictures: Coronavirus spreads unstoppable around the world
Dr. Siegel warns people not to go to bars and concerts as coronavirus spreads in US

Bush: this hurricane will be devastating. People should evacuate New Orleans.

Leftists: Bush is racist. Were staying.

Below are the images of buses that could have evacuated thousands of people from Katrina, yet the Mayor refused to use them causing the deaths of many. To blame Bus for the Governor and the mayor's incompetence is the epitome of Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA lies and disinformation.... Mayor Nagin never implemented the city's emergency evacuation plan.

And why did he never activate the evacuation plan?

Because his Democrat masters wanted mass destruction so they could win elections.

The mass toilet paper hysteria is caused by the DNC propaganda arm (the MSM) designed to slam the brakes on the economy to....


...wait for it...

. elections.

If we actually run out of beds and ventilators then, imo, Trump's performance will be worse than W's compared to Katrina. W's war …. that would be really bad.
The city folk were just what we thought they are. Outside the city was a bit better. Crime a bit lower. The village was committing suicide. And the corrupted inept city and state government run by Progs murdered their own. A crisis like this is a longer one. The Hitler wannabes like Newsom and Cuomo show up like they are gifts to the world. they are not. For they represent the nazis :night of the long knives" and the "night of the broken glass"..American style!
And absolutely NOTHING would be different right now had Clinton or any other Dim won the presidency in 2016.

Regardless of Trump's first reactions, NO ONE saw something like this coming, and no one could have changed the outcome of where we are right now.

It's like when assholes out there blame Trump for Russian influence and interference in the 2016 elections, and Trump wasn't even in office at the time.

You're so fucking stupid I don't know how you breathe and walk at the same time.

February 2, 2018
The CDC Is About to Fall Off a Funding Cliff

The Orange Cheetoh cut them off. It's their job to avoid pandemics.
For most Americans (except the biggest sheep that can never criticize anything a republican ever does), Bush's failed response to Hurricane Katrina was the moment when they realized he truly was a terrible president, and a failed president. The Bush financial meltdown was no surprise, as we already knew he was a failure.

Trump's failed response, and irrational downplay of the coronavirus pandemic is that same moment. US cases are about to surge exponentially, where they will stop nobody knows, but they will be much higher than the 3,000+ we have today.

Even now Trump and his sheep still think the virus is contained. They still don't see how the outbreak will spread and they still don't see the threat it poses.

It is really really sad that we need mass suffering and death for people to realize just how incompetent Bush was, and how incompetent Trump is.

In pictures: Coronavirus spreads unstoppable around the world
Dr. Siegel warns people not to go to bars and concerts as coronavirus spreads in US

No one can know what Obama's pandemic response preparations would have done because Trump eliminated the office and said he could ramp it up on a dime.

But again, it may blow away. We'll see.
Oh no here it is another Trump sheep in denial of reality. When did you realize Bush failed us in his response to Katrina?

How many US cases will it take for you to realize trump failed in his response to this virus?

Trump January 24: "It will all work out well."

January 30: “We think we have it very well under control. We have very little problem in this country at this moment — five. And those people are all recuperating successfully. But we’re working very closely with China and other countries, and we think it’s going to have a very good ending for it. So that I can assure you.”

February 14: “We have a very small number of people in the country, right now, with it. It’s like around 12. Many of them are getting better. Some are fully recovered already. So we’re in very good shape.”

February 24: “The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA. … Stock Market starting to look very good to me!

February 26: “Because of all we’ve done, the risk to the American people remains very low. … When you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero. That’s a pretty good job we’ve done."

February 28: “It’s going to disappear. One day, it’s like a miracle, it will disappear.”

March 9: “So last year 37,000 Americans died from the common Flu. It averages between 27,000 and 70,000 per year. Nothing is shut down, life & the economy go on. At this moment there are 546 confirmed cases of CoronaVirus, with 22 deaths. Think about that!”
We have thousands before he reaches the Obama failure reacting to the swine flu.

