Trump's National Security Advisor had illegal private server while at the Defense Dept.

Trump's National Security Advisor had illegal private server while at the Defense Dept.

Ummm... no the articles you linked don't allege that, it alleges he had a "secret, forbidden private internet connection", apparently in addition to being a supreme hypocrite you are also illiterate.
Actually, I went back and read the article after reading your claim. It didn't say "alleges". The reporter claims to be repeating what Flynn told her in an interview. So it all rests with the integrity of the reporter.
Trump's National Security Advisor had illegal private server while at the Defense Dept.

Ummm... no the articles you linked don't allege that, it alleges he had a "secret, forbidden private internet connection", apparently in addition to being a supreme hypocrite you are also illiterate.
Actually, I went back and read the article after reading your claim. It didn't say "alleges". The reporter claims to be repeating what Flynn told her in an interview. So it all rests with the integrity of the reporter.

Wow.....but you didn't say that in your OP.
Trump's National Security Advisor had illegal private server while at the Defense Dept.

Ummm... no the articles you linked don't allege that, it alleges he had a "secret, forbidden private internet connection", apparently in addition to being a supreme hypocrite you are also illiterate.

Derp is trying to equate it with Cankle's case.
When it come to Mrs. Clinton, "alleges" is all they have. Why has she never been convicted of anything, ever?

Did she have a private server or not, Derp? It's yes or no, I don't give a rat's ass about the rest of your BS

Oh and did he have his maid faxing those classified and top secret fax's all over the place???
Trump's National Security Advisor had illegal private server while at the Defense Dept.

Ummm... no the articles you linked don't allege that, it alleges he had a "secret, forbidden private internet connection", apparently in addition to being a supreme hypocrite you are also illiterate.

Derp is trying to equate it with Cankle's case.
When it come to Mrs. Clinton, "alleges" is all they have. Why has she never been convicted of anything, ever?

Did she have a private server or not, Derp? It's yes or no, I don't give a rat's ass about the rest of your BS
Have Republicans in similar positions used a private sever? Yes or no. (you already know the answer is yes)

Did Republicans use private accounts? yes or no? (you already know Powell used an AOL account. You know, the same AOL that's been hacked a thousand times)

Did the two previous Secretaries of State turn over their emails when they left the State Department? Yes or no? (well, it's common knowledge neither Powell nor Rice turned over a single email even when ordered to do so)

Bottom line, the rules only apply to Democrats in general and Clintons in particular.

Now, where are those tax returns. Oh, that's right Trump is a Republican. It doesn't matter.
Trump's National Security Advisor had illegal private server while at the Defense Dept.

Ummm... no the articles you linked don't allege that, it alleges he had a "secret, forbidden private internet connection", apparently in addition to being a supreme hypocrite you are also illiterate.

Derp is trying to equate it with Cankle's case.
When it come to Mrs. Clinton, "alleges" is all they have. Why has she never been convicted of anything, ever?

Did she have a private server or not, Derp? It's yes or no, I don't give a rat's ass about the rest of your BS
Have Republicans in similar positions used a private sever? Yes or no. (you already know the answer is yes)

Did Republicans use private accounts? yes or no? (you already know Powell used an AOL account. You know, the same AOL that's been hacked a thousand times)

Did the two previous Secretaries of State turn over their emails when they left the State Department? Yes or no? (well, it's common knowledge neither Powell nor Rice turned over a single email even when ordered to do so)

Bottom line, the rules only apply to Democrats in general and Clintons in particular.

Now, where are those tax returns. Oh, that's right Trump is a Republican. It doesn't matter.

It was yes or no, Derp.

I'm not interested in your incoherent gibberish. And cease making up thread titles to suit your weak agenda
Who gives a shit? Let's focus on something that actually MATTERS:
Our President Elect is skipping his daily intelligence briefings but buying into fake news.

The controversy over the final vote count for the 2016 election just went nuclear. On Sunday afternoon, the claim was made that Donald Trump’s popular vote count will win over Hillary Clinton if millions of illegal immigrants’s votes were subtracted from the recount. This was not some random Twitter rumor or a fake news website, this was President-Elect Trump himself making this bold claim. Adding fuel to the fire, Gregg Phillips and True The Vote released a statement alleging that Trump’s description of the 2016 election is “accurate” — and that Barack Obama’s Department Of Justice has been covering the massive voter fraud up.
Read more at Final Vote Count 2016: Donald Trump’s Popular Vote Lost Due To Illegal Immigrants Voting In U.S. Election, Tweets President-Elect — Gregg Phillips Of True The Vote Calls Voter Fraud Claim ‘Accurate’

But is there any basis for this, whatsoever?

