Trump's imaginary history

talked about it for decades - before the civil war

Yes, South Carolina talked about it for decades prior to the Civil War, but not decades prior to Andrew Jackson's tenure. In fact, they talked a little about it right at the beginning of Jackson's first term,, Jackson bitch slapped them, and they pretty much kept their mouths shut about it till after Jackson left office.

There is no doubt that Jackson was a staunch proponent of slavery. He never would have taken any position that could have avoided the war as Trump suggested.

There is no amount of Trumpsplainin' that makes any sense of what he said.

Trump is right in that if Jackson was President, there would have been no reason for secession. A slaveholder would be in the White House

You're attributing a reasoning that was not represented in Trump's statement.
Trump said he was tough but had a big heart. Whatever that is supposed to mean.
When Jackson stole the farms and homes of the Cherokee and looted their property he marched them away in what became known as the Trail of Tears. True, many died during that march, but the fact that he did not massacre and outright murder all of them in place proved he had a "heart".
Sounds similar to Lincoln, except it was Americans :D
talked about it for decades - before the civil war

Yes, South Carolina talked about it for decades prior to the Civil War, but not decades prior to Andrew Jackson's tenure. In fact, they talked a little about it right at the beginning of Jackson's first term,, Jackson bitch slapped them, and they pretty much kept their mouths shut about it till after Jackson left office.

There is no doubt that Jackson was a staunch proponent of slavery. He never would have taken any position that could have avoided the war as Trump suggested.

There is no amount of Trumpsplainin' that makes any sense of what he said.

Trump is right in that if Jackson was President, there would have been no reason for secession. A slaveholder would be in the White House

You're attributing a reasoning that was not represented in Trump's statement.
Trump said he was tough but had a big heart. Whatever that is supposed to mean.

Jackson may have been a kind "master" but would still whip slaves who ran away. Make not mistake about it, he was a man of the south and of his times. He had strong views on the rights of "subhumans" such as Indians and Negroes and they are not politically correct today
Yes. That's my point.
Trump suggested that Jackson, through his
' tough but fair' character would have avoided the war. Not simply by virtue of being a pro-slavery Dem.

The rabbit hole of Trumpsplainnin' is deep, dark and wide and mostly full of shit.
From Trump's Alternative History Chronicles

Trump bombed the Syrian because he is still mad at them for bombing Pearl Harbor..................
Yes, South Carolina talked about it for decades prior to the Civil War, but not decades prior to Andrew Jackson's tenure. In fact, they talked a little about it right at the beginning of Jackson's first term,, Jackson bitch slapped them, and they pretty much kept their mouths shut about it till after Jackson left office.

There is no doubt that Jackson was a staunch proponent of slavery. He never would have taken any position that could have avoided the war as Trump suggested.

There is no amount of Trumpsplainin' that makes any sense of what he said.

Trump is right in that if Jackson was President, there would have been no reason for secession. A slaveholder would be in the White House

You're attributing a reasoning that was not represented in Trump's statement.
Trump said he was tough but had a big heart. Whatever that is supposed to mean.

Jackson may have been a kind "master" but would still whip slaves who ran away. Make not mistake about it, he was a man of the south and of his times. He had strong views on the rights of "subhumans" such as Indians and Negroes and they are not politically correct today
Yes. That's my point.
Trump suggested that Jackson, through his
' tough but fair' character would have avoided the war. Not simply by virtue of being a pro-slavery Dem.

The rabbit hole of Trumpsplainnin' is deep, dark and wide and mostly full of shit.

Trump lives in his own world unconnected to reality

He has never read a book on his hero Andrew Jackson and gets his information from snipets he has seen on TV. As usual, Trump creates his own "facts" and leaves it up to his staff to find some element of truth to it
And Teddy Roosevelt was pissed off about Pearl Harbor
Reagan was really angry over 9-11

Note to President Trump: Andrew Jackson wasn't alive for the Civil War

"I mean, had Andrew Jackson been a little bit later, you wouldn't have had the Civil War."

This is in the vein of imagining various alternate histories of the United States.

"He was a very tough person, but he had a big heart."

Jackson was known for his temper and his loyalty to his friends, so this is OK.

"He was really angry that-- he saw what was happening with regard to the Civil War."

Jackson did not, because Jackson was dead.

"He said, 'There's no reason for this.'"

See above.