See there's your partisanship. W didn't fail New Orleans, true. But Katrina was not the first time the City sacrificed thousands of blacks. And there was no human way to really have an evacuation plan for the numbers of really poor people. The buses …. that was the Plan, but no one remotely believed it would work. What would work is getting all those poor people to move to …. Houston. But Obama didn't fail in H1N1. It was what it was. 60 million - 2 natl emergency declarations and finally a vaccine. What Trump has done is simply not do anything until he had no political choice, and even then what he chooses to do is really nothing. So governors and hospitals are left doing what they can.
Finally, belatedly, he announces an emergency … And still there's no testing, no new beds, no new ventilators … but hey … it the virus blows away, we'll be fine and so will Trump. So it is what it is.
Trump back in January stopped travel to and from China. You loons called him racist. I'm surprised you had the time while you were trying to impeach him. No matter what Trump does you still gonna whine.

I didn't call him anything. But travel bans are ineffective when the virus is already within borders. Trump is simply betting the farm that his refusals to make the calls to shut down sporting events and restaurants colleges and do millions of tests per week and early quarantines of cities will not result in hospitals being overwhelmed. Time will tell whether his bet pays off
The travel bans were before any known cases were here. Anyway, you do realize they are saying now the virus has been here since October or November?
And Trump did nothing to find out if there were cases here. Look, stop. We didn't do what SK did. We didn't try. We'll see how it goes. Maybe Trump made the right call.
"I don't take responsibility at all." - Donald J. Trump

Three hours later: Lou Dobbs gets signed 'skyrocketing' Dow chart from Trump after 'signature day'


The DNC's ad campaign this summer is set.
Trump at the presser yesterday said he had "tremendous control" over the virus.
The DNC danced in a circle when those words left his big fat pie hole.
Now they just start adding dates for reported cases and deaths that are going to happen throughout the spring and summer and incorporate them into the ad.

Let's just fucking hope the U.S. isn't the next Italy.
Trump not only gutted the pandemic dept of the CDC in 2018 but he also turned down test kits from W.H.O.
He's fucking toast in November.

Thanks for the admission, shit for brains

It doesn't matter what Trump does, you cocksuckers will spin the hell out of it so the message is lost.
And absolutely NOTHING would be different right now had Clinton or any other Dim won the presidency in 2016.

Regardless of Trump's first reactions, NO ONE saw something like this coming, and no one could have changed the outcome of where we are right now.

It's like when assholes out there blame Trump for Russian influence and interference in the 2016 elections, and Trump wasn't even in office at the time.

Yeah, it would be different is the commies were in charge, the economy wouldn't have been in as good a shape when this shit storm hit. Also they wouldn't have removed restrictive regulations at the FDA and CDC, they'd be adding more.

"I don't take responsibility at all." - Donald J. Trump

Three hours later: Lou Dobbs gets signed 'skyrocketing' Dow chart from Trump after 'signature day'


The DNC's ad campaign this summer is set.
Trump at the presser yesterday said he had "tremendous control" over the virus.
The DNC danced in a circle when those words left his big fat pie hole.
Now they just start adding dates for reported cases and deaths that are going to happen throughout the spring and summer and incorporate them into the ad.

Let's just fucking hope the U.S. isn't the next Italy.
Trump not only gutted the pandemic dept of the CDC in 2018 but he also turned down test kits from W.H.O.
He's fucking toast in November.

Thanks for the admission, shit for brains

It doesn't matter what Trump does, you cocksuckers will spin the hell out of it so the message is lost.
What message did Trump convey when he said:

February 24: “The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA. … Stock Market starting to look very good to me!

February 26: “Because of all we’ve done, the risk to the American people remains very low. … When you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero. That’s a pretty good job we’ve done."

February 28: “It’s going to disappear. One day, it’s like a miracle, it will disappear.”

Trump has been misreading this situation from day one. I get it, you're a partisan hack and you will never be able to accept reality. You only see D and R, not facts and truth.
"I don't take responsibility at all." - Donald J. Trump

Three hours later: Lou Dobbs gets signed 'skyrocketing' Dow chart from Trump after 'signature day'


The DNC's ad campaign this summer is set.
Trump at the presser yesterday said he had "tremendous control" over the virus.
The DNC danced in a circle when those words left his big fat pie hole.
Now they just start adding dates for reported cases and deaths that are going to happen throughout the spring and summer and incorporate them into the ad.