From PolitiFact: Did 3 million undocumented immigrants vote in 2016?
Our ruling
Reports claim 3 million "illegal aliens" cast votes in this year's election.
The articles point back to tweets from Gregg Phillips, who has worked for the Republican Party and has a voter fraud reporting app. But Phillips will not provide any evidence to support his claim, which happens to be undermined by publicly available information.
If Phillips does release a more detailed report, we will consider that information. But for now, this claim is inaccurate. We rate it False.
I just can't see a guy who stiffs people like me who worked hard and played by the rules as "my" president.
Yeah, he is though. We have to respect the office and give him a fair shot, and save our bitching for the important stuff. Now, with this particular President, it's going to be a matter of choosing our battles, like parents with an out of control kid. Let the little stuff go.
I'm just freaked about the fake news and since I've always been worried about his lack of foreign policy experience, I'm doubly freaked that he's skipping the briefings meant to get him somewhere close to up to speed.
You apparently are more bothered by the unfair treatment Republicans gave Hillary for a year and a half. To each his battle.
Trump's National Security Advisor had illegal private server while at the Defense Dept.

Ummm... no the articles you linked don't allege that, it alleges he had a "secret, forbidden private internet connection", apparently in addition to being a supreme hypocrite you are also illiterate.

Derp is trying to equate it with Cankle's case.
When it come to Mrs. Clinton, "alleges" is all they have. Why has she never been convicted of anything, ever?

Did she have a private server or not, Derp? It's yes or no, I don't give a rat's ass about the rest of your BS
Have Republicans in similar positions used a private sever? Yes or no. (you already know the answer is yes)

Did Republicans use private accounts? yes or no? (you already know Powell used an AOL account. You know, the same AOL that's been hacked a thousand times)

Did the two previous Secretaries of State turn over their emails when they left the State Department? Yes or no? (well, it's common knowledge neither Powell nor Rice turned over a single email even when ordered to do so)

Bottom line, the rules only apply to Democrats in general and Clintons in particular.

Now, where are those tax returns. Oh, that's right Trump is a Republican. It doesn't matter.

Actually, it appears the rules only apply to the little people. It is apparent that Hillary could have posted the schematics to the Stealth Bomber on Facebook and she would not have been deemed as violating any laws.
Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn reportedly had 'forbidden' internet connection at the Pentagon

The Disruptive Career of Michael Flynn, Trump’s National-Security Adviser - The New Yorker

Flynn broke rules he thought were stupid. He once told me about a period he spent assigned to a C.I.A. station in Iraq, when he would sometimes sneak out of the compound without the “insane” required approval from C.I.A. headquarters, in Langley, Virginia. He had technicians secretly install an Internet connection in his Pentagon office, even though it was forbidden. There was also the time he gave classified information to nato allies without approval, an incident which prompted an investigation, and a warning from superiors.


Come on, you gotta admit this is hilarious. Like I said, the laws and rules only apply to the Clintons. Even when they don't, they still do.

As the press moves away from Hillary and are finally deciding to investigate Trump and his minions, more and more of these stories are beginning to finally make the radar.

How do you figure an internet connection equals a private server?
Trump's National Security Advisor had illegal private server while at the Defense Dept.

Ummm... no the articles you linked don't allege that, it alleges he had a "secret, forbidden private internet connection", apparently in addition to being a supreme hypocrite you are also illiterate.
Actually, I went back and read the article after reading your claim. It didn't say "alleges". The reporter claims to be repeating what Flynn told her in an interview. So it all rests with the integrity of the reporter.
LOL, Apparently you don't know what the word allege means; there is no evidence other than the reporters word therefor out here in the real world (as opposed to the delusional LeftWingerTopia you exist in) it's known as an ALLEGATION. Of course you consistently display a propensity to believe whatever anyone tells you as long as it agrees with your strongly held hyper-partisan "opinions" so why doesn't it surprise me that you don't understand the difference?

You're an even bigger moron than I thought.
Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn reportedly had 'forbidden' internet connection at the Pentagon

The Disruptive Career of Michael Flynn, Trump’s National-Security Adviser - The New Yorker

Flynn broke rules he thought were stupid. He once told me about a period he spent assigned to a C.I.A. station in Iraq, when he would sometimes sneak out of the compound without the “insane” required approval from C.I.A. headquarters, in Langley, Virginia. He had technicians secretly install an Internet connection in his Pentagon office, even though it was forbidden. There was also the time he gave classified information to nato allies without approval, an incident which prompted an investigation, and a warning from superiors.


Come on, you gotta admit this is hilarious. Like I said, the laws and rules only apply to the Clintons. Even when they don't, they still do.

As the press moves away from Hillary and are finally deciding to investigate Trump and his minions, more and more of these stories are beginning to finally make the radar.
Link to server?

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