57 states, Navy Corps-Man, R-S-P-CT Half-Black Jesus fucked up allot especially on his geography. He even called Hawaii Asia. Hawaii is a state most pre K kids get down pretty fast and he was born there, yet he thinki his home state is Asia. Bammer was dumb as a box of rocks. Hell, even dubya did not fuck up his geogrophy as much as black Jesus does.
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Donald Trump added that 246 Marines would not have been killed by a single terrorist in Lebanon with a truck loaded with explosives if Ronald Reagan had been President at the time
dopey Jared appears to be more literate than donnie, maybe he can explain why we had a Civil War after he explains why there was a Holocaust, so there's that
And Teddy Roosevelt was pissed off about Pearl Harbor
Reagan was really angry over 9-11

Note to President Trump: Andrew Jackson wasn't alive for the Civil War

"I mean, had Andrew Jackson been a little bit later, you wouldn't have had the Civil War."

This is in the vein of imagining various alternate histories of the United States.

"He was a very tough person, but he had a big heart."

Jackson was known for his temper and his loyalty to his friends, so this is OK.

"He was really angry that-- he saw what was happening with regard to the Civil War."

Jackson did not, because Jackson was dead.

"He said, 'There's no reason for this.'"

See above.


57 states, Navy Corps-Man, R-S-P-CT Black Jesus fucked up allot especially on his geography. He even called Hawaii Asia. Hawaii is a state most pre K kids get down pretty fast and he was born there, yet he thinki his home state is Asia. Bammer was dumb as a box of rocks. Hell, even dubya did not fuck up his geogrophy as much as black Jesus does.

Trump has the best words...believe me
dcbl clearly fails in defending Trump. Because AJ defended slavery, subjugated First Peoples, and wanted Texas and California, and because those facts ran right up to secession issue to project the South ans slavery, AJ would have supported secession in 1860, if we were alive.

Yet not a single one of those issues would have "trumped" Jackson SWORN commitment to the Constitution. As has been pointed out, Jackson eloquently predicted the use of slavery as an "excuse" for secession. And if Jackson had no problem subjugating First People he would have no problem "subjugating" seceding traitors.

Hell, by your logic, President Grant, WHO OWNED SLAVES, would have promptly nullified the Emancipation Proclamation. Afterall, he was a SLAVE OWNER, he would support the Confederacy. Oh, wait a minute.
Trump has the best words...believe me
And Teddy Roosevelt was pissed off about Pearl Harbor
Reagan was really angry over 9-11

Note to President Trump: Andrew Jackson wasn't alive for the Civil War

"I mean, had Andrew Jackson been a little bit later, you wouldn't have had the Civil War."

This is in the vein of imagining various alternate histories of the United States.

"He was a very tough person, but he had a big heart."

Jackson was known for his temper and his loyalty to his friends, so this is OK.

"He was really angry that-- he saw what was happening with regard to the Civil War."

Jackson did not, because Jackson was dead.

"He said, 'There's no reason for this.'"

See above.


57 states, Navy Corps-Man, R-S-P-CT Black Jesus fucked up allot especially on his geography. He even called Hawaii Asia. Hawaii is a state most pre K kids get down pretty fast and he was born there, yet he thinki his home state is Asia. Bammer was dumb as a box of rocks. Hell, even dubya did not fuck up his geogrophy as much as black Jesus does.

Trump has the best words...believe me

You know it gets me to thinking, with all these politicians doing interviews there always seems to be a moment where they look like deer cought in head lights when they get asked a question l, then they say something stupid. With Obama you could see he caught it, as well as others. But with others Trump included it almost seems like one of those "stream of consciousness" type thing.
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talked about it for decades - before the civil war

Yes, South Carolina talked about it for decades prior to the Civil War, but not decades prior to Andrew Jackson's tenure. In fact, they talked a little about it right at the beginning of Jackson's first term,, Jackson bitch slapped them, and they pretty much kept their mouths shut about it till after Jackson left office.

There is no doubt that Jackson was a staunch proponent of slavery. He never would have taken any position that could have avoided the war as Trump suggested.

There is no amount of Trumpsplainin' that makes any sense of what he said.

Trump is right in that if Jackson was President, there would have been no reason for secession. A slaveholder would be in the White House

You're attributing a reasoning that was not represented in Trump's statement.
Trump said he was tough but had a big heart. Whatever that is supposed to mean.

Jackson may have been a kind "master" but would still whip slaves who ran away. Make not mistake about it, he was a man of the south and of his times. He had strong views on the rights of "subhumans" such as Indians and Negroes and they are not politically correct today

That's why it's curious why Trump would choose to extol the virtues of such a man within the context of preventing civil war.
Yes, South Carolina talked about it for decades prior to the Civil War, but not decades prior to Andrew Jackson's tenure. In fact, they talked a little about it right at the beginning of Jackson's first term,, Jackson bitch slapped them, and they pretty much kept their mouths shut about it till after Jackson left office.