Let's just fucking hope the U.S. isn't the next Italy.
Trump not only gutted the pandemic dept of the CDC in 2018 but he also turned down test kits from W.H.O.
He's fucking toast in November.

Thanks for the admission, shit for brains

It doesn't matter what Trump does, you cocksuckers will spin the hell out of it so the message is lost.
What message did Trump convey when he said:

February 24: “The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA. … Stock Market starting to look very good to me!

February 26: “Because of all we’ve done, the risk to the American people remains very low. … When you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero. That’s a pretty good job we’ve done."

February 28: “It’s going to disappear. One day, it’s like a miracle, it will disappear.”

Trump has been misreading this situation from day one. I get it, you're a partisan hack and you will never be able to accept reality. You only see D and R, not facts and truth.
He's 100% correct.
And absolutely NOTHING would be different right now had Clinton or any other Dim won the presidency in 2016.

Regardless of Trump's first reactions, NO ONE saw something like this coming, and no one could have changed the outcome of where we are right now.

It's like when assholes out there blame Trump for Russian influence and interference in the 2016 elections, and Trump wasn't even in office at the time.

You're so fucking stupid I don't know how you breathe and walk at the same time.

February 2, 2018
The CDC Is About to Fall Off a Funding Cliff
The Orange Cheetoh cut them off. It's their job to avoid pandemics.

Did you miss the part that we have inadequate #'s of ventilators, and if you dickwads are going to somehow blame that on Trump, then explain to us why Obama would ignore a study that claims we would need more than 700,000 ventilators should an outbreak like the 1918 Spanish Flu. Why didn't Obama make sure we had a massive national stockpile ?

And how do you jackoff and still drive your '84 Camaro on your way out of your trailer park ?
"I don't take responsibility at all." - Donald J. Trump

Three hours later: Lou Dobbs gets signed 'skyrocketing' Dow chart from Trump after 'signature day'


The DNC's ad campaign this summer is set.
Trump at the presser yesterday said he had "tremendous control" over the virus.
The DNC danced in a circle when those words left his big fat pie hole.
Now they just start adding dates for reported cases and deaths that are going to happen throughout the spring and summer and incorporate them into the ad.

Let's just fucking hope the U.S. isn't the next Italy.
Trump not only gutted the pandemic dept of the CDC in 2018 but he also turned down test kits from W.H.O.
He's fucking toast in November.

Thanks for the admission, shit for brains

It doesn't matter what Trump does, you cocksuckers will spin the hell out of it so the message is lost.

I don't have to spin a fucking thing, you stupid shithead. It's all documented.

I ran the White House pandemic office. Trump closed it.
The federal government is moving too slowly, due to a lack of leadership.

""By [URL='']Beth Cameron

Beth Cameron is vice president for global biological policy and programs at the Nuclear Threat Initiative. She previously served as the senior director for global health security and biodefense on the White House National Security Council.
March 13, 2020 at 9:32 a.m. EDT
When President Trump took office in 2017, the White House’s National Security Council Directorate for Global Health Security and Biodefense survived the transition intact. Its mission was the same as when I was asked to lead the office, established after the Ebola epidemic of 2014: to do everything possible within the vast powers and resources of the U.S. government to prepare for the next disease outbreak and prevent it from becoming an epidemic or pandemic.

One year later, I was mystified when the White House dissolved the office, leaving the country less prepared for pandemics like covid-19.

The U.S. government’s slow and inadequate response to the new coronavirus underscores the need for organized, accountable leadership to prepare for and respond to pandemic threats."""

"I don't take responsibility at all." - Donald J. Trump

Three hours later: Lou Dobbs gets signed 'skyrocketing' Dow chart from Trump after 'signature day'


The DNC's ad campaign this summer is set.
Trump at the presser yesterday said he had "tremendous control" over the virus.
The DNC danced in a circle when those words left his big fat pie hole.
Now they just start adding dates for reported cases and deaths that are going to happen throughout the spring and summer and incorporate them into the ad.

Let's just fucking hope the U.S. isn't the next Italy.
Trump not only gutted the pandemic dept of the CDC in 2018 but he also turned down test kits from W.H.O.
He's fucking toast in November.


Have you seen the alternatives? :cuckoo:

A true sheep, you can't even accept Bush fucked up his Katrina response, it's always somebody else's fault. You could be the most pathetic person on this board.

How many hurricanes have you endured?

If you were not ignorant of the subject and had an ounce of objectivity you would know that the failure in New Orleans was due not to President Bush but Mayor Ray Nagin and Gov. Blanco.
Last edited:
For most Americans (except the biggest sheep that can never criticize anything a republican ever does), Bush's failed response to Hurricane Katrina was the moment when they realized he truly was a terrible president, and a failed president. The Bush financial meltdown was no surprise, as we already knew he was a failure.

Trump's failed response, and irrational downplay of the coronavirus pandemic is that same moment. US cases are about to surge exponentially, where they will stop nobody knows, but they will be much higher than the 3,000+ we have today.

Even now Trump and his sheep still think the virus is contained. They still don't see how the outbreak will spread and they still don't see the threat it poses.

It is really really sad that we need mass suffering and death for people to realize just how incompetent Bush was, and how incompetent Trump is.

In pictures: Coronavirus spreads unstoppable around the world
Dr. Siegel warns people not to go to bars and concerts as coronavirus spreads in US

Bush: this hurricane will be devastating. People should evacuate New Orleans.

Leftists: Bush is racist. Were staying.

Below are the images of buses that could have evacuated thousands of people from Katrina, yet the Mayor refused to use them causing the deaths of many. To blame Bus for the Governor and the mayor's incompetence is the epitome of Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA lies and disinformation.... Mayor Nagin never implemented the city's emergency evacuation plan.


A true sheep, you can't even accept Bush fucked up his Katrina response, it's always somebody else's fault. You could be the most pathetic person on this board.

Didn't democrats hide the emergency supplies delivered by president Trump in the last crisis, in a failed attempt to make our great president look bad?

That's what I recall. Democrats are great people who really care about the country.
Last edited:
"I don't take responsibility at all." - Donald J. Trump

Three hours later: Lou Dobbs gets signed 'skyrocketing' Dow chart from Trump after 'signature day'


The DNC's ad campaign this summer is set.
Trump at the presser yesterday said he had "tremendous control" over the virus.
The DNC danced in a circle when those words left his big fat pie hole.
Now they just start adding dates for reported cases and deaths that are going to happen throughout the spring and summer and incorporate them into the ad.

Let's just fucking hope the U.S. isn't the next Italy.
Trump not only gutted the pandemic dept of the CDC in 2018 but he also turned down test kits from W.H.O.
He's fucking toast in November.

Thanks for the admission, shit for brains

It doesn't matter what Trump does, you cocksuckers will spin the hell out of it so the message is lost.

I don't have to spin a fucking thing, you stupid shithead. It's all documented.

I ran the White House pandemic office. Trump closed it.
The federal government is moving too slowly, due to a lack of leadership.

Beth Cameron
Beth Cameron is vice president for global biological policy and programs at the Nuclear Threat Initiative. She previously served as the senior director for global health security and biodefense on the White House National Security Council.
March 13, 2020 at 9:32 a.m. EDT
When President Trump took office in 2017, the White House’s National Security Council Directorate for Global Health Security and Biodefense survived the transition intact. Its mission was the same as when I was asked to lead the office, established after the Ebola epidemic of 2014: to do everything possible within the vast powers and resources of the U.S. government to prepare for the next disease outbreak and prevent it from becoming an epidemic or pandemic.

One year later, I was mystified when the White House
dissolved the office, leaving the country less prepared for pandemics like covid-19.

The U.S. government’s slow and inadequate response to the new
coronavirus underscores the need for organized, accountable leadership to prepare for and respond to pandemic threats."""

"Nancy Pelosi wouldn’t release 8.5 billion for Coronavirus without abortion funding, so Trump went around her to declare a National Emergency and got 50 billion. Well-played President Trump."
Last edited:

A true sheep, you can't even accept Bush fucked up his Katrina response, it's always somebody else's fault. You could be the most pathetic person on this board.

How many hurricanes have you endured?

If you were not ignorant of the subject and had an ounce of objectivity you would know that the failure in New Orleans was due not to President Bush but Mayor Ray Nagin and Mayor Blanco.

Governor. :10:

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