There is no doubt that Jackson was a staunch proponent of slavery. He never would have taken any position that could have avoided the war as Trump suggested.

There is no amount of Trumpsplainin' that makes any sense of what he said.

Trump is right in that if Jackson was President, there would have been no reason for secession. A slaveholder would be in the White House

You're attributing a reasoning that was not represented in Trump's statement.
Trump said he was tough but had a big heart. Whatever that is supposed to mean.

Jackson may have been a kind "master" but would still whip slaves who ran away. Make not mistake about it, he was a man of the south and of his times. He had strong views on the rights of "subhumans" such as Indians and Negroes and they are not politically correct today

That's why it's curious why Trump would choose to extol the virtues of such a man within the context of preventing civil war.

On that part I can agree. Would have been way better had there been no war.
If any southerner had been elected in 1860 there would have been no secession. The election of Lincoln threw the south into a "Lincolns going to take your slaves" panic

close, but not quite 100% accurate

the real issue was whether or not the practice of slavery would be allowed into new lands as the US expanded it's territories

many "historians" (presumably intelligent, from places like Yale) have chimed in that "Trump was wrong" & that Jackson could not have prevented the War Between the States because the war was "all about slavery"

they are wrong - revisionist history is fun and all, but Andrew Jackson used the might of the federal government to quash succession well before the War Between the States

and Jackson was no abolitionist, not by a long shot

it's worth noting that slavery existed just about everywhere & the world & ended without wars as bloody as the one fought here in the US

slavery in the USA would have ended with or without the war & would have ended even if the South had won the war

had we settled the slavery issue peacefully, we'd be far better off as a country for it today

the secessionist movement had been around for a long time - most people don't realize this & many historians whitewash the other factors that contributed to causing that war

whether you like it or not, Trump's statements were not unreasonable & a credible argument can be made that he is correct here

If the south had not seceded, slavery would have gradually been eliminated over the next 20-30 years. Slaveholders would have received compensation for the loss of their "property" and new generations would be born free. It would have been a gradual evolution to Jim Crow

With the war, slaves were free in five years and had the right to vote in ten

Slavery was already becoming commercially untenable by the turn of the 19th century. Why do you think they started disappearing from the North, because Yankees all suddenly became abolitionists? Please, that movement started in the South. Hell, by almost every commentator of the times, the North was more racist than the South despite the institution of slavery.

But it was the cotton gin that saved slavery. The cotton gin that "caused" the Civil War.

Now, think about that. That massive increase in productivity, provided by a "capital" investment, generated a huge amount of WEALTH. It took the blood of an entire generation, and over twenty years of "reconstruction", to wrestle that wealth away from the powerful and to the people. The tariffs, the Civil War, and Reconstruction were all about the control of that wealth.

The more things change, the more they stay the same.
dcbl clearly fails in defending Trump. Because AJ defended slavery, subjugated First Peoples, and wanted Texas and California, and because those facts ran right up to secession issue to project the South ans slavery, AJ would have supported secession in 1860, if we were alive.

Yet not a single one of those issues would have "trumped" Jackson SWORN commitment to the Constitution. As has been pointed out, Jackson eloquently predicted the use of slavery as an "excuse" for secession. And if Jackson had no problem subjugating First People he would have no problem "subjugating" seceding traitors.

Hell, by your logic, President Grant, WHO OWNED SLAVES, would have promptly nullified the Emancipation Proclamation. Afterall, he was a SLAVE OWNER, he would support the Confederacy. Oh, wait a minute.
Julia Dent, the president's wife, owned a few slaves and sold them.

Winston can substitute his desires for facts and evidence, and the result still is that Jackson would have supported secession in 1860.
His Orangeness is ignorant about American history.

It is not just that he is ignorant about US History but he claims to be Andrew Jacksons biggest fan and is emulating his Presidency. Read a freak'n book about Jackson
There are dozens of documentaries and videos

But Trump just makes shit up to support his agenda
he does make shit up but he does it effectively. Of course the GOP wants the next andrew jackson- push the brown skins back to mexico, fight terrorism, white power ya know... If he had said he wants to emulate lincoln the GOP would have booed him.

Adams once said of jackson that he was a "brute who could barely write his own name"- seems like jackson and trump have more in common than we knew.